单词 | 穷乡僻壤 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 穷乡僻壤 —a remote and desolate placeSee also:乡僻—out-of-the-way place • far from town
她欢迎他的帮助,但是,她更渴望找个人诉诉自己因在远离家人、朋友和比较容易的 生活方式的穷乡僻壤生活 ,所积压的心里和灵魂深处的负担。 sallee.info | His help would be welcome, but even more than that she wanted to talk with someone about the [...] burdens of her heart and soul related to [...] the living in this remote area away from her [...]family and friends and an easier lifestyle. sallee.info |
在乡村地区,穷人 直 接依赖于生态系统获取食物、水和燃料。 teebweb.org | In rural areas the poor rely directly on [...] ecosystems for food, water and fuel. teebweb.org |
如果一個家庭有五六個人的話,他們便會有五 六萬元,可能會有足夠的資金在中國的窮 鄉 僻壤 購 買一間細小的房屋。 legco.gov.hk | If there are five or six persons in a family, then this family [...] will receive $50,000 to $60,000, and the funds may be sufficient for buying a [...] small house in a remote village of China. legco.gov.hk |
其中的一个例子是拉丁美洲和加勒比 城 乡 贫 穷 发 生 率的比较(见图一)。 daccess-ods.un.org | An example of this is the comparison of the [...] incidence of poverty in rural and urban areas [...]in Latin America and the Caribbean (see figure I). daccess-ods.un.org |
旨在改善有利于中亚偏僻山区孤立而 贫 穷 的 居 民发展的生态旅游条件的该项目涉及七 个国家(印度、(拉塔克)、伊朗、哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、尼泊尔、巴基斯坦和塔吉 [...] 克斯坦)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The project, which is aimed at [...] promoting eco-tourism which is [...] conducive to the development of poor isolated communities in [...]remote mountainous regions of Central [...]Asia, covers seven countries: India (Ladakh), Islamic Republic of Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, Pakistan and Tajikistan. unesdoc.unesco.org |
如今,在桐柏县,他们这个偏僻的乡 村 ,人们正在对这种植 物的原始形态进行保护。 netzhammerbreiholz.de | Today, in their remote village in Tongbai County, the plants are being protected in their original form. netzhammerbreiholz.de |
作为向所有公民、尤其 是较低收入群体提供足够优质和可负担住房的一项措施,马来西亚在 [...] 《第九个马来西亚规划》中鼓励私营部门在其混合开发项目中修建更多 的低成本和中低成本住房,而公共部门则侧重于为棚户区居民和 城 乡地 区的穷人修建低成本住房。 daccess-ods.un.org | As a measure to provide sufficient quality and affordable housing for all citizens, especially for those in the lower income group, Malaysia under the 9MP, encourages the private sector to build more low- and low-medium-cost houses in their mixed-development [...] projects while the public sector concentrates on building low-cost houses for [...] squatters and the poor in urban and rural areas. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,经济合作组 织还提出严重干旱、土地退化、土壤 流 失和 贫 穷 之 间 的联系,包括许多低森林覆 盖率国家。 daccess-ods.un.org | The links among severe drought, [...] land degradation, soil erosion and poverty were presented [...]by the Economic Cooperation Organization, [...]which includes many low forest cover countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
该制度导致增加了学校和保健中心等社会设施,从而 提高了城乡穷人的生活水平。 daccess-ods.un.org | The system has led to an increase in [...] social amenities, such as schools and health centres, thereby improving the living [...] standards of the rural and urban poor. daccess-ods.un.org |
我必須澄清,我們這種做法絕非“寄生蟲”,因為農友是帶着真金白銀 [...] 來開辦農場的,而農業試驗基地的選址本來是窮 鄉 僻壤 , 亦 因農友前來投 資,帶動了鄉村的經濟發展。 legco.gov.hk | And, the sites chosen for the establishment of experimental farms are [...] basically poor and remote areas, but the [...]investments of our farmers will boost the [...]economic development of these villages. legco.gov.hk |
穷人,尤其是乡村地区的穷人, 直接依赖于自然的服务。 teebweb.org | Poor people, especially in rural areas, rely most [...] directly on nature’s services. teebweb.org |
城 乡地区贫穷家庭 的收入面临工资和收入下降、非正规性增加、逆向移徙以及食品 和燃料价格大幅波动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Incomes of poor households in urban and rural areas suffer from [...] declining wages and earnings, increased informality, reverse [...]migration and volatile prices of food and fuel. daccess-ods.un.org |
否定或者削减这一权利会不恰当地影响到 贫 穷 的 人、 偏 僻 地 区 的人、女青 少年、妇女、以及残疾人,特别是在撒哈拉以南非洲,南亚以及处在冲突后形势 [...] 下的地区。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The denial or abridgement of this right affects [...] disproportionately the poor, the unreached, girls [...]and women, and the disabled, especially [...]in sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and post-conflict situations. unesdoc.unesco.org |
对ethne更好的定义应当是指拥有相同语言或相同文化的民族族群,包括该族群中的青年人、城市人 、 乡 村 人 、富人 、 穷 人 以及残疾人等各个不同层次的人。 conversation.lausanne.org | A better understanding of the term ethne would correspond to an [...] ethno-linguistic/ethno-cultural people group which includes the various [...] strata of youth, urban, rural, rich, poor, disabled, etc. conversation.lausanne.org |
所有的城市,从赫尔辛基都市圈到北拉普兰努奥格拉姆(Nuorgam)和基勒比斯亚勒维(Kilpisjärvi)等 偏 僻 的 乡 村 , 越野滑雪道的网络四通八达,其中很多还有路灯照明。 visitfinland.com | All municipalities, from the Helsinki metropolitan area to the remote villages of Nuorgam and Kilpisjärvi in Northern Lapland maintain a network of skiing tracks, many of them lit. visitfinland.com |
巡查範圍涵蓋農作物生產過程;農藥及肥 [...] 料的施用及貯存;蔬菜種植基地的實地環境;田間管理;水源 及土壤質量 ;及農作物檢測和農場行政管理等。 legco.gov.hk | The scope of inspection covered crop production; the application and storage of pesticides and fertilizers; the environment [...] of vegetable farms; field management; water [...] supplies and quality of soil; and testing of produce [...]and management of farms. legco.gov.hk |
第二次世界大战中的1944年,同盟国的代表汇集在美国西北部新罕布什尔州的布雷顿森林这个 偏 僻 的 乡 村 , 就如何构建战后的世界经济进行商谈,这是最早的开始。 ginza.jp | They began in 1944 during the Second World War, when representatives of the allied nations met in the rural area of Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, in the northeastern United States to talk about how to form a framework for the global economy following the war. ginza.jp |
有機耕種的基本目標是促使在同一 生態系統內的土壤、植 物、動物和人類的健康和生產力達致最 [...] 佳狀態。 legco.gov.hk | The primary goal of organic agriculture is to optimize the health and productivity of [...] interdependent communities of soil life, plants, animals [...]and people. legco.gov.hk |
加拿大的包括圣卢西亚制冷和空调行业的消耗臭氧层物质的最终淘汰管理计划和乌拉 圭附件 A 第一类物质最终淘汰管理计划,意大利的是刚果民主共和国最终淘汰溶剂行业的 [...] 消耗臭氧层物质总体项目,摩洛哥淘汰用作 土 壤 熏 蒸剂的甲基溴,在塞尔维亚最终淘汰四 氯化碳项目;西班牙的是阿拉伯利比亚民众国淘汰园艺中的甲基溴。 multilateralfund.org | For Canada, those covered the terminal phase-out management plan for ODS in the refrigeration and air-conditioning sector in Saint Lucia and the terminal phase-out management plan for Annex A Group I substances in Uruguay; for Italy, the umbrella project for terminal phase-out of ODS in the solvent sector in the [...] Democratic Republic of Congo, the phase-out of [...] methyl bromide as a soil fumigant in Morocco, [...]and the terminal CTC phase-out project [...]in Serbia; and for Spain, the phase-out of methyl bromide in horticulture in Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. multilateralfund.org |
此外,已经提供报告的大部分会员国都采取行动,打破 偏 僻 地 区 和 乡 村 地 区的封闭状 态,使电信网络覆盖所有地区。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In addition, measures have been taken in most of the Member States which submitted a report to open up isolated locations and rural areas so that the whole of their territory is covered by the telecommunications network. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这一项目的目的是在中亚偏僻山区,促进社区可持续发展的文化生态旅游,工作重点 [...] 是缓解贫困、减少农村人口向城市的流动并保护文化和自然遗产。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This project aims to promote sustainable community-based cultural and [...] ecotourism in isolated mountain areas [...]of Central Asia, with a focus on poverty [...]alleviation, reduction of rural-urban migration and the preservation of the cultural and natural heritage. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这种干预行动包括下列协调一致的活动:保护 [...] 我们的水资源和集水区、保护海洋和水产资源、防止 空气污染、鼓励土壤养护、引进新的创新性农业方法、 促进可再生能源、提倡环保工业、建设健康城镇和住 [...] 房计划、发展爱护环境的运输系统、执行废物管理系 统、使我国适应环境变化以及提高文化认识和教育。 daccess-ods.un.org | This intervention includes coherent activities to protect our water resources and catchment areas, protect the [...] oceans and aquatic resources, prevent air [...] pollution, encourage soil conservation, introduce [...]innovative new methods for agriculture, [...]promote renewable energy resources, promote eco-friendly industries, build healthy towns and housing schemes, develop an environmentally friendly transport system, implement waste management systems, prepare the country for environmental change and promote cultural awareness and education. daccess-ods.un.org |
在地球科学的能力建设框架内,组织和促进了一系列扩大服务活动和培训活动,讲习班 和讨论会(地球化学勘探方法,环境地质学,矿产资源勘探和 土 壤 污 染 )。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In the framework of capacity-building in earth sciences, a number of outreach and training activities, workshops and seminars were prepared and [...] facilitated (Geochemical Exploration Methods; Environmental Geology, Mineral [...] Resources Exploration and Soil Contamination). unesdoc.unesco.org |
如果发生自然或人为干扰(如火灾、间伐或主伐)或其他原因(如 土 壤 类 型 )导致项目的异质性增 加,每次监测和核查时的事后分层调整时均须考虑这些因素的影响。 pandastandard.org | If natural or anthropogenic impacts (e.g. local fires, harvesting) or [...] other factors (e.g. soil type) add variability [...]to the growth pattern of the biomass [...]in the project area, then the ex post stratification shall be revised accordingly from one verification to another. pandastandard.org |
利比里亚和联利特派团官员告诉小组说,大吉德州 Toe 镇应急部队根据当地 一个农户提供的信息,2011 年 11 月 16 日从与科特迪瓦接壤地区 附近的一个灌木 地中起获了 385 发弹药。 daccess-ods.un.org | Liberian and UNMIL officials informed the Panel that on 16 November 2011 the ERU in Toe Town, Grand Gedeh County, recovered 385 rounds of ammunition, following information provided by a local farmer, from a nearby bush area in the border region with Côte d’Ivoire. daccess-ods.un.org |
任何提交涉及土壤測試 的測試報告,無 論該報告是提交作為申請審批圖則的證明文件,或是作為符合 按《建築物條例》第17(1)條第6(b)款施加於批准或開工同意書 的條件,倘若土壤測試 沒有遵從“Geospec 3” 的要求進行,建築 事務監督可拒絕批准圖則或發出施工同意書。 bd.gov.hk | Whenever a test [...] report involving soil tests is submitted in support of a plan for approval or in compliance with a condition of approval/consent under the Buildings Ordinance section 17(1) sub-section 6(b), the Building Authority (BA) may refuse approval of plans or consent for commencement of building works if the soil tests have not been [...]carried out in accordance with Geospec 3. bd.gov.hk |
这些项目系统性地解决了冲突促成因素,为年轻人提供了发展和获得社会技 能的机会以促进维持和平与安全,减少了以前“热点”地区特别是 偏 僻 的 大吉德 州和宁巴州内的暴力行为,增加了采用诚实生活方式的前战斗人员的人数,据报 告帮助减少了非法采矿的现象,增加了公众对法治和合法权利的知识和认识,帮 助法院解决了大量土地案件,减少了与土地相关的暴力行为,以及帮助逮捕了涉 嫌罪犯。 daccess-ods.un.org | The projects systematically addressed conflict drivers and provided opportunities for young people to develop and acquire social skills towards maintaining peace and security; diminished violence in former “hot spots”, particularly in remote Grand Gedeh and Nimba counties; increased the number of ex-combatants taking up honest livings; contributed to a reported reduction in illicit mining; increased knowledge and awareness among the public about the rule of law and legal rights; supported the settlement of numerous land cases in courts, reducing the rate of land-related violence; and supported the arrests of suspected criminals. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据路透社的报导:「死者都是年轻的外地工人,他们都是离开中国 贫 穷乡 村 、前往南方和东方沿海地区的发达城市找寻工作和高额薪水的数百万人当中的一员。 amccsm.org | According to a Reuters report, "The dead were all young migrant [...] workers, among the [...] millions who leave the poor hinterlands of China for the boom towns of the [...]south and east coastal areas [...]in search of work and high wages. amccsm.org |
因为距离远,地理位置偏僻,导 致运输费用昂贵,且国 际船运和空运质量和航班频度基本上由不得他们控制,所以加剧了他们的脆弱 性。 daccess-ods.un.org | This increases their vulnerability, as distance and isolation have resulted in relatively high transport costs, and the quality and frequency of international shipping and air services are largely beyond their control. daccess-ods.un.org |