单词 | 稻草色 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 稻草色 adjective —straw-colored adjSee also:稻草 n—straw n 稻草—rice straw 稻 n—paddy n 稻—rice (Oraza sativa)
稻草色滤镜也可以用来做补色修正。 motion.kodak.com | Straw filters are also used for alternative color correction. motion.kodak.com |
叶柄3-6毫米; 叶片披针形到宽卵形, 5-10 * 2-5.5 [...] 厘米,革质,背面干燥时通常绿色的 到 稻草色 , 正 面棕色到黑色,看不见的脉,基部楔形,先端渐尖。 flora.ac.cn | Petiole 3-6 mm; leaf blade lanceolate to broadly ovate, 5-10 × [...] 2-5.5 cm, leathery, abaxially usually [...] drying green to straw-colored, adaxially [...]brown to black, veins invisible, base cuneate, apex acuminate. flora.ac.cn |
圆锥花序轮廓,4-8厘米; [...] 分枝单的或小分枝; 在顶生的三人小团伙下面由3-4小穗对组成的总状花序 , 稻草色; 轴节间和花梗长纤毛虫。 flora.ac.cn | Panicle small, elliptic in outline, 4–8 cm; branches simple or little branched; [...] racemes composed of 3–4 spikelet pairs below the [...] terminal triad, straw-colored; rachis internodes [...]and pedicels long ciliate. flora.ac.cn |
竿箨黄绿色或者苍白的红棕色,变得 稻草色 , 带 有易变依大小排列的棕色的点,基础随着白色的青春期推进; [...] 叶耳和口头的刚毛无; 叶舌黄绿色,削去或者身体虚弱凸在先端,非常短,1-2毫米,边更长的苍绿色纤毛虫; 反折,绿色的叶片,具黄边缘,在上面鞘内皱曲的线形,平或。 flora.ac.cn | Culm sheaths yellow-green or pale [...] red-brown, becoming straw-colored, with variably [...]sized brown spots, base edged with white [...]pubescence; auricles and oral setae absent; ligule yellow-green, truncate or weakly convex at apex, very short, 1–2 mm, margin longer pale green ciliate; blade reflexed, green, with yellow margins, linear, flat or crinkled in upper sheaths. flora.ac.cn |
每末级的分枝留下4或5; [...] 鞘无毛; 叶耳外形易变; 口头的刚毛辐射状,稻草色的或 紫色红; 杰出的叶舌,约3毫米,密被白霜; [...] 叶片椭圆状披针形, 13.5-24 * 2-3 厘米,背面短绒毛和下部以中脉,正面无毛,6-8配对的次脉,基部楔形,边缘有细锯齿,先端渐尖。 flora.ac.cn | Leaves 4 or 5 per ultimate branch; sheath [...] glabrous; auricles variable in shape; oral [...] setae radiate, straw-colored or purple-red; [...]ligule prominent, ca. 3 mm, densely glaucous; [...]blade elliptic-lanceolate, 13.5–24 × 2–3 cm, abaxially tomentellate and proximally pilose by midrib, adaxially glabrous, secondary veins 6–8-paired, base cuneate, margins serrulate, apex acuminate. flora.ac.cn |
年轻的龟,以及一些成年人,有诱人的黑色和黄色patterend甲壳,但随着年龄的亮度可以褪色到一个不太明显的灰 , 稻草 , 或 黄 色。 zh.northrup.org | Young tortoises, and some adults, have attractive black and [...] yellow patterend carapaces, although the brightness can fade with age to a less [...] distinct gray, straw, or yellow coloration. northrup.org |
从蔗渣等有机废物生产乙醇的做法相当普及,还有机会利用其他的有机废 物,如稻草,以及从乙醇生产过程中回收二氧化碳。 daccess-ods.un.org | The production of ethanol from organic wastes, including molasses, is widespread, and further [...] opportunities are available using other [...] organic wastes, such as rice straw, and for carbon [...]dioxide recovery from ethanol production. daccess-ods.un.org |
若干非洲国家已开展能源生产包括从农业残渣,如“蔗渣” 、 稻草 以 及 棉花 和咖啡壳进行热电联产。 daccess-ods.un.org | Several African countries have embarked on energy [...] production, including co-generation from agricultural residues such [...] as “bagasse”, straw, sawdust, and cotton [...]and coffee husks. daccess-ods.un.org |
以色列也是该草案的 共同 提案国这一事实显得尤为讽刺,因为以色列政体的 创建和存在本身就与最严重的人权侵害形式分不 开。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was a sad irony that the list of [...] sponsors of the draft resolution included [...]the Israeli regime, whose very creation and [...]existence were intertwined with the worst forms of human rights violations. daccess-ods.un.org |
更加令人惊诧的是,委员会 受理的绝大多数指控均来自于所谓的非政府组织,其总部位于“第一世界”的首 都,它们手持放大镜审视发展中国家,却对自己周围发生的事情视而不见,正所 谓“只见邻人眼中的稻草,而不见自己眼中的大梁”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Even more surprising is that the overwhelming majority of the allegations which the Committee receives comes from so-called nongovernmental organizations based in the capitals of the First World, which scrutinize developing countries, and do not see what is going on in their immediate environment. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在通过该决议草案前,以色列、 波兰(代表欧洲联盟)和巴勒斯坦的观察员 作了发言。 daccess-ods.un.org | Before the [...] adoption of the draft resolution, statements were made by the observers for Israel, Poland (on behalf [...]of the European Union) and Palestine. daccess-ods.un.org |
漁護署認為裝設防鳥網是保護農作物免受雀烏啄食 [...] 的最有效措施,該署亦曾提出協助有關農民裝設防鳥網或採用 其他鳥類防控技術,例如使用稻草人 及 在繩子掛上光碟以阻嚇 雀鳥。 legco.gov.hk | It was considered that the most effective measure to protect crops from birds was to build bird netting, and AFCD had offered to help the farmers concerned to install bird nets or to adopt other bird [...] prevention and control techniques, [...] such as the use of scarecrows and the hanging [...]of CDs on strings to act as bird scarers. legco.gov.hk |
有些來賓選擇就座在草地上的稻草椅 , 有些來賓則輕鬆的席地而坐在Boxster野餐墊上,每位來賓皆輕鬆自在地渡過這美好愜意的微風夏夜。 pap.porsche.com | Just like a big summer picnic, guests were spread all over the field [...] - some on the straw stools and some [...]on the Boxster picnic blanket - all basking [...]in the relaxed mood of a breezy summer night. pap.porsche.com |
这方面最近的例子就是, [...] 安理会未通过一项要求以色列停止在巴勒斯坦被占 领土上的定居点活动(见 S/PV.6484)的决议草案 (S/2011/24),尽管已就该决议草案和 关于 以 色 列定 居点活动的非法性的原则达成国际共识。 daccess-ods.un.org | The most recent example of this was the Council’s non-adoption of a draft resolution (S/2011/24) calling on Israel to end its settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territories (see [...] S/PV.6484), in spite of the [...] fact that the draft resolution and the principle of the illegality of Israel’s settlement activity [...]both enjoyed international consensus. daccess-ods.un.org |
木制产品 – 鼓、雕刻、面具、含有竹片、椰子、 稻草 、 毛发、骨头、未经处理的纺织品。 4tern.com | All wooden items – Drums, carvings, masks, straws, bamboos, cane, coconuts, hair, fur, unprocessed wool, feathers, bone. 4tern.com |
最后,关于世界和平与中东,我要强调,虽然我 们了解出于安全会产生各种需要,但是若能阻止伊朗 局势向冲突发展,则对该地区和全世界都更好,因为 [...] 这种冲突会对世界造成非常不幸的影响,对世界和平 来说可能会像谚语中说的那样成为压断骆驼背的最 后一根稻草。 daccess-ods.un.org | In conclusion, in the context of world peace and the Middle East, I would like to stress that while we understand all sorts of needs arising on security, it would be better for that region and the whole world if the situation of Iran could be stopped from moving towards conflict, because it will be the sort of conflict that might have a very [...] unfortunate impact on the world and that might be the [...] proverbial last straw that breaks the [...]camel’s back on world peace. daccess-ods.un.org |
然后他们中的一个人用绳子将稻草 捆在一起制作了一个足球。 peaceoneday.org | Then one of their boys produces a football, only [...] it’s made of straw and tied together [...]with string. peaceoneday.org |
公约》实施准则推 [...] 荐使用简单包装,降低烟草公司在烟草包装上为其产品做广告的能力。在品牌 颜 色 和 设计 从烟草包装 上去除后,简单包装还能提升健康警示的影响力。 world-heart-federation.org | Plain packaging may also serve to enhance the [...] impact of the health warnings that will remain on the [...] packs after the brand colors and design of the pack [...]are eliminated. world-heart-federation.org |
預算案受到空前強烈反對的聲音,財政司司長用錯方法“派錢”, 只不過是一個觸發點,只是“壓垮駱駝的最後一 根 稻草 ”。 legco.gov.hk | That the Financial Secretary had [...] proposed to give away money in a wrong way is only a triggering point for [...] that, the last straw that breaks the [...]camel's back. legco.gov.hk |
張文光議員表示,由於鄭家富議員是 依 照 守則第 24(g)條 行 事 , 故應要 求 馬逢國議員撤 回 他 指 [...] 鄭議員隨隨便便地 取 消 2003年 3月 25日《 防止兒童色 情物品條例草案》委員會會議的說 法。 legco.gov.hk | Mr CHEUNG Man-kwong said that as Mr Andrew CHENG had acted in accordance with rule 24(g), Mr MA Fung-kwok should be asked to withdraw his remark that Mr Andrew CHENG had [...] cancelled the meeting of the Bills Committee on [...] Prevention of Child Pornography Bill on 25 March 2003 [...]in a casual manner. legco.gov.hk |
最后,提案国选择在这项制造分裂的反 以 色 列的 决议草案中提及 2012 年会议,这表明阿拉伯国家对 [...] 拟议举行的此次会议的真正意图和它们将对此次会 议采取的消极态度。 daccess-ods.un.org | Finally, the fact that the sponsors chose to include language that [...] refers to the 2012 conference in this [...] divisive and anti-Israel draft resolution clearly [...]indicates the true intentions of the [...]Arab States with regard to that proposed conference and the negative spirit in which they will approach it. daccess-ods.un.org |
所有的农作物 产物(如谷类的谷粒和稻草)都 从田地中移出,几乎没有农作物残余返回土壤参与循环。 fertilizer.org | As the whole crop produce (e.g., [...] grain as well as straw in case of cereals) [...]is removed from the field, hardly any crop residue [...]gets recycled back to the soil. fertilizer.org |
无土生产也有一些经验,在埃及更是如此,因为埃及已 经做了稻草基质试验,结果良好。 multilateralfund.org | Some experience also exists with soilless production, especially in Egypt where trials have [...] been conducted with rice straw substrate with good [...]results. multilateralfund.org |
近几年,越来越多的 [...] 缔约国已经开始吸纳非官方的利益相关方代表,这些代表不仅扮演着信息提供者 的角色,而且是起草委员 会的正式成员。 daccess-ods.un.org | In recent years, more States parties have begun to include representatives of [...] stakeholders outside the Government, not only as contributors of [...] information but as full members of drafting committees. daccess-ods.un.org |
他滿懷熱情地表示,「開放資料只是製磚所需 的 稻草 , 洋 房尚未設計出來,建築師很可能是世界某處、某個小房間裡的青少年,也可能來自傲慢的官僚體系。 thisbigcity.net | And that, for him, is what’s really exciting: “The architect is as likely to be the teenager in a backroom in Barnsley, Brighton, Boston or Bangalore, as a person sitting in thisbigcity.net |
这些颜色的滤镜通常会有一系 列不同的级别或者饱和度,比如烟 草色 就有 1 号、2 号、3 号三种。 motion.kodak.com | The colors usually come in a range of grades, or degrees of saturation, such as Tobacco 1, 2, and 3. motion.kodak.com |
把蓝色渐变镜用在镜 头的上半部分,再把烟草色的渐 变镜用在镜头下半部分的沙丘上,就会让画面的饱和度增 [...] 加,实现一种震撼的画面效果。 motion.kodak.com | A blue grad can be positioned over the sky, [...] combined with a tobacco over the desert [...]dunes below, for a saturated, striking effect. motion.kodak.com |
在這裡,荒漠化的症狀呈現在一條綿長連續的沙河上,這條沙河在Dariganga省的 綠 色草 原 肆 無忌憚地吃掉經過的一切。 zh.nomadgreen.org | The main symptom of desertification here, long continuous sand streak through the Dariganga province is [...] eating the green stripe in their route. en.nomadgreen.org |
埃及代表团表达了对以下农药/商品组合的保留意见:甲胺磷(糙米,以 及 稻草和 干 饲料);丙溴磷(辣椒,干辣椒);以及戊唑醇(小麦,麦草和干饲料)。 codexalimentarius.org | The Delegation of Egypt expressed its reservation on the following pesticide / commodity [...] combinations: methamidophos in [...] rice, husked and rice straw and fodder, dry; profenofos in peppers chilli and peppers chilli, dried and tebuconazole in wheat and wheat straw and fodder, [...]dry as the MRLs proposed [...]would adversely affect consumers’ health due to high national consumption patterns for these products. codexalimentarius.org |
展览期间,嘉宾可观赏不同工坊的杰出工艺:制瓶工艺 、 稻草 镶 嵌工艺、镀金工艺、纺织与擀毡手艺、高级时装、装饰艺术风格的黑檀细木镶工、金线刺绣、漆艺、石板印刷、制扇工艺、制表工艺(由江诗丹顿制表工艺大师演示)、日内瓦传统的“Grand [...] Feu”珐琅微绘工艺以及莳绘(由自京都专程前来的象彦品牌漆艺大师演示)。 vacheron-constantin.com | In the course of this exhibition, guests were able to admire [...] the work in different ateliers devoted to [...] bottle-making, straw marquetry work, [...]gilding, felt-making, textiles and haute [...]couture, as well as the crafts of Art Deco cabinet-making, gold thread embroidery, lacquering, lithography, fan-making, watchmaking by a Vacheron Constantin watchmaker, the Genevese technique of Grand Feu enamelled miniature painting, and the maki-e technique exercised by a master lacquerer from the Zôhiko company, flown in specially from Kyoto for this exhibition. vacheron-constantin.com |