单词 | 稠密 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 稠密adjective—denseadjSee also:稠adj—thickadj 稠—crowded
已经实行立法,从法律核准在最近的将来减少空气污染、噪音、放射和振 动,减少人口稠密地区高楼加大灾难威胁的影响的措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | Legislation has been introduced to legalise measures to reduce, in the near future, air pollution, [...] noise, radiation and vibration, and the effect of buildings raising the threat [...] of disastersindensely populated areas. daccess-ods.un.org |
D. 印度人口最稠密的区域是在恒河 山谷。 nysedregents.org | D.The most denselypopulatedarea [...] of India is the Ganges River Valley. nysedregents.org |
但是万隆处在几个活跃的断层附近, [...] 位于高危险地质区,是印度尼西亚人口最稠密的一个城市,而且人口 还在迅速增长。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Yet Bandung sits in a high-risk [...] geological area near several active faults; [...] it is themostdensely populated urban [...]area in Indonesia; and it is growing rapidly. unesdoc.unesco.org |
(c) 以色列声称,黎巴嫩南部人口稠密的平民地区正在储存武器,设立军事 设施,但这与事实无关,其目的是,方便以色列把黎巴嫩无辜平民当作目标,证 [...] 明他们的屠杀和恐吓有理,而无论国际宪章、最重要是国际人道主义法,都取缔 把平民作为目标,并视其为犯罪。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Israel’s claim that weapons are [...] being stockpiled and military installations [...] established in denselypopulatedcivilian [...]areas in South Lebanon bears no relation [...]to the truth, and is designed to facilitate the targeting by Israel of innocent Lebanese civilians and justify their slaughter and terrorization, regardless of the fact that all international instruments and, in particular, those of international humanitarian law, outlaw and criminalize the targeting of civilians. daccess-ods.un.org |
当地时间上午 7 时 30 [...] 分,两枚自杀式恐怖主义 炸弹引爆了大马士革一个平民人口稠密的街区中两 辆被放置了爆炸物的车辆。 daccess-ods.un.org | At 7:30 a.m. local time, two suicide terrorist [...] bombers exploded two vehicles laden with explosives in an neighbourhood of [...] Damascus that isdensely populated with [...]civilians. daccess-ods.un.org |
令人遗憾的是,占领国以色列公然违反安全理事 会第 1860(2009)号决议,并不顾区域和国际努力,继 [...] 续其军事攻击,过度、不分青红皂白和不相称地使用 各种重型武器,从空中、地面和海上对加沙地带平民 人口稠密地区使用武力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Regrettably, in blatant violation of Security Council resolution 1860 (2009) and despite regional and international efforts, Israel, the occupying Power, continues its military attacks, using excessive, indiscriminate and [...] disproportionate force by all means of heavy weaponry by air, land and sea [...] against heavily populated civilian areas in the Gaza Strip. daccess-ods.un.org |
它们的共同特点是,在其爆炸和碎片影响区域内 造成滥杀滥伤,因此,在人口稠密地区使用这种武器很有问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | Their common feature is that they are [...] indiscriminate within their zones of blast and fragmentation effect, which makes their use [...] highly problematicin populated areas. daccess-ods.un.org |
87%的平民伤亡发生在人口稠密的地区,包括市场、学校、 宗教场所和私人住宅。 daccess-ods.un.org | Most civilian deaths and injuries — 87 per cent — occurred in populated areas, including markets, schools, places of worship and private homes. daccess-ods.un.org |
格鲁吉亚的报告指出,歧视现象主要涉及人口稠密地区的少数群 体、偏远地区的居民、有特殊需要和缺乏亲情关爱的儿童、冲突地区的难民和人群、弱势和 [...] 处境不利群体。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The report from Georgia states [...] that discrimination mostly concerns [...] minorities livingin denselypopulatedareas, [...]citizens living in remote regions, children [...]with special needs and deprived of parental care, refugees and people living in conflict zones, vulnerable and disadvantaged groups. unesdoc.unesco.org |
成员们建议核实以下问题:是否所有参与该项目的公司事实上都设在人口稠密地区。 multilateralfund.org | It was suggested that it be verified whether all companies involved in the project were, in [...] fact, locatedindensely populatedareas. multilateralfund.org |
由于人口稠密地区遭到密集炮击,数千名巴勒斯 坦人正在近东救济工程处学校内寻求避难。 daccess-ods.un.org | Due to intensive shelling of densely populated [...] areas, thousands of Palestinians are seeking refuge in UNRWA schools. daccess-ods.un.org |
不过CITE相信,这座城市将成为新科技面世之前的重要测试站,仿造真实世界条件後,研究员要测试构想时,即不必担心在人口稠密的市区里,太过耗时、花费太多、风险太高,例如在长五公里的高速公路上,测试无人驾驶卡车。 thisbigcity.net | Mimicking real-world conditions, CITE will allow researchers to experiment with ideas that in populated cities would be too time-consuming, costly or risky – like the driverless trucks planned for its five-mile long freeway. thisbigcity.net |
里约集团成员国所在地区,根据 [...] 1967 年《特拉 特洛尔科条约》,成立了第一个人口稠密的无核武器 区。 daccess-ods.un.org | The members of the Rio Group belong to the region that [...] established thefirst densely populated nuclear-weapon-free [...]zone, under the Treaty of Tlatelolco of 1967. daccess-ods.un.org |
在贝卡谷地泥泞平原上的另一个人口稠密的临时定居点,联合国儿童基金会与当地非政府组织合作伙伴Sawa来到这里为男孩和女孩们分发过冬的衣物。 unicef.org | Atanother densely populated makeshift [...] settlement on a muddy plain in the Bekaa Valley, UNICEF and a local NGO partner Sawa [...]arrive to distribute winter clothes for the boys and girls. unicef.org |
高密度建案:Urban Land网站亦提到,在洛杉矶等稠密都会区,开发商正在兴建面积较小、密度较高的住宅单位,以满足Y世代的需求,这些较永续的新建公寓群中,每英亩约有200个单位,且公共空间较大,以高品质设施弥补住宅较小的弱点。 thisbigcity.net | High-DensityDevelopments: Urban Land also noted that in denseurban areas like Los Angeles, developers are now creating smaller, higher-densityunits to [...] meet the demands of [...]Generation Y. Some of these new, more sustainable apartment complexes have about 200 units per acre and are being developed in larger public spaces, with high-quality amenities to compensate for smaller square footage. thisbigcity.net |
在加沙地带,巴勒斯坦恐怖分子采用 类似的策略,从人口稠密地区发射火箭弹和迫击炮 弹,同时把他们从中开展行动的民宅变为战场。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the Gaza Strip, Palestinian [...] terrorists use similar tactics to launch rockets [...] and mortars from denselypopulatedareas, [...]while turning the civilians’ homes from [...]which they operate into a battlefield. daccess-ods.un.org |
俄罗斯联邦高度赞赏《拉丁美洲和加勒比禁止核武器条约》(《特拉特洛 [...] 尔科条约》)作为确立这一面积辽阔而且人口稠密地区无核地位的第一份国际法 律文件有效运作 [...]40 年的经验,及其对在全世界进一步建立无核武器区进程的贡 献。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Russian Federation welcomes the 40 years of effective functioning of the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean (Treaty of Tlatelolco), the first international legal instrument [...] establishing the nuclear-free status of [...] an extensive and denselypopulated region, [...]as well as its contribution to the process [...]of further establishing nuclear-weapon-free zones in the world. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果油发暗、稠密,而且 被污染了电机绝缘材料的分解颗粒,并且如果它闻起来还有酸味,就说明有问题。 secop.com | If the oilis dark, sludgyand perhapscontaminated [...] with decomposed particles from the motor insulation, and it smells acidly there is something wrong. secop.com |
破坏社会网络会带来风险,这就是为什么将人们转移到临时性的营地 可能并不是一个好主意(虽然在人口稠密地区、在丧失土地的情况下、或者存在持续的 [...] 诸如寒冷这样的危险时,转移人口还是很必要的)。 alnap.org | The risk of undermining social networks is one of the reasons why moving people to temporary camps [...] may not be a good idea (although may be [...] necessaryif high-density areas are involved, [...]land is lost, or there are continuing threats such as winter cold). alnap.org |
(b) 一些人口稠密的选区经常有议会代表,而其他一些地区在议会任期内 没有代表。 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) Constituencies are represented by Members of parliament from populated areas only while some areas do not have a representative for the period of the life of a parliament. daccess-ods.un.org |
仅非常少的企业 选择 [...] HCFC-141b,它们认为由于工厂位置处于人口稠密的生活区附近,因此无法引入环 戊烷(例如广州的华凌)。 multilateralfund.org | HCFC-141b was selected only by a very small number of enterprises, where they felt they were not in a position to introduce [...] cyclopentane due to the location of the plant [...] in thevicinity of denselypopulated living area [...](e.g. Hualing in Guangzhou). multilateralfund.org |
对于孟加拉国以及尼罗河和密西西比三角洲的人口稠密、地势低洼、 容易遭受暴风水灾的沿海地区来说,这些因素极其重要。 daccess-ods.un.org | These factors are of critical [...] importancefordensely populated low-lying [...]coastal regions prone to storm flooding, such as [...]Bangladesh and the deltas of the Nile and the Mississippi. daccess-ods.un.org |
加莱海峡是在法国人口最稠密的部门之一,即使它有没有大的城市说话的。 leapfrog-properties.com | Pas de Calais is [...] one of the most densely populated departments [...]in France even though it has no large cities to speak of. leapfrog-properties.com |
作为全球金融领军地区以及世界第十五大人口稠密地区,台湾拥有Johnny Rockets等国际流行品牌的大规模成熟用户群。 tipschina.gov.cn | As a global financial leader [...] and the 15th most denselypopulatedcountry [...]in the world, Taiwan presents a large and sophisticated [...]customer base for popular international brands, like Johnny Rockets. tipschina.gov.cn |
由於里昂坐落在欧洲的十字路口,是非常稠密的铁路、公路、水路和航空交通网的中心,所以它是通往欧洲各国的中转站。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | At the crossroads of the major European trading routes, Lyon is at [...] the heart of a denserail, motorway, [...]air and river network. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
在人口稠密地区建立的第一个无核武器区, 确认《特拉特洛尔科条约》、《拉罗通加条约》、3 《曼谷条约》、4 《佩林达 巴条约》、5 《中亚无核武器区条约》和《南极条约》6 以及蒙古宣布其为无核武 器地位,为实现核不扩散和核裁军的重要贡献 daccess-ods.un.org | Recognizing the important contribution of the treaties of Tlatelolco, Rarotonga,3 Bangkok4 and Pelindaba5 and the Treaty on a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in Central Asia, as well as the Antarctic Treaty6 and the declaration by Mongolia of its nuclearweapon-free status, to the achievement of nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear disarmament daccess-ods.un.org |
继在纽约启动这个实验室项目并把该实验室带到柏林后,我们非常高兴地把这个项目带到孟买,孟买是全球最复杂、人口最稠密、文化最丰富的城市之一。 tipschina.gov.cn | After launching the Lab in New York and taking it to Berlin, we [...] are excited to bring this project to Mumbai, one of the [...] most complex, populous,and culturally rich [...]cities in the world. tipschina.gov.cn |
特拉特洛尔科条约》及其附加议定书一和二规定了缔约国和核武器国家 [...] 应履行的法律义务,以保证世界上人口稠密地区建立的第一个无核武器区实现无核 化。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Treaty of Tlatelolco and its Additional Protocols I and II established legal obligations on States parties and nuclear-weapon States with the aim of [...] guaranteeing the denuclearization of this zone, the first in the world to be [...] constituted in a highly populated territory. daccess-ods.un.org |