

单词 稚子

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主席先生稚子無辜 ,何堪被虐!我懇請各位同事支持我的動議,為了保護我們 的㆘㆒代而付出愛心。
I urge Members to support my motion and to show some kindness in protecting our next generation.
稚子何辜,竟要出生在這個蠻不講理的國度,承受大人 們的罪孽?
One just pities the children born in a country [...]
like China that cares nothing about reason and that they have to bear the sins of the adults.
Mr President, little children are ignorant; [...]
they need the adults to take good care of them.
譬如 說,他們可能期望學稚子在毫 無協助的情況下清 潔執拾自己的房間。
They may expect a preschooler to be able to clean up his room, for example, without help.
[...] 由,都有倒退的跡象,例如近年前往中聯辦的遊行示威備受打擊、警 方以胡椒噴霧對付無稚子、港鐵公司粗暴干預新聞自由等事件,都 [...]
However, with much regret, there have been signs of regression in terms of freedom of the press, expression and assembly in Hong Kong in recent years. For example, processions to the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in recent years have often been
suppressed; police officers have used pepper
[...] spray on innocent children, and the incident [...]
of the MTR Corporation Limited tempering with freedom of the press.
(2) 家長希子女在幼稚園裏 可以得到較有系統的、更有啟發性的教育,以及在稚園的群體生活㆗幫子女發 展㆟際關係。
(2) Parents hope
[...] that their children can get more systematic and enlightening education at kindergartens where group activities will help develop interpersonal relations.
当家长从稚园领孩子时, 条码标签便可用于辨认孩子的家长。
When parents pick up
[...] their kid from the Kindergarten, barcode labels [...]
are used to match a kid to their parents.
上文第 9 段
[...] (a)項所載的建議修訂,能加強為經濟上有需要的家庭提供 支援,讓他們子女有更多稚園可 以選擇。
The proposed modification as set out
in paragraph 9(a) above will enhance support for the needy families and
[...] increase their choice of KGs for their children.
為了 讓這些私立獨立幼稚園的學童享有連貫的 稚 園 教 育,家長如 子女 在 2007/ 08 學年就讀合資格的私立獨立稚園 ,可 在 子 女 就 讀同一所稚園的整段期間獲發學券,直至他們的子女完成學前教育為止( 即在 2007/ 08 學年就讀幼稚園高班的學童可享用學券至 2007/ 08 學年完結為 止;在 2007/ 08 學年就讀幼稚園低班的學童可享用學券至 2008/ 09 學 年完結為止;而在 2007/ 08 學年就讀幼 稚 園 幼兒班的學童可享用學 券至 2009/ 10 學年完結為止) 。
To provide continuity of KG education, parents of children enrolled in these PI KGs in the 2007/08 school year will be allowed to enjoy the voucher until their children’s completion of pre-primary education in the same PI KGs (i.e. the end of the 2007/08 school year for those enrolled in Kindergarten 3 in the 2007/08 school year, the end of the 2008/09 school year for those enrolled in Kindergarten 2 in the 2007/08 school year and the end of the 2009/10 school year for those enrolled in Kindergarten 1 in the 2007/08 school year).
稚 園 和 一 年 級 時 , 您子 女 在第 一 次 應 考 加 州 英 語 發 展 測 驗 (CELDT)中未能取得4或5級的分數;或總體分數達4或5級,但在聽、 [...]
At kindergarten or first grade, your child did not receive an overall [...]
score of 4 or 5 on the California English Language
Development Test (CELDT) the first time he/she took the test or received an overall score of 4 or 5 but had a sub-score that was below 3 in either the listening or speaking section.
張文光議員亦詢問,協調學前服務會否 對幼兒中心的收生情況產生負面影響,因為在幼兒中心繳
[...] 費資助計劃之下合資格獲得資助但在改善的幼稚園學費 減免計劃下卻不合資格獲得資助的家長,可能會改為子 女入讀幼稚園,而不會讓子女入 讀幼兒中心。
Mr CHEUNG Man-kwong also asked whether harmonisation of pre-primary service would have an adverse impact on enrolment in CCCs as parents who were eligible
for assistance under CCCFAS but were ineligible
[...] under the enhanced KGFRS might send their children to KGs instead of CCCs.
代理主席女士,學前教育近年已逐漸發展成為普及教育的㆒部分,香港絕大多數的家 長都會子女入讀幼稚園或 幼兒㆗心, 使 子 女 能 及早適應將來的小學生活。
The great majority of parents in Hong Kong would like their children to enter kindergartens or child care centres in order to let them get used to their future primary school life earlier.
(e) 派 發 60 000 本 題 為 " 澳 門 2005年第四屆東亞運動會指 引 "的 小子予 小 學及稚園 的學生。
(e) distribution of 60 000
[...] copies of a booklet entitled "The Guide to the Macao 4th East Asian Games 2005" to primary school and kindergarten students.
農村教育幫扶是一個重要的環節,我們於2010年於貴州上溝組設立幼稚園,大部份農村都沒設幼兒教育,孩子要到六至七歲才上小學,慈福行動開辦的 稚 園 讓 孩 子 能 學習知識及與其他小孩相處,在農村樹立了很好的榜樣,村政府和村民明白到幼兒教育的重要,於2011年9月在隣近村小學也開展學前班,讓更多孩子能上學。
Helping rural education is an important part of our Kindergarten in Guizhou on the ditch group set up in 2010, most rural areas did not set up early childhood education, children to six-year-old elementary
school, run by
[...] Operation Blessing kindergarten childrenlearning knowledge and to get along with other children, and set a good example in rural [...]
areas, village government
and villagers understand the importance of early childhood education, pre-school in the neighboring village primary school in September 2011 to carry out, so that more children can go to school.
子女申請幼稚園, 而其兄姊現時就讀於三藩市公立小學,您可將申請表 交回兄姊現時就讀的學校。
If your child is entering kindergarten and you have [...]
an older child currently attending an SFUSD elementary school, you may
turn your application into your older child’s SFUSD elementary school.
3.3 如申請人子女在 2013 / 14 學年就讀稚園或 幼兒中心,並且需要為他們申請幼稚園/幼兒中心學費減 免,申請人在遞交中、小學生資助資格評估申請後,仍須另行為其就讀 稚 園 / 幼兒中心 子 女 申請 「稚園及 幼兒中心學費減免計劃(2013 / 14)」。
3.3 If applicants have children studying in kindergartens or child care centres in the 2013 / 14 school year and wish to apply for kindergarten / child care centre fee remission after they have submitted the “Application for Assessment of Eligibility for Financial Assistance for Primary and Secondary Students”, they should apply separately for the “Kindergarten and Child Care Centre Fee Remission Scheme (KCFRS) (2013 / 14)” afterwards for their children studying in kindergartens [...]
or child care centres.
(三) 我們一直鼓勵家長子女(尤其稚 齡 兒 童)報讀居所附近的學 校,而家長在替子女選擇學校時,亦須顧及交通的安排。
(c) We have all along been encouraging parents to enrol their children, especially those of tender age, in schools near the place of their residence.
[...] 下為幼稚園教師提供津貼的事宜,署理教育局局長強調,學券 計劃的核心原則是為家長提供直接資助,用以支付合資 子女 的幼稚園開支。
On the issue of providing allowance under PEVS to kindergarten teachers, Atg SED stressed that it
was a core principle of PEVS to provide direct subsidy to
[...] parents to meet kindergarten costs of their eligible children.
委員認為,家長應有權選 擇最適合子女就讀的稚園, 而不論有關幼稚園屬牟利還是非 牟利,並認為符合指定準則的私立獨立幼稚園均應符合資格兌現 [...]
Members considered that parents should enjoy the right
[...] to select KGs most suitable for their children, irrespective [...]
of whether or not they were profit-making,
and PI KGs meeting the prescribed criteria should be eligible to redeem the voucher.
(a) 進一步
[...] 改善幼稚園學費減免計劃及調整評估 機制,為子女 就稚園但 經 濟 有 困難的家庭提供更多資助;以及
(a) to further improve the KGFRS to enhance
the financial assistance given to needy
[...] families with children attending KGs and to rationalise [...]
the assessment system; and
不同社經地位的日本父母全部也會向他們子女施加壓力,從稚園開 始便鋪路進入「合適的學校」,準備進入一所「優良的大學」, [...]
Parents of all economic strata
[...] pressured their children from kindergarten onward to get into [...]
the “proper schools” in preparation
for entry into a “good university”, the key to a successful middle-class career.
事 實上, 絕大部 分 家長都 會子 女 接稚園教育,而很多 教育調查也 顯示, 學 [...]
前 教育對小孩 子將來 的 語 文 能力和 性格有 很 大 影響。
While most parents
[...] indeed send their children to kindergartens, many education [...]
surveys also show that pre-school education
has great influence on the future linguistic ability and personality of children.
無論是一粒砂,或是手掌大小的石塊,街道的觸覺特質更勝視覺,街道若是平順單一,或許能避免擦傷、跌倒、弄髒衣物,也或許能準時送 子 到 幼 稚 園 , 但對於小手、小腳、小鼻、小眼而言,會顯得相當無趣,從孩子的高度,每條道路都無窮無盡,所以他們會比大人走得更遠…也能減少對幽閉的恐懼感。
Smooth streets without varied texture and grain may prevent scrapes
and knocks and dirty clothes – may
[...] help get the kids to kindergarten on time – [...]
but hold little interest for tiny hands, feet, noses and eyes.
(a) 申請人可向子女就讀的稚園或 所受託的幼兒中心索取申請表及有關文件。
(a) The applicants may obtain application forms and relevant documents from the kindergartens/child care centres in which their children are studying/receiving whole-day child care services.
誓不當奴”也可以是莘莘子不應自 幼 稚 園 開 始便追逐小學、中學 的名校,而教育制度亦不應一改再改,迫使我們的學生追逐這種改變, 令人無所適從。
Shi Bu Dang Nu" can also mean that our students should not pursue places at prestigious primary and secondary schools since they attend kindergarten, and our education [...]
system should
not be subject to continuous changes, thus forcing our students to follow the changes and become at a loss over what to do.
任何學生升讀稚園、6及9年級,並需要融合服務(如其個別教育計劃內注明),可以在入學申請表上任意填上多個學 [...]
Any student
[...] transitioning to Kindergarten, 6th and 9th [...]
grade requiring inclusion services, as indicated on their IEP, may
apply and list as many school choices as desired on the enrollment application form.
(a) 有否對本港的幼稚園作出定期巡視,以確定每班的學生及教師㆟數比例、校舍 環境、課程及教學用具等均合乎標準,從而保障教育質素及幼童身心的安全及 健康; (b) 若有,家長們能從何處取得有關的巡視結果,以便為 子 女 選擇 幼 稚 園 時 ,作 為參考,以避免在不知情的情況㆘錯誤㆞將子女送入未達到基本標準的幼稚 園;及
(a) whether regular inspections have been made of kindergartens in Hong Kong to ensure that the ratio of pupils to teachers per class, the school premises, the courses offered, the teaching aids and so on, are up to the required standards, thus preserving the quality of education and ensuring the physical safety and psychological well-being of the young children
其實,當局只要清楚自己的宗旨,推行學券制的目的是肯定幼兒教育的 需要,那便無論學生在任何幼稚園讀書 ─ 無論是獨立私立幼稚園或非牟 利幼稚園,一年學費是 10 萬元或數萬元,在和諧社會的大前提下,所有學 生的家長也應擁有真正的選擇權利,讓他們自由選擇他們認為適 子 女 就讀 的稚園, 而不是留下一成的家長,把他們棄於學券制的門外。
As long as the authorities are clear about their own objectives, that the voucher system is implemented to affirm the needs of early childhood education, all parents of kindergarten students should, on the premise of social harmony, be given the geninue right to choose so that they can freely select the kindergartens they considered suitable for their children ―
whether they be
[...] private independent kindergartens charging a fee of $100,000 per annum or non-profit-making kindergartens charging several thousand dollars per [...]
annum ― rather than
leaving 10% of parents out of the voucher system.




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