单词 | 税金 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 税金 noun —taxes nSee also:税 n—taxes n • duty n • toll n
最高非应税金额将 会被限定 在学生所在大学每年报告中预计的实际入学学生所需的成 本。 fgereport.org | The maximum non-taxable amount will be limited [...] to the projected cost of attendance reported annually by the student’s institutions. fgereport.org |
公司只会根据缴纳股票相关税金的需 要,卖出相应数量的股票。 fbushare.com | The Company will only sell such number of your Shares as are required to [...] be sold to meet the tax due in connection with [...]your Shares. fbushare.com |
(2) 来自在丹麦和格陵兰的许可证持有者上交的与格陵兰矿物资源有关业 务部分的任何税金收入。 daccess-ods.un.org | 2) Revenue from any taxation in Denmark and Greenland of licence holders with respect to the part of the business that relates to mineral resources in Greenland. daccess-ods.un.org |
设置有害废物处理(特殊的焚化、专用的垃圾掩埋场等) 的 税金 及 费用,可充分反映可靠地处理这些有 [...] 害物质社会和环境真正的长期代价。 zeromercury.org | Set taxes and fees on hazardous waste [...] disposal (special incineration, dedicated landfill, etc.) that fully reflect the real [...]long-term costs to society and the environment of responsibly dealing with these hazardous substances. zeromercury.org |
将转给国民健康保险基金的社会保险 税金 额 是 应 税金 额的 13%。 daccess-ods.un.org | The amount of [...] social insurance tax to be transferred to the national health insurance fund is 13 per cent of the taxable sum. daccess-ods.un.org |
地点的选择影响大概80%的投资和后续成本 (包括开发成本、运输成本、工人工资 、税 金和能源消耗)。 paiz.gov.pl | The choice of location affects [...] about 80% of the investment and follow-up costs (including development costs, [...] transport costs, wages, taxes and energy). paiz.gov.pl |
请通过"积分丢失表"向我们提供您的姓名、电子邮件地址、交易日期、商家名称、订单号码以及您的购物金额(不 含 税金 和 运 费)。 shoptoearn.hhonors.com | Using the Missing Points Form, please provide your Name, Email [...] Address, the Date of Transaction, Merchant Name, Order Number, and Amount of [...] Your Purchase (before taxes and shipping charges). shoptoearn.hhonors.com |
采矿公司向厄立特里亚财政部上缴特许权使用费 和 税金 , 但 由于厄立特里 亚的财政管理不透明,目前尚不清楚这类资金是否会被转用于资助违反安全理 事会第 1907(2009)号决议的行为,即使公司向政府官方账户支付税费。 daccess-ods.un.org | While royalties and taxes paid by mining companies are paid to the Eritrean treasury, it is not clear, given the opaque nature of Eritrea’s financial management, [...] whether such finances [...]might be diverted to finance violations of Security Council resolution 1907 (2009), even if companies pay their fees to official Government accounts.361 426. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 Man 镇, 至少有 45 [...] 家木材公司分别向区指挥官缴纳 300 万非洲法郎的税 金(6 000 美元)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Man, at least 45 timber businesses [...] each pay a monthly tax of CFAF 3 million [...](US$ 6,000) to the zone commander. daccess-ods.un.org |
政府收入的主要来源是进口税、金融 服务费以及印花税。 daccess-ods.un.org | The principal sources of Government revenue [...] are import duties, financial services, [...]fees and stamp duties. daccess-ods.un.org |
如您选择使用的币种既不是您个人账户的币种,也不是收款人账户的币种,则您需要支付此次交易中货币兑换 的 税金 , 且 收款人也需要支付此次交易中货币兑换至他/她Skrill (Moneybookers)账户的税金。 moneybookers.com | If you choose a currency that is neither the currency of your Skrill (Moneybookers) Account nor the currency of the recipient’s Skrill (Moneybookers) Account then you will pay the fee for the conversion into the currency of the payment, and the recipient will pay the fee for the conversion of the payment currency into the currency of his or her Skrill (Moneybookers) Account. moneybookers.com |
瑞士家庭 [...] 的月平均收入为6,298瑞士法郎,在扣除社保缴款 和 税金 之 后, 有约70%为用于消费的可支配收入。 gza.ch | Swiss households have an average monthly earned income of CHF 6,298, of [...] which about 70 % remains as disposable income for consumption after deduction of social [...] security contributions and taxes. gza.ch |
关于要付给国家用以支付自然人收入税(IRPEF) 的税金,是 根据一系列的收入等级划分和 毛工资扣除救济金和家庭津贴以及有关的税率计算出来。 sistemaservizicgil.it | As to IRPEF [...] (individual income tax) paid to the State, this amount is calculated [...]by means of a series of income grades and [...]associated percentages (rates) on the amount of the gross wage, deducting social security contributions and family allowances. sistemaservizicgil.it |
您负责支付因本许可协议所发生的所 有 税金 ,包 括个人财产税。 foodproducernews.com | You are responsible for [...] payment of any taxes, including personal property taxes, resulting [...]from this license. foodproducernews.com |
营业税金及附 加增加主要系城市维护建设税和教育费附加增加。 csgholding.com | The increase of taxes and surcharge was [...] because the increase of city maintenance and construction tax and educational surcharge. csgholding.com |
48 而患者得到的实际价格已经受到进口关税、地方关税、各 种 税金 和 批 发商利润的影响了。 iprcommission.org | At best there was a very weak relationship between wholesale drug prices and per capita income.48 The actual price to the patient is complicated by import duties, local tariffs, taxes and wholesaler profits.49 In the last two years this situation may have changed somewhat as some companies have drastically lowered prices offered in response to international pressure, principally from NGOs, and potential competition from generic manufacturers, particularly from India. iprcommission.org |
在关闭您的账户之前进行的交易(包括不可撤销以及在账户关闭之前已开始的没有完成的交易)以及交 易 税金 , 在 您关闭账户之后将不予退还。 moneybookers.com | Transactions and fees for transactions undertaken before you close your Skrill (Moneybookers) Account (including those transactions that are not [...] revocable and have been initiated but not completed before closure of [...] your Skrill (Moneybookers) Account) [...]will not be refunded. moneybookers.com |
销售商必须承担所有费用和运输货物的风险,包括在目的地国家为进口任何可适用的“税”(条款包括出关手续责任和风险,手续费、 关 税 、 税金 和 其 它费用)。 jiaju.fordaqfurniture.com | The seller has to bear all the costs and risks involved in bringing the goods thereto including, where applicable any «duty» (which term includes the responsibility for and the risk of the carrying out of customs [...] formalities and the payment of formalities, [...] customs duties, taxes and other charges) for import in the country of destination. fordaqfurniture.com |
因此,与采用原方法的情况相比,本第三季度联合决算累计期间的折旧费减少了98百万日元,销售利润、经常利 润以及税金等调 整前季度纯利润各增加了77百万日元。 kito.com | For this reason, by contrast with the figures calculated using the previous method, the depreciation and amortization for the current consolidated cumulative third quarter decreased by 98 million yen, and the operating [...] income, ordinary income, and [...] quarterly net income before taxes and other adjustments [...]increased by 77 million yen, respectively. kito.com |
f. 在没有事先通知的情况下,承运人可以在预约时更改特定船费,并根据承运人估定之船费增加附加费,旅客须 在登船前付款,以计及航海所需成本因包括燃料费、手续费 、 税金 、 规 费或汇率的不利变化在内的某些运输费 之变动而引发之变数。 starcruises.com | The Carrier may alter the Fare specified at the time of reservation and impose, without prior notice, a surcharge upon the Fare of an amount to be assessed by the Carrier which the Guest shall pay prior to embarkation, in order to take into account changes in the cost of providing the Cruise caused by variations in certain transport costs, including fuel costs, dues, taxes, fees or adverse movement in currency exchange rates. starcruises.com |
a) 根据你的主要保险公司全损赔偿确定的被担保物的价值,包 括 税金 、 所 有权和牌照, 减去主要保险公司的免赔额 (备注:本附录不为从保险公司赔偿中扣除的磨损、先前损害、里程、救助、拖车或寄存金额提供保险);或者 [...] b) 如果发生损失时没有列出被担保物,实际现金价值由我们决定金额,根据全损日获得最能证明被担保物零售价值的讯息, [...]减去主要保险免赔额。 iasdirect.com | Actual Cash Value shall mean: a) the value of the covered collateral including tax, title and license [...] as determined by your [...]primary insurer via total loss payment less the primary insurance deductible amount (NOTE: This addendum does not provide coverage for any amounts deducted from the insurer's settlement due to wear and tear, prior damage, mileage, salvage, towing or storage. iasdirect.com |
销售商必须承担费用和运输货物的风险,不是目的地国家进口任何“税”(条款包括出关手续责任和风险,手续费、 关 税 、 税金 和 其 它费用)这样的“税”必须由购买商承担,也要承担任何成本费和由他没有及时为进口结关的风险。 jiaju.fordaqfurniture.com | The seller has to bear the costs and risks involved in bringing the goods thereto, other than, where applicable, any «duty» (which term includes the responsibility for and the [...] risks of the carrying out of customs [...] formalities, and the payment of formalities, [...]customs duties, taxes and other charges) [...]for import in the country of destination. fordaqfurniture.com |
为了解决衡平征税基金的盈余问题,委员会自 2012 年 1 月 1 日起向下修订了计算专业 及以上职类工作人员净基薪时使用的工作人员 薪 金税 率。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In order to address surpluses in the Tax Equalization Fund, the Commission revised downwards the staff assessment rates used in the calculation of net base salaries of Professional [...] and higher category staff from 1 January 2012. unesdoc.unesco.org |
基薪表是按毛额确定的:按单身 税率或有受扶养人的税率从薪金毛额中扣除工作人员 薪 金税 后 , 就得出了净基金表。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The base salary scale is established in gross: by deducting staff assessment from the gross amount, at single or dependent rate, the net salary scale is obtained. unesdoc.unesco.org |
按照上文各段中的建 议,咨询委员会建议 2010-2011 两年期追加批款 1 571 800 美元,分列 第 28C 款(人力资源管理厅)下 1 358 700 美元、第 28D 款(中央支助事 务厅)下 147 300 美元和第 36 款(工作人员薪金税)下 65 800 美元,由 2010-2011 两年期方案预算收入第 1 款(工作人员薪金税收入)下相应数 额抵销。 daccess-ods.un.org | Taking into account its recommendations in the paragraphs above, the Advisory Committee recommends the appropriation of an additional amount of $1,571,800 comprising $1,358,700 under section 28C (Office of Human Resources Management), $147,300 under section 28D (Office of Central Support Services), and $65,800 under section 36 (Staff assessment) to be offset by a corresponding amount under income section 1 (Income from staff assessment) of the programme budget for the 2010–2011. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,如大会通过决议 草案 A/66/L.21,则 2012-2013 两年期拟议方案预算 需追加经费 815 800 美元:第 8 款(法律事务)下 537 000 美元,第 29 D 款(中央支助事务厅)下 192 100 美元,第 37 款(工作人员薪金税)下 86 700 美元,由 收入第 1 款(工作人员薪金税收入 )下同等数额收入抵 消。 daccess-ods.un.org | Accordingly, should the Assembly adopt draft resolution A/66/L.21, additional resources of $815,800 would be required: $537,000 under section 8, Legal affairs, $192,100 under section 29D, Office of Central Support Services and $86,700 under section 37, Staff assessment, to be offset by an equal amount under income section 1 of the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2012-2013. daccess-ods.un.org |
提议在第 23 款 (人权)一般临时人员项下增加一名专业工作人员(P-3 职等)所需的经费估计数 181 600 美元以及在第 36 款(工作人员薪金税)项下所需的 21 200 美元由收入第 1 款(工作人员薪金税收入 )下的同等数额抵消,用 2010-2011 两年期已核准的现 有资源支付。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is proposed that the estimated requirements of $181,600 required for an additional professional staff (P-3 level), under general temporary assistance, under section 23, Human rights, as well as requirements of $21,200 under section 36, Staff assessment, to be offset by an equivalent amount under Income section 1, Income from staff assessment, be met from within available resources approved for the biennium 2010-2011. daccess-ods.un.org |
2012-2013 两年期的所需经费估计数净额为 2 490 100 美元,包括第 2 款(大 会和经济及社会理事会事务和会议管理)项下的 2 043 900 美元,第 23 款(人权) 项下的 432 500 美元,第 28 E 款(行政,日内瓦)项下的 13 700 美元和第 36 款(工 作人员薪金税)项下的 21 200 美元,将由收入第 1 款(工作人员薪金税收入)项下 的同等数额抵消。 daccess-ods.un.org | For the biennium 2012-2013, the estimated net requirements of $2,490,100, including $2,043,900 under section 2, General Assembly and Economic and Social Council affairs and conference management; $432,500 under section 23, Human rights; $13,700 under section 28E, Administration, Geneva; and $21,200 under section 36, staff assessment, to be offset by equivalent amount under Income section 1, Income from staff assessment, will be addressed in the context of the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2012-2013. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 2010-2011 两年期方案概算以下各款提供了追加资源:第 16 款“国际药 物管制、预防犯罪和恐怖主义及刑事司法”、第 28F 款“行政,维也纳”和第 36 款“工作人员薪金税”,并由收入第 1 款“工作人员薪金税收入 ”下同等数额抵 消。 daccess-ods.un.org | Additional resources were made available under section 16, International drug control, crime and terrorism prevention and criminal justice, section 28F, Administration, Vienna, and section 36, Staff assessment, and offset by the same amount under Income section 1, Income from staff assessment, of the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011. daccess-ods.un.org |