

单词 税率

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

根据特别规定, 该实体从第一次活动开始,就应按照相应的 增税税率开具增值税发票。
From the first activity they have to issue invoices
[...] with the proper VAT rate, according to special [...]
[...] 和审计服务,无法享受增值税免税, 须缴纳15%的标准增税税率。
Other services like legal and audit
services rendered to investment funds cannot benefit from a VAT exemption and are subject to
[...] the 15% standard VAT rate.
委员会注意到,参照系统的总薪级表(基薪表)从 2010
[...] 年 1 月 1 日起调高 了 1.5%,结税率变动 的影响,结果所产生的 GS-13/GS-14 [...]
薪金水平比现行基薪/ 底薪表高出 1.37%。
The Commission noted that the comparator’s General Schedule (base) salary scale increase of 1.5
per cent as from 1 January 2010, combined
[...] with the effect of tax changes, had resulted [...]
in GS-13/GS-14 salary levels that were
1.37 per cent higher than the current base/floor salary scale.
驻联合王国的厄立特里亚官员要求检查 P60 表格(英国官方纳税 和税赋简表);并按 2%税率计征厄立特里亚税赋。
Eritrean officials in the United Kingdom demand to inspect P60 forms (official
[...] British pay and tax summary) to compute the Eritrean 2 per cent tax.
在经济和财政方面,自治区具有很大的管理自主权,可以批准通过各自的年 度预算,并能通税率调整 、加重税收、特别捐税和公共价格等手段来调配资 源。
From the economic and financial standpoint, the Autonomous Communities have great managerial independence, and are empowered to adopt their
own annual budgets and identify their own
[...] resources through taxes, surcharges, special [...]
contributions and normal charges.
尽管有来自商界的声音,尤其是中小型企业,建议政府调低盈利水平较低企业的利 税税率 , 司 长表示为保持香港的简单税制,政府不会考虑对不同盈利水平的企业采用不用的利 税税率。
Despite there have been voices of businesses, in particular SMEs, voicing
proposing the Government to
[...] lower the profits tax rate for businesses with low profits level, Mr. Tsang responded that in order to maintain a simple tax regime, he has not considered applying different tax rates to businesses having [...]
different profits level.
在报告海外税项 时,通常公司只披露了政府规定 税率 而 并 没有披 露缴纳的税额。
Often tax information was provided [...]
as a percentage take by the government rather than an actual amount.
电信基础设施的发展、规则制定、定价 税率 和 费 率,都应保证所有 收入群体都有可能利用它们,尤其应考虑到公共机构和教育机构的需求,以 [...]
The development of telecommunications infrastructure, and the setting of
[...] rules, pricing, taxes and tariffs, should [...]
make access possible for all income groups,
with special consideration given to the needs of public service and educational institutions, and of disadvantaged and disabled population groups.
鉴于自 然资源价格波动较大,自然资源税收的设计应 使 税率 能 够 在价格较高时 调高并在价格较低时能够启动价格支持机制。
In the light of the high volatility of
the prices of natural
[...] resources, the taxation of natural resources should be designed so that tax rates can be increased [...]
when the price is high
and a price support mechanism can be triggered when the price is low.
中国的平均约税率和适用关税是 15.2%,而世界平均约税率为 60%,日本的平均农业关税为 42%,美国和欧洲则达 22%,中国的关税将进 一步削减到 12%。
China’s average bound and applied tariff was 15.2 per cent, compared with the 60 per cent
[...] world average bound rate and the average agricultural tariff rates of 42 per cent in Japan [...]
and 22 per cent
in the United States of America and Europe, and China’s tariff would be cut further to 12 per cent.
此外,在一些情况下存在波兰订 立的双重征税条约的规定,因此,这可以改 变税收收入来源国个人的地位,或降税 率,例如、股息、利息或许可税。
Additionally, in some cases regulations of double treaties, of which Poland is part, can change the status of an
individual, and therefore
[...] the country of taxation of some income sources, or reduce tax rates, e.g. for dividends, [...]
interests or licence dues.
您必须到澳大利亚税务局(ATO)领取税号(TFN),否则将按最高个人所 税率 计 税。
You must obtain a Tax File Number (TFN) from the
[...] Australian Taxation Office (ATO), otherwise you will be taxed at the highest personal income tax rate.
原为“第 23 A 条或第 23 B 条将决 定这项权利是专属权利(豁免办法)还是仅仅优先于居住国权利的权利(抵免办 法)”,现改为“第 23 A 条或第 23 B
[...] 允许以向收入来源国支付的税款抵免其应对这种收入课征的税款”,因为一如一位 成员所指出,豁免办法并不一定具有专属性(例如,根据累进制下的豁免办法,居 住国在确定纳税人应纳税的非豁免收入边 税率 时 保 留计入豁免收入的权利)。
The reason was that the exemption method was not necessarily exclusive, as noted by one participant (e.g., exemption with progression, where the residence State retained for itself the right to take the exempt income into
account for the purposes of
[...] determining the marginal rate at which the taxpayer’s non-exempt income was subject to tax).
此外,对公共交通收取的进口税和 服税的税率从 18%降至 2.5%,以更多地提供公交服务。
In addition, import
[...] duty and services taxes on public transport [...]
were reduced from 18 per cent to 2.5 per cent to increase
the provision of public transport services.
公务员制度委员会根据大会的一项长期授权,继续审查在纽约的联合国专 业及以上职类工作人员的薪酬净额与在哥伦比亚特区华盛顿的美国联邦公务员
系统中可比职位雇员的薪酬净额之间的关系。为此,委员会每年跟踪联合国专业 及以上职类工作人员和美国联邦公务员系统中可比职位人员薪酬水平出现的变
[...] 化以及与这种比较有关的其他变化,包括从参照系统人员薪酬中推算净额所用税率以及 纽约和哥伦比亚特区华盛顿两地生活费之间的关系。
Under a standing mandate from the General Assembly, ICSC continued to review the relationship between the net remuneration of the United Nations staff in the Professional and higher categories in New York and that of the United States federal civil service employees in comparable positions in Washington, D.C. For that purpose, the Commission annually tracks changes occurring in the remuneration levels of United Nations staff in the Professional and higher categories and of officials in comparable positions of the United States federal civil service, as well as
other changes relevant to the
[...] comparison, including rates of taxation used for netting down [...]
comparator salaries and the cost-of-living
relationship between New York and Washington, D.C.
虽然间接税可能会比较容易管理, 税率 是 递 减的,这就意味着穷人的 税赋占其收入的比例要高于富人的比例。
These may be easier to administer but are regressive, meaning that the poor pay a higher proportion of
[...] their income in tax than do the rich.
该 国政府计划对进口的使用氟氯烃的空调设备征税,并提高现行对散装氟氯烃所 税率。
The Government planned to impose a tax on imports of HCFC-using air-conditioning equipment and to
[...] raise the existing tax on bulk HCFCs.
第 16-17 条 描述了各种必须被颁布的具体信息类型,包括法律、有关当
[...] 前决策和官方活动的信息、公共机构的年报、公共机构负责人的就职和去职信息、国家和地 方预算的通过、价格税率的改 变、和公共财产管理相关的法律行为、外国人所拥有的土地 [...]
Articles 16-17 describe various specific types of information that must be promulgated including laws, information about current decisions and official events, annual reports of public bodies, the assumption of office or resignation of heads of public bodies,
adoption of the national and local
[...] budgets, changes in rates or taxes, legal acts relating [...]
to management of public property,
allocation of land or buildings owned by foreigners, signing international treaties and measures to address disasters.
为 了缓和汇率波动和升值问题,特别是在实际汇率达到历史低水平的情形下,一些
[...] 危地马拉、墨西哥和秘鲁),设法减少资本流入(巴西采取了征税和限制等手段, 这增加了固定收益证券外国投资的金融交易税,这 税率 首 先 增加到 4%,后来在 10 月份增加到 6%),增加资金流出(智利和秘鲁提高了对外国的退休基金投资的 [...]
To moderate exchange-rate volatility and appreciation, especially in situations of historically low effective rates of exchange, some countries deployed measures that included reserve accumulation (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru) and sought to stem capital inflows (by means of taxes and restrictions in Brazil,
which increased the
[...] financial transaction tax on foreign investment in fixed-income instruments — [...]
first to 4% and then, in October,
to 6%) and increased outflows (Chile and Peru raised the overall limit on pension fund investments abroad).
最后, 我们将石油天然气的例子更深入一步分析,假定在这个折现现金流收益线下不存在其它的市
[...] 场风险,计算此时的收益波动率仍就是正当的,因为这个公司可能拥有国际业务, 税率水 平 和金融杠杠都不同(不同的融资方式)。
Finally, taking the oil and gas example a step further, computing the volatility of revenues assuming no other market risks exist below this revenue line in the DCF, is justified
because this firm may have global
[...] operations with different tax conditions and financial [...]
leverages (different ways of funding projects).
业主只能要求税率支付 ,而不能要求附加费用、利息和罚 金等。
The owner can only demand
[...] the amount of the tax quota, not the surcharges, [...]
interests and sanctions.
因此,如 果可根据第
[...] 21(3)条对技术服务的收入课税,可取的做法是把来源国对此种收入 所税率限制在一个固定的百分比或一个由当事方谈判达成的百分比。
Accordingly, if income from technical services is taxable
under article 21 (3), it may be desirable to limit any
[...] source-country tax on such income [...]
to a fixed percentage or a percentage
to be negotiated by the parties.
此外,我们很高兴看见政府会继续致力打击逃税及避税行为,在维持现有简单及 税率 的 税 制 的 同时,致力保障政府收入。
Deloitte is also pleased to see the government will have a continued focus on clamping down on
tax evasion and avoidance as an attempt to protect its income while maintaining
[...] the existing low and simple tax regime.
29 在一些国家税率奖励 、地役权、可交易的发展许可证方 案和合同安排变得越来越普通,对养护土地和生态系统服务颇有助益。
In some countries, market mechanisms have [...]
helped in the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, for example, in
the context of ecotourism.29 Tax incentives, easements, tradable development permit programmes and contractual arrangements have become more common and been useful for conserving land and ecosystem services in some countries.
联合国示范公约》未提出针对股息、利息(第 11 条)或特许使用费(第 12 条)的特定预税款率,因 为该公约认识到,一方面,来源国对此类资金流实行 很高的税率实际 上可能抑制经济活动,另一方面,较 税率 鼓 励 经济活动,但 无法对此类活动的利润公平征收可用于发展的税款。
The reason why the United Nations Model
Convention does not suggest
[...] particular withholding tax rates for dividends, interest (article 11) or royalties (article 12) is that it recognizes that there are balances between, on the one hand, having a very high rate of source-State taxation of such flows that is in practice likely to dampen economic activity, and, on the other hand, having a lower rate that encourages economic activity but does not allow a fair taxing of the profits [...]
from such activity that
can then be used for development purposes.
[...] 偶,则第一个受扶养子女不得领取此项津贴,在这种情况下,工作人员应享 有条例 3.3(b)款第㈠项规定的有受扶养人薪 税率
(i) The staff member shall receive an allowance for each dependent child, except that the allowance shall not be paid in respect of the first dependent child if the staff member has no dependent spouse, in which
case the staff member shall be entitled
[...] to the dependency rate of staff assessment [...]
under subparagraph (b) (i) of regulation 3.3
我们介绍的租户或占用人仍占用物业的全部时间(初始租期为六个月或以上),Home House Estates 标准出租服务费用为租赁协议条款下应支付的总租金的 10% 加现行标税率的增值税(受 600.00 英镑加现行标税率的增 值税的最低费用限制),并应提前支付。
The charge for Home House Estates’ Standard Lettings Service is 10% plus VAT at the standard rate prevailing, payable in advance, for the whole time that the Tenant introduced by us or the Occupant remains in occupation of the Property (where the initial letting period is six months or more) (subject to a £600.00 plus VAT at the standard rate prevailing minimum fee) on the total Rent payable under the terms of the Tenancy Agreement.
同时,由于征税力度的加大、偷税漏税现象的抑制以及更为严 格的累税率制度 (赚得越多则交税越多),厄瓜多尔得以将其年度税收收入翻了 一番,从 2006 年的 46.73 亿美元提高到 2011 年的 95.61 亿美元,并将直接税占 征税总额的比重从 38%提高到 43%。
Meanwhile efforts to improve tax collection and reduce tax evasion and the introduction of a more progressive tax system (those who have more pay more) enabled Ecuador to double its tax revenue, from US$ 4,673 million in 2006 to US$ 9,561 million in 2011, and to increase the proportion of direct taxes in total tax income from 38 per cent to 43 per cent.
对于任何不足六个月的租期,Home House Estates 标准短租服务费用为租赁协议条款下此期间应支付的总租金的 20% 加现行标税率的增值税(受 600.00 英镑加现行标税率的增 值税的最低费用限制),并应提前支付。
The charge for Home House Estates’ Standard Short Let Service is 20% plus VAT at the standard rate prevailing, payable in advance, for the term of any Tenancy which is less than six months (subject to a £600.00 plus VAT at the standard rate prevailing minimum fee) on the total Rents for those periods payable under the terms of the Tenancy Agreement.
考虑到原来在澳门特区实行的低税政策,《基本法》第106 条规定澳门特 区自行立法规税种、税率和税收宽免,专营税制由法律另作规定。
Recognizing that the MSAR has always practised a
[...] policy of low taxation, article 106 of the BL stipulates that the MSAR enacts laws, on its own, concerning types of taxes, tax rates, tax reductions [...]
and exemptions.




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