

单词 税后

税后 noun ()

post-tax n
before taxation n

See also:


taxes n
duty n
toll n

External sources (not reviewed)

基薪表是按毛额确定的:按单身 税率或有受扶养人的税率从薪金毛额中扣除工作人员薪 税后 , 就得出了净基金表。
The base salary scale is established in gross: by deducting staff assessment from the gross amount, at single or dependent rate, the net salary scale is obtained.
然而,当瑞士作为一个看守政府时却实行税,后来, 联邦政府接管德国驻旧金山总领事馆的馆舍。
Taxes were levied, however, when Switzerland, [...]
as a caretaker, and, later on, the federal Government took over the premises
of the German Consulate General in San Francisco.
在扣除工作人员薪税后,比 2009-2010 年的批款净增加 246 800 欧元。
This represents a net increase of
[...] €246,800, after deduction of the amount of staff assessment, compared [...]
with the amount appropriated for 2009-2010.
税后利润 留 存制度确保向瑞士转移利息收入并不能逃避欧盟的利息税制度, 同时又能保证维护瑞士的法律和银行业保密制度。
This system of tax retention ensures that the EU interest taxation system cannot be [...]
evaded by switching to Switzerland,
while at the same time ensuring that Swiss laws and banking secrecy are upheld.
您可以选择您希望全年税后薪资 中扣除多少金额用于投资,前提是符合某些最高和最低全年金额 [...]
的规定,这些规定载列于附录 C。
You can choose the annual amount you wish to invest
[...] from your after-tax pay, subject to [...]
certain maximum and minimum annual amounts,
which are set out in Appendix C. This is your Annual Investment Amount.
2010 年,根据领
[...] 土政府任命的一个独立经济委员会的调查结果排除了直接 税后 , 开曼群岛努力 寻找新的收入来源,并使领土经济多元化。
In 2010, the Cayman Islands endeavoured to find new revenue sources and to
diversify its economy after the Territory
[...] ruled out direct taxation in accordance with [...]
the findings of an independent economic
commission appointed by the territorial Government.
最后,上述 概算书所附的价格细目注明日期为 2008 年 4 月,而工程总额税后 188 580 欧元) 也是 4 月,并且与 ID’ART 公司投标书估算的价格非常接近税后 185 000 欧元)。
Lastly, the pricing details for this estimate date from April 2008 and the
total amount for the works
[...] (€188,580 exclusive of tax), also dates from April, and is very close to the estimate given by ID’ART in its bid (€185,000 exclusive of tax).
纽西兰的最低工资时薪是一个小时NZD13.50(税前),NZD1 0+ ( 税后 )。
The minimum wages in New Zealand is NZD
[...] 13.50 (Before tax), and NZD 10+(After tax).
税前是还未扣除IRD,税后是带 回家的钱。
Minimum wage is the most basic wages that every worker should get.
终止业务包括美国人寿保险有限公司(“美国人寿”)、南山人寿保险公司(“南山”)、美国 通用财务公司、 AIG Star 以及AIG Edison,且计入了与待完成的出售美国通用财务公司交 易税后亏损 12亿美元以及与待完成的出售AIG Star 及AIG Edison交易税后商誉减值9.46 亿美元。
Discontinued operations is comprised of American Life Insurance Company (ALICO), Nan Shan Life Insurance Company (Nan Shan), AGF, AIG Star and AIG
Edison and
[...] includes a $1.2 billion after tax loss on the pending sale of AGF and a $946 million after tax goodwill impairment in connection [...]
with the pending
sale of AIG Star and AIG Edison.
电价不断上涨;推出税后企业 对即将实施的低碳选择需求旺盛;以全球正在运行的许多生物质发电厂为参照,澳大利亚企业愈加认识到大规模生物质发电选择的技术和商业可行性;丰富的生物质和其他原料供应:这些因素都支持着辛格斯生物能源(BioSyngas)未来在非常有利且不断扩大的行业和市场中蓬勃发展。
Increasing power prices; the need for low carbon options to be implemented as a result of the carbon tax implementation in Australia; heightened technical and commercial viability awareness of biomass fed large scale power generation options in Australia based on the many plants operating around the world, and potential plentiful biomass and other feedstock availability are all factors supporting BioSyngas’ future growth in a highly favourable and expanding sector and market place.
Ross 先生首先强调指出,在若干国 家实施机税后,已 为国际药品采购机制筹集到 10 多亿美元,成绩不俗,其后 他回顾亚玛迪斯对这项倡议的最初参与,已导致该公司作出更多承诺,另外两家 大型的旅游分配公司已经参加进来。
After highlighting the success of collecting over $1 billion for UNITAID with the airline ticket levies implemented in several [...]
countries, Mr.
Ross recalled the initial involvement of Amadeus in this initiative, which had led to the company’s increasing commitments, as two other major travel distributing companies had joined in.
其中一部分资金来自“价值争议”案件,即 进口商少缴进口税,后被海 关当局补收的案件。
Part of the funds derived from cases of “value
controversy”, where importers had
[...] underpaid Customs duties and these duties were later reclaimed [...]
by Customs authorities.
您的年投资额将除以您当年领税后 薪 资 的次数,所得金额将从您领取的每 税后 薪 资 中扣除(您 的定期付款)。
Your Annual Investment Amount will be divided by
[...] the number of after-tax payments you receive in the year, and the resulting amount will be deducted from each after-tax payment you receive [...]
(your Regular Payment).
按照美国相关法律规定,企业满足下列条件可向NASD提出申请升入纳斯达克小型资本市场:(1)企业的净资产达到500万美元或 税后 利 润超过75万美元或市值达5000万美元;(2)流通股达100万股;(3)最低股价为4美元;(4)股东超过300人;(5)有3个以上的做市商等。
Enterprises meeting the following conditions can apply for going up to NASDAQ small capital market in accordance with the relevant United States law: (a) the net assets of enterprises reach US$5
million dollars or profit more than
[...] 750,000 U.S. dollars after-tax or market value of 50 [...]
million U.S. dollars; (2) shares in
circulation reach 1 million shares; (3) a minimum stock price of four U.S. dollars; (4) more than 300 shareholders; (5) three more Market Makers.
一般来说,相对大多数其他欧洲国家,以 商业为导向的财务体制能为企业带来更高税后收入
in general, the business-oriented fiscal system
[...] produces higher aftertax corporate [...]
income than most other European countries
EVA可以通税后营运 净利润中减除资本的机会成本得到。
EVA can be calculated as Net Operating Profit After Tax minus a charge for [...]
the opportunity cost of the capital invested.
从上游晶粒厂2012年获利表现来看,晶电全年亏损达11.16亿元,璨圆亏损5.94亿元,新世纪也有7.14亿元的亏损,3大晶粒厂去年亏损规模都较2011年大幅增加,上游晶粒厂仅有与日亚化合作的光磊(2340)去 税后 盈 余 有3.36亿元,专攻高功率晶粒的光鋐(4956)小赚0.85亿元,以及具垂直整合供应链优势的隆 税后 盈 余 有2.9亿元的表现。
From upstream grain factory 2012 earnings performance, crystal electric annual loss of 1.116 billion yuan, ladies round loss of 594 million yuan, the new century are the losses of 714 million yuan, 3 big grain plant scale of losses last year than in 2011 increased dramatically, the upstream grain factory only
with the cooperation of
[...] light lei the after-tax, 336 million yuan ($2340) last year, in the light of the high power grain 鋐 small earn 085 million yuan (4956), as well as vertically integrated supply chain advantage of ronda after-tax performance have 290 [...]
million yuan.
招行在年报中表示,董事会决定从2012年起,“在符合届时法律法规和监管机构对资本充足率规定的前提下,公司每年现金分红原则上将不低于当年按中国会计准则审计 税后 净 利 润的30%,切实提高对广大股东的合理投资回报。
CMB Annual Report, the Board decided that from 2012 onwards, in line with when the provisions of laws, regulations and regulatory agencies on the capital adequacy ratio under the premise, the
principle of annual cash dividend will not be
[...] less than year after-tax audit according to [...]
Chinese accounting standards net profit
of 30%, and effectively improve a reasonable return on investment for our shareholders.
按照欧盟税收规定,瑞士各银行对个人在瑞士赚取的利 息收入实行税后利润 留存制度(与瑞士的预提税类似),目前 该税率为15%(到2011年7月将逐步上调至35%)。
Swiss banks operate a
[...] system of tax retention (similar to Swiss withholding tax) on interest [...]
income earned in Switzerland
by persons subject to EU taxation, currently at a rate of 15 % (to be raised incrementally to 35 % by July 2011).
4)除非另有协议,我方可选择将所有货物根据“Incoterms 2010 完税后交货条款”运抵,或运到瓦得克莱博格基地,又或在订单转移的情况下直接运往特定的目的地。
(4) Unless agreed otherwise, we shall have the choice to get all the deliveries "DDP Incoterms 2010“ or to the plant in Waldkraiburg, or directly to the place of destination in case of transfer orders.
相较于上游去年成为整体产业亏损重灾区,下游封装厂由于具有成本控制优势,加上各厂掌握不同区块订单,LED封装厂去年多有小幅获利表现,包括艾笛森( 35 9 1 ) 税后 盈 余 0.29亿元、华兴( 61 6 4 ) 税后 盈 余 0.33亿元、东贝( 24 9 9 ) 税后 盈 余 1.55亿元与亿光( 23 9 3 ) 税后 盈 余5.42亿元。
Upstream areas become whole industry losses last year, compared to downstream FengZhuangChang because it has advantage of cost control, plus GeChang master order different blocks, LED FengZhuangChang last year more than a slight profit
performance, including
[...] YiDiSen after-tax, 029 million yuan (3591), huaxing after-tax, 033 million yuan (6164), the after-tax 155 million yuan dong bei (2499) and light the after-tax, 542 million [...]
yuan (2393).
非GAAP财务统计不包括约0.19美元后每股0.14美元,每 税后 成 本在2011财年第一季度和2010年分别,主要用于购买的无形资产,重组费用以及与收购有关的费用摊销。
Non-GAAP financial
[...] information excludes after-tax costs of approximately [...]
$0.19 per share and $0.14 per share in the first
quarter of fiscal 2011 and 2010, respectively, related primarily to the amortization of purchased intangibles, restructuring charges and acquisition-related charges.
对于国内的供货商不包含法定的营业税,除非另有协议,价格应包括将货物根据“Incoterms 2010完税后交货 条款”运抵,或运到瓦得克莱博格基地,又或在订单转移的情况下直接运往特定的目的地,且加上包装费,运费和保险费。
Unless agreed otherwise, the price shall include the delivery "DDP Incoterms 2010“ or to the plant in Waldkraiburg, or directly to the place of destination in case of transfer orders, packing, transport and insurance.
Later, the details are examined within the tax office, and if any [...]
questionable items are detected, inquiries or summons will be made at a later date.
[...] 使在严峻的政治条件和敏感度的情况下也能够进行富有成果的建设性合作,因为 巴勒斯坦权力机构和以色列都从有效的结 后税 收 协 调安排中得到了实际的利 益,这种安排是该项目的主要目标。
The ASYCUDA project amply demonstrates the potential for fruitful and constructive cooperation on the ground even amidst challenging political conditions and sensitivities, based on the tangible
gains for both the PA and Israel from
[...] an effective post clearance tax reconciliation arrangement [...]
that was the prime objective of the project.
后,税收制 度平 等,其目的在于除了满足国家和其他公共实体的财政需要之外,还要确保收入和 财富的公平分配,课征所得税的目标亦在于减少公民之间的不平等现象。
Lastly, equality through the tax system aims to achieve [...]
a fair distribution of income and wealth besides satisfying the
financial requirements of the State and other public entities, since one purpose of income tax is to reduce inequalities among citizens.
一 般法律事务司与法律顾问办公室一道,协助维护本组织 税 收 、 进口与出口方面 的特权与豁免以及适用于本组织涉及维持和平行动的资产和人员豁免方面的特 [...]
权和豁免权;就本组织行政法的解释及在联合国维持和平行动中的适用以及工作 人员条例和细则、财务条例和细则以及相关政策和做法,包括相关的银行业务、
资产保管和金库业务政策和做法的解释和适用提供援助;提供法律援助,解决维 持和平行动中产生的复杂的索偿要求、仲裁和其他诉讼,包括承包者的商业索偿 以及第三方关于财产损坏或损失和人身伤害或死亡的索赔。
In conjunction with the Office of the Legal Counsel, the Division assists in maintaining the privileges and
immunities of the Organization with respect to
[...] the Organization’s tax and import and export [...]
exemptions and in connection with the
immunities applicable to the Organization’s assets and personnel involved in United Nations peacekeeping operations; provides assistance regarding the interpretation and application of the Organization’s administrative law in peacekeeping operations and the interpretation and application of the Staff Regulations and Rules, the Financial Regulations and Rules and relevant policies and practices, including those relating to banking, asset custody and treasury operations; affords legal support for the resolution of complex claims, arbitrations and other litigation arising in peacekeeping operations, including commercial claims by contractors and claims by third parties for property damage or loss and personal injury or death.
此外,许多代表团认为,由于持续存在限制性原产地规则 和非税贸易 壁垒,例如标准和技术措施,加上严格的供应限制和有关贸易的基 [...]
In addition, many delegations expressed the view
that the persistence of restrictive rules of
[...] origin and non-tariff trade barriers, [...]
such as standards and technical measures,
as well as severe supply constraints and a trade-related infrastructure deficit, had prevented least developed countries from fully harnessing the gains associated with greater market access.
[...] 场需求是重要的;然而,有必要关注标准的制定,以确保他们没有成为非 税 贸 易 壁垒。
Some delegations were of the view that private standards were part of the current world situation and were relevant to certain segments of the market and important for diversified market requirements; however
it was necessary to monitor their development in order to ensure that they did not
[...] become non-tariff barriers to trade.




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