单词 | 稍息 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 稍息—Stand at ease! (military)稍稍adverb—slightlyadv稍稍—a little somewhat See also:稍adv—slightlyadv 稍—a little somewhat
不过,我只能稍息片刻,因为责任伴随着自由而来,我不敢就此却步,因为我的漫漫自由路还没有到 达终点”。 daccess-ods.un.org | But I can rest only for a moment, for with freedom come responsibilities and I dare not linger for my long walk is not yet ended‖. daccess-ods.un.org |
如您在购物旅程後需要稍事休息,伦敦的女皇御用杂货商 Fortnum and Mason 是享用香茶糕点的好去处,至於豪华的 Harvey Nichols 亦不遑多让。 visitbritain.com | If you're in need of refreshment after a shopping trip, the Queen's grocer Fortnum and Mason in London is a lovely setting for tea and cakes as is the luxurious store, Harvey Nichols. visitbritain.com |
白领人士大部份时间都在办公室内工作,要是连续工作近8小时而不稍事休息,容易耗尽脑部能量。 hkupop.hku.hk | Working continuously for around eight hours a day without breaks can use up one's mental energy easily. hkupop.hku.hk |
而女儿则并没有完全坐下,仿佛精力充沛的小孩爲了听妈妈想要告诉她的事情,而从玩乐中稍作休息。 tipschina.gov.cn | And the daughter because she is not seated, more like a restless child who is taking a break from playing in order to listen to something important Mommy wants to tell her. tipschina.gov.cn |
在吃饱午饭或晚饭稍作休息的时候,你经常会不经意地睡着了。 hkupop.hku.hk | I often fall asleep while resting after lunch or dinner. hkupop.hku.hk |
有关详细信息,请参阅本章稍后部分提供的信息。 graphics.kodak.com | See the informationlater in thissection for more information. graphics.kodak.com |
周末将是个美丽的雪天,希望你们周末愉快并稍作休息。我也希望你们能够 意识到,总体的国际关系和国际谈判包括裁军问题的谈判正取得进展,越来越多 的成员国就我们的工作领域――涉及裁军和相关议题的问题达成了一致,在这种 背景下,联合国负责多边裁军问题最重要的机构却一事无成,而且与去年相比反 而退步了,请你们想一想这是不是不仅裁谈会不能容忍,而且就国际关系而言也 是不能容忍。 daccess-ods.un.org | I hope that you will have a nice snowy weekend and take a little bit of rest and think that this is becoming not only intolerable in the Conference, but it is becoming intolerable in the sense of international relations, when the most important organ of the United Nations dealing with multilateral disarmament is not able to do anything, and has even regressed in comparison with last year, when international relations in general and international negotiations were progressing, including on disarmament issues, when there are more and more Member States agreeing on problems so much closer to us, dealing with disarmament and related issues. daccess-ods.un.org |
他们黎明时到达,稍作休息,当天用了大 部分时间骑车在加布棉四处勘查警所以选定袭击目 标。 crisisgroup.org | They arrived at dawn, rested, then spent much of the day driving around Kebumen surveying police posts to choose which one to target. crisisgroup.org |
保存以稍后发送的信息储存在草稿箱内。 sonimtech.com | Messagesthat havebeen saved tobe sent later are stored in Drafts. sonimtech.com |
有关详细信息,请参阅本章稍后部分标题为“创建新设置快捷方式”和“更改影像设置” 的小节。 graphics.kodak.com | For more information, refer to the sections entitled, “Creating a new Setting Shortcut” and “Changing image settings”later in thischapter. graphics.kodak.com |
有关详细信息,请参阅本章稍后部分标题为 “黑白调整” 的小节。 graphics.kodak.com | For moreinformation,see the section entitled, “Black and White Adjustments“later in thischapter. graphics.kodak.com |
在这种情形 [...] 下,所提出的等同机制可包括规定在订立合同之前所应提供的信息仅限于核心信息,并在稍后阶段对该信息加以补充,包括额外给予撤销权。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that case, the suggested equivalent mechanism might consist of limiting the information to be provided prior to the conclusion of the [...] contract to core one, and to [...] complement that information at a later stage,including by granting [...]an additional right of withdrawal. daccess-ods.un.org |
Cookie 的主要目的是在计算机上保存您的首选项和其他信息,以节省您稍后访问站点时重新输入相同信息和显示个性化内容的时间。 rhodia.com.cn | The main purpose of cookies is to save your preferences and other information on your computer to save you having to retype the same information and display your personalized content when you visit the site later. rhodia.com.cn |