单词 | 稍 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 稍adverb—slightlyadv稍—a little somewhat 稍稍adverb—slightlyadv稍稍—a little somewhat Examples:稍息—Stand at ease! (military) 稍微adv—slightlyadv marginallyadv 稍有adv—slightlyadv
他知道,检测和认证局稍後会安排与业界举行会议,进一步讨 論有关发展藍图。 cfs.gov.hk | He understood that HKCTC would arrange meetings [...] with the tradelater to discuss further [...]on the development plan. cfs.gov.hk |
进料阀组件 (R)自由时小心不要掉落,稍后将其搁 置一边。 graco.com | Take care not to drop intake valve assembly (R) as it comes [...] free, and set it aside for later. graco.com |
例如,如果您拥有表格的不同打印件而且具有稍微不同的 颜色,可使用此功能来更新您现有的自定义滤色以处理新表格上的颜色 [...] 变化。 graphics.kodak.com | For example, if you get additional prints of a [...] form and it has aslightly different color, [...]this feature can be used to update your [...]existing custom color to handle the variability in the new form’s color. graphics.kodak.com |
我们希望今天的辩论会和高级别参与以及稍后将要通过的决议草案(S/2012/25)能够使非盟-联 [...] 合国的合作方式进一步具体化,并为建设性协作铺平 道路。 daccess-ods.un.org | We hope that today’s debate and high-level [...] participation, together with the draft resolution [...] to beadopted later (S/2012/25) will [...]further concretize the modalities of AU-United [...]Nations cooperation and pave the way of constructive collaboration. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果混合组件 [...] (39)没有从流体室 (7)中伸出,可稍微拧松锁环 (11)然后再重新拧紧,使能抓 [...]住边缘以将其取出。 graco.com | If mix module (39) does not protrude from [...] fluid housing (7), slightlyloosen then retighten [...]lock ring (11), to allow gripping of edge for removal. graco.com |
有关耗材及产品目录编号的信息,请参阅本指南稍后部分标题为“补给 品与耗材”的部分。 graphics.kodak.com | See the section entitled, “Supplies and [...] consumables” later in this guide [...]for supplies and catalog numbers. graphics.kodak.com |
一些与会者指出,现有的 C/5 是按会员国要求进行编制的结果,而要提高本组织的 知名度和形象,其实需要为全委会、公众和媒体编写一册 C/5 的简本,因为 C/5 总规是一份 繁杂和技术性稍强的文件。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Some participants indicated that the present C/5 document was the result of Member States’ demands and that what was needed to enhance UNESCO’s visibility and profile was, instead, a shortened version of the C/5 document for the National Commissions, the public and the media, since the C/5 document will always be a complex and somewhat technocratic document. unesdoc.unesco.org |
业界谘询論坛与会人士稍後会获 告知解决方法,例如有关建议如何处理以“实际称重"计算的预先包装食物,或每包装 并无既定重量的预先包装食物(例如重量不一的鸡只),而这些食物每食用分量的营养素 含量应是相若的。 cfs.gov.hk | This included the suggestion of treating prepackaged food products that were sold at a “catch-weight” status or as it came with no predetermined exact weight for each package, such as chicken, due to the variation of weight among chickens, where the nutrients should be the same per unit of serving. cfs.gov.hk |
当前的情况是尚无可用的替代品,因此,需要稍微调整一下做法,将配方 厂家的技术转换活动调整到中小型企业之前进行。 multilateralfund.org | In the present situation, alternatives are [...] not yet in place and therefore the [...] approach needs tobeslightly modifiedby advancing [...]the systems house component before addressing the SMEs. multilateralfund.org |
对该示例稍作改变,如果版权组合中还包括受不同国家(除 X [...] 国以外)保护的版权,在这些国 家登记版权和版权担保权是可能的,则所有这些不同国家的法律将适用于这些 版权上担保权的优先权。 daccess-ods.un.org | To slightlymodify theexample, [...] if the copyright portfolio also includes copyrights protected in various States (in addition [...]to State X) in which registration of a copyright and a security right in a copyright may be possible, the law of all those various States would apply to the priority of a security right in these copyrights. daccess-ods.un.org |
在帮助协调它们 的活动以充分利用这一动态的资源方面,还有许多工作要做,无论是在应对稍纵即逝的短期挑战方面,还是在加强南南及南北合作方面。 unesdoc.unesco.org | More needs to be done in support of coordination of their activities to fully take advantage of this dynamic resource, both to meet time-sensitive short-term challenges as well as to strengthen South-South and North-South cooperation. unesdoc.unesco.org |
不过,我只能稍息片刻,因为责任伴随着自由而来,我不敢就此却步,因为我的漫漫自由路还没有到 达终点”。 daccess-ods.un.org | But I can rest only for a moment, for with freedom come responsibilities and I dare not linger for my long walk is not yet ended‖. daccess-ods.un.org |
举行会议的预算因而可稍为缩减,但报告将失去正式文 件的地位,因而无法通过联合国正式文件系统查阅。 daccess-ods.un.org | The annual [...] conference budget would beslightly reduced asaresult, [...]but reports would not have the status of official documents [...]and would therefore no longer be accessible through the United Nations Official Document System. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管昆巴·亚拉先生在其他四名候选人支持下拒 绝参加第二轮选举而导致气氛稍有紧张,但是我们仍 希望,各选举主管机构,即选委会和最高法院的决定 能得到尊重,并且本着国家利益,人民的意愿和理智 终将取胜,第二轮选举确实将举行。 daccess-ods.un.org | Despite the slightly tense atmosphere owing to the refusal of Mr. Kumba Yalá, supported by the four other candidates, to participate in the second round, we hope that decisions issued by the competent electoral bodies, namely, the NEC and the Supreme Court of Justice, will be respected and that, in the interests of the country, the people’s will and good sense will prevail and that the second round of elections will indeed take place. daccess-ods.un.org |
这将导致延伸容量磁碟在磁碟管理工具下不可见,尽管磁碟空间保持为已配置,且您可以稍後再次启用这些磁碟分割。 seagate.com | This will make Extended Capacity discs invisible for disc [...] management tools, though the disc space will remain allocated and you will be able to [...] enable these partitionsagain later. seagate.com |
2001 年,大会第五十六届会议在题为“国际法委员会第五十三届会议工作报 告”的项目下审议了委员会的报告第四章,其中载有关于国家对国际不法行为的 [...] 责任的条款草案,并建议大会注意到条款草案并在稍后阶段考虑是否可能召开一 次全权代表国际会议,审查关于国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案,以期就此 [...]专题缔结一项公约。 daccess-ods.un.org | At its fifty-sixth session, in 2001, the General Assembly, under the item entitled “Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its fifty-third session”, considered chapter IV of the report of the Commission, which contained the draft articles on responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts, together with a recommendation that the Assembly [...] take note of the draft articles and that it [...] consider, at a later stage,the possibility [...]of convening an international conference [...]of plenipotentiaries to examine the draft articles on responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts with a view to concluding a convention on the topic. daccess-ods.un.org |
中文版Acrobat [...] 4.0不直接支持上述2)、4)类文件,必须靠打印的方式来产生,通用方法是在创作应用行,其余工作在编辑部完成,其共同特点都是利用图形方式实现转化,产生的PDF文件稍大,文本不便再利用。 oapdf.com | Chinese version of Acrobat 4.0 does not directly support the above 2), 4) types of documents, we must rely on the way to produce print, general method is applied in the creative line, the rest of the work completed in the editorial department, and its common characteristics [...] are achieved by transforming the use of graphics, [...] PDF documents generatedby larger, re-use [...]the text of the inconvenience. oapdf.com |
另外,教师也可以给予学生相 同的作业,但却提供不同程度和形式的支援,例如给予表现稍逊的学生多 些提示,或将复杂的题目转化成數个较简单但相連的部分。 3890.com.hk | Alternatively, teachers can provide students with the same exercises, but with variations in the amount and style of support given – for example, by providing more clues, or by breaking a complicated problem into several simpler but connected parts for students with weaker performance. 3890.com.hk |
在这方面,专利体系需 要有所转变,以防一些和现有药品仅稍有区别的药品定价过高。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this respect, the patent system needed to change, to prevent the overpricing of [...] drugs thatwereonly slightlydifferent from already [...]existing ones. daccess-ods.un.org |
如本文稍后所述,加沙行动 后调查的 150 起独立事件不仅包括以色列出于对某些事件的自身关切而展开的调 [...] 查,而且也包括根据巴勒斯坦平民、当地和国际非政府组织的投诉和举报以及联 合国的报告和媒体报道展开的调查。 daccess-ods.un.org | The 150 separate incidents investigated following the Gaza Operation [...] include, asdetailed laterin thisPaper, [...]not only investigations opened as a result [...]of Israel’s own concerns about certain incidents but also investigations in response to complaints and reports from Palestinian residents, local and international non-governmental organisations and UN and media reports. daccess-ods.un.org |
但实际上,执行的权 利是可以在稍后的日期或在另一个国家行使的。 daccess-ods.un.org | In any event, the right to enforcement could be [...] exercisedat a later date orin another [...]country. daccess-ods.un.org |
提交人不禁想知道,为何 [...] 在某一个阶段,她可以被视为受害者,而在稍后阶段,却不许她行使自己的权 利。 daccess-ods.un.org | The author wonders how, at one stage of the proceeding she can be considered a [...] victim andat alater stagebe barred [...]from exercising her rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
可以稍后再为磁盘阵列命 名,而且这个名称可以在任何时候修改。 highpoint-tech.cn | The array can [...] be namedat alater time,and the [...]name of the array can be changed at any time. highpoint-tech.cn |
该国代表团稍后将在监督厅有关报告(A/66/ 674)的范围内讨论主管内部监督事务副秘书长提出 [...] 的关于在监督厅网站上提供内部审计报告的提议,但 目前只想表示欢迎这一步骤和该提议所展示的对提 高透明度所作的承诺。 daccess-ods.un.org | His delegation wouldaddresslater,inthe context [...] of the report of OIOS on the subject (A/66/674), the proposal of the [...]Under-Secretary-General for Internal Oversight Services to make internal audit reports available on the OIOS website, but at the current stage simply wished to welcome that step and the commitment it demonstrated to increasing transparency. daccess-ods.un.org |
会上指出,根据《上市规则》规 定,将回购的股份加入发行并处理公司额外股份的一 [...] 般性授权内,亦须另行通过一项普通决议案,该决议 案於稍後提呈。 swirepacific.com | It was noted that, under the Listing Rules, the inclusion of repurchased shares to the general mandate to issue [...] and dispose of additional shares also required an additional separate Ordinary Resolution [...] which would be proposedlater. swirepacific.com |
(c) 在提出承认申请时是否必须有实际控制或监督,例如,注意到在有些 案例中,承认申请是在程序稍后阶段提出的,如批准重组计划之后,此时法院 已不再介入。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Whether that control or supervision must be actual at the time of the application for recognition, noting for example, cases where the application for recognition is made at a late stage in the proceedings, such as after approval of a reorganization plan, and the court no longer has any involvement. daccess-ods.un.org |
经 计 及 (i)上 文「该 收 购 事 项 之 理 由」一 节 所 述 之 进 行 该 收 购 事 项 之 [...] 理 由;(ii)天津泰康於增资後持有之股权稍高於理论权益;(iii)天津百利将予注 入之土地及物业之估值较增资采纳之协定价值有轻微溢价;及(iv)订约方将按 [...][...]彼等各自相关注资额之比例获得天津天锻股权,故吾等认为该协议之条款属 公平合理,并符合 贵公司及股东之整体利益。 cre8ir.com | Taking into account (i) the reasons for the Acquisition as stated in the section headed ‘‘Reasons for the Acquisition’’ above; (ii) the Equity Interest [...] Tianjin Tai Kang would hold after the [...] Capital Increase being slightlyhigher thanthe Theoretical [...]Interest; (iii) the valuation [...]of Land and Properties to be injected by Tianjin Benefo being a slight premium to the agreed value adopted under the Capital Increase; and (iv) the proportional equity interest in Tianjin Tianduan to be obtained by the Parties being in line with their respective contribution, we are of the view that the terms of the Agreement are fair and reasonable and in the interests of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole. cre8ir.com |