单词 | 稀泥状 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 稀泥状 adjective —pulpy adjSee also:稀 adj—rare adj • sparse adj 稀—watery • uncommon 泥 n—mud n • sludge n • paste n • clay n • putty n 泥—pulp • restrained
这些特点互相结合,可确保样品以适合的分散 及 稀 释 状 态 连 续呈现在测量区域,以便准确测量。 malvern.com.cn | In combination these features ensure that [...] sample is continuously presented at the measurement zone in a [...] suitably dispersed and diluted state, for accurate [...]measurement. malvern.com |
其實,倘 不是「和稀泥」的 話,㆒定要明白兩個動議是有清楚界別的。 legco.gov.hk | If we are not trying to mediate differences at the sacrifice of principle, we must draw a clear line of distinction between the two. legco.gov.hk |
不断变化的人口状况、 不良的技术和社会经济条件、无计划的城市化、在 高风险地区内的开发、发展不足和不良的基础设施、薄弱的适应能力、环境退化、 气候多变、气候变化、遭遇地质灾害、竞 争 稀 少 的 资源以及诸如艾滋病毒/艾滋 病、疟疾和结核病等流行病的影响,所有这些都增加了最不发达国家面对自然灾 害的脆弱性。 daccess-ods.un.org | Changing demographics and poor technological and socio-economic conditions, unplanned urbanization, development within high-risk zones, underdevelopment and poor [...] infrastructure, [...] weak adaptive capacity, environmental degradation, climate variability, climate change, exposure to geological hazards, competition for scarce resources, and the impact of epidemics such as HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis all increase the vulnerability of least developed countries [...]to natural hazards. daccess-ods.un.org |
一些委员赞同特别报告员在这一点上的结论,另一些委员则表 示,委员会不能拘泥于现状,必 须考虑到影响豁免这一概念的相关趋势,特别是 [...] 人权法律和国际刑法的发展。 daccess-ods.un.org | While some members agreed with the findings of the Special Rapporteur on this point, some other members expressed [...] the view that the Commission could not [...] limit itself to the status quo and had to take [...]into account relevant trends that had [...]an impact on the concept of immunity, in particular developments in human rights law and international criminal law. daccess-ods.un.org |
類似的問題,全部也問過了,但問 題是,有些事情即使是反過來進行,亦不可以 和 稀泥 般。 legco.gov.hk | The problem is that in the case of certain matters, even if things are done the other way round, it is still not possible to smooth things over. legco.gov.hk |
梁富華議員剛才說,勞工處很多時候沒有檢控僱 主,而他提出的理由是勞工處可能“ 和 稀泥 ” , 又或只顧調解而不提出檢 控。 legco.gov.hk | Mr LEUNG Fu-wah said just now that the Labour Department often did not prosecute employers and the reason he suggested is that the Labour Department is probably half-hearted, or is more intent on mediating than instituting prosecution. legco.gov.hk |
本局有些同事遇㆖㆒些重要的 問題時,都會擺出「和事老」及「和 稀泥 」 的 態度。 legco.gov.hk | Some Members of this Council, when facing some important issues, tend to adopt the attitudes of a mediator who resolves differences at the sacrifice of principle. legco.gov.hk |
民協認為《綠皮書》的整項諮詢工作,無論在諮詢方式和內容方面均存 在頗多不足之處,在在都顯示政府只採取 和 稀泥 的 策 略,而未有恰如其分地 擔當推動普選的憲制角色。 legco.gov.hk | They all expose the fact that the Government is only adopting a tactic of muddling through and that it has failed to perform its proper constitutional role of taking forward universal suffrage. legco.gov.hk |
一般污泥初水分在80%,烘干后终水分为10%-50%,一般污泥要求在30%左右,干 污 泥 成 松 散粉 粒 状 可 与 煤粉混合后直接进入锅炉燃烧,污泥的热值大概在1500-2000kcal左右,可节省能源并且重复使用,有的污泥烘干后也可制成肥料和建筑材料,或直接填埋不会造成二次污染,变废为宝,完全可达到环保要求,此设备能耗低、热源可使用蒸汽、导热油、烟道气加热(蒸发1kg水消耗热量为1.1-1.3kg蒸汽)具有动力消耗低、运转平稳、低噪音、用工量小等优点,基本为全自动生产。 guanbao.cn | The early moisture in the sludge is generally 80%, after drying the final moisture of 10% -50%, usually requires about 30% of sludge, dried sludge into a loose granular powder mixed with pulverized coal directly into the boiler combustion, sludge The calorific value of roughly 1500-2000kcal about saving energy and re-use, and some can also be made of dried sludge fertilizer and building materials, or directly to landfill will not cause secondary pollution, turning waste into treasure, full to meet environmental requirements, this device low energy consumption, using steam heat, oil, flue gas heat (evaporation of 1kg of water consumption of steam heat for the 1.1-1.3kg) with low power consumption, stable operation, low noise, small amount of labor guanbao.cn |
FERMAPOR K31-发泡密封条是由稀至稠状的A-组分(多元醇)和硬化剂B-组分(异氰酸酯)组成。 sonderhoff.com | FERMAPOR K31 sealing foams consist of a liquid to paste-like A-component (polyol) and a resin, the B-component (MDI isocyanate). sonderhoff.com |
但一般情况下,将粉煤灰或硅砂加水磨成浆料,加入 粉 状 石 灰 ,适量 水 泥 、 石 膏和发泡剂,经搅拌后注入模框内,静氧发泡固化后,切割成各种规格砌块或板材,由蒸养车送入蒸压釜中,在高温饱和蒸气养护下即形成多孔轻质的加气混凝土制品。 mayastar.com.cn | However, under normal case, put fly ash [...] or silica sand, water, ground into [...] paste, lime powder, fixed cement, gypsum and blowing [...]agent by mixing into the mold, after [...]resting oxygen foam then curing, and cut into variety of specification blocks or plates, as steaming car into the autoclave. mayastar.com.cn |
如果你有症状,如稀疏的 头发和脱发最近来要看到可能是可疑 FAGA (女性雄激素性脱发)。 ikumou.drsato02.com | If you have symptoms such as thinning hair and hair [...] loss come lately to be seen may be suspicious FAGA (female androgenetic alopecia). ikumou.drsato02.com |
水泥:经细磨的粉状无机 材料,加水搅拌后成浆体,通过水化反应和各种过程 硬化成型,硬化之后,在水中坚固耐久。 ficem.org | Cement: Finely ground inorganic material [...] that, when mixed with water, forms a paste that sets and hardens by means of hydration [...]reactions and processes and that, after hardening, retains its strength and stability under water. ficem.org |
問題是,反過來,當我們要商議溝通及和解時,我們是不可以 和 稀泥般 的 ,溝通不是純粹為了溝通,正如李柱銘議員所提出的議案,溝通是為了真 正落實“一國兩制”,並非純粹坐下來商議,營造一下較友好的氣氛;也一 如司徒華議員所說,即使一時三刻談不攏,大家也應能夠緩和一下氣氛。 legco.gov.hk | Also, as Mr SZETO Wah said, even if agreement cannot be reached right away, we should still be able to ease the atmosphere. legco.gov.hk |
曾蔭權批評社民連的議會抗爭“正好嚴重破壞了有關精神”,若不以 人廢言,他說得也是,社民連便是要破壞腐朽的 和 稀泥 精 神 ,沖擊不義 的制度。 legco.gov.hk | Donald TSANG criticized that the LSD's confrontation in the legislature has "severely damaged such spirit". legco.gov.hk |
该意见明确了汽车、钢铁、水泥、船 舶、电解铝 、 稀 土 、电子信息、医药、农业 产业化龙头企业九大行业兼并重组的目标和任务。 suzhoulegal.com | According to the Guideline, nine major industries such as vehicles, steel, concrete, vessels, electrolytic aluminium, electronic information, medicine has been set the goals and tasks for Merger & Acquisition. suzhoulegal.com |
除了一些扩建之外,在过去的 40 年中基本 没有对大楼进行过维修,因此楼房的 状 况 不 佳, 水 泥 挡 阳 板大块松动、脱落,玻璃遮阳罩散落,雨水从屋顶漏 进会议室。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The buildings were thus in a very poor state, with concrete sunshields crumbling away in parts, glass sunscreens falling off, and water leaking from the terraces into conference rooms. unesdoc.unesco.org |
希望大家不要以「和稀泥」的 態度,去看這兩個不同的建議。 legco.gov.hk | It is hoped that we are not just trying to smooth things over when we consider these two different motions. legco.gov.hk |
我们China.Our主要产品有三家工厂和一家贸易公司,包括白刚玉,棕刚玉氧化铝(耐火级和磨料级),高铝酸盐 水 泥 , 板 状 氧 化 铝,高铝刚玉,电熔尖晶石,电熔Zriconia [...] - 莫来石,无功氧化铝微粉,电熔莫来石,氧化铝气泡,铝酸钙熟料,碳化硼,金属硅,硅铁,碳化硅,熔融石英,电熔镁,耐火浇注料的材料,耐火砖。 chinatrader.ru | We have three plants and a trade company in China.Our main products include White Fused Alumina , Brown Fused [...] Alumina (Refractory Grade and Abrasive [...] Grade), High Aluminate Cement, Tabular Alumina, [...]High Alumina Corundum, Fused Spinel, Fused [...]Zriconia-mullite, Reactive Al2O3 Micro powder, Fused Mullite, Alumina Bubble, Calcium Aluminate Clinkers, Boron Carbide, Silicon Metal, Ferro-Silicon, Silicon Carbide, Fused Silica, Fused Magnesia, Castable Refractory Materials, and Refractory Bricks. chinatrader.ru |
叶柄5-8(-12)毫米; 叶片绿色,椭圆形,倒卵状椭圆形,或披针形, 6-11 * 2-4 厘米,近革质,幼时被微柔毛或无毛,基部楔形,边缘全缘兑一残 波 状 和 有 细锯齿 的 稀 疏 , 先端 尾 状; 中脉的正面凹陷; 次脉8-11在中脉两边各,纤细,明显。 flora.ac.cn | Petiole 5-8(-12) mm; leaf blade green, elliptic, obovate-elliptic, or lanceolate, 6-11 × 2-4 cm, subleathery, puberulent or glabrous when young, base cuneate, margin entire to remotely repand and serrulate apically, apex caudate; midvein adaxially impressed; secondary veins 8-11 on each side of midvein, slender, evident. flora.ac.cn |
花序顶生和腋生,复合的稀松的穗状 花 序 5-15厘米,通常聚集在小枝先端并且形成多少疏松,多叶圆锥花序的;苞片宿存在花期,披针形,4-6毫米,被绒毛。 flora.ac.cn | Inflorescences terminal and axillary, laxly compound spikes 5-15 cm, usually grouped at branchlet apex and forming a ± lax, leafy panicle; bracts persistent at anthesis, lanceolate, 4-6 mm, tomentose. flora.ac.cn |
民協認為不論是在諮詢方式和內容方面,《綠皮書》均存在頗多不足之 處,在在展示政府只採取“和稀泥” 的 策略,未有恰如其分,擔當推動普選 的憲制角色。 legco.gov.hk | The Hong Kong Association for Democracy and People's Livelihood (ADPL) thinks that irrespective of the form and contents of the consultation, the Green Paper has quite a number of inadequacies. legco.gov.hk |
下部叶柄扁平; [...] 鞘卵形,白色的边缘; 宽的叶片平行四边形,3-4回三出/羽状 ; 羽 片6-8 对稀疏, 最近羽片具小叶柄长;宽卵形的小叶,8-10毫米,羽状半裂; [...]末回裂片2-3齿。 flora.ac.cn | Lower petioles flattened; sheaths ovate, white-margined; blades [...] broadly rhomboid, [...] 3–4-ternate/pinnate; pinnae 6–8 pairs remote, proximal pinnae long-petiolulate; [...]leaflets broadly ovate, [...]8–10 mm, pinnatifid; ultimate segments 2–3-toothed. flora.ac.cn |
其 他 预 防 食 物 不 受 霉 菌 毒 素 污 染 的 一 般 措 施 [...] , 包 括 保 持 良 好 的 泥 土 状 况 和 植 物 养 分 、 种 [...]植 时 避 免 霉 菌 污 染 、 减 少 在 收 割 前 和 收 割 期 间 受 昆 [...]虫 和 机 器 损 害 , 以 及 避 免 在 湿 度 高 的 情 况 下 晒 干 食 物 , 因 为 这 样 会 容 易 引 致 霉 菌 感 染 。 cfs.gov.hk | Other general measures for the prevention of [...] mycotoxin contaminations include [...] maintainence of good soil conditions and plant nutrition, [...]prevention of fungal contaminations [...]during planting, minimising insect or mechanical damage during pre-harvest and harvest stages, and avoiding sun-drying of food commodities at high humidity which are prone to fungal infections. cfs.gov.hk |
叶基生和茎生 托叶早落,卵形,5-7毫米,边缘有细锯齿; 带红色的叶柄通常,在25厘米; 叶片卵形, [...] 不对称 ,对27×18厘米, 背面无毛 ,正面稀疏粗糙的,掌状脉,6或7脉,基部斜,心形,边缘不规则细锯齿,浅裂,先端锐尖或短渐尖。 flora.ac.cn | Leaves basal and cauline; stipules caducous, ovate, 5-7 mm, margin serrulate; petiole often reddish, to 25 cm; blade ovate, [...] asymmetric, to 27 × 18 cm, [...] abaxially glabrous, adaxially sparsely scabrous, venation palmate, [...]6- or 7-veined, base oblique, [...]cordate, margin irregularly serrulate, shallowly lobed, apex acute or shortly acuminate. flora.ac.cn |