单词 | 稀有 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 稀有adjective—rareadj稀有noun—rarityn稀有—uncommonExamples:稀有元素—trace element (nutrition) 稀有性n—rarityn 稀有气体—rare gas noble gas (chemistry) See also:稀adj—rareadj sparseadj 稀—watery uncommon
资料如披露会令环境、稀有或濒临绝种生物及其生长 的自然环境受到损害的可能性增加。 access.gov.hk | Information the disclosure of which would increase the likelihood of damage to the environment, or to rare or endangered species or their habitats. access.gov.hk |
碘盐在海地是稀有商品,而且海地有严重的碘缺乏症问题。 unicef.org | Iodized salt isarare commodity in Haiti, and the country hasasignificant iodine deficiency problem. unicef.org |
例如,加拿大近海虾和底层鱼类拖网渔业在新斯科舍近海实行了自愿性禁 渔,以保护一个稀有海绵密集的区域。 daccess-ods.un.org | For example, in Canada, the offshore [...] trawling industry for shrimp and groundfish [...]had instituted a voluntary closure off [...]Nova Scotia to protect a concentration of rare sponges. daccess-ods.un.org |
第一种方法在手腕上,你就会知道是什麽让手表BRM稀有度:建造住房的模块化制造过程中非常具体的时间BRM车。 zh.horloger-paris.com | The first approach to the wrist, you will know what makes [...] the watches BRMrarity:a housingconstructed [...]modular manufacturing process very specific time BRM cars. en.horloger-paris.com |
热带森林是地球上最多样性的生态系统之一,它们有许多稀有的树木物种,稀有树木物种的丰富程度妨碍了对环境因素如何影响这类地形的理解。 chinese.eurekalert.org | One of the most diverse ecosystems on the planet, tropical forests contain many rare tree species, the abundance of which has impeded an understanding of how environmental factors influence such landscapes. chinese.eurekalert.org |
以铀为原料的核能生产近期不断加速,而清洁技术的开发则导致稀有金属、包括 稀土元素的需求增加。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nuclear energy production, requiring uranium, had been accelerating in recent times, while the development of clean technologies had led to an increased demand for rare metals, including rare earth elements. daccess-ods.un.org |
各国还必须无条件地采取措施,“保护和保全稀有或脆弱的生态系统以及衰竭、 受威胁或濒于灭绝的物种和其他形式海洋生物”(第 194(5)条)。 daccess-ods.un.org | States must also, without qualification, take measures “to protect and preserve rare or fragile ecosystems as well as the habitat of depleted, threatened or endangered species and other forms of marine life” (article 194(5)). daccess-ods.un.org |
一位答复者表示,优先事项的定义取决于对重大计划 II 和 III 的总体评审结果,一些答 复者指出了应由两个计划共同努力的优先事项领域,例如:稀有物资和利益的分配;多元性 问题;可持续发展以及制定社会变革的政策。 unesdoc.unesco.org | One respondent stated that the definition of priorities would depend upon the results of the overall review of Major Programmes II and III and several [...] respondents defined [...] priority areas thatshould be jointly addressed by the two programmes, for example: the distribution of scarcegoods and benefits; [...]the problem of [...]plurality; sustainable development; and the formulation of policies for social transformation. unesdoc.unesco.org |
当穗看到穿着火红宝石宝石的稀有,他还记得,当他心甘情愿地给它以稀有之前,他的生日。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | When Spike seesRarity wearing a fire ruby gemstone, he remember when he had willingly given itto Raritybefore his birthday. seekcartoon.com |
来到这里度假,别忘了带一件纪念品回家,“爱德华王子岛之最”商店出售岛民制作的手工艺品,您不妨选择由稀有的枫木雕刻而成的木器。 msccruises.com.cn | Take home a reminder of your vacation here; visit ‘best of Prince Edward Island’ store for products made by talented islanders, or pick up wooden items carved from the rare PEI tree, the birds eye maple. msccruises.in |
以极为稀有的收藏级宝石为例,在2010年11月(当时全球经济尚未完全复苏)的拍卖会中,格拉夫(GRAFF)珠宝公司以4,600万美元的天价,买下一颗24.78克拉的浓彩粉红色VS2 级钻石,每克拉的单价高达1,856,336美元;原持有者珍藏这颗宝石的时间超过60年。 ravenelart.com | Fancy Intense Pink VS2 diamond that was previously held by the same owner for morethan 60 years was purchased by GRAFF Diamonds in an auction in November 2010, (when the world economy was still nowhere near full recovery), for US$46 million, achieving an astounding figure of US$1,856,336 per carat. ravenelart.com |
7.决定所有会员国应采取适当步骤,促 进将 1990 年 8 月 6 日第 661(1990)号 决议通过以来从伊拉克国家博物馆、国家 图书馆和伊拉克其他地点非法取走的伊拉 克文化财产以及其他考古、历史、文化、 科学稀有和宗教重要物品安全交还伊拉克 机构,包括规定禁止买卖或转让这类物品 和可合理怀疑是非法取走的物品,并吁请 联合国教育、科学及文化组织、国际刑警 组织和其他国际组织酌情协助执行本 段;”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | 7. Decides that all Member States shall take appropriate steps to facilitate the safe return to Iraqi institutions of Iraqi cultural property and other items of archaeological, historical, cultural, rare scientific, and religious importance illegally removed from the Iraq National Museum, the National Library, and other 8 locations in Iraq since the adoption of resolution 661 (1990) of 6 August 1990, including by establishing a prohibition on trade in or transfer of such items and items with respect to which reasonable suspicion exists that they have been illegally removed, and calls upon the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, Interpol, and other international organizations, as appropriate, to assist in the implementation of this paragraph unesdoc.unesco.org |
我目前的研究兴趣主要集中在以下方面:(1) [...] 大洋中脊和弧-弧后系统上的海底 热液活动;(2) 与热液活动有关的块状硫化物矿床和作为深海矿产资源的铁锰结 壳矿床;(3) [...] 海底以下生物圈的微生物地球化学;(4) 热液系统内及其引发的地 球化学循环;(5) 陆地和海底的“稀有金属”矿产资源。 daccess-ods.un.org | My current research interests are mainly focused on: (1) the seafloor hydrothermal activities both on the mid-ocean ridge and the arc-backarc systems; (2) the massive sulfide deposits related to hydrothermal activity and the ferromanganese crust deposits as deep-sea mineral resources; (3) the microbial geochemistry of the subseafloor biosphere; (4) the [...] geochemical cycle within and from the hydrothermal systems; and [...] (5) the “rare-metal” mineral resources onland and seafloor. daccess-ods.un.org |
在此配置中,冠凹槽材料加工中的房屋接收一个真正的珍珠的万宝龙徽强调它的稀有性。 zh.horloger-paris.com | In this configuration, the crown fluted material machined in the housing receives a real pearl Montblanc [...] emblem to emphasizeitsrarity. en.horloger-paris.com |
其 生 产 涉 及 多种稀 有金属,例 如 钨、钼、铬、钒 及 其 他 原 材 料。 cre8ir.com | Its production involves various rare metals, such as tungsten, molybdenum, chromium, vanadium and other raw materials. cre8ir.com |
因此,鼓励各国促进技术转让,以探查和跟踪小武器和轻 [...] 武器的贩运情况,尤其是如果这种贩运与贩运毒品、有组织犯罪和恐怖主义以及 贩运稀有矿产有关。 daccess-ods.un.org | Accordingly, States are encouraged to facilitate the transfer of technology for the detection and tracing of the trafficking in small arms and light weapons, in [...] particular when it is related to drug trafficking, organized crime and terrorism and [...] the traffickinginprecious minerals. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管他的狂暴行为做了Ponyville的破坏,稀有仍然认为穗是最慷慨的人,她知道。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Despite the damage his rampage had [...] done to Ponyville,Rarity still thinks Spike [...]is the most generous person she knows. seekcartoon.com |
必须掌握行政能力以促进遵守和尊重法律、规则、条例、程序、适当进程和 谨慎利用稀有资源以避免在行政系统中无限制地利用酌处权,避免混乱政治竞 [...] 争、贪污腐败、缺乏问责制以及“适者生存”的情况,这种情况是社会上许多人 容易遭受各种各样自私力量,以及最终遭受暴力的侵害。 daccess-ods.un.org | Administrative ability is necessary for following and respecting laws, rules, [...] regulations, procedures, due process and prudent [...] utilizationof scarceresources to [...]avoid unlimited use of discretion in bureaucracies, [...]chaotic political competition, corruption, lack of accountability and a situation of “survival of the fittest” which leaves many individuals in society vulnerable to all sorts of selfish forces and eventually to violence. daccess-ods.un.org |
Tremblay于2010年加入温哥华香格里拉大酒店的MARKET餐厅,并通过购买各种稀有和年代久远的葡萄酒来为餐厅的酒窖增添各种高级的酒类。 shangri-la.com | Tremblay joined Shangri-La Hotel, Vancouver, and MARKET Restaurant in 2010 and has added much depth to the cellar by acquiring rare, back-vintage bottles. shangri-la.com |
6.5 为支持减少混获和丢弃问题之管理措施,国家及 RFMO/As 应当酌情绘制海床栖地 图、作为混获所捕捞物种分布及范围,尤其是稀有、濒危、受威胁和受保护物种, 以确定此類作为混获物种和渔获努力量可能重叠之处。 ofdc.org.tw | 6.5 In support of management measures to mitigate bycatch and discard problems, States and RFMO/As should, where appropriate, map seabed habitats, distributions and ranges of species taken as bycatch, in particular rare, endangered, threatened or protected species, to ascertain where species taken as bycatch might overlap with fishing effort. ofdc.org.tw |
网络优惠券中介通过将其营销重点从折扣程度转向价值、效用性、 甚至稀有性,以此改变人们对其所提供服务的认知,即把甩卖转变 [...] 成为一种深思熟虑的新型的公司市场营销策略。 deloittetmt.com | By shifting the focus from discount size to value, [...] utility or even rarity, onlinecoupon [...]intermediaries could change the perception [...]of their offering from a last-ditch sales effort to a deliberate and innovative part of a company’s marketing strategy. deloittetmt.com |
有一点很清楚:虽然农业系统在过去30 年里取得 [...] 了骄人的成果,但现在必须关注的是,如何更好地抵御与气候有关的冲击,以及 如何更加高效率地使用稀有资源。 daccess-ods.un.org | The message is clear: while the agricultural system has achieved impressive results over the past 30 years, it must [...] now focus on becoming more resilient to climate-related shocks, and on making a more [...] efficient use of scarceresources. daccess-ods.un.org |
2009瑞士巴塞尔世界钟表珠宝展,Ogival将复古、现代、优雅、实用完美结合,展出品牌隽永风格的多款珠宝表、重现教皇荣耀纪念表、八十年复刻表、稀有机芯经典机械表、多功能的自动机械表、限量细致的18K金收藏表、结合高科技氚气自体发光灯管夜光表、以及专为温馨甜蜜时刻设计并享有专利的山茶花表款...等,多变设计展现Ogival百年淬链的精致工艺技术。 ogival-watch.com | The World Watch and Jewellery Show in Baselworld 2009, Ogival retro, modern, elegant, practical and perfect binding, exhibited a variety of jewelry brand timeless style table, reproduce Popethe glory Memorial Table, the eight decades engraved table a rare movement classic mechanicaltable, multi-functional automatic mechanical watches, limited edition detailed collection of 18K gold table, combined with high-tech self-luminous tritium gas lamp luminous watch, designed specifically for warm and sweet moment and patented camellia watch ... morechange of design show Ogival centuries quenching chain exquisite technology. ogival-watch.com |
使用于液晶面板或LED的生产的锑、铟等,至今为止不常听到的稀有金属从中国大陆以大气沉降物的形式飞来,其积累率在这30年间急速增加,这一事实是由八幡平山岳湖沼的湖底堆积物分析而得来的。 tohoku.ac.jp | The analysis of alpine lake sediments in the mountains of the Hachimantai have revealed that the accumulation rate of these metals is rapidly increasing in the past 30 years. tohoku.ac.jp |
阿尔卑斯山脉中的梅康图尔(Mercantour)国家公园因其野生狼群而闻名遐迩,这里还是稀有动植物群的栖息地,这里的物种之丰富和珍贵超出人们的想象,它们至今鲜为人知。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | Famous forits wolves, Mercantour National Park in the Alps is also home to an extraordinarily rich flora and fauna, which is highly distinctive but relatively unknown. consulfrance-hongkong.org |