

单词 移植手术



coronary bypass operation

See also:

手术 adj

surgical adj

手术 pl

surgeries pl

手术 n

operation n

External sources (not reviewed)

(b) 移植手术及其 他假体安装手术,及其相应更换。
(b) Implants and other orthoprosthetic [...]
appliances and renewal where necessary.
承担包括所有手术室费用、麻醉师费用、手术费用及医院杂项费用等 进行肾脏、心脏、肝脏、肺或骨 移植手术 的 全 部合理且必需的医疗 费用。
Include all expenses of operating theatre &
materials, anesthetists, surgeon and hospital service
[...] relating to the transplantation of heart³ kidney³³ [...]
or bone marrow.
我在意的是对你真诚,并告诉你有关于这个疾病的真相以 移植手术。
I care about being sincere with you, and telling you the truth about this
[...] disease, and the transplant.
主动脉根部病变患 者需要进行联移植手术,同 时置换主动脉瓣及主动脉根部 血管,一般还需要进行冠状动脉再植。
In patients with aortic root
[...] disease, composite grafts may be required to [...]
replace the aortic valve and root, usually necessitating coronary reimplantation.
[...] 诊断过程时所需提供的协助,其服务对象为在住院期间需要持续的专业照顾的病 人,也包移植手术及其 他假体安装手术及其相应更换,以及相应的康复治疗。
Hospitalization on an inpatient basis,
[...] comprising medical, surgical, obstetric and pediatric [...]
care or the performance of diagnostic
treatment and procedures for patients needing continuing care requiring inpatient status.
Van Laar说,由于这是对比干细胞移植和传统疗法的首次研究,建议吸烟者勿进 移植手术 并 不是成熟的做法。
However, since this was the first study to compare stem cell transplant with
conventional therapy, van Laar said it would be premature to recommend that
[...] smokers not undergo the transplant procedure.
自体胰移植手术是从 本来废弃的胰脏中提取出胰岛素产生细胞,移植回患者本身,从而阻止糖尿并发症的非常先端的再生技术。
The pancreatic islet autotransplantation is an
[...] ultimately-advanced regeneration technology established in [...]
order to prevent the development of diabetes
by extracting insulin producing cells from pancreas to be generally discarded and transplanting them into the patients.
移植手术意味 着将捐献者的健康肾移植到 ESRD 患者的体内。
Transplantation surgery means that a healthy kidney from a donor is transplanted into a recipient [...]
suffering from ESRD.
未来科学技术公用研究中心的后藤仓史教授、大学院医学系研究科现金外科的里见进教授、大学院医学系研究科肝胆胰外科的海野伦明教授等人的研究小组,针对因胰动静脉畸形引起急性腹膜炎从而施行胰脏全摘除手术的患者,通过对其施行自体胰 移植手术 成 功地恢复了患者的胰岛素产生能力。
A research group led by Professor Masafumi Goto at New Industry Creation Hatchery Center, Tohoku University, Professor Susumu Satomi at Division of Advanced Surgical Science and Technology, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine and Professor Michiaki Unno at Division of Gastroenterological Surgery, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine has successfully increased insulin productivity by the pancreatic islet autotransplantation for a patient after undergoing an emergency surgery to remove the whole pancreas due to acute peritonitis caused by pancreatic arteriovenous malformation.
照料罹患严重肾功能衰竭并需要进 移植手术 的 病人受到影响,因为无法从 通用电气公司购买伽马剖析图室或从美国公司 [...]
One Lambda 购买优质的反人类白 细胞抗原试剂,这导致国家移植方案关闭。
Care for patients with serious renal
[...] failure who require transplants has been affected [...]
by the impossibility of purchasing a
gamma topography chamber from General Electric and high-quality anti-HLA (human leukocyte antigen) reagents from One Lambda, a United States company, which has resulted in the shutdown of the national transplant programme.
婴儿初生时若欠缺有效的适应性免疫系统,例如患有严重复合性免疫缺乏症,必须采取非常步骤,如进行骨 移植手术 , 方 可生存。
Infants born without a functioning adaptive immune system, such as those with
severe combined
[...] immunodeficiency, require heroic measures, such as bone marrow transplantation, if they are to [...]
Dr Wall也在讲座会中穿插因疾病或因故受伤的受损肝脏照片,并且向学生们分享了辨认的小贴士,另外出席者们也有机会目睹 移植手术 中 所 拍摄的照片。
Along with the talk, Dr Wall also presented detailed photographs of livers struck by disease or damage, and gave the students tips on identifying them.
具体而言,酷 刑问题特别报告员发现,器 移植手术 的 增 加与“开始迫害”法轮功学员的时间 恰好一致,要求进行全面调查,以澄清不实之处,缔约国对这一要求采取了哪些 措施?
In particular, what measures have been taken to address the request for a full investigation that would clarify the discrepancy cited by the Special Rapporteur on torture regarding the finding that an increase in organ transplants coincided with the “beginning of persecution” of some Falun Gong practitioners?
明尼苏达大学心脏移植主任廖康雄医生在最近的美国新闻周刊的评选中荣获美国最佳1%心胸外科医生称号,以褒奖廖医生在心 移植手术 方 面所取得的成就。
Dr. Kenneth Liao, director of the heart transplant program at University of Minnesota has been ranked by US News & World Report as one of the top 1% cardiothoracic surgeons in the US.
百汇医疗集团在肿瘤(癌症)、肝脏手术、心血管疾病等诸多临床领域颇有建树,成功进行了印尼的第一例连体婴儿分离手术、东南亚首例活体 移植手术 和 亚 洲首例机器人心脏和泌尿微创外科手术。
The company operates more than thirty premium primary care and health-screening facilities under the Parkway Shenton brand, and specialized
Centers of (Medical
[...] and Surgical) Excellence in several key medical specialties (e.g. Oncology (Cancer), Liver Surgery, Cardiology) [...]
and themed surgical
facilities (e.g. Eye Center, Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery).
Dr Wall的努力与付出获得了肯定,他于2006年获颁澳洲勋章(Order of Australia)以表彰他移植手术与专 科培训上所作出的贡献,他无微不至照顾伤患的精神于2007年获颁澳洲皇家外科医学院Gordon [...]
Dr Wall was awarded the Order of
Australia in 2006 for his contribution
[...] to the field of transplant surgery and specialist [...]
training and the RACS Gordon Trinca
Medal in 2007 for services to the care of the injured.
舉例說,我們是否要進行無限次心 移植手 術 , 而實際㆖進行這類手術㆒次的 成本,足以為本港㆔分之㆒㆚型肝炎帶菌者提供疫苗?
Are we going to do an unlimited
[...] number of heart transplantation for example where [...]
the cost of one may be enough to provide
for vaccine for a third of our Hepatitis B population?
(i) 註冊醫生在下述情況下 須承擔的法律責 任:因 病 人 患有疾病或 正 處於神智不 清 的 狀態,或因 病 人 是未成年人、精神上無行為能力的人而 在 未取得病人 同 意下進行器官移植;病 人的親屬 能否代沒有能力作出同 意的病 人作出同 意;若 病 人的親屬 無法就是否同意進行器移植手術 達 成 共識,將如何處理。
(i) Legal liability of the registered medical practitioner for performing an organ transplant on a patient without first obtaining the latter's consent because of his illness or impaired state of consciousness or his being a minor, a mentally incapacitated person; whether relatives of a patient who could not give consent might give consent on behalf of the patient; and what would happen if the relatives had no consensus on whether to give consent.
只有在我們有足夠從死者捐 贈得來的器官,供應給輪候接受器官移植的病患者,那些需要進行器 移植手 術 的長 期病患者才不致鋌而走險,觸犯法例“購買器官”,或冒生命危險,在㆒些醫療水準 可能有問題的陌生環境㆗接受器官移植。
It is only when there are enough donated organs (cadaveric ones) to supply those in the waiting list who need transplantation that those chronically ill who needs transplantation will not risk confrontation with the law to "buy" an organ or to expose his/her life to possible danger by having a transplantation in a foreign environment of uncertain standard.
核心术平台以J2EE技术框架为基础,提供了全方位的 术 开 发 支撑环境,包含:统一接口平台(用于消除不同类型PBX、CTI、IVR、录音系统的差异,提供统一的开发环境)、快速开发插件、快速原型框架、统一企业服务总线、统一安全控制框架、不同行业的业务组件库和工作流引擎、报表工具、数 移植 工 具 等。
The core technology platform is based on the J2EE technology framework, which provides a full range of technology development support environments, including: a unified interface platform (for shielding the differences among different types of systems such as PBX, CTI, IVR, and recording systems, and providing a unified development environment), rapid development plug-in, rapid prototyping framework, unified enterprise service bus, unified security control frameworks, as well as business component libraries, workflow engines, reporting tools, and data migration tools for different [...]
会员国和国际组织应鼓励开放使用信息的措施,包括为信息的交流、软件的 移植 性和互用性以及在全球信息网络上使用公有的信息制定统一的方法和 术 标 准
Member States and international organizations should encourage open access solutions including the formulation of technical and methodological
standards for
[...] information exchange, portability and interoperability, as well as online accessibility of public domain information on global [...]
information networks.
还应当为信息 的交流、软件的移植性、 互用性以及全球信息网络上提供的公有信息的在线利用在方法和术上制定统一的标准。
They should also ensure the formulation of technical and methodological standards for information exchange, portability and interoperability, as well as online accessibility of public domain information on global information networks.
為加強條例草案各條文的阻嚇作用,專案小組認為,條例草案第 4(4)、5(7)及 6(3) 條分別就㆟體器官買賣、在生㆟士之間的非法㆟體器官移植及沒有向㆟體器官移植委 員會提移植手術的 資料等方面所定立的罰則,應予大幅度提高。
In order to strengthen the deterrent effect of the provisions in the Bill, the ad hoc group considers that the level of penalty in commercial trading in human organs, illegal transplant of human organs between living persons and failure to supply information about transplant operations to the Transplant Board, as provided in clauses 4(4), 5(7) and 6(3) respectively, should be substantially raised.
雖然過去亦曾進行多宗這類移植 手術, 但世界各㆞的醫務㆟員仍不大願意利用與病者毫無關係而又在生的捐贈者的器官, [...]
Though many such transplants have been performed [...]
in the past, the medical profession worldwide remains hesitant to use the
organs of living unrelated donors, preferring wherever possible to use the organs of cadaveric donors.
印发的出版物包括:移民管理关术 语手 册“迁移中的 人”(2008 年);关于欧洲和西非人口自由流动问题的比较研究报告 (K.Touzenis,2009 [...]
年底),“无国界移民”,该书被译成了法文、西班牙文、俄文和中 文;法文期刊特刊“人与迁移”,此书即将由教科文组织和剑桥大学出版社出版,《国际多
文化社会杂志》特刊,第 9 卷,第 2 期,第 10 卷,第 1 期;《国际多文化社会杂志》特刊 “移民应享有的人权”,2009 年底;以及为“国际移民日:1812 事件播放”活动编写的宣 传材料。
Publications include the handbook on key terms of migration management: “People [...]
on the Move”, 2008; the comparative research
report on free movement in Europe and West Africa, K. Touzenis (end 2009); the translation of the book “Migration without Borders” to French, Spanish, Russian and Chinese; as well as a special issue of the French journal “Hommes et Migration”; a forth-coming book by UNESCO/Cambridge University Press; special issues of IJMS: Volume 9, No. 2; Volume 10, No. 1; and a special issue of IJMS on Human Rights for Migrants, end 2009; as well as the preparation for the International Migrants Day: Radio 1812 event.
2002 年下半年发行了一些出版物,包括国际水文科学协会的专业出 版物《南美河流和沼泽地的生态水文学》和教科文组织国际水文计划与联合国环境规划署国 际环境技术中心的共手册《 集水区的综合管理指南— 植 物 技 术 和 生 态水文学》。
Several publications were issued during the second half of 2002, including the IAHS special publication “The Ecohydrology of South American Rivers and
Wetlands” and the Joint UNESCO
[...] IHP and UNEP-IETC handbook on “Guidelines for the integrated management of the watershed – Phytotechnology and Ecohydrology”.
他們關注到把沙田威爾斯親王醫院 (“威院")及瑪麗醫院兩個中心合併後,可否維持每年進行 80 宗肝移 植手術, 以及醫管局如何保障威院肝臟病人在肝臟移植中心合併後的利益。
They were concerned whether after the merger of the respective centres in the Prince of Wales Hospital (PWH) and the Queen Mary Hospital (QMH), the merged centre would still be able to maintain the existing capacity of 80 operations per annum and how the HA would protect the interest of the liver disease patients of the PWH after the merger.
毫無疑 問,本港的確有先進的醫療技術,更有精湛的器 移植手 術 , 然而每年仍然有很多病㆟因 肝癌及腎病而去世,原因是因為香港嚴重缺乏器官捐贈,以致移植數字並不理想。
Undoubtedly, we do have here in Hong Kong
advanced medical
[...] technologies and very skilful medical staff to perform organ transplantation. Yet many patients [...]
die every year of
liver cancer and kidney diseases because the situation of organ transplant is far from being satisfactory as a result of the serious shortage of donated organs in Hong Kong.
工发组织提出建议,摩洛哥政府希望重新制定项目提案以引入以下替代 术 : 移植 法, 日晒结合通过现有的滴灌系统施用 1,3-D [...]
和三氯硝基甲,仅在低虫压的表面区域采用生物 熏蒸剂等。
UNIDO has advised that the Government of Morocco wishes to redesign the project
proposal to introduce the following
[...] alternative technologies: grafting, solarization [...]
in combination with 1,3-D and chloropicrin
applied through the currently available drip irrigation system, and bio-fumigation only on surface areas with low pest pressure.




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