

单词 移情别恋

See also:


shift one's affection
change sentiment


romantic love

External sources (not reviewed)

本国与东道国都应认识到移徙者 协会 恋 故 乡,了解当地实 情况 和需求,长期支持和尊重当地传统价值观,因而可以为当地社会的发 展做出多重贡献。
Home and host countries should
[...] recognize that migrant associations can make multiple contributions to the development of local communities, on account of migrant associations’ [...]
solidarity with their
homeland, knowledge of local realities and needs, long-term commitment and respect of local and traditional values.
某些社会群体尤其容易受到酷刑的迫害,例如妇女、儿童、青年、被关押人 员以及女同恋、男同性恋、双性恋 和 变 性者, 别 是 在 安蒂奥基亚。
Some social groups are particularly
vulnerable to torture, such as women,
[...] children, youth, incarcerated persons, and LGBT persons, in particular in Antioquia.
关于男女同恋者和 变性人的权利,以及承认同居者和同性伴侣权 利的法律,乌拉圭报告制订了保障这些伴侣权利的收养法,以及 别 认 同 法案。
With regard to the rights of gays, lesbians and transsexuals, and the legislation that
[...] recognized the rights of couples cohabiting and couples of the same sex, Uruguay reported on the new law on adoption guaranteeing this right for these couples and on the bill on gender identity.
[...] 关的活动可以整合到区域服务中心,与迁移他处的财务和人事活动类似;支持区 域服务中心业务的活动,如提供区域化电信服务和信息系统;提供业务连续性基 础设施,以便在发生紧情况的 时候帮助从区域特派团 移别 处。
Information and communications technology activities in the regional service centres can be grouped into three major segments: non-location-dependent activities from the regional missions that can be consolidated in the regional service centre, similar to the financial and personnel activities that will be relocated; activities in support of the operations of the regional service centre, such as providing regionalized telecommunications services and information
systems; and providing business continuity
[...] infrastructure to facilitate relocation from regional missions during emergencies.
强调移徙现象具有全球性质,必须在这方面 情 开 展 国际、区域和双边合作 与对话,必须保移徙者的人权, 别 是 考虑 到 移 徙 流 动在全球化经济中日增, 出现于一个新的安全关切背景下
Emphasizing the global character of the migratory phenomenon, the importance of international, regional and bilateral
cooperation and dialogue in
[...] this regard, as appropriate, and the need to protect the human rights of migrants, particularly at a time in which migration flows have increased [...]
in the globalized
economy and take place in a context of new security concerns
它欢迎乌拉圭为促使国际论坛关注男女同恋、双性恋和跨性别者权利而发挥的作用,以及在国内采取的行动,包括其率先 采取行动,成为拉丁美洲第一个允许同性法定结合的国家。
It welcomed the role Uruguay had played in bringing attention to the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons in international forums, and the measures taken nationally, including its leadership in being the first country in Latin America to provide for same-sex civil unions.
别报告 员的口头报告中,她主要强调了经济、社 会和文化权利,维护少数群体和土著人民的人权 的人以及维护特殊群体如男同性恋者、女同恋 者、双性恋者和性转移者权利的人。
In her statement, the Special Rapporteur had emphasized economic, social and cultural rights and defenders of the rights of minorities, indigenous peoples and groups such as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.
没有关于解雇或开除女同性恋者、男同 恋 者 、双 性 恋 者 和跨 性 别 者 的 案例 或数据,有关法律禁止基于性取向的歧视。
There were no cases or data regarding the firing or discharge of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons from their work, and the relevant laws prohibited discrimination based on sexual orientation.
然而,其中一些建议由于之后的活动和新的 所需条件的出现,尤其是业务连续性中央管理股的设立而时过境迁,该 股的目的是在全联合国更广泛的基础上处理业务连续性问题,同时考虑 到预防大流行病规划和其他非信息和通信技术方面(见 A/64/472 和本补 编第 A/64/7/Add.8 号文件),以及在因基本建设总计划而引起 移 的情 况下建立 1 个新的二级数据中心的需要(见 A/64/346/Add.1)。
However, some of those proposals have been superseded as a result of subsequent events and the emergence of new requirements, in particular the establishment of a central business continuity management unit to address business continuity issues on a broader, Organization-wide basis, taking into account pandemic planning and other non-information and communications technology aspects (see A/64/472 and document A/64/7/Add.8 in the present supplement), as well as the requirement for a new secondary data centre in the context of the relocations due to the capital master plan (see A/64/346/Add.1).
鉴于上情况,特别报告员希望强调,各国应向贩运的受害者提供援助,不 论其是否同司法程序合作,并邀请各国加强努力改进受害者身份查证程序和相应 的移交机制,包括情移交给寻求庇护系统的机制。
In line with
[...] the above, the Special Rapporteur wishes to highlight that States should provide assistance to victims of trafficking irrespective of their cooperation in relation to judicial proceedings, and invites States to strengthen efforts to improve victim identification processes and the corresponding referral mechanisms, including referral to asylum-seeking systems, where appropriate.
即使此种法律没有执行,它对 女同性恋、男同恋、双性恋和跨性 别 者 的 尊严也是一种贬损。
Even when not enforced, such laws undermine the human dignity of lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people.
关于向反卡扎菲部队提供军用物资的问题,专家组已查明以下三类移交:(1) 按 照第 1973(2011)号决议第 4 段在先行通知后进行的移交;(2) 在没有进行适当通情况下移交军用物资和人员;(3) 在未进行通情况下进行移交, 违反了武器 禁运。
Regarding the provision of military materiel to the anti-Qadhafi forces, the Panel has identified three types of transfers: (1) notified transfers that were made in accordance with paragraph 4 of resolution 1973 (2011); (2) inadequate notifications of transfers of military materiel and personnel; and (3) non-notified transfers which constitute a violation of the arms embargo.
此外,机会均等部还委托国家统计局在2011 年前在全国范围内开展第一个 多目的仇视同恋情况调查。
Along these lines, the Department for Equal Opportunities has
commissioned the National Institute of Statistics to carry out the first national
[...] multipurpose survey on homophobia by 2011.
特别报告员认为, 这种方案吸收和助长歧视性的方式,并使之陈规定型化,因为它们是以异性恋为 标准,忽视了人口中男女同恋者、 改变 别 者 、双 性 恋 者 的存在,从而使这些 人面临危险或歧视性的惯例。
In the Special Rapporteur’s view, this type of programme normalizes, stereotypes and promotes images that are discriminatory because they are based on heteronormativity; by denying the existence of the lesbian, gay, transsexual, transgender and bisexual population, they expose these groups to risky and discriminatory practices.
移民局断定情况不 是这 样时,申诉人说,她的朋友可能用了另一张,但她不知道。
When the Migration Board asserted that it was not the case, the complainant [...]
then stated that her friend might have used
another photo but that she did not know.
联合主席在这方面强调,“[定居者 ]留在被占领土的时间越长,他们在目 前居住地扎的根就越深,对其更加 恋 ” , 而且“这 情 况 长期继续下去,则可 能导致既成事实,进而使和平进程严重复杂化“(见 [...]
A/59/747-S/2005/187,附件 一)。
The Co-chairs emphasized in this regard that “the longer [settlers] remain in the occupied territories, the deeper their roots and attachments to their present places of residence
will become” and that
[...] “prolonged continuation of this situation could lead to a fait accompli [...]
that would seriously complicate
the peace process” (see A/59/747-S/2005/187, annex I).
(c) 采用包括互联网在内的新型信息技术,企图利用他人卖淫及其他形式 色情活动营利,贩卖妇女充当新娘,经营性旅游,制作儿童 情 制 品 、 恋 童 癖及 其他任何形式对儿童进行性剥削
(c) The use of new information technologies, including the Internet, for the purposes of exploitation of the prostitution of others and other forms of sexual exploitation, for trafficking in
women as brides and for sex
[...] tourism, child pornography, paedophilia and any other form of sexual exploitation of children
入认识并迫切需要应对的包括:人权问题,特别是涉及被偷运和被贩运人口和非正常移徙者 的人权问题;移徙劳工在全球化经济中发挥的作用;全球环境变化对移民潮的影响;移民的
[...] 社会融入问题,特别是在城市环境下;移徙儿童面临的教育挑战;学生的流动性加大,学历 认证常常存在困难;尊重移民的文化多样性;移徙女性化以及人口流动的 别 问 题 ; 移 徙对 发展的影响;媒体在正确、真实地反映移徙问题方面发挥的作用;移徙在地区一体化进程中 发挥的作用。
The most pressing policy challenges raised by international migration to be understood and managed include: concerns over human rights, especially as far as victims of smuggling and trafficking and irregular migrants are concerned; the role of migrant labour in a globalizing economy; the impact of global environmental change on migration flows; the social inclusion of migrants, especially in urban settings; the education challenges faced by migrant children; the growing mobility of students and the sometimes difficult recognition of
their qualifications;
[...] the respect for migrants’ cultural diversity; the feminization of migration and the gender dimension of human mobility; [...]
the impact of migration on development; the role of the
media in properly documenting migration issues; and the role of migration in regional integration processes.
还将在保证混移徙 情况中的庇护空间和加强应对城市中的流离失所问题方面开展业务。
Operations will also work to safeguard asylum space in the
[...] context of mixed migration and strengthen [...]
the response to displacement in urban settings.
该组织感 到 高 兴 的 是 ,在阿联酋 政 府 通过的许 多 建议中,有 一项承
[...] 诺是继 续 加 强 劳 动 法 , 改善工人、别是移徙 工人和家 政工人的工作条件 和 生 活 [...]
,包括设立 一 个 机制处理关于歧视性待遇 的报道 和 投 诉 。
It welcomed the fact that among the many recommendations adopted by the Government, there is a commitment to continue strengthening its labour law, improve the
working conditions and the lives of
[...] workers, and in particular migrant and domestic [...]
workers, including a mechanism to deal
with reports and complaints on discriminatory treatment.
(c) 利用包括互联网在内的新的信息技术进行剥削构成贩运,如贩运妇女
[...] 进入强迫婚姻、强迫劳动和提供服务,并从事性旅游业对她们进行剥削,以及贩 运儿童,尤其是利用儿童从事情、 恋 童 癖 行为和强迫劳动和提供服务,以及以 [...]
(c) The use of new information technologies, including the Internet, for the purposes of exploitation that constitute trafficking, such as for trafficking in women for forced marriages, for forced labour and services and for exploitation in sex tourism, as
well as trafficking in children for,
[...] inter alia, child pornography, paedophilia, [...]
forced labour and services, and any other
form of exploitation of children
Sekaggya 女士 (人权维护者状况问题别 报告 员)指出,各国寻求各种方法限制言论自由 ——通过限制性的法律、撤回许可、迁移人口、 侵入居所——尤其是当人们为自己的社会、经济 和文化权利而斗争,或捍卫群体权利时,如男同 性恋群体、女同恋群体、双恋群 体 和性移 群体
(Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders) said that States resorted to different means to limit freedom of expression — adopting restrictive laws, withdrawing consent, displacing populations, breaking into homes — especially in the case of defenders working in the area of economic, social and cultural rights or upholding the [...]
rights of lesbian,
gay, bisexual and transgender people.
作为最佳做法的一个范例,冰 岛已逐步推进别平等和同恋权利
As an example of best practice, Iceland has made progressive steps
[...] in promoting gender equality and gay rights.
恋情始于 巴黎的卢浮宫博物馆,终结于上海。
The affair starts at the Louvre [...]
Museum in Paris and ends in Shanghai.
如要約人注意到,在披露文件中存 有 嚴 重 缺 失或有 重大的 新事項,他必須在 依 據 該 披露文件作出的申 請尚未 導 致發生 證券已 發 行或移情 況時,退還從 申 請 人 收取的 款 項,或給予 申 請 人 一 個 月時間撤回申請 及 退還其 款 項。
Upon becoming aware of material deficiencies in the disclosure document or of significant new matters, the offer or must deal with applications made under the disclosure document that have not resulted in an issue, or transfer of the securities by repaying the money received from the applicants, or giving the applicants one month to withdraw their application and be repaid.
鉴于特派团行将撤出,已将在联苏特派团实务部分下与下列任务有关的活动情移交在 苏丹的联合国国家工作队、在南苏丹的联合国国家工作队和秘书长负 责苏丹和南苏丹问题的特使办公室:巩固在执行《全面和平协议》期间取得的成 [...]
1956 年 1 月 1 日边界有关 的安排;执行《阿卜耶伊议定书》;以及稳定三地区的政治局势。
Owing to the withdrawal of the Mission, activities under the substantive component of UNMIS related to the
consolidation of gains
[...] realized in the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement; implementation of the post-referendum [...]
in the North and South pertaining to the finalization of the delineation and demarcation of the 1 January 1956 border; implementation of the Abyei Protocol; and stabilization of the political situation in the three areas; were handed over as appropriate to the United Nations country team in the Sudan, the United Nations country team in South Sudan and the Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the Sudan and South Sudan.
又决定自撤销联合国行政法庭后,联合国合办工作人员养恤基金以及根 据《联合国上诉法庭规约》第二条第十款或《联合国争议法庭规约》第二条第五 款与秘书长缔结别协定的各组织提交的待审案件应 情移 交 给 上诉法庭或争 议法庭
Also decides that pending cases from the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund and from organizations that have concluded a special agreement with the Secretary-General, according to article 2, paragraph 10, of the statute of the United Nations Appeals Tribunal, or article 2, paragraph 5, of the statute of the
United Nations Dispute
[...] Tribunal, shall be transferred to the Appeals Tribunal or the Dispute Tribunal, as appropriate, [...]
as from the abolishment of the
United Nations Administrative Tribunal
尽管环境署同意以上建议,环境署表示保留在 别情 况 下 向一些“超级使用 者”发放一个以上使用者身份的权力,这些使用者因其职能性质可能需要多重身 份。
Although it agreed with the recommendation above, UNEP indicated that
it reserved the right,
[...] in exceptional circumstances, to issue more [...]
than one user identification to some “super users” who,
by the nature of their functions, might require them.
关于第14 项建议,即要求制定和执行一项国家行动计划,保护男女同恋、双性恋和跨性别者的 公民权利,代表团提请注意防范一切形式歧视、种族主 义、仇外心理、反犹太主义和不容忍现象行动计划,该计划也是与这些公民的权 利有关的一份综合性文件。
With regard to recommendation 14 calling for the formulation and implementation of a national plan of action on the protection of civil rights of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender persons, the delegation drew attention to the plan of action for the prevention of all forms of discrimination, racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and intolerance, which was a comprehensive document pertaining also to the rights of those persons.
14 项建议,制定和执行一项国家行动计划,保护 男女同恋、双性恋和跨性别者的公民权利,以及确认防范一切形式歧视国家行 动计划也是涉及上述权利的一份综合性文件。
The International Gay and Lesbian Association of Europe, on behalf of Federatie van Nederlandse Verenigingen tot Integratie von Homoseksualiteit – COC Netherlands and other associations, welcomed Slovakia’s acceptance of recommendation 14 to formulate and implement a national plan of action for the protection of the civil rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons, as well as the confirmation that the national plan of Action for the prevention of all sorts of discrimination was a comprehensive document pertaining also to the above-mentioned rights.




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