

单词 移交方

See also:

移交 n

surrender n
referral n

External sources (not reviewed)

海底隧道本來亦是按「建造、 營運移交」方式興建的隧道,但其擁有權已於一九九九年專營權屆滿 時歸還給政府。
CHT used to be a BOT tunnel, but the franchise expired in 1999 and its ownership has since been returned to the Government.
(b) 過去 12 個月內,為縮減高等法院案件輪候審訊時間而由高等法 移交 ㆞ 方 法院 審理的案件有多少宗?
(b) the number of cases transferred from the High Court to the District Court in the past 12 months in order to reduce the waiting time for trials in the High Court?
其他在考慮㆗的方案包 括:將㆒些糾紛由各級法院轉至專責的審裁處審理,及把㆒些事務由高等法移交㆞方法院處理。
Other options that are being considered include the removal of certain disputes from the courts to specialized tribunals and the transfer of some matters from the High Court to the District Court.
移交方案提 议采取一些举措,确保改进监狱条 件,包括建造新的监狱,对新的监狱进行监测并为监狱工作人员提供辅导。
The transfer programme proposes [...]
initiatives to ensure the improvement of prison conditions, including through construction
and monitoring of new prisons and mentoring of prison staff.
在商 議的過程中,有關各 方 將 會 參 考各國/ 地方以 “ 建 造 、 營運移 交 ” 方 式 建 造 的工程的經驗,並 會 聽 取 有興趣 各 方的意見。
In the course of deliberation, they would draw reference from the experiences in BOT projects in various countries/places and would listen to views from interested parties.
當局堅信,現時擬議採用的「建造、營運 移交 」 方 法 是 最佳的。
The Administration firmly
[...] believes that the BOT approach now proposed [...]
is the best solution.
香港 和內地之間要定出移交被判刑人士的雙邊協定,有 5 個原則是雙方都要掌握
[...] 的:第一,被判刑人士的犯罪行為,在香港和內地均屬於刑事罪行;第二移交方、接 收方及被判刑人士三方均同意這個移交安排;第三,香港接收的 [...]
刑人士的判刑,是屬於剝取他的自由;及第五,有關裁判是最終的裁判,犯 人移交後,不會在本來囚禁的地方再有上訴。
If a bilateral agreement on the transfer of sentenced persons is to be reached between Hong Kong and the Mainland, there are five principles that both sides must observe: First, the offences committed by sentenced persons must be criminal
offences both in Hong Kong and the
[...] Mainland; second, the transferring party, [...]
the receiving party and the sentenced person
concerned must consent to the transfer arrangement; third, prisoners received by Hong Kong must be permanent residents of Hong Kong and prisoners transferred to the Mainland must be residents of the Mainland; fourth, the sentence imposed on the sentenced person involves deprivation of his liberty and fifth, the verdict is final and after the transfer of the prisoner, no appeal can be lodged at the original place of imprisonment.
此外,即使簽訂了移交的協議,根據《移交被判刑 人士條例》(第 513 章)和有關協議的規定,被判刑人士的移交 必須得移交方、接 收方和被判刑人士的同意,才能跟進處理。
In addition, even in cases where an agreement has already been signed with the jurisdiction concerned, pursuant to the provisions of the Transfer of Sentenced Persons Ordinance (Cap. 513) and the stipulations in such agreements, a request for TSP could only be processed with the consent of the transferring party, the receiving party and the sentenced person concerned.
該工程在標準情況㆘的內部回報率是 15.18%,較亞太區內其他以「建造、營運移交」方式進 行的同類工程更可取,後者要求的內部回報率介乎 15 至 25%之間,而 且往往需要政府提供支援或保證。
other similar BOT projects in the region, which require IRRs in the range of 15% to 25%, and which in most cases include government support or guarantees.
Mark Augenblick 和 B. Scott Custer,《发
[...] 展中国家基础设施项目的建造-运营 移交方 式 》 ,世 界银行工作报告,1990 年 [...]
8 月。
Mark Augenblick and B. Scott Custer, “The Build,
[...] Operate and Transfer (BOT) Approach to Infrastructure [...]
Projects in Developing Countries”,
World Bank Working Paper, August 1990.
紅磡海底隧道是按“建造、營運 移交 ” 方 式 興 建的隧道,其專營權於 1968 年批出,並於 [...]
1999 年專營權屆滿時歸還政府。
The franchise of the tunnel was awarded in 1968 and its
[...] ownership was transferred to the Government [...]
upon the expiry of the franchise in 1999.
鑒於政府當局計劃在2013年上半 年就"建造、營運移交"方式公 開招標,陳議員詢 問政府當局會否考慮就重建西座舉辦公眾參與活 動,例如設計比賽。
Noting that the Administration planned to invite public tender for the BOT in the first half of 2013, Mr CHAN enquired whether it would consider organizing public engagement activities, such as design competition, for the redevelopment of the West Wing.
德国 代表代表法国解释说,法国将在执行委员会第五十六次会议上就资 移交方 面 的 立场作出 澄清。
The representative of Germany, on behalf of France, explained
that France would clarify the position related to the
[...] transfer of funds at the 56th Meeting [...]
of the Executive Committee.
事務委員會雖然承認"建造─營運 ─移交" 模式隧道所涉及的內在問題,即隧道經營者只顧盡量提高利
[...] 潤,但事務委員會仍籲請政府當局檢討以"建造─營運 移交"方 式 進行 基礎建設工程的成效及是否適當。
Whilst recognizing the inherent problems associated with BOT tunnels whereby tunnel operators would only aim at maximizing their profit, the Panel called on the
Administration to review the effectiveness and
[...] appropriateness of using BOT approach in taking [...]
forward infrastructure projects.
[...] "該大廈")的重建工作,是由私人機構採用"建造、 營運移交"方式進 行的,而根據這個方式,香港會 [...]
For instance, the redevelopment of the Hong Kong Club Building ("the
Building") was implemented by the private
[...] sector using the BOT approach whereby [...]
the Hong Kong Club granted a contract to
a private developer for the construction and operation of the Building.
在我們決定興建該幹線 時,我們認為以建造、營運移交方 式 承 辦並不吸引;同時,若要預測可能帶來的收 [...]
At the time that we construct it our
judgment is that it would not be an
[...] attractive project for BOT; it is quite a long [...]
time forward to forecast the likely revenue
and there are a number of decisions to be taken which would affect that revenue.
(b) 向有关国家介绍其在诉讼程移交方 面 积 累的经验
(b) Make available information on their experiences in the transfer of proceedings to interested States if they have had such experiences
此外,毒品和犯罪问题办公室着手根 据安全理事会第
[...] 2015 (2011)号决议执行海盗行为囚移交方 案 , 支持将被定罪 的海盗移交索马里让他们在本国服刑,在这里他们处于熟悉的文化当中并与家 [...]
Furthermore, UNODC started its implementation of the
[...] piracy prisoner transfer programme, pursuant [...]
to Security Council resolution 2015
(2011), by providing support for the transfer of convicted pirates back to Somalia to serve their sentences in their own country, where they are in a familiar culture and can be near to their families.
领导省级重建队沿革工作 的北约高级文职代表办公室以及安援部队指挥部已制作和散发了题为“省级重建 队沿革规划工具包”和“阿富汗-北约联合过渡委员会过渡计划指南”的援助文 件和指南,以帮助省级重建队的部队派遣国确定省级重建队的沿革依赖关系以及 活移交方式。
The office of the NATO senior civilian representative, the lead for Provincial Reconstruction Team evolution, and ISAF headquarters have produced and disseminated assistance documents and guidance, a Provincial Reconstruction Team Evolution Planning Toolkit and “Guidance to JANIB transition plans” to help troopcontributing countries to identify Provincial Reconstruction Team evolution dependencies and how to hand off activities.
作为最高司法委员会成员安置过程的一部分并为了 确保该实体的运作,司法部和最高法院还建立了三个技术委员会,它们将就最高 司法委员会相关的权移交方式、 预算和所在地开展工作。
As part of the process to establish the members of the High Council of the Judiciary in their posts and to ensure its operation, the Ministry of Justice and the Court of Cassation have also established three technical committees to work on ways of transferring knowledge, the budget and the headquarters to the High Council of the Judiciary.
在第 46 段,审计委员会确认 2010 年 11 月以来取得的进展,同时建议主管
[...] 管理事务副秘书长作为一项高度优先的管理行动,每季度联合审查设施管理处和 基本建设总计划办公室在调试 移交方 面 的 准备情况。
In paragraph 46, while recognizing the progress made since November 2010, the Board recommended that the Under-Secretary-General for Management should, as a high priority management action,
review jointly the state of readiness for
[...] commissioning and handover within the Facilities [...]
Management Service and the Office
of the Capital Master Plan on a quarterly basis.
秘书处 当时还没有完全弄清形势的复杂性。现行项目 移交方 法 应 该特别考虑到相关合作伙伴的情 况,不要使大规模的项目实施出现中断的情形,并应找出替代教科文组织援助的其它途径, 以便项目得以继续进行。
The transition strategies for ongoing projects should take into account the special circumstances of the stakeholders concerned, not disrupt the implementation of large-scale programmes, and identify alternatives to the assistance offered by UNESCO to ensure their viability.
但是,根据机构首笔项目费用 500,000 美元的 13%和剩余费用的 11%的算法,应再向环境规划移交方 案 支 助费用 57,579 美元。
However, an additional amount of US $57,579 in programme support cost should be transferred to UNEP based on the agency’s calculation of 13 per cent for the first US $500,000 and 11 per cent for the remaining cost of the project.
[...] 投票,来决定阿卜耶伊是应继续属于北方还是应该归 还给南方,该地区是在 1905 年由于行政原因被从方移交给了北方。
This required the holding of a referendum to determine whether
Abyei should remain in the North or return to
[...] the South, from where it was transferred for administrative [...]
reasons in 1905.
佛得角 的学校供方案可作为移交政府的 方 案 的 实例。
The Cape Verde school feeding programme provides an example of a programme that has been handed over to the government.
(1) 如請求方請求把羈押在被請求方的 移交 給 請 求方,以按本協定作 為證人,而被請求方及該人均同意,且請求方又保證把該人繼續羈押及在 事後送還給被請求方,則須把該人由被請 方移交 到 請求方作為證人。
(1) A person in custody in the Requested Party whose presence is requested in the Requesting Party as a
witness pursuant to this
[...] Agreement shall, if the Requested Party consents, be transferred from the Requested Party to the Requesting Party for that purpose, provided the person consents and the Requesting Party has guaranteed the maintenance in custody of the person and his subsequent return to the Requested Party.
該條例作出規定,以便把涉及違反香港以外某些地方的法律的某些罪 行而被通緝的人,交到該 等地方以作檢控、判刑或強制執行判刑; 亦就涉及違反香港法律的某些罪行而被追緝,並從香港以外某些方 移交以作 檢控、判刑或強 制執行判刑的人,訂明有關的處理方式;並 就其附帶或與其有關連的事宜訂定條文。
The Ordinance makes provision for the surrender to certain places outside Hong Kong of persons wanted for prosecution, or for the imposition or enforcement of a sentence, in respect of certain offences against the laws of those places; for the treatment of persons wanted for prosecution, or for the imposition or enforcement of a sentence, in respect of certain offences against the law of Hong Kong who are surrendered from such places; and for matters incidental thereto or connected therewith.
缔约国第十届会议《日内瓦进度报告》再次承认,由于销毁PFM1 型杀伤 人员地雷的工作十分复杂,加上有能力销毁这些地雷的实体为数有限,还由于白 俄罗斯和乌克兰拥有大量此种地雷 移交 第 三 方 销 毁 这些地雷的做法不可取,而 且销毁费用高昂,因此这两个缔约国的履约工作都面临严峻的挑战。
The 10MSP’s Geneva Progress Report again acknowledged that the complexity of destruction of PFM1-type anti-personnel mines combined with the limited number of entities capable of destroying these mines, the vast numbers of these mines held by Belarus and Ukraine, the inadvisability of transferring these mines for destruction and the high cost of destruction had resulted in a compelling implementation challenge for both States Parties.
[...] 后,执行委员会核准由加拿大政府向工发组 移交同 2012 年和 2013 年工方案相 关的 417,522 美元,外加 31,314 美元的机构支助费用,用于淘汰墨西哥商品中使用的甲基溴, [...]
以及经修订的墨西哥甲基溴淘汰的议定条件(第 63/13(d)号决定)。
At its 63rd meeting, noting that the Governments of Mexico and Canada had agreed to transfer to UNIDO the funding associated with the commodities component of the MB phase-out plan for Mexico, with the exception of the first tranche of funding, which was currently under implementation by the Government of Canada, the
Executive Committee
[...] approved the transfer from the Government of Canada to UNIDO of US $417,522, [...]
plus agency support costs
of US $31,314 associated with the 2012 and 2013 work programmes for the phase-out of MB in commodities in Mexico, and the revised agreed conditions for the phase-out of MB in Mexico (decision 63/13(d)).
該條例旨在就移交因涉及違 反香港以外某些地方的法律的某些罪行而被追緝的人到該等地方以作 檢控、判刑或強制執行判刑的事宜,以及對從香港以外某些 方移交 的因涉及違反香港法律的某些罪行而被追緝以作檢控、判刑或強制執 行判刑的人的處理方式,作出規定。
The Ordinance provides for the surrender to certain places outside Hong Kong of persons who are wanted for prosecution, or for the imposition or enforcement of a sentence, in respect of certain offences against the laws of those places.




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