单词 | 积蓄 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 积蓄 —savingsput aside积蓄 noun —save n蓄积 —save up • store up See also:蓄—store up • grow (e.g. a beard) • entertain (ideas)
然而,这部分是因为返回的移民将 积蓄 转 入 本国。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, this was driven in part by the fact that return migrants transferred their savings to their home countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
1 月 12 日地震灾害造成的更高的失业率、财产 和 积蓄 损 失 以及 心理创伤,也导致海地的安全环境脆弱性加剧。 daccess-ods.un.org | Higher levels of unemployment, loss of property and savings, and trauma arising from the events of 12 January also contribute to an environment of heightened vulnerability in Haiti. daccess-ods.un.org |
这里急缺水、食品、毛毯、医疗卫生… …在这里的等待耗尽了家里的所有 积蓄。 unicef.org | There are acute shortages of water, food, blankets, sanitation and so on. unicef.org |
我认为,我们应当在 2010 年建设和平委员会开 展审查工作之后抓住时机,围绕建设和平问题重 新积 蓄势头。 daccess-ods.un.org | I believe that we should seize the moment in 2010 following the PBC review to regenerate momentum around peacebuilding. daccess-ods.un.org |
Diane将她的积蓄投入这项计划,加上企业与其他基金会的捐款,让计划得以付诸实行。 clarinsusa.com | Diane invested her own savings into this project and thanks to donations from companies and foundations, the project became a reality. clarinsusa.com |
他们希望能在以色列获得高收入,以便为今后回归祖 国 积蓄 充 足 的资 金。 daccess-ods.un.org | By coming to Israel they hope to earn high wages and guarantee a solid financial future for themselves upon return to their home countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然发达国家有数百万人失去了好工作、养老金 、 积蓄 和 房屋,但发 展中国家的穷人的福祉受到的损害更大,尽管他们与危机起因毫无关系,承受重 [...] 大冲击造成损失的能力最差。 daccess-ods.un.org | While millions of people in developed economies have lost good [...] jobs, pensions, life savings and homes, [...]the people living in poverty in the developing [...]world have been subjected to disproportionate erosions in their well-being even though they did not contribute to the causes of the crises and are the least able to bear the costs of any major shock. daccess-ods.un.org |
1906年,他带着一生的积蓄与一 些旧工具,搬到了哥本哈根,在后院的工作坊里开始了高瞻远瞩的小电机制造。 nilfisk.cn | With his life savings and some old tools, he moved to Copenhagen in 1906 to start his far-sighted production of small electric motors in a backyard workshop. nilfisk.com.au |
这两个家庭8年前拿出积蓄买下了这栋房子,进行了大量的维修和装修。 ba-repsasia.com | The two couples pooled their resources eight years ago to buy the brownstone, then in desperate need of repairs and renovation. ba-repsasia.com |
证券交易所,虽然它是更大的挑战,因为它需要一个更活跃(不被动)关于如何投资自己 的 积蓄 , 他 们的资本,可以更加有利可图,如果你喜欢更富有挑战性的,有趣的,有的甚至有趣的(虽然它应采取 [...] 很 认真)。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | The stock exchange, although it is [...] more challenging, because it requires a [...] more active (and less passive) regarding [...]how to invest their savings, their capital, [...]can be much more profitable and, if you like something more challenging, interesting and for some even fun (although it should be taken very seriously). en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
在这个互助小组的支持帮助下,她开始更关注自己的需求,让自己得到适当 的休息,重新积蓄能量 ,并更多地和其他家庭成员沟通交流。 hongfook.ca | With the group’s support, she is also more attentive to her own needs, giving herself time to rest, re-energize and attend to her relationships with other family members. hongfook.ca |
莫桑比克注意到,几内亚比绍是一个民间社会十分活跃的国家,民间社会 积极参与增进和保护人权并积蓄了力 量,因为个人自由和言论、结社和出版等自 [...] 由权利受到宪法保护。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mozambique noted that Guinea-Bissau was a country with a vibrant civil [...] society that actively participated [...]in the promotion and protection of human rights [...]and garnered strength because individual freedoms and liberties such as freedom of expression, association and the press enjoyed constitutional protection. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于一些真菌和植物能吸收并积蓄大 量 放射性核素, 它们可能会对野生动物放牧带来生物安全风险,增加整个食品链中放射性核素沾 染量的积蓄。 daccess-ods.un.org | As some fungi and plants are able to absorb and accumulate high amounts of radionuclides, they can pose a biosecurity risk to grazing wildlife, increasing the build-up of [...] radionuclide contamination throughout the food chain. daccess-ods.un.org |
最近的一份网络调查显示,在7128名来自北京、上海、广州等主要发达城市、且家庭平均月收入在10000元以上的人群中,认为奢侈品消费是一种生活品质的占16.20%;认为奢侈品消费可以塑造成功者形象的占11.22%;会为购买奢侈品特 意 积蓄 一 段 时间的占18.17%。 ne-tiger.com | Recently, a network investigation showed that, among the 7128 people coming from main developed cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou whose average monthly income of the family over 10000 Yuan, 16.2% of them think that the luxuries consuming is a kind of life quality, 11.22% of them think that the luxuries consuming can make the figure of the successors, 18.17% of them will save for a period of time for buying the luxuries. ne-tiger.com |
在希兰和下谢贝利完成 了将近 400 公里的运河,并扩大了雨水积蓄系统,还在索马里中部穆杜格区和加 尔古杜德区把雨水积蓄系统扩大了大约 88 000 平方米。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nearly 400 kilometres of canals were completed and [...] rain-water storage systems were expanded in Hiran and Lower Shabelle, and rain water storage systems were expanded by approximately 88,000 square metres in [...]Mudug and Galgaduud regions in central Somalia. daccess-ods.un.org |
上述缺省值来自 1994-1998 和 1999-2003 两次国家森林资源清查林分蓄积与 死木蓄积。 pandastandard.org | Defaults conservatively derived from standing volume and dead wood wolume of national forestry inventory 1994-1998 and 1999-2003. pandastandard.org |
如果病人严重脱水或肾功能衰竭也会发生中毒, 肾功能衰竭会导致吗啡在体内蓄积。 thewpca.org | Patients may also become toxic if they are very dehydrated or in renal failure, which [...] causes morphine to accumulate in the body. thewpca.org |
第二句中(b)项下,在“减排+”后加入“以及处理好森林养护、可持续 森林管理和森林蓄积的作用”。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the second sentence, under (b) add the phrase “as well as addressing the role of forest conservation, sustainable forest management and forest stocks” after the word “(REDD plus)”. daccess-ods.un.org |
a. 生物蓄积和生物降解; b. 水生毒性; c. 急性哺乳动物毒性; [...] d. 刺激、腐蚀和长期健康影响;或 e. 妨碍海洋的其它利用。 itopf.org | a. Bioaccumulation and biodegradation; [...] b. Aquatic toxicity; c. Acute mammalian toxicity; d. Irritation, corrosion and long [...]term health effects; or e. Interference with other uses of the sea. itopf.org |
如果感染是由细菌引起,可能会传染至中耳,这里有一层耳膜将外耳与中耳分隔开,受感染的液体 会 蓄积 在 耳 膜后。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | If the infection is caused by bacteria, this may spread to the middle ear where infected fluid builds up behind the eardrum, a membrane that separates the outer ear from the middle ear. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
如果患者不接受物理治疗,他们可能会由于臂部液 体 蓄积 而 产 生令人不适的水肿。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | If the patient is not receiving physical therapy, they may get uncomfortable swelling due to the build up of fluid in the arms. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
目前,中国人工林保存面积6200万公顷,全国森林面积达到1.95亿公顷,森林覆盖率由2005年的18.21%提高到2010年的20.36%,森 林 蓄积 量 达 到137.21亿立方米,全国森林植被碳储量达78.11亿吨。 durban.china-consulate.org | Currently, China's man-made forest reserve has reached 62 million ha; its national forest coverage has reached 195 million ha, with the forest coverage rate rising from 18.21 percent in 2005 to 20.36 percent in 2010, with a forest stock volume of 13.721 billion cu m. China's total carbon storage in forest vegetation has reached 7.811 billion tons. durban.china-consulate.org |
2011年3月,中国全国人大审议通过的《中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要》提出“十二五”时期中国应对气候变化约束性目标:到2015年,单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放比2010年下降17%,单位国内生产总值能耗比2010年下降16%,非化石能源占一次能源消费比重达到11.4%,新增森林面积1250万公顷,森林覆盖率提高到21.66%,森 林 蓄积 量 增加6亿立方米。 durban.china-consulate.org | In March 2011, the Outline of the 12th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People' s Republic of China adopted by the National People's Congress stated the following compulsive objectives to address climate change during the 12th Five-Year Plan period: By 2015, carbon dioxide emission per-unit GDP would be reduced by 17 percent and energy consumption per-unit GDP by 16 percent as compared with that in 2010; the proportion of consumption of non-fossil energy to the consumption of primary energy would be increased to 11.4 percent; and the acreage of new forests would increase by 12.5 million ha, with the [...] forest coverage rate raised to 21.66 percent [...] and the forest growing stock increased [...]by 600 million cu m. This fully demonstrates [...]Chinese government' s determination to promote low-carbon development and address climate change. durban.china-consulate.org |
在城市水问题方面的工作包括有关“污染物来源、路径 和 蓄积 — — 城市视角”的 讲习班以及联合国水机制有关 [...] 2010 年世界水日的研讨会,还将继续出版城市水 问题丛书。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Work on urban water included a workshop on the [...] Origins, Pathways and Accumulation of Pollutants – [...]An Urban Perspective and the United [...]Nations-Water Seminar on World Water Day 2010, the Urban Water series also continued to be published. unesdoc.unesco.org |
此外,在切断电源后的 5 分钟内,由于内部电容器所蓄积的电 荷 的作用而使高电压依然存在,务请不要触及。 ckd.co.jp | In addition, keep them away for five minutes after the power is shut down, because of [...] high-voltage charges accumulated in internal [...]capacitors. ckd.co.jp |
委员会建议大会批准载于 34 C/5 第 2 版第 1 卷第 12000 段中,后经 34 C/5 Corrigendum 和 34 C/6 Addendum 文件修改的决议,该决议安排了 19,564,500 美元的预算拨款总额,其中活动费 3,130,600 美元,人事费 16,433,900 美元,当然,这些数字应根据有关的七个委员会(即行政、计划与对外关系、教育、自然科学、社会 可 蓄积人 文 科学、文化、传播和信息委员会)联席会议的情况和大会就预算最高额所做出的决定进行调整。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Commission recommended that the General Conference approve the resolution contained in paragraph 12000 of Volume 1 of document 34 C/5 2nd version as amended by document 34 C/5 Corrigendum and document 34 C/6 Addendum, which foresees a total budget provision of $19,564,500, corresponding to $3,130,600 for activities and $16,433,900 for staff costs, it being understood that these amounts are subject to adjustment in the light of the joint meeting of the seven commissions (ADM, PRX, ED, SC, SHS, CLT and CI) and the decisions taken by the General Conference concerning the budget ceiling. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在制造产品方面,我们的政策是避免 蓄积 残 余 原材料。 igel.com | In manufacturing, our [...] policy is to avoid accumulation of residual materials. igel.com |
条约》的各个缔约国承担的普遍义务和做出 的联合承诺在国际核不扩散机制的未来的关键时刻 必须或者抓住机会,扭转核武器扩散的情况, 并 蓄积 动力 最终将其销毁,或者拖延犹豫不决的时间,在此 期间那些试图挑战《条约》的人将变得更为强大、更 加危险。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was a universal obligation and a joint commitment assumed by States parties to the Treaty, which, at a critical juncture for the future of the global nuclear non-proliferation regime, must either seize the opportunity to reverse the spread of nuclear weapons and build momentum for their ultimate elimination, or prolong the period of indecision during which those who sought to challenge the Treaty would grow stronger and more dangerous. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果项目期内无主伐,仅为促进林木生长而采取间伐措施(每次不超 过 蓄积的 25%),则 长期平均碳储量为所造林分在项目期结束时的碳储量与项目结束前最后一次间伐后的碳 [...] 储量的平均值 pandastandard.org | No final harvesting [...] but thinning (less than 25% of standing [...]volume each thinning) for a purpose of improving forest growth [...]within project lifetime: the long-term average carbon stock equals the mean value of the carbon stock at the end of the project lifetime pandastandard.org |
各缔约 国怀着良好的意愿齐聚大会,共同致力于实现“全球 零点”,他还敦促他们利用这次历史性的机遇扭转核 武器扩散的趋势,为最终将其销毁 蓄积 动 力。 daccess-ods.un.org | The States parties had gathered at the Conference in good faith and with a shared conviction to work towards “global zero”, and he urged them to take advantage of that historic opportunity to reverse the spread of nuclear weapons and build momentum for their ultimate elimination. daccess-ods.un.org |