单词 | 积弱 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 积弱 —degenerationless common: cumulative weakness • decline (over time) See also:弱 adj—weak adj • feeble adj • young adj
这种长久以来的他者属性造成了亚洲的焦虑,它随着19世纪末亚洲封建帝制相继瓦解、殖民主义不断扩张、现代民族国家艰难建立的风云动荡,贯穿于近百年的亚洲历史之中。以中国和土耳其这两大东方帝国为例,它们在追寻自己的现代性的过程中几乎同步并具有惊人的相似性:清王朝与奥图曼王朝差不多在同一时间崩溃,孙中山和凯末尔(Mustafa Kemal [...] Ataturk)也差不多在同一时间崛起,他们都是坚定的西化论者,对长 期 积弱 的 国 家忧心忡忡,为了学习和追赶西方,他们亲手缔造了各自国家的共和政体。 alternativearchive.com | This long-standing attribute of the Other has resulted in Asian anxiety; it was present throughout nearly a century of Asian history, as Asia lived through changes and turbulences from the end of the nineteenth century onwards –the successive collapse of feudal monarchies, the continuous expansion of colonialism, the arduous establishment of modern nation-states, etc. Take the two Eastern empires, China and Turkey, for example, they almost coincided and shared astonishing similarities in the process of looking for their own modernity: the Chinese Qing dynasty and the Turkish Ottoman dynasty fell at about the same time, and Sun Yat-sen and Mustafa Kemal Ataturk emerged at roughly the same moment; both people were firm advocates of [...] westernization, were deeply worried for [...] their chronically weak countries, and [...]in order to learn from the West and to catch [...]up with it, they established a republican regime in their own country. alternativearchive.com |
例如, 饮食缺乏叶酸的孕妇生下的孩子可能最终出现 脑 积 水 , 这种 衰 弱 疾 病 会对头脑产 生不利影响,导致儿童发育迟缓。 daccess-ods.un.org | For example, expectant mothers whose diets lack folic acid are [...] likely to bear children who [...] eventually suffer from hydrocephalus, a debilitating disease that adversely [...]affects the head and leads [...]to the stunting of the child’s growth. daccess-ods.un.org |
正是以这样的积极行动将弱势人 群加入到社会经济发展过程中。弱势群体 包括:儿童、残疾人、老年人和被边缘化的人。 daccess-ods.un.org | This impetus gives rise to the ambition [...] to integrate the vulnerable population groups, [...]namely disabled children, the elderly [...]and so-called marginal persons into the social and economic development process. daccess-ods.un.org |
中国指出,萨摩亚积极捍卫弱势群 体( 包括妇女和残疾人) 的权利;同时确认 萨摩亚努力改善其人民的社会和文化福利和重视医疗卫生。 daccess-ods.un.org | China noted [...] that Samoa was actively safeguarding the rights of vulnerable groups, including [...]women and persons with disabilities, [...]and recognized its endeavor to improve peoples’ social and cultural well-being and the importance accorded to health. daccess-ods.un.org |
总体上,六 个国家的学校经费政策似乎对入学率都 有 积 极 的 影响 , 弱 势 群 体的入学率有所提高。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Overall, school grants policies in [...] the six countries [...] seem to have a positive impact on enrolments, with an increased access to schools for disadvantaged groups. unesdoc.unesco.org |
(c) 在一般和部门拨款中为可能需要社会措施包 括 积 极 行动 的 弱 势 状况下 的儿童( 例如女孩与残疾儿童) 界定战略预算条目,并确保这些预算条目即使在经 [...] 济危机、自然灾害或其他紧急状况下得到保护。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Define strategic budgetary lines in [...] general and sectoral allocations for children [...] in disadvantaged or vulnerable situations (such [...]as girls and children with disabilities) [...]that may require social measures, including affirmative action, and make sure that those budgetary lines are protected even in situations of economic crisis, natural disasters or other emergencies. daccess-ods.un.org |
美国打击暴力极端主义的工作重点有三个工作主线:一是取缔暴力极端主义 [...] 言论,以减少其“吸力”;二是为弱势青年开发取代激进主义路线 的 积 极 办 法, 以削弱不满 情绪和未得到满足的期望所产生的“推力”效果;三是增强开展这些 [...]活动的伙伴能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | United States work to counter violent extremism focuses on three main lines of effort: delegitimizing the violent extremist narrative in [...] order to diminish its “pull”; [...] developing positive alternatives for youth vulnerable to radicalization [...]to diminish the “push” [...]effect of grievances and unmet expectations; and building partner capacity to carry out these activities. daccess-ods.un.org |
地球上森林覆盖面积的缩小也削弱了 热带雨林 吸收二氧化碳和其他温室气体的能力,破坏其洁净空 气的能力,并影响荒芜丛林地区雨云的形成,使降雨 [...] 量进一步减少。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Earth’s shrinking [...] forest canopy has also diminished the rainforest’s assimilation [...]of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse [...]gases, sabotaging its cleansing of the atmosphere as well as undercutting raincloud development over desolated jungles, reducing precipitation even further. daccess-ods.un.org |
侵犯他人的食物权。最后,实现( 便利和提供) 的义务是指:各国政府应该 采取积极步骤,确认弱势群 体和执行适当措施,通过加强他们的谋生能力,确保 其获得足够的食物。 daccess-ods.un.org | Finally, the obligation to fulfil (facilitate and [...] provide) means that the Government [...] should take positive steps to identify vulnerable groups and implement [...]appropriate measures [...]to ensure their access to adequate food by facilitating their ability to feed themselves. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于心脏泵血能力减弱,体内水分蓄 积。 world-heart-federation.org | Water builds up in the [...] body because of the weak pumping function of [...]the heart. world-heart-federation.org |
(a) 必须明确无误地证明为某个特定项目提供资金的好处以及该项目在减 少脆弱性方面的积极影响,以便形成开展项目的理据。 daccess-ods.un.org | (a) It is important to demonstrate clearly the benefit of [...] funding a particular [...] project and the positive impact it will have on reducing vulnerability in order to develop [...]a project rationale. daccess-ods.un.org |
展望未来,在先进经济体扩张的货币政策的推动下,流向发展中国家的 短期资本进一步复苏,还可能造成各种问题 , 积 聚 起 新的 脆 弱 性 , 并使这些经济 体易受外资突然撤走之害。 daccess-ods.un.org | Looking ahead, a further resurgence in short-term capital flows to developing countries, driven by expansionary monetary policies in [...] advanced economies, could also [...] pose problems by building up new vulnerabilities and increasing [...]the susceptibility of those [...]economies to sudden outflows of foreign capital. daccess-ods.un.org |
继续在有限的范围内行事的方案虽然在短期内比较经济,但却会极大地 削弱 积极影响索马里中南部局势的能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | The option to continue the scope at a limited level is more economical in [...] the short term, but offers significantly reduced [...] capacity to positively influence the [...]situation in south-central Somalia. daccess-ods.un.org |
对塞舌尔来说,我们先天的脆弱性 以及 日 积 月 累形成 的经济失衡意味着我们必须比其它许多国家更早采取 行动应对危机。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Seychelles, [...] our inherent vulnerabilities and economic imbalances, which had accumulated [...]over time, meant that we had [...]to act earlier than many other States to face up to the crisis. daccess-ods.un.org |
加倍努力增强经济、社会及文化权利领域 的 积 极 成 果,为 最 弱 势人 口,特别是儿童、土著人民、非裔人和乡村人口提供更多的福祉(秘鲁) daccess-ods.un.org | 68.31. Redouble efforts to enhance the positive results [...] in the area of economic, social and cultural rights to provide more benefits to the most vulnerable populations, in [...]particular children, indigenous [...]peoples, people of African descent and the rural population (Peru) daccess-ods.un.org |
鉴于地理上处境不利的最 [...] 不发达国家,如小岛屿发展中国家和内陆发展中国家的经济和环境高度 脆 弱 、面 积小和 远离国际市场,与会者还强调了这些国家的特殊需要。 daccess-ods.un.org | The special needs of geographically disadvantaged least developed countries, such as small island and landlocked least developed countries, were also [...] highlighted given their high economic and [...] environmental vulnerability, smallness and [...]remoteness from international markets. daccess-ods.un.org |
发电机业务持续走弱,但订单呈积极 态 势。 emerson.com | The power generating alternators [...] business remained weak, but orders have turned positive. emerson.com |
为处于不利或弱势地位、需要积极社会措施的儿童( 如难民或移徙工人 子女 ) 规定出战略预算标准,确保这些预算标准得到保证,即便是在经济危机、 [...] 自然灾害或其他紧急情况下 daccess-ods.un.org | (f) Define strategic budgetary lines for children [...] in disadvantaged or vulnerable situations that may [...]require affirmative social measures [...](for example, children of refugees or migrant workers) and make sure that those budgetary lines are protected even in situations of economic crisis, natural disasters or other emergencies daccess-ods.un.org |
宏源公司多年来积极履行社会责任,关爱社 会 弱 势 群体 , 积 极 投 入到“蓝天下的至爱、抗洪救灾、抗震救灾、捐助希望小学、西部开发建设、新农村建设、教育发展基金”等大型公益活动中去,累计捐款超过千万元,公司的爱心之举,无数次受到各级政府部门的表彰。 cn.lvd.cc | Hongyuan actively fulfills her social [...] responsibilities for many years, [...] cares for the vulnerable in our society and is actively involved in the [...]public-spirited activities, [...]such as “love under the blue sky, fighting floods and providing disaster relief, fighting earthquake and providing disaster relief, donating hope primary school, the development and construction of western regions, the construction of New Countryside, education development fund”,etc., with the donation of more than ten million yuan, which has won lots of recognition from numerous governments for Hongyuan. en.lvd.cc |
阿尔及利亚感到鼓舞的是,马耳 他已经采取措施并作出努力,增进弱 势 群 体,尤其是儿童和妇女的权利,同时还 [...] 在推动妇女进入劳动力市场。 daccess-ods.un.org | Algeria was encouraged by the measures [...] and efforts already under way to promote [...] the rights of vulnerable groups, especially [...]children and women, and by the increased [...]participation of women in the labour market. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管本季度的业绩不尽如人意,我们仍将在全球经济 走 弱 的 形 势下 , 积 极 投 资于能够促进销售增长的商机,并为我们的股东创造令其满意的回报,” 范大为说。 emerson.com | Despite the disappointing results [...] this quarter, we continue to [...] aggressively invest in opportunities that will drive sales growth in a weakening global economy [...]and generate good returns for our shareholders. emerson.com |
比利时取得扭转科学基础薄弱化趋 势的积极效 果,是由于政府采取了很多行动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Here, Belgium went against the overall trend of a diminishing scientific knowledge base. As a consequence we can state that the many actions taken by the government – a more detailed explanation will be given further in this paragraph - did have a positive impact. unesdoc.unesco.org |
关于青年的政策和方案设计的课用知识有所增 [...] 加,而对青年在国家发展与和平方面发挥 的 积 极 作 用的认识也得到增强。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Available knowledge for policy and programme [...] design on youth has increased, whereas [...] awareness of the positive role of youth [...]in national development and peace has been strengthened. unesdoc.unesco.org |
认识到小岛屿发展中国家有其独有的脆弱性和特点,包括环境 脆 弱、 面积狭小 、经济没有规模以及贸易和经济对外依赖性等,使其在谋求可持续 发展过程中面临的困难尤其严峻且复杂 daccess-ods.un.org | that small island developing States have their own peculiar vulnerabilities and characteristics, including environmental vulnerability, small size and diseconomies of scale, and trade and external economic dependence, which make the difficulties they face in the pursuit of sustainable development particularly severe and complex daccess-ods.un.org |
它很受鼓舞的是,智利愿意保障所有儿童,尤其 是 弱 势 群 体儿童,例如难民 儿童、农村地区家庭的儿童或贫困线以下家庭的儿童接受教育。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was encouraged by Chile’s readiness to guarantee access to education for all children, especially those from marginalized communities, such as refugee children and children whose families live in rural areas or below the poverty line. daccess-ods.un.org |
教科文组织主张教育领域的规划和管理工作应以更强 有力的证据为基础,而且主张尝试使用具有包容性、方便儿童的创新型教育办法,制定有效 [...] 的教育政策和法律,重点确保优质教育权、特别是农村 和 弱 势 群 体的优质教育权,从而提高 质量。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO advocated for stronger evidence-based planning and management in the area of education and for improved quality through piloting innovative inclusive and child-friendly educational approaches and developing effective education [...] policies and laws, focusing on ensuring the right to quality education, especially [...] for rural and disadvantaged populations. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在访问期间,工作组发现,非洲人后裔在葡萄牙面临的挑战主要涉及他们 [...] 作为一个特定群体在葡萄牙国家政策和立法框架中得不到承认;其在历史上对 该国的建设和发展作出积极贡 献得不到承认;没有按种族或族裔分列的定性和 [...]定量的分类数据;贫困、获得教育、公共服务和就业机会不平等,以及在行政 和司法制度运作方面的歧视,形成恶性循环;存在种族貌相和警察暴力;在政 [...] 治和体制决策进程中代表不足,以及葡萄牙缺少针对非洲人后裔或其他少数群 体的具体措施或扶持行动政策。 daccess-ods.un.org | During their visit, the Working Group found that the challenges faced by people of African descent in Portugal related mainly to their lack of recognition as a specific group in the national [...] policy and legal framework; the lack of [...] recognition of their positive contribution [...]throughout history to the construction and [...]development of the country; the lack of qualitative and quantitative disaggregated data by racial or ethnic origin; the existence of a circle of poverty, unequal access to education, public services, employment, as well as discrimination in the administration and functioning of the justice system; existence of racial profiling and police violence; underrepresentation in political and institutional decision-making processes, as well as the lack of special measures or affirmative action policies in Portugal for people of African descent or other minorities. daccess-ods.un.org |
阿尔及利亚还欢迎对其建议采取积极 的 后续行动,确保 某些少数群体享有适足住房、教育、就业及保健权利,并特别注意这些居民融入 社会生活的所有领域。 daccess-ods.un.org | Algeria also welcomed the favourable follow-up on its recommendation to ensure that certain minorities had access to adequate housing, education, employment and health care, and that particular attention was to be paid to the promotion of their integration in all sectors of social life. daccess-ods.un.org |
提到在编制 35 C/5 号文件时,应考虑 以下优先领域和主题:表达自由和新闻自由;进一步重视伦理道德,此主题还与信息社会世界首脑会议“日内 瓦行动计划”的行动方针 10 有关;“媒体形式”及“媒体内容”的文化多样性;推动使用多种语言;媒体与 和平文化;知识在社会发展中的作用;信息与传播技术在建设知识社会中的作用,这是全民信息计划(IFAP) 可以发挥积极作 用的一个领域和为非洲的管理者提供帮助。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The following priority areas/themes were mentioned for consideration in preparing document 35 C/5: freedom of expression and freedom of the press; increased emphasis on ethics, also in relation with action line 10 of the Geneva Plan of Action of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS); cultural diversity “of the media” and “in the media”; the promotion of multilingualism; media and a culture of peace; the role of knowledge in societal development; the role of ICTs in building knowledge societies, an area in which the Information for All Programme (IFAP) could play an active role; and support for regulators in Africa. unesdoc.unesco.org |