

单词 积年

积年 ()

for a long time
advanced in age
over many years



permanent snow cover

External sources (not reviewed)

没有为工作人员在离职回国、积年 假 和补偿假方面的应享待遇和法庭法官 [...]
应领养恤金所产生的债务提留准备金(见附注 5)。
No provision is made for any future liabilities arising
from staff entitlements due to
[...] repatriation, accumulated annual leave and compensatory [...]
time and pension entitlements for
the members of the Tribunal (see note 5).
以中国高尔夫球协会发布的最新全国青 年积 分 排 名为准,各年龄组的排名前10名的选手在报名截止日期前享有优先报名权。
Application from top 10 players of each group in HSBC China Junior Golf Ranking System will be prioritized during the application period.
关于青年的政策和方案设计的课用知识有所增 加,而对年在国 家发展与和平方面发挥 积 极 作 用的认识也得到增强。
Available knowledge for policy and programme
design on youth has
[...] increased, whereas awareness of the positive role of youth in national development [...]
and peace has been strengthened.
34 即使人们已知材料的直接来源,这也未必是它的原始来源,特别是在普通情况下,材料的 获取是从年积累的 非原生境收藏中得到的。
34 Even if the immediate source of material is known, this may not be the original source,
especially where material is obtained, as is very common,
[...] from ex situ collections that have been built up over many years.
b. 国际水文计划第七阶段的战略规划(2008-- 20 13 年)积极响 应这些计划目标,该 战略规划围绕五个核心主题展开,每个主题又包括数个重点领域。
(b) The strategic plan of the Seventh Phase of the IHP (2008-2013) embraces these programme objectives, being structured around five core themes each comprising a number of focal areas.
在这方面,联合 国毒品和犯罪问题办公室年积累的 经验和专门知识是一笔宝贵的财富。
In that regard, the experience and expertise accumulated over the years by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime constitute a valuable asset.
这一框架使 得 先
[...] 前的任务负责人阿卜杜勒法塔赫·奥马尔先生得以在 2001 年积极参 与组织 2001 年学校 教育与宗教或信仰自由、宽容和不歧视的关系 [...]
This framework enabled the previous mandate-holder, Abdelfattah
[...] Amor, to be actively involved in [...]
the organization of the International Consultative
Conference on School Education in relation to Freedom of Religion or Belief, Tolerance and Non-discrimination in 2001.
不同国家、地区的客户,可以通过网络、电话,共享中兴通讯 年积 累 的 全球技术知识和资料,提高工作效率,减少资源浪费。
Clients in different countries and regions may obtain the knowledge and information collected by ZTE all over the world by means of Internet, telephone calls, etc.
通过这些预算估计数,项目厅雄心勃勃,力求在 2010-2011 年和 2012-2013 年积累足 够的留量,这样,即使与公共部门会计准则相关的会计处理方法产生重 大影响,到 2013 年年底,业务准备金将继续高于执行局规定的最低要求。
With these budget estimates, UNOPS is targeting the highly ambitious goal of accumulating sufficient margins in 2010-2011 and 2012-2013 such that the operational reserves, in spite of the significant effect of IPSAS-related accounting treatments, at the end of 2013 will remain above the minimum requirement as mandated by the Executive Board.
为履行美洲反恐委员会布置的任务,该委员会秘书处 2011 年积极支持西半 球努力执行反恐战略。
To fulfil the mandates given by CICTE, its
[...] secretariat has been actively supporting in [...]
2011 hemispheric efforts to implement the Strategy.
承诺鼓励并支持青年,包括感染艾滋病毒的 年积 极 参 与和领导在地方、国 家和全球各级抗击这一流行病的努力,并同意与这些新领导者合作,协助拟定具 [...]
体措施,使青年参与社区、家庭、学校、大专院校、娱乐中心和工作场所的艾滋 病毒防治工作
Commit to encouraging and
[...] supporting the active involvement and [...]
leadership of young people, including those living with
HIV, in the fight against the epidemic at the local, national and global levels, and agree to work with these new leaders to help to develop specific measures to engage young people about HIV, including in communities, families, schools, tertiary institutions, recreation centres and workplaces
With the mapping results, the
[...] adolescents were able to mobilize the Morro dos Prazeres community to clean accumulated garbage in [...]
high-risk areas, helping
to prevent landslides and a variety of health hazards.
青年倡议中心(MIC)“kelajak-ovozi”从 2006 年开始工作,该中心由基金 会各类青年项目获胜者和年积极分 子创建。
The Kelajak Ovozi Youth Initiatives Centre (YIC) was founded in 2006 by young people, including the winners of various Forum-sponsored projects.
在东部,2009 年积极的 事态发展包括:刚果民主共和国和卢旺达重新修好; [...]
全国保卫人民大会的叛乱结束;针对解放卢旺达民主力量和上帝抵抗军发动了军 事行动;解放卢旺达民主力量人员自愿参加解除武装、复员、遣返、重返社会和 重新安置方案的速度加快。
In the east, positive developments in [...]
2009, including the rapprochement between the Democratic Republic of the Congo and
Rwanda, the end of the CNDP rebellion, the launch of military operations against FDLR and LRA, and increased rate of voluntary participation in the programme of disarmament, demobilization, repatriation, resettlement or reintegration by FDLR elements opened unique possibilities to address the presence of armed groups in the eastern part of the country.
在讨论的所有议题中,鉴于过去 年积 极 的 事态发展,发展中国家伙伴为最 不发达国家筹集资源的作用需要进一步加以探讨。
In all the areas discussed, the role of developing country partners for resource mobilization for least developed countries needed to be explored further, building on positive developments over the past decade.
2002 年 积极就 业政策从最初关注国有企业下岗职工逐步演变成为在全国范围内遏制 [...]
The Active Employment Policy [...]
of 2002 evolved from the initial concern with laidoff workers in State-owned enterprises to
a comprehensive range of policies to contain unemployment and extend social protection nationwide.
Linatex® 脱水式筛分机由超耐磨的聚氨酯模块筛分面板组成,此设计源于 年积 累 的 产品设计专业知识。
Linatex® Dewatering Screens are fitted with highly abrasion resistant polyurethane modular screen panels, originating from years of product design expertise.
特设工作组还赞同了 各计划部门提出的须立即采取的措施意见,即在全部现有的制度和资源范围内,加强总部外机构在
[...] 计划的制定、执行和监督方面的参与程度,它同时赞成要选择若干国家,作为教科文组织在 2007 年 积极参与共同国家评估(CCA)/联合国发展援助框架(UNDAF)和“一个联合国”试点项目实施的 [...]
The Task Force endorsed concrete immediate measures by programme sectors to enhance programme elaboration, delivery and monitoring at field level within the existing overall mechanisms and resources and they
agreed on a selection of countries where
[...] UNESCO supports active participation [...]
in CCA/UNDAF and in One United Nations pilot approaches in 2007.
津巴布韦充分支持今年 6 月和 7 月在赤道几内亚 马拉博举行的非洲联盟国家元首和政府首脑会议的 决议、2009 至 2018 年《青年十年行动计划》和 2004 年《促进就业和减缓贫穷的瓦加杜古行动计划》,促 进年积极参 与和参加国家发展所有各领域活动。
Zimbabwe fully supports the resolutions of the African Union Heads of State and Government summit that was held in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea in June and July this year, the Youth Decade Plan of Action (20092018), and the Ouagadougou 2004 Plan of Action on Employment Promotion and Poverty Alleviation to promote the active participation and involvement of young people in all spheres of national development.
允许青年倡议中心的年积极分 子免费 学习英语、法语、德语、阿拉伯语和其他语言。
The Kelajak Lingvo Language Centre gives members of the Kelajak Ovosi Youth Initiatives Centre the chance to study English, French, German, Arabic and other languages free of charge.
凭借年积累的 管道支吊架设计、生产经验,博耕管道支架(江苏)有限公司提供全系列 的管道支撑设备,包括恒力弹簧支吊架&可变弹簧支吊架、液压阻尼器、低温管道支架、隔离&绝缘材 料、低摩擦滑动支座和大量的梁部连接件、管夹、螺杆和 U 型螺栓等。
As a result of many years’design and production experience, Bergen Pipe Supports (Jiangsu) Limited offers a complete range of pipe supporting equipment including constant & variable effort supports, hydraulic snubbers, cryogenic pipe supports, isolation & insulation materials, low-friction slide bearings and a wealth of hardware from beam attachments to pipe clamps, hanger rods to u-bolts.
我相信,过去年积累的 经验提供了可供各成员 国在处理国家间的冲突以及由于政治情事问题出现 的危机时候考虑的各种经验教训,从而加强美洲组织 采取行动的能力。
I believe that the experience gained over the years provides various lessons that will surely be considered by member States with a view to improving the capacity of the OAS to act, both with regard to conflicts between States and those that take place within States as a result of problems of a political nature.
来自各社会部门和政 治运动的年积极分 子参加了讨论,这项工作的目的是研究和讨论若干事项,以 期制定开展富有成果的全国对话纲要并提出相关建议。
The discussions were attended by youth activists from different sectors of society and political movements, and the aim of the exercise was to study and discuss a number of matters with a view to the development of scenarios for and recommendations on a fruitful national dialogue.
采取进一步行动的战略应确保毒品和犯罪问题办公室、会员国和国际社会 在过去 25 年积累的大量知识和经验、最佳做法和吸取的教训得到分享和传播。
Strategies for further action should ensure that the vast amounts of knowledge and experience, best practices and lessons learned compiled over the last 25 years of alternative development programmes by UNODC, Member States and the international community are shared and disseminated.
目标 5,指标 2:国际社会主义青年联盟女权主义工作组为配合联盟于 2006 年在 西班牙阿利坎特举行的“国际社会主义青年联盟世界节”,组织了一次全球会 议,目的是让世界各地的年积极分子介绍有关获得生殖保健服务的状况,并为 宣传普遍获得生殖保健服务提出一项战略。
Goal 5, target 2: The IUSY Feminist Working Group organized a global meeting in connection with the IUSY World Festival 2006 in Alicante, Spain, aimed at mapping the situation concerning access to reproductive health from the point of view of youth activists all over the world and coming up with a strategy, which is still being developed, for advocating for universal access to reproductive health.
最重要的是,可通过动 态的盘点工作,对过去 20 年积累的 可持续发展方面的知识进行总结,目的是为 今后思考如何应对 21 世纪可持续发展方面的挑战提供合理的基础。
Most importantly, a synthesis of the accumulated knowledge on sustainable development over the past two decades, in the form of a dynamic stocktaking exercise, could be undertaken with the objective of providing a sound basis for thinking ahead on how to address sustainable development challenges in the twentyfirst century.
秉承“永远做得比要求的更好”的伯爵精神,全新Gouverneur系列腕表传承超薄机芯, 年积 淀 的 精湛制表技艺,向各个领域的精英领袖致敬。
The new Gouverneur watches demonstrate the Piaget long legacy of excellence, and pay tribute to pioneering leaders in various fields who share Piaget’s motto of “Always do more than what is necessary.
这个瑞士上市企业以其年积累的 设备技术专有技能、创新力和可 靠的客户服务保证设备高效保值。
With longstanding expertise in industrial engineering, innovative flair and a reliable customer service, the company group listed in Switzerland provides production systems offering high performance and quality.
集团年积累的 专业技能,奠定了旗下两个子公司成功的基础:太非卡机械设备公司(Tractafric Equipment)是卡特彼勒等全球主要工业设备制造公司在中部非洲及摩洛哥的代理商,太非卡汽车经销公司(Tractafric Motors)则是非洲首屈一指的汽车经销商。
This expertise has paved the way for the success of our two subsidiaries: Tractafric Equipment Corporation, a dealer in central Africa and Morocco of Caterpillar and other top industrial equipment brands, and Tractafric Motors Corporation, a major automobile distributor and trader in Africa.
联信永益公司通过年积累的 丰富的IT行业经验和对IT设备的熟识,在充分了解企业需求和实际状况的基础上,为企业提供量身定做的设备搬迁解决方案。
With many years of rich experiences in IT industry and acquaintance of IT equipment, Surekam can provide customized equipment relocation solutions for enterprise based on full understanding of enterprise’s demands and actual conditions.




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