单词 | 秦牧 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 秦牧 —Qin Mu (1919-1992), educator and prolific writerSee also:秦—surname Qin 牧—govern (old) • surname Mu • breed livestock • government official (old)
可能秦檜也相當愛他的妻 子,便叫那名術士告訴他的妻子是東窗事發,即是當天在那處事發的。 legco.gov.hk | Perhaps QIN Hui loved his wife [...] very much and so, he asked the wizard to tell his wife that this was all resulted from what [...]happened in front of the window in the eastern wing. legco.gov.hk |
在这方面,他们欢迎旨在加强和扩大这些领域的人力资 源、经验和专门知识交流的南南倡议,以支持农业和 畜 牧 业 生产,增加粮食供 应。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this regard, they welcomed the South-South initiatives to enhance and expand exchange of human resources, [...] experiences and know-how in these areas to support agriculture [...] and livestock production to increase the [...]availability of food. daccess-ods.un.org |
执行支助古政治事务协理干事努蓬慧女士 、 秦凯 文 先生和莫妮卡·洛夫莱女士为秘书处人员。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ms. Ngoc Phuong Huynh, Associate Political Affairs Officer, Implementation Support Unit, Mr. Kevin Ching and Ms. Monica Loveley served in the Secretariat. daccess-ods.un.org |
历史与现实的碰撞、中国与世界的碰撞以及现实与未来的碰撞将撞击出一幕幕"关公 战 秦 琼 "的场景,演义时空错位后的对位。 chinese-architects.com | The collision between history and contemporary, between China and the rest of the world, even between today and the [...] future will bounce off scene after scene of [...] “Guan Gong – Qin Qiong’s fight (two [...]historical generals from different dynasties)”, [...]repositioning the time and the space after a radical chaos. chinese-architects.com |
该项目的重点是土著社区和女青少年,以及将现有的不多资源更有效地用于改进游 牧人民的基础教育,增加创收潜力。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The project focused on indigenous communities and girls, and on targeting scarce [...] existing resources more effectively to improve the basic education and income-earning [...] potential of the nomad population. unesdoc.unesco.org |
德勤审计服务合伙人秦谊女 士以“青年领袖”的角色分享她对幸福的看法。 deloitte.com | Audit Partner Jennifer Qin was Deloitte's [...] young leader representative sharing her insights on happiness and the role of [...]young leaders during this session televised by CCTV and open to all media. deloitte.com |
秦博士 於2001年4月至2010年9月擔任招商銀行股份有限公司董事長,於2000年12月至2010年8月出任招商局集團有限公司董事長,1995年4月至2000年7月擔任中國國際信託投資公司(CITIC)總裁,2000年7月至2001年12月任CITIC [...] [...] 副董事長及於1998年至2000年出任中信實業銀行董事長。 investors.aia.com | Dr. Qin served as Chairman [...] of China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd. from April 2001 to September 2010 and as Chairman of China [...]Merchants Group Limited from December 2000 to August 2010; President of China International Trust and Investment Corporation (CITIC) from April 1995 to July 2000; Vice Chairman of CITIC from July 2000 to December 2001 and Chairman of CITIC Industrial Bank from 1998 to 2000. investors.aia.com |
许多游客都会去参观城墙的壮丽景色,但极少游客知道位于城墙外的环城公园,每天下午都会聚 集 秦 腔 爱 好者表演最原汁原味的陕 西 秦 腔。 shangri-la.com | Many tourist visit City Wall for the magnificent view, but few know that outside the wall is a moat, which has now been opened as a round-city park, if you [...] come on afternoon you'll find groups of elderly [...] singers gathering in circles for concert-standard practice of Qin Opera. shangri-la.com |
代表们一致认为各种有效的农业措施,如修复退化土地、科学管 理 牧 场 、 改 进作物栽培技术、改善农业水资源管理、水产养殖和农林间作的最佳实践、开发沼 [...] 气等,都有助于实现减缓和适应气候变化的目标。 fao.org | Delegates agreed that various successful agricultural practices – [...] including restoration of degraded lands, [...] sound management of grazing lands, improved crop [...]cultivation, improved agriculture water [...]management, best practices in aquaculture and agroforestry and development of biogas – can contribute to both adaptation and mitigation objectives. fao.org |
西安秦华机 械有限责任公司创建于1980年。 sino-corrugated.com | Xi'an Qinhua Machinery Limited [...] Liability Company was set up in 1980. sino-corrugated.com |
负责任大气政策联盟、环境调查机构 和 秦 皇 岛 主导科技开发公司的代表以观察员身份 [...] 出席了会议。 multilateralfund.org | The Meeting was attended by representatives of the Alliance for Responsible [...] Atmospheric Policy, the Environmental Investigation [...] Agency, and Qinhuangdao Leading Science [...]and Technology Development Co. multilateralfund.org |
博源基金会理事会由国际知名人士组成,其中包括前中国招商局集团董事 长 秦 晓 ,瑞银投资银行副主席何迪,全国人大常委、财政经济委员会副主任委员、前中国人民银行副行长吴晓灵,中国投资有限公司总经理高西庆,中国投资有限公司副总经理汪建熙,中国银行首席经济学家曹远征, 中国国际金融有限公司董事长、前国务院发展研究中心副主任李剑阁,美国斯考克罗夫特集团主席、美国前国家安全事务助理斯考克罗夫特(Brent Scowcroft),瑞银投资银行副主席、前欧盟委员会副主席列昂••布列坦(Leon Brittan),香港特别行政区行政委员会成员、汇丰投资亚洲控股有限公司非执行主席、前中国证监会副主席史美伦(Laura Cha)。 sanyaforum.org | Board of Trustees:Qin Xiao (Former Chairman of China Merchants Group), He Di (Vice Chairman of UBS Investment Bank), Wu Xiaoling (NPC Standing Committee Member, Vice Chairman of the Financial and Economic Committee and Former Deputy Governor of the People's Bank of China), Gao Xiqing (President & CIO of China Investment Corporation), Wang Jianxi (Executive Vice President & CRO of China Investment Corporation), Cao Yuanzheng (Chief Economist of the Bank of China), Li Jiange (Chairman of China International Capital Corporation ,Former Deputy Director of Development Research Center of the State Council), Brent Scowcroft (Chairman of the Scowcroft Group and Former U.S. National Security Advisor), Leon Brittan (Vice Chairman of UBS Investment Bank ,Former Vice Chairman of the EU Commission), Laura Cha (Member of the Executive Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Non-Executive Chairman of HSBC Investment Asia Holdings Ltd, and Former Vice Chairman of CSRC). sanyaforum.org |
华山乃五岳中最高峰,北临黄河和渭水,南 接 秦 岭。 shangri-la.com | The tallest among the five, Mount Hua overlooks the Huanghe River and the Weishui River to the [...] north and the Qinling Mountains to the south. shangri-la.com |
我们也感谢实验室成员玛雅酒吧DOLEV,扬中 市 秦 , Ye liz切利克博士,博士纳塔利娅Pertaya,Ortal Mizrahy,并为他们的用户反馈Shlomit盖伊博士。 jove.com | We also thank lab members Dr. Maya Bar-Dolev, Yangzhong Qin, Dr. Yeliz Celik, Dr. Natalya Pertaya, Ortal Mizrahy, and Shlomit Guy for their user feedback. jove.com |
在神奈川县秦野市 建立了集团的综合研究所“株式会社INOAC技术研究所”。 inoac.co.jp | the Group's comprehensive research institute, in Hadano, Kanagawa Prefecture. inoac.co.jp |
(f) 世界和平论坛,2009 年 7 月,秦皇岛 中国长城;本协会在中华人民共和 [...] 国成立六十周年之际共同赞助该论坛,并签署论坛成果文件“长城和平宣言”。 daccess-ods.un.org | (f) World Peace Forum at the Great [...] Wall of China, Qinhuangdao, July 2009; [...]the Association co-sponsored the Forum on the [...]occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and signed the outcome document of the Forum, “Peaceful Declaration of the Great Wall”. daccess-ods.un.org |
能够与罗大使、巴辛大使和秦副院长共同出席美国和中国首次联合举办的阿富汗合作项目的启动仪式,我深感荣幸。 embassyusa.cn | It is a privilege for me to join Ambassador Luo, Ambassador Baheen, and Vice President Qin in commemorating the launch of a first-ever U.S.-China joint cooperative project on Afghanistan. eng.embassyusa.cn |
陕西佛坪国家级自然保护区位于秦岭 南坡的中段,1998~1999年冬季通过分层抽样的方法,测定了保护区内羚 牛 秦 岭 亚种(Budorcas taxicolor bedfordi)10种栖息地类型的单位面积食物资源量和含有的能量,估计了越冬区可以利用的总能量。 actazool.org | The carrying capacity of Foping National Nature Reserve for golden takin(Budorcas taxicolor bedfordi) was estimated during the winter of 1998-1999 based on the total energy contained in available food resources produced in the winter habitat and the energy requirements of captive animals in the Xi'an Zoo. actazool.org |
此次行程的亮点是参观秦始皇 兵马俑,丽贝卡将切身体验由努力、组织、团结和社会凝聚力创造的历史杰作。 shanghaibiennale.org | As the highlight of the trip, Rebekkah will be taken to visit the Terracotta Warriors where she will experience a historic vision of what can be achieved through hard work, organization, unity and social cohesion. shanghaibiennale.org |
冬天可能很快正式开始,但是出现越来越多迹象表明中概股的春天已经来临,互联网安全提供商 网 秦 公 司(NYSE: NQ)和电子商务公司唯品会(NYSE: VIPS)成为头条新闻,这对两家公司和整个行业似乎是好事。 youngchinabiz.com | The official start of winter may fast be approaching, but there are growing signs that an early spring has arrived for US-listed China stocks, with Internet security provider NQ Mobile (NYSE: NQ) and e-commerce firm Vipshop (NYSE: VIPS) making headlines that look good for both themselves and the broader sector. youngchinabiz.com |
第 二 點 我想講 述 , 並想記 錄 下 來的是, 最 近 秦 家 聰 先生在《 蘋 果 日 報 》 的專欄 中 寫道, 他 引 述 ,在 1994 年 2 月 29 日 《 人民日 報 》 中 (我查 過 , 是 真 實 的 ) 確 實 記 載 了 在 談判期間,中國政府 曾 就一些 問 題 駁 斥 英國政府 , 當 時 所 談 的是政 改 和全面普 選 , 背 景是:英國在談判時 ( 即九十 年 代 的 時 候 ) 問中國,究 竟 可 否 保 證 香港特區在 2007、 08 年 進行全面普 選 呢 ﹖ 當 時中國 政 府說:第一、這不關你 的 事,因這是中國的內政 。 legco.gov.hk | He quoted the People's Daily as reporting on 29 February 1994 (I have verified this and it is true) that the Chinese Government rebutted the British Government on certain issues related to political reform and election by universal suffrage during the time of Sino-British negotiations. The background was, in the process of the negotiations (that was in the '90s), the British side asked the Chinese side whether it could guarantee that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) would hold elections by universal suffrage in 2007 and 2008. legco.gov.hk |
(b) 於二零零六年七月十八日,本公司於香港高等法院 向 秦 覺 忠 ·吳慈飛律師行(「被告」)發出傳訊令狀, 其內容涉及有關據稱已提供之法律服務之若干發票及一份日期為二零零五年十一月二十五日之據稱契 據(「據稱 契據」)。 equitynet.com.hk | (b) On 18 July 2006, the Company issued a writ of summons in the High Court of Hong Kong against Ts un & Partners (the “Defendant”) in relation to certain invoices for legal services purported rendered and a purported deed of settlement dated 25 November 2005 (the “purported Deed”), which purported to constitute or represent or agree remuneration of the Defendant (the “Action”). equitynet.com.hk |
在中国的世界闻名的秦始皇兵马俑博物馆等大型开放空间展示的不可移动的历史文物的保护需要空气幕和其他改进措施,从而重建考古学家发掘这些文物的原生环境。 chinese.eurekalert.org | The preservation of immovable historic relics displayed in large open spaces like China's world-renowned Museum of Qin Terracotta Warriors and Horses requires air curtains and other modifications to recreate the primitive environment from which archaeologists excavated the relics. chinese.eurekalert.org |