

单词 秦岭蜀栈道

See also:


a plank road (built on trestles across the face of a cliff)

External sources (not reviewed)

华山乃五岳中最高峰,北临黄河和渭水,南 秦岭。
The tallest among the five, Mount Hua overlooks the Huanghe River and the Weishui River to the
[...] north and the Qinling Mountains to the south.
亲爱的埃德:EDS找到吉米游栈道, 并 问他为什么。
Dear Ed: The Eds find Jimmy hanging around with Plank one day, and ask him why.
Do you need more information about suppliers, replacement parts and accessories from Pipeline bridges?
吉米告诉他们,强尼和栈道有一 个大的仇隙和Jonny离 栈道 良 好
Jimmy tells them that Jonny and Plank had a big feud and Jonny left Plank for good.
以前,儿童在长牙的时候都要咀嚼一片 蜀 葵 根
Formerly, children would be given a piece of Marsh Mallow root to chew on when they were teething.
人物介绍蜀山传 说、场景欣赏、仙剑论坛、武器装备 道 具 物品、魔术技能、仙剑地图等内容。
Character introduction, Suchuan content mountain fable, scene appreciation, immortal sword [...]
discussion forum, weaponry, stage prop goods, magic skill, immortal sword map.
有9名參加一個外遊旅行團的香港市民於上月26日埃及 蜀 的 一 宗熱氣球爆炸意外中死亡。
Nine Hong Kong people from an outbound group tour died in an accident of hot air balloon explosion on the 26th of last month in Luxor, Egypt.
乌克兰的签署人有:乌克兰国家空间局局长 Aleksandr Zinchenko; Arsenal
公司董事兼首席设计师 Nikolai Likholit;国营企业 Ukrinmash 董事 Dmitry
[...] Peregudov;中国的签署人有:中国航天科工集团公司总经理许达哲;中 国精密机械进出口总公司总裁纪蜀 ; 中 国精密机械进出口总公司副总裁赵晓 龙。
The Ukrainian signatories were Aleksandr Zinchenko, Director-General of NSAU; Nikolai Likholit, Director and Chief Designer of the company Arsenal; and Dmitry Peregudov, Director of the
State enterprise Ukrinmash; the Chinese
[...] signatories were Xu Dazhe, General Manager [...]
of the China Aerospace Science and Industry
Corporation; Ji Yanshu, President of CPMIEC; and Zhao Xiao Long, Vice-President of CPMIEC.
第 61/105 号决议被视为公海渔 业历史上一个分岭和渔 业管理制度的转变。
Resolution 61/105 was considered to be a watershed moment in the history of high seas fisheries and a regime shift for fisheries management.
陕西佛坪国家级自然保护区位秦岭 南 坡的中段,1998~1999年冬季通过分层抽样的方法,测定了保护区内羚 秦岭 亚 种 (Budorcas taxicolor bedfordi)10种栖息地类型的单位面积食物资源量和含有的能量,估计了越冬区可以利用的总能量。
The carrying capacity of Foping National Nature Reserve for golden takin(Budorcas taxicolor bedfordi) was estimated during the winter of 1998-1999 based on the total energy contained in available food resources produced in the winter habitat and the energy requirements of captive animals in the Xi'an Zoo.
在努力为后代保护地球的过程中,里约会议二 十周年大会能够成为道分水岭。
The Rio+20 Conference
[...] could be a watershed moment in [...]
efforts to protect the planet for future generations.
第 二 點 我想講 述 , 並想記 錄 下 來的是, 最秦 家 聰 先生在《 蘋 果 日 報 》 的專欄 中道, 他 引 述 ,在 1994 年 2 月 29 日 《 人民日 報 》 中 (我查 過 , 是 真 實 的 ) 確 實 記 載 了 在 談判期間,中國政府 曾 就一些 問 題 駁 斥 英國政府 , 當 時 所 談 的是政 改 和全面普 選 , 背 景是:英國在談判時 ( 即九十 年 代 的 時 候 ) 問中國,究 竟 可 否 保 證 香港特區在 2007、 08 年 進行全面普 選 呢 ﹖ 當 時中國 政 府說:第一、這不關你 的 事,因這是中國的內政 。
He quoted the People's Daily as reporting on 29 February 1994 (I have verified this and it is true) that the Chinese Government rebutted the British Government on certain issues related to political reform and election by universal suffrage during the time of Sino-British negotiations. The background was, in the process of the negotiations (that was in the '90s), the British side asked the Chinese side whether it could guarantee that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) would hold elections by universal suffrage in 2007 and 2008.
请使用下面的链接继续查询相关企业的主题 道栈 桥 , 可在IndustryStock的数据库中获得。
Please use the following link to research other relevant companies relating to Pipeline bridges in IndustryStock's database.
1属和500-600种:南北半球的热带和亚热带到温带,主要在中南美洲和亚洲的热带的地区;中国有204种(149特有种),分布于长江 秦岭 以 南 ,主要中国南部和西南部。
One genus and 500-600 species: tropical and subtropical to temperate regions of both the N and S Hemispheres, mainly in the tropical regions of Central and South America and Asia; 204 species
(149 endemic) in China, distributed in regions south of the
[...] Chang Jiang and Qinling Mountains, mainly [...]
in S and SW China.
实际上,1995 年被认为是一个重 要的分岭,因为那一年遵照《1991 年组织法修正案》有效实施了执行局构成的重大变革 [...]
(在管理方面的结果是第三部分的目标),并设立了一个有关大会机构和职能的特别工作组 (“克罗工作组”),这是一直到目前为止系统审查理事机构工作方法的原型。
Indeed, it has been considered that 1995 is a
[...] significant watershed, since that [...]
year saw the effective application of a significant
change in the composition of the Executive Board following the 1991 Constitutional amendment (whose consequences in terms of governance are the object of the third part), along with the creation of an ad hoc Working Group on the Structure and Function of the General Conference (“Krogh group”), which was the forebear of systematic reviews of the methods of work of the governing bodies right up to the present.
执行支助古政治事务协理干事努蓬慧女士 秦凯 文 先生和莫妮卡·洛夫莱女士为秘书处人员。
Ms. Ngoc Phuong Huynh, Associate Political Affairs Officer, Implementation Support Unit, Mr. Kevin Ching and Ms. Monica Loveley served in the Secretariat.
开展了一系列文化活动:2003 年 4 月在教 科文组织总部与开放的亚洲法国(非政府组织)举办的“阿富汗周”,摄影展、团结互助文 化展:“和平之旅:前往阿富汗”;展出了两份出版物:“诗歌之旅”和“光明之旅”,这 是在关于“栈:促进阿富汗和平与民主的一千零一首诗”的文化项目框架内,为阿富汗青 少年和成年人出版的一本诗集和读物,是在关心阿富汗未来的超过 45 个民族的作家和诗人 所投稿件的基础上出版的。
A series of cultural manifestations: “The Week for Afghanistan” organized with Open Asia France (NGO) in April 2003 at UNESCO Headquarters, a photography exhibition, a cultural show of solidarity “Caravan of Peace: Destination Afghanistan”; presentation of two publications, “The Caravan of Poems” and “The Caravan of Light”: an anthology of poems and texts for Afghan youth and adults in the framework of the cultural project on “Caravanserais: One Thousand and One Poems for Peace and Democracy in Afghanistan”, based on the contributions of writers and poets of more than 45 nationalities sensitive to the future of Afghanistan.
从澳大利亚摩托过山车到巨型波浪池,甚至是小型内陆农场,黄金海岸的主题公园令家里每个人都乐不 蜀。
From an Australian motorbike rollercoaster to a giant wave pool and even a small-scale outback station, the Gold Coast’s theme parks have enough to keep everyone in the family entertained.
在编译时增加意味着你可以选择一系列的“编译计划”以支持不同的错误处理和调试要求-为单独的那些真正复杂的错误进行充分调试/调用 栈 跟 踪;为你发布的版本进行错误处理和对象实例统计。
Adding at build time means you can choose from a range of 'Build Plans' to support different
error handling and debug requirements -
[...] full debug / call stack trace for isolating [...]
those really tricky bugs; error handling
and object instance counting for your release version, for example.
我们也感谢实验室成员玛雅酒吧DOLEV,扬中 秦 , Ye liz切利克博士,博士纳塔利娅Pertaya,Ortal Mizrahy,并为他们的用户反馈Shlomit盖伊博士。
We also thank lab members Dr. Maya Bar-Dolev, Yangzhong Qin, Dr. Yeliz Celik, Dr. Natalya Pertaya, Ortal Mizrahy, and Shlomit Guy for their user feedback.
利用生态工法建置的宏远生态公园,兴建的材料尽量采用回收建筑与渔业的废弃物,包括:运用回收老旧枕木搭建成 栈道 便 桥 、回收竹管、蚵壳与碎石铺成步道、利用安装抽风机而切割下的废弃水泥墙面,铺设成具保水功能的渗透基地、以及采取燃煤锅炉所产生之煤渣所制成的ESM煤砖作为水池基石等等;此外,还在公园的中央规划景观贮集渗透水池,其透过种植上百种的水生植物、高低水位自然缓坡与由ESM煤砖、鹅卵石制成生态干床净水沟等设计,调节并净化雨水与生活废水的功能,回收再利用作为灌溉,生态公园里处处可见将『废弃物变食物』的精神化为实际行动的环保成果。
For example, old wooden sleepers were used to build a temporary bridge on the trail; recycled bamboo tubes, shells and broken stones were used to floor the trail; waste concrete removed from the factory walls when fans were installed was used to build a permeation base with a water preservation function; and ESM cinder bricks made from cinder produced by burning coal in a furnace were used as the foundation stones of the pond.
[...] (逻辑)设计的其他部分和这一黑盒连接起来,通过定义好的软件应用程序接口(API)使用协 栈 , 这 一接口对 于所有工业以太网协议是通用的。
You can hook up the rest of your (logic) design to this black
box via a defined logic interface and
[...] access the protocol stack via a defined software [...]
application programming interface
(API) common to all the Industrial Ethernet protocols.
许多游客都会去参观城墙的壮丽景色,但极少游客 道 位 于 城墙外的环城公园,每天下午都会聚 秦 腔 爱 好者表演最原汁原味的陕 西 秦 腔。
Many tourist visit City Wall for the magnificent
[...] view, but few know that outside the wall is a moat, which has now been opened as a round-city park, if you come on afternoon you'll find groups of elderly singers gathering in circles for concert-standard practice of Qin Opera.
许多代表团吁请将本次会议变成一次“分岭 活动 ”,以证明最终能够使一大批发展中国家在今后十年达到毕业的条件。
Many called for the Conference to
[...] become a “watershed event” that [...]
would prove to have finally enabled a large number of
least developed countries to achieve the conditions for graduation in the next decade.
秦博士 於2001年4月至2010年9月擔任招商銀行股份有限公司董事長,於2000年12月至2010年8月出任招商局集團有限公司董事長,1995年4月至2000年7月擔任中國國際信託投資公司(CITIC)總裁,2000年7月至2001年12月任CITIC [...] [...]
Dr. Qin served as Chairman [...]
of China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd. from April 2001 to September 2010 and as Chairman of China
Merchants Group Limited from December 2000 to August 2010; President of China International Trust and Investment Corporation (CITIC) from April 1995 to July 2000; Vice Chairman of CITIC from July 2000 to December 2001 and Chairman of CITIC Industrial Bank from 1998 to 2000.
冬天可能很快正式开始,但是出现越来越多迹象表明中概股的春天已经来临,互联网安全提供商 秦 公 司(NYSE: NQ)和电子商务公司唯品会(NYSE: VIPS)成为头条新闻,这对两家公司和整个行业似乎是好事。
The official start of winter may fast be approaching, but there are growing signs that an early spring has arrived for US-listed China stocks, with Internet security provider NQ Mobile (NYSE: NQ) and e-commerce firm Vipshop (NYSE: VIPS) making headlines that look good for both themselves and the broader sector.
此外,基础设施充分利用了亚运会的LED户外照明,如广州亚运会的主体育场场馆和周围的道路被建于70000年,12000年LED灯高压钠灯灯被转化为LED灯12个主 道 路 在佛 山 岭 南 明珠大型体育场。
In addition, the infrastructures of the Asian Games made full use of LED outdoor lighting, such as the Guangzhou Asian Games' main stadium venues and the surrounding roads were built 70,000 LED lights, 12,000 high
pressure sodium lamps had been transformed into LED
[...] lights in 12 main roads around Foshan sub-venue Lingnan Pearl [...]
2009年10月12日至10月17日,我司作为中华人民共和国铁道部指定的中美高速铁路技术交流协调方,由执行总裁孙 岭 博 士 陪同 道 部 高 速铁路代表团前往美国加州进行了为期一周的中美高速铁路技术交流。
From October 12th – 17th, 2009, SECI was appointed by the Chinese Ministry of Railways as the coordinator for U.S.-China
technology exchange, and the CEO,
[...] Dr. Sun, accompanied the MOR Delegation to visit California [...]
for one week to promote U.S.-China
technology Collaboration in the field of high-speed railway.
观沙”本身就成为了一种 力量,许多国家都把他们的故事撰写成文章并向季刊《观沙人》及其网站 (www.sandwatch.org)投稿。“观沙”这种方式的成功和实效已带来两个试点研究,
[...] 在试点研究中,将把这种方式调整后用于其他的生态系统,即河流和分 岭。
Sandwatch” has become a force in its own right and many countries are contributing their stories to the quarterly journal “Sandwatcher” and to the “Sandwatch” website (www.sandwatch.org). The success and effectiveness of the
“Sandwatch” approach have led to two pilot studies to adapt the approach to other ecosystems,
[...] namely rivers and watersheds.




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