单词 | 秦始皇帝陵 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 秦始皇帝陵—the mausoleum of the First Emperor near Xi'an秦始皇帝—the First Emperor 259-210 BCSee also:秦始皇—Qin Shihuang (259-210 BC), the first emperor 皇帝n—emperorn emperorspl
有㆟要扮演赵高,指鹿为马,但 20 世纪九十年代的今㆝,已不是 2000 多年前秦始 皇的儿子的时代。 legco.gov.hk | However, in the 90s of the 20th century today, we belong to an era different from the [...] reign ofthe son of EmperorQin2000 years ago. legco.gov.hk |
在中国战国末期,秦国实力最为强大,赢政(即后来的秦始皇)继承王位后,发动了统一中国的战争。 chinesestoryonline.com | At the end of the Warring States period in China, Qin, the strongest state in China, sought to dominate the other Chinese states. chinesestoryonline.com |
从秦始皇的焚书坑儒到朱元璋的文字狱,我们曾有多少个汉武帝下诏治罪? legco.gov.hk | FromEmperor Qin Shi Huang, who ordered burning books and burying scholars alive, to ZHU Yuanzhang, who persecuted intellectuals by literary inquisition, how manyChineseemperors have sent out imperial [...] decrees to reprimand [...]themselves like Emperor Han Wu Di? legco.gov.hk |
策划及制作「广东省王杰巡回演唱会」、「国际华裔小姐」 [...] (2002年、2004年及2008年)、「金利来集团特约从国宝文物看西安特辑」、「全球华人黄 帝陵大祭祖活动」、「樟木头第3届香港人旅游节」、「家燕家你皆大欢喜演唱会」、「祟福皮革之夜明星演唱会」、「哈尔滨成龙好朋友慈善演唱会」、「2006同心同根太阳计划走进西安演唱会」、「香港明星足球队多伦多慈善之旅2007」、「2009国际欢乐嘉年华」、「All [...][...]for Ken 2011枫再起时蔡枫华广州演唱会」、「哈尔滨. fso-createhk.gov.hk | Planned and produced "Wong Kit Concert in Guang Dong", "Miss Chinese International" (2002, 2004 & [...] 2008), "Goldlion - Xian Special", "Memorial [...] Ceremony oftheKing in Xian", "The [...]3rd Hong Kong People Tour Festival", "Nancy [...]Sit Concert", a sponsored concert in Zhang Mu Tou, "Jackie CHAN and Friends Concert", "The Sun Project: Xian Concert", a contect organised by All Star Sports Association, a mobile game event in Harbin, concert "All for Ken 2011", "Style Hong Kong Show in Harbin", and "Harbin-Hong Kong Economic and Trade Cooperation Meeting and Signing Ceremony". fso-createhk.gov.hk |
此次行程的亮点是参观秦始皇兵马俑,丽贝卡将切身体验由努力、组织、团结和社会凝聚力创造的历史杰作。 shanghaibiennale.org | As the highlight of the trip, Rebekkah will be taken to visit the Terracotta Warriors where she will experience a historic vision of what can be achieved through hard work, organization, unity and social cohesion. shanghaibiennale.org |
(2) 若根据第(1)小节做出了决定,国家政府和格陵兰政府则应开始谈判, 以使格陵兰独立。 daccess-ods.un.org | (2) If decision is taken pursuant to [...] subsection (1), [...] negotiations shall commence between the Government and Naalakkersuisut with a view to the introduction of independence for Greenland. daccess-ods.un.org |
秦始皇在统 一六国後,以法家思想治国,焚书坑儒,推行所谓的“以 法为教,以吏为师”(即用法律条文做教材,由官员推行法律)的国策,结 果造成思想禁锢,很多重要的文献失传或残缺不全,对学术文化所造成 的损失极大。 legco.gov.hk | He made it the state policy to use the provisions in law as the teaching materials in education and implement the law by government officials. As a result, the freedom of thinking was fettered and a lot of important literary texts were lost or became corrupted, causing catastrophic damage to scholarly pursuits and culture. legco.gov.hk |
编钟展厅展出了战国时期(公元前476年 - 公元前221年)皇家陵墓中出土的遗物。 shangri-la.com | Situated in Wuchang District, Wuhan, the Hubei Provincial Museum is the region’s best known museum. shangri-la.com |
在中国的世界闻名的秦始皇兵马俑博物馆等大型开放空间展示的不可移动的历史文物的保护需要空气幕和其他改进措施,从而重建考古学家发掘这些文物的原生环境。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Thepreservation ofimmovable historic relics displayed in large open spaces like China's world-renowned Museumof Qin Terracotta Warriors and Horses requires air curtains and other modifications to recreate the primitive environment from which archaeologists excavated the relics. chinese.eurekalert.org |
主席先生,话说晋孝武帝太元年间,武陵郡有渔夫,尝在溪流作业时迷途,误闯桃花林, 林後别有洞㆝,「土㆞平旷,屋舍俨然,有良田美池桑竹之属,阡陌交通,鸡犬相闻」, 彷佛㆟间仙境。 legco.gov.hk | MR ROGER LUK (in Cantonese): Mr President, during the Taiyuan reign of Emperor Xiaowu of the Jin Dynasty, a fisherman of Wuling Prefecture, while fishing in a creek, lost his way and strayed into a wood of peach trees. legco.gov.hk |
丹麦报告说,格陵兰正在制定法律,通过界定新捕鱼区、为新捕鱼区拟订离 开条款、为新捕鱼区以外地区规定报告的义务以及查明新的不允许使用触底渔具 [...] 捕捞的地区等做法限制触底渔具的使用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Denmark reported that Greenland was developing [...] legislation to restrict bottom touching gear by defining new fishing areas, [...]establishing a move away clause in new fishing areas, reporting obligations in areas outside new fishing areas, and identifying new areas where fishing with bottom touching gear was not allowed. daccess-ods.un.org |
以言入罪,在中国来说,不是甚麽新鲜事物,古有秦始皇的偶语弃 市,历代文字狱皆令知识份子头颅掷处血斑斑。 legco.gov.hk | In China, literary inquisition is nothing [...] new. In the past, EmperorQINimposed the [...]cruel punishment of having their corpses [...]exposed for people who had conducted private talks on streets. legco.gov.hk |
在中国大陆,政府实行一党专制,国家经历了三十多年不断的阶 级斗争及清洗,以至文化大革命为极权的颠峰,毛泽东更成为新中国的秦始皇。 legco.gov.hk | The Cultural Revolution took place when [...] autocratic rule was at its peak and MAO Zedong then became the Qin Shi [...] Huang (the firstemperor of Qin dynasty) [...]of new China. legco.gov.hk |
之后那些所谓的皇帝开始顺序是:第一,凯厄斯朱利叶斯,谁在位3年4个月6天,然后奥古斯都,56年4月1日;厄斯,22岁;然后再凯厄斯,3年8个月7天克劳狄斯,23年8个月24天;尼禄,13年6个月58天;加尔巴,2年7个月6天; [...] Otho,3个月5天; [...]Vitellius,6个月22天;维斯帕先,9年11个月22天;提图斯,2年22天;杜米仙,15岁5个月6天; NERVA,1年4个月10天;图拉真,19年6个月16天;阿德里安,20年10个月28天;安东尼,22年7个月6天; Verus,19岁10天。 mb-soft.com | Afterwards those [...] who are called emperors beganin this order: first, [...]Caius Julius, who reigned 3 years 4 months 6 days; [...]then Augustus, 56 years 4 months 1 day; Tiberius, 22 years; then another Caius, 3 years 8 months 7 days; Claudius, 23 years 8 months 24 days; Nero, 13 years 6 months 58 days; Galba, 2 years 7 months 6 days; Otho, 3 months 5 days; Vitellius, 6 months 22 days; Vespasian, 9 years 11 months 22 days; Titus, 2 years 22 days; Domitian, 15 years 5 months 6 days; Nerva, 1 year 4 months 10 days; Trajan, 19 years 6 months 16 days; Adrian, 20 years 10 months 28 days; Antoninus, 22 years 7 months 6 days; Verus, 19 years 10 days. mb-soft.com |
尊重秦始皇焚书坑儒吗? legco.gov.hk | Should werespectEmperor Qinfor burning [...] books and burying intellectuals? legco.gov.hk |
当两个分裂帝国皇帝,这是不太根据语言,也不是教会师更精确,因为伊利里库姆大省,包括马其顿和希腊所有,是重视通过至少一个教父的很大一部分西方期间,并应依塞萨洛尼卡大主教,而不是其的Exarch或族长,但作为教皇使节。 mb-soft.com | When two emperors divided the Empire, it wasnot quite [...] according to language; nor were the ecclesiastical divisions more [...]exact, since the great province of Illyricum, including Macedonia and all Greece, was attached to the West through at least a large part of the patristic period, and was governed by the archbishop of Thessalonica, not as its exarch or patriarch, but as papal legate. mb-soft.com |
这些指控的结果是斗争,即皇帝和教皇的法 官担任,犹太人被约翰Reuchlin,谁是受人文主义反对蒙昧主义和主张,而这种争议,这是进行大部分的通过小册子的手段,成为了改革的前兆。 mb-soft.com | The result of these accusations was a [...] struggle in which the emperorand the pope acted [...]as judges, the advocate of the Jews being [...]Johann Reuchlin, who was opposed by the obscurantists and the humanists; and this controversy, which was carried on for the most part by means of pamphlets, became the precursor of the Reformation. mb-soft.com |
(2) 在特殊情况下,有关丹麦当局可以在征得有关格陵兰当局同意后决定由 丹麦当局负责完成某些具体事项。 daccess-ods.un.org | (2) The Danish authority concerned [...] may in special cases and subject to [...] agreement with the Greenland authority concerned [...]decide that certain specific matters [...]shall be finalised by the Danish authorities. daccess-ods.un.org |
李华明议员:主席,让我引述一位学者的一段言论,他说︰“中国是盛 产文字狱的大国,从秦始皇的‘焚书坑儒’到毛泽东的‘反右’、‘文革’,文 [...] 字狱的受害者历代不绝、株连无数。 legco.gov.hk | MR FRED LI (in Cantonese): President, let me quote the remarks of a scholar, he said, "China is a big [...] country abound with literary [...] inquisition, from the First Emperor of Qin'sburning thebooks [...]and burying alive the Confucian scholars, [...]to MAO Zedong's Anti-Rightist Movement and Cultural Revolution, there were countless victims of literary persecution in the different dynasties, and numerous innocent people were involved. legco.gov.hk |
格陵兰独立的起始点就是格陵兰人民希望独立。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thepointof departure regarding Greenland independence is for independence to be the wish of the people ofGreenland. daccess-ods.un.org |
原 因是当 时 的 政 府 眼 见 人民饱 经 春秋战国及秦 始 皇苛政的 苦 难 , 再 加 上 社 会 满 目 疮 痍 , 所以认为人民不应再受劳 [...] 累 , 而应休 养 生 息。 legco.gov.hk | That was because, realizing that both the people and society were in total devastation following the [...] Spring and Autumn Period, [...] the Warring States Period and the tyranny of QinShi Huang, the government [...]at that time decided [...]that the people should be given a respite instead of being made to suffer any further hardship. legco.gov.hk |
第六城堡(“古城堡”)屹立于一条古代堤防之上,是莫卧尔(Mughal)王朝第二代 皇帝胡马庸(Humayu n)开始修建红堡(Dinpanah)的地点。 shangri-la.com | It is the site where [...] Humayun, the secondMughal emperor, began construction of his city, [...]Dinpanah. shangri-la.com |
当中的重点文物计有孙中山先生的试卷、 宣统皇帝(末代皇帝)的退位诏书、孙中山先生和宋庆龄女士的结婚证书等, 弥足珍贵。 legco.gov.hk | Among the highlights are the examination papers of [...] Dr Sun, Imperial Edict of [...] Abdication by EmperorXuantong (the Last Emperor) andthe marriage [...]certificate between Dr Sun and Madame Soong. legco.gov.hk |
在过去 12 [...] 个月里,在教育和卫生方面提供的基本社会服务,包括向弱势 群体提供的社会援助/保护,已开始改善 许多东帝汶人的生活条件:9 000 教师接 受了强化培训,包括葡萄牙文;在世界粮食计划署(粮食计划署)的支助下,1 [...]006 小学实施学校供餐方案,并采用了爱幼学校模式;通过采取麻疹/破伤风疫苗接 [...] 种和营养干预措施开展的多抗原运动,使得全国人口的 40%受益,包括年轻妇女 和儿童。 daccess-ods.un.org | Over the past 12 months, basic social services in education and health, including social [...] assistance/protection for [...] vulnerable groups, havebegun to improveliving conditions formanyTimorese:9,000 teachers [...]received intensive [...]training, including in the Portuguese language; 1,006 primary schools implemented the school feeding programme with support from the World Food Programme (WFP) and a child-friendly school model was adopted; the multi-antigen campaign benefited 40 per cent of the country’s population, including young women and children, through measles/tetanus vaccination and nutrition interventions. daccess-ods.un.org |
以法治国,其实是等於秦始皇的做法。 legco.gov.hk | To rule by law is exactly the [...] practice adoptedbyEmperor QinShi Huang. legco.gov.hk |
一些野蛮人似乎限制后死亡的好(与恶人灭绝)的存在,作为尼加拉瓜,或职级的人,因为Tongas,而格陵兰,新几内亚的黑人,以及其他一些对人的一种可能性第二次的死,在其他世界或在它的方式。 mb-soft.com | Some savages seem to limit existence after death to the good (with extinction for the wicked), as the Nicaraguas, or to men of rank, as the Tongas; while theGreenlanders,New Guinea negroes, and others seem to hold the possibility of a second death, in the other world or on the way to it. mb-soft.com |
雅加达办事处一直积极参与为东帝汶(2008 年)、菲律 宾(始于2008 年,但最终推迟到 2010 年,目的是使之符合新的国家发展计划)和印度尼西 亚(2009 [...] 年)推出的联发援框架。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Jakarta Office has been heavily [...] involved in the UNDAF [...] roll-out for Timor Leste (2008), the Philippines (whichstarted in 2008,but was [...]eventually postponed [...]to 2010 to align with the new National Development Plan), and Indonesia (2009). unesdoc.unesco.org |
各位部长强调,必须让以色列按照有关的国际决议,特别是第1701号决 议,撤出所有的黎巴嫩领土,包括沙巴阿农场、Kfarshou ba丘陵和铝盖杰尔村属 于黎巴嫩部分,撤到蓝线之后;并表示其支持黎巴嫩,包括其人民、军队和抵 抗力量有权解放或收回沙巴阿农场、Kfarshou ba丘陵和铝盖杰尔村属于黎巴嫩部 分,以及通过所有可用的合法手段保卫黎巴嫩抵御外来侵略,并进一步强调黎 巴嫩对安全理事会第1701号决议的承诺。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Ministers emphasized the necessity to have Israel withdraw from all Lebanese territories including Shebaa Farms, Kfarshouba Hills and the Lebanese part of Al Ghajar village up until behind the Blue line, in accordance with relevant international resolutions and in particular resolution 1701; and expressed their support for Lebanon’s right, including its people, army and resistance, to liberate or return the Shebaa Farms and Kfarshouba Hills and the Lebanese village of Al Ghajar, and to defend Lebanon against any aggression by all legitimate means available, and further emphasized Lebanon’s commitment to Security Council Resolution 1701. daccess-ods.un.org |
在农村中,他们好比一些土皇帝,较 有同情心的地方势力人士会为村民争取福利,但他们会视此为在上者对下层农民所施行 [...] 的责任,而不将它看待成下层农民的必然权益。 hkahe.com | In villages, these men of influence acted as if [...] they werelittle emperors. Some better men [...]of influence might seek for some benefits [...]for villagers, but they would regard this act as a duty of the superior towards the peasants and would never see this as their rightful privileges. hkahe.com |
在的Skeksis的居民科学家的建议,一般决定,以恢复他的青年排水Kira的生活本质,回顾,其效力可以让一个Sk eksis 皇帝,以 保持他的青年较长时期比的Podlings的上的人,他们都被强迫到依靠自的Gelfling大屠杀。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | On the suggestion of the Skeksis’ resident scientist, the General decides to regain his youth by draining Kira’s [...] life essence, recalling that its [...] potency allows a Skeksis emperor to maintainhis youth [...]for longer periods than that of the [...]Podlings on whom they have been forced to rely since the Gelfling genocide. seekcartoon.com |