单词 | 租金水平 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 租金水平 noun —rent level nSee also:租金 n—rent n • rental n • rents pl • rentals pl • hire n 水平 n—level n • levels pl • rate n • standard n 水平 adj—horizontal adj • vertical adj
然 而,在缺乏業務計劃的情況下,實在難以在現階段就零售/飲 食/娛樂設施釐定一個更切合實際的 租金水平。 legco.gov.hk | Nevertheless, in the absence of a business plan, it is difficult at this stage to determine [...] a more realistic rental level for the RDE [...]facilities. legco.gov.hk |
當局必須在新的 租金調整機制的基礎上釐定全新 租金水平 , 以確保整個租金調 整架構連貫和一致。 legco.gov.hk | The new rent level should be determined on the basis of the new rent adjustment mechanism to ensure coherence and consistency of the entire rent adjustment [...] framework. legco.gov.hk |
由於需求仍然殷切,預期整個組合的 租金 水平將繼續上升。 swirepacific.com | With demand [...] remaining strong rental levels are expected [...]to continue to rise across the portfolio. swirepacific.com |
然而,創新科技 署署長指出,與新加坡等其他亞洲國家相比,科學園的 租金水平既吸引又具競爭力。 legco.gov.hk | CIT nevertheless [...] pointed out that the rental level of Science [...]Park was attractive and competitive when compared with other [...]Asian countries such as Singapore. legco.gov.hk |
就此,法案委員會曾促請當局考慮多項訂定租 [...] 金與入息比例上限或加租上限的建議,包括在個別住戶層面實施法定的租金 [...] 與入息比例上限規定;參考每個家庭人數組別的租金與入息比例的加權平均 數訂定租金水平上限 ;把租援計劃所訂的租金與入息比例 20%上限調低至 [...] 15%,並改善租援計劃,以及為每次租金檢討訂定某個百分比的加租上限等。 legco.gov.hk | In this connection, the Bills Committee urged the authorities to consider a number of proposals relating to the provision of a rent-to-income ratio (RIR) cap or a rent increase cap, which include imposing a statutory RIR cap at individual household level; [...] setting a rent level cap with reference [...] to weighted average ratios of rent and income [...]in each household size group; reducing [...]the 20% RIR cap under the RAS to 15% RIR and improving the RAS, as well as introducing a MRIR cap in respect of increase in PRH rents in each rent review. legco.gov.hk |
玛丽王后小道房 [...] 舍的租金未纳入租金调整指数系统,按 现 租金水平 维 持到 2011 年,以便在需要时两份 租约能在同一时间续延。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Rent for the building on chemin de [...] la Reine Marie is not indexed and runs until 2011 [...] so that the two leases may, if necessary, [...]be renewed at the same time. unesdoc.unesco.org |
委員指出,高昂的租金水平令很多商戶 遷出,並推高了貨品的零售價,相關成本最終轉嫁以公屋居民為主的消 費者身上。 legco.gov.hk | Some members pointed out [...] that the high rents had forced many commercial tenants to move out [...]and driven up the retail prices [...]of goods, the cost of which would eventually be transferred to consumers who were mainly residents of PRH estates. legco.gov.hk |
(iii) 除了在同一地區及面積相同的 兩個同類單位的租金,可能會 純粹因為家庭人數不同而有分 別的不公平情況外,當2人家庭 遷出某公屋單位,然後有另一 3人家庭遷入該單位時,當局在 釐定該單位的租金水平方面亦 會有困難。 legco.gov.hk | (iii) On top of the inequitable situation where two similar flats of the same district and size would have different rents simply because of different household sizes, there would [...] be difficulty in [...] setting the level of rent for a PRH unit which was vacated by a 2-person household and then taken up by a 3-person household. legco.gov.hk |
(b) 每平方呎30元的預計租金水 平實屬保守的估計。 legco.gov.hk | (b) The estimated rental of $30 per square foot was indeed [...] a conservative estimate. legco.gov.hk |
公屋又再擔起穩定社會這重要功能,可是合理訂立公屋 的 租金水 平至為 重要,公屋必須能做到藏富於民,起到促進社會階層流動“旋轉門” [...] 的作用。 legco.gov.hk | In this regard, it is [...] imperative to set PRH rents at reasonable levels. Public housing [...]must be able to leave wealth with [...]the people, so that it can function as a revolving door for fostering social mobility. legco.gov.hk |
當局同 年 推 行 了 另 一項性 質 相 同 的計 劃 (1983年計劃), 容 許 受助人自 行選擇租住單位,其租金可比當局所 定的租金水 平 為 低 及保留 剩 餘 的款項,或 租 戶 可選擇租住單位的租金 比 上 述 的租金水 平 為 高 , 並支付不足之 數。 legco.gov.hk | A parallel programme (the 1983 programme) was introduced, allowing recipients to choose either to rent a flat, the rental of which was less than the payment standard and keep the balance, or to rent a flat, the rental of which was higher and pay the balance. legco.gov.hk |
他們要求政府當局考慮委員的建議,就 現時的租金水平作出下調,使租金與入息比例中位數下 跌至10%,從而為新租金調整機制的運作提供一個更公平 的起點。 legco.gov.hk | The Administration was requested to consider members' [...] suggestion of adjusting [...] the current rent level downwards to bring MRIR down to 10% so as to provide a fairer starting point [...]for the operation [...]of the new rent adjustment mechanism. legco.gov.hk |
(c) 押後租金檢討會再度耽延將剩餘的 居者有 其屋計 劃 [...] (“居 屋 ”)單位轉為公屋單位的決 定,因為在 釐 定此類 單位的租金水平方面 會有困難。 legco.gov.hk | (c) The deferral of rent review would further delay the making of the decision to convert overhung [...] Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) units into PRH units because of difficulties in [...] setting the levels of rents for these flats. legco.gov.hk |
在緊接句號之前加上“;(十 ) [...] 提升街市衞生環境、增加廣告宣傳及 強化場內營商配套;(十一) 若某一年度的財政預算案計劃提供減 [...] 租或免租優惠,應同時考慮將公眾街市商舖租戶列為受惠對象之 一;及(十二) 在調整公眾街市租金的時候,應以該年的經濟情況 及就業市道作為調整租金水平的參 考指標”。 legco.gov.hk | To add "; (j) to improve the sanitary conditions of the markets, step up advertising and promotion, and enhance the ancillary facilities for business operation in the markets; (k) if rent reduction or waiver are proposed in the Budget of a certain financial year, to consider also including commercial tenants of public markets as the target beneficiaries; and (l) to use the economic condition of the current year and employment market [...] situation as reference indicators when [...] adjusting the levels of rent of public markets" immediately before the [...]full stop. legco.gov.hk |
當局 解釋,為了確保整個租金調整機制連貫一致,房委會是使用收入指數來釐定 新租金水平的。 legco.gov.hk | The authorities explained that, in order to ensure the coherence [...] and consistency of the entire rent adjustment framework, the HA had used income index to [...] determine the new rental basis. legco.gov.hk |
我們 日後會先看看現時的租金水平是否 合理,才按機制調整這個水平,然後在這 水平之上再實行日後新的“可加可減”機制。 legco.gov.hk | In future, we will first examine [...] whether the existing rent level is reasonable before adjusting it in accordance with [...]the prevailing mechanism [...]and, on the basis of the adjusted level, implement the future new rent adjustment mechanism. legco.gov.hk |
有個別法案委員會委員亦建議,在條例草案中訂明收入超過房委會所訂 限額的租戶所繳交的額外租金水平, 與 一般租戶所繳交的租金掛 。 legco.gov.hk | Some members of the Bills Committee have also suggested to specify in the Bill that [...] the additional rents [...] payable by tenants whose incomes have exceeded the limits set by the HA be linked with the rents payable by other tenants in [...]general. legco.gov.hk |
导致租金水平较高的另一 个因素是税务负担很小。 gza.ch | Another factor [...] that explains high rents is a low tax burden. gza.ch |
零售價格跟隨市場變動下調,但租金水 平維持 不變,對本業務的盈利能力構成壓力。 cre.com.hk | While retail prices were lowered according [...] to market changes, rental levels remained unchanged, [...]putting pressure on the profitability of the business. cre.com.hk |
為回應此方案引致同類的公屋單位出 現不同租金水平的關 注,可就有關方案作 出修訂,把租金調整與住戶佔用的公屋單 [...] 位類別,以及入住有關單位的特定家庭人 數組別當時的租金與入息比例中位數掛 鈎。 legco.gov.hk | To address the concern arising from this [...] proposal where similar PRH units would [...] attract different rent level, a modified [...]version would be to link rent adjustment [...]with the type of PRH flat occupied by the household and the prevailing MRIR of the particular household size group occupying the unit. legco.gov.hk |
租金水平最高的州往往都 是主要城市中心区范围内的黄金地段。 gza.ch | The cantons [...] with the highest rents are usually prime [...]locations within reach of major urban centers. gza.ch |
同 時,為避 免 業主騙取房屋代用券 [...] 受助人的津貼,公共房屋機構 會進行當地 租金合理 程 度 測 試,確 保 某 住宅單位的租金符 合 鄰 近地區其他住宅單位的租金水 平 。 legco.gov.hk | Meanwhile, to avoid landlords from milking voucher recipients, public housing agencies conduct local rent [...] reasonableness tests to ensure that the [...] rent of a particular flat is in line with the rents of other flats [...]in the neighbourhood. legco.gov.hk |
新项目的供应使北京购物中心整体空置率调至 13.14%,整体租金水平保持平稳。 hsbc.com.cn | The overall availability ratio [...] reached 13.14% and rents remained stable. hsbc.com.cn |
其實,今次修例減租,對居民是有很大幫助的,減租後約有 70%公屋單 位的月租將少於 1,500 元,而約 90%單位的租金水平則在 2,000 元以下,減 租後的租金與入息比例中位數將回落至 12.6%。 legco.gov.hk | In fact, regarding this legislative amendment for implementing rent reduction, the tenants must find it most helpful. After the rent reduction has taken effect, the monthly rents of about 70% PRH flats will be less than $2,100, and that the MRIR will drop to 12.6%. legco.gov.hk |
其他城市比如克拉科夫、弗罗茨瓦夫或三联 市的租金水平都差 不多,但总体低于华沙, 最高租金低于14欧元/每平方米。 paiz.gov.pl | The same pattern can be seen in Krakow or the Tricity, but at the slightly lower level of 14 EUR/m2. paiz.gov.pl |
非核心商圈由于历史价位相对较低,本季 度租金继续补涨,平均租金上涨至 255.36 元(40.86 美元) 每月每平方米,环比增长 6.46%,空置率则环比下降 0.59 个百分点至 2.87%。租金的高位运行使签约及续约 租户对于租金水平表现敏感,业主报价开始趋于理性, 除金融街以外的其他几个核心商圈本季度租金均出现了 较小幅度的负增长(表二)。 hsbc.com.cn | Poor market sentiment forced landlords to become more rational in asking rents and, apart from Financial Street, rents in all other core districts witnessed a mild drop this quarter (Table 2). hsbc.com.cn |
(b) 不論住戶在公屋居住的年期長短,及不論所 繳 租金水平 , 住 戶必須每 2 年申報家庭入息及/或資產一 次,以便釐定應繳的租金水平及繼 續租住公屋的資格;以及 (c) 現正接受租金援助住戶,倘其家庭總收入經核實後仍符合「租金援助政策」的資格,可按重新申報 的家庭總收入,繼續在已獲批准租金援助的時段內,繳交符合租金入息比例的援助金額。 housingauthority.gov.hk | (b) Irrespective of the length of [...] residence in public rental housing (PRH) or the rent level, the household should declare the income and/or asset biennially to facilitate determination of the rent payable, and assessment of the eligibility (c) a household receiving rent assistance [...]may continue to pay [...]a rent in accordance with the rent-to-income ratio during the rent assistance period upon re-declaration of the total household income as far as such income is found to remain within the eligible limit under the Rent Assistance Scheme. housingauthority.gov.hk |
经济、社会、文化权利委员会认为,包括农村地区劳动者在内的所有人都 [...] [...] 拥有住房权,这一权利确保在任何时候可提供住房使用权的最低法律保障,包括 免遭强迫驱逐;提供基本的服务、材料、设备和基础设施,包括提供安全饮用水 和卫生设施;通过住房补贴的形式,向包括最贫困者在内的租户提供保护,使其 免受不合理租金水平或租金上 涨的影响;提供适于居住的住房,包括向住户提供 保护,使他们免受严寒、潮湿、炎热、刮风下雨或其他健康威胁;向处境不利的 群体,包括老年人、儿童、残疾人和自然灾害受害者提供住房机会;适当的居住 [...] 地点,即远离污染源和可就近就学和享受医疗服务的地点。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, every person, including those working in rural areas, has a right to housing, which guarantees at all times the minimum conditions of legal security of tenure, including protection against forced eviction; availability of essential services, materials, facilities and infrastructure, [...] including access to [...] safe drinking water and sanitation; affordability, including for the poorest, through housing subsidies, protection against unreasonable rent levels or rent increases; habitability, [...]including [...]protection from cold, damp, heat, rain, wind or other threats to health; accessibility for disadvantaged groups, including the elderly, children, the physically disabled and victims of natural disasters; and a suitable location, far from sources of pollution while close to schools and health-care services.76 48. daccess-ods.un.org |