

单词 租客

租客 noun, plural ()

landlords pl


分租客 n

subtenant n

See also:


rent v
hire v

lease out
rent out
land tax


customer n
guest n
visitor n

External sources (not reviewed)

土 地 審 裁 處 亦 可 考租 客 的 申 述 以 裁 定 其 可 [...]
獲 得 的 賠 償 款 額 。
The Lands Tribunal may also take
[...] into account the tenant’s representations [...]
in determining the amount of compensation payable to him.
我想提問有關涂議員問題的(b)項, 租客 受 到不當的壓力或影響 時,譬如㆖述情況等,政府是否應具有某些職權,可以調查這些事件;又或設有㆒個 [...]
The question I would raise relates to part (b) of Mr TO's question,
[...] and that is, when tenants are subject to undue [...]
pressure or influence such as what
is described above, whether the Administration should have certain powers to investigate such cases or whether a complaints department should be set up so that people will not have no redress?
必须应对各种不同类别人口的需要-包括家园已被摧毁的人,被迫离开租 房市场租客以及 早在地震前就从来没有适当住房的人。
The needs of distinct categories of people — including those whose homes have
been destroyed, renters who have been
[...] forced out of the rental market, and those [...]
who never had adequate housing even before
the earthquake — must be addressed.
如有關物業之 估值包含出租物業之收益,則除非本行收到相反之書面通知,否則本行將假 租客 有 能力履行租約下之財 務義務,且該租客並沒 有拖欠任何租金以及沒有未經披露的違約事項。
Where properties are valued with the benefit of lettings, it is therefore assumed, unless we are
informed otherwise in
[...] writing, that the tenants are capable of meeting their financial obligations under the lease and that there are no arrears of rent or undisclosed [...]
breaches of covenant.
你也不想做個令人厭的傢伙吧!所以啊,我是個很好 租客 , 除 了把廚房、房間打掃乾淨,也盡量保持浴室的清潔。
I am a great tenant, I cleaned the [...]
kitchen, bedroom and up kept the bathroom.
如果按照這樣安排,根 據我們以往經驗,㆒個私㆟重建,甚至其他重建計劃,需要時間去推行,如 租客不 揀選搬去那區的話,通常在樓宇就快拆卸時,房屋委員會已經可以安排到若干的公屋 給這租客,雖然並非㆒定是租客 所 挑 選的區域。
According to past experience, a private redevelopment project, or other redevelopment projects as well, takes time to
implement, and under
[...] this arrangement, if tenants are not selective on the districts, than most likely when the building concerned is about to be demolished the HA would have already been able to arrange certain public housing units for these tenants, though these units [...]
may not be in districts of their choice.
同樣,作為物業的主租客及業 主,政府如披露與物業交易有關的商業敏感資料會 [...]
Similarly, as a major tenant of roperty, as [...]
well as landlord, the Government may withhold commercially sensitive nformation
related to its property-related transactions if disclosure would be to the etriment of its interest in this area.
(i) 將本公司所獲取或持有權益的任何土地發展和加以利用,尤其是將該等土地整理和準備作建 築用途,建造、改動、清拆、裝飾、保養、布置、裝備和改善建築物,以及進行種植、鋪
[...] 路、排水、種植、耕作、以租地建築契或建築協議出租,並向各類建造商 租客 及 其 他人墊 付款項,以及與他們訂立各種合同和安排。
(i) To develop and turn to account any land acquired by the Company or in which the Company is interested, and in particular by laying out and preparing the same for building purposes, constructing, altering, pulling down, decorating, maintaining, furnishing, fitting up, and improving buildings, and by planting, paving,
draining, farming,
[...] cultivating, letting on building lease or building [...]
agreement, and by advancing money to and entering into contracts and arrangements of all kinds with builders, tenants and others.
(s) 就本文任何目的而言,向任何民事審判庭或其他適當機關申請頒令豁
[...] 免任何樓宇、可繼承產或物業就業主 租客 條 例 或任何代替或修訂法 例作出進一步申請。
(s) For any of the purposes herein to apply to any Court of Tribunal or other appropriate authority for an order to exclude any building, hereditament or
premises from the further applications of the
[...] Landlord and Tenant Ordinance or [...]
any legislation in substitution therefor or in amendment thereto.
本行承認本行報告書中所概述由列明之資料來源向本行提供之有關租借權 租 約 、 租客 所 作 之改善、規劃 同意及其他有關事宜之資料,乃屬完整及正確。
We accept as being complete and correct the information provided to us, by the sources listed, as to details of tenure, tenancies, tenant's improvements, planning consents and other relevant matters, as summarized in our report.
(43) 就任何目的向香港任何的審裁處提出申請,尤其是申請命令將本公司之 任何樓宇或本公司於其擁有權益之樓宇摒除於業主與租戶(綜合)條例第
[...] 一部分的進一步適用範圍之外,向該等樓宇之租戶、 租客 或 佔 用人支 付賠償金,及拆除和重建上述樓宇。
(43) To apply to any Tribunal in Hong Kong for any purpose and in particular for an order excluding any premises of the Company or premises which the Company is interested in from the further application of Part I of the Landlord and Tenant
(Consolidation) Ordinance, to pay
[...] compensation to the tenants, sub-tenants or occupiers [...]
of such premises, and to demolish and rebuild the same.
無論 是動產或不動產,其擁有或持有有關財產均不受限制,但由於香港差
[...] 不多所有土地均屬租約地,且以政府與地主或業主 租客 之 間 的契約 為根據,履行契約能力的問題實在對持有該租約具有意義。
However, since nearly all land in Hong Kong is leasehold, and thus based on a contract either between the
Crown and the landowner or between the
[...] landlord and his tenant, issues of contractual [...]
capacity are relevant to the holding of that lease.
当房产出售时,每租客需要签订不可反悔证明,并且要协助管理和 档案的顺利移交。
In the event a property is sold, obtain estoppel
[...] certificates from each tenant and assist in [...]
the transfer of the management and lease records to the new owner.
[...] 建了設備完善的會議廳,有助滿足商務 客 及 租客 對 會議及宴會服務不斷趨升的需求, 為本集團的穩健收入建立良好的基礎。
Undergoing a facelift by having a large number of its hotel rooms and service apartments renovated as well as a fully equipped conference centre added to the existing premises during the year, the complex will help satisfy the ever
demanding needs for conferencing and
[...] banqueting from business travelers and tenants and [...]
form a steadier income flow to the Group.
各 方已作出安排,便利贾夫纳至亭可马里 租客 船 的航运,空运需要急救医治的平 民,便利于飞往贾夫纳的国内航班,以及缓解对半岛外围
Arrangements have been put in
[...] place to facilitate passenger transfer on charter [...]
vessels from Jaffna to Trincomalee; to airlift
civilians in need of urgent medical treatment; to facilitate domestic flights which operate to Jaffna, and to ease fishing restrictions in the lagoons off the Peninsula.
租 約付款額會時常變動,以反映市場租金走勢,其中亦包括 租客 營 業 額用不同的百分率計算的或有租金。
Lease payments may be varied periodically to reflect market rentals and may contain a contingent rental element which is based on various percentages of tenants’ sales receipts.
租客有责任按时支付 房租、保持房子的清洁而且不妨碍其租客。
Tenants are responsible for paying the rent on time, keeping the place clean, and not disturbing other tenants.
(iv) 社 區 服 務 隊:我 們 已 成 立 一 個
由 市 建 局 撥 款 5 億 元 的 專 責 市 區 更 新 信 託 基 金 以 資 助 多 類 項 目,包 括 支 援 向 受 市
[...] 建 局 項 目 影 響 的 業 主租 客 提 供 協 助 的 社 區 服 務 隊 [...]
的 工 作 。
(iv) Social Service Teams : A dedicated Urban Renewal Trust Fund with an endowment of $500 million from the URA has been
set up to fund, among others, the work of the social service teams to support
[...] affected owners and tenants of URA projects.
出 租 單 位 的 詳 細 地 址 ( 以 土 地 註 冊 處 登 記 資 料 為 準 ) 及 其 他 有 關 該 出 租 單 位 的 資 料 , 例 如 : 是 否 連 車 位 或 天 台租 客 可 否 使 用 會 所 設 施 等 。
Detailed address of the rental property (based on information registered at the Land
Registry) and other
[...] information relevant to the rented property such as, the inclusive of the parking space or roof the right of tenant to use the clubhouse facilities
此 外 , 如租 客 違 反 租 約 內 的 一 項 條 款 或 條 件 , 而 這 種 違 約 事 又 令 業 主 有 權 取租 客 的 租 住 權 的 話 , 業 主 就 可 以 取租 客 的 租 住 權
In addition, the landlord may forfeit from the tenant if the tenant breaks a covenant or condition in their agreement and the breach empowers the landlord to forfeit.
目前是開展這個工程並且不會打 租客 的 時 機。
Now is the time to take on this project
[...] without disruption to our tenants.
[...] 的虚拟化架构可以对单个虚拟机围上像真空包装一样的防火墙,实现软件定义的可信网络(SDTN), 租客 通 过 自助获得可信多租赁云服务。
Thanks to Trusted Computing secured virtualization, shrink packaging each VM with
a firewall can enable software defined trusted network
[...] (SDTN) for tenants to self-service program trusted multi-tenancy.
租客和業 主在維持無害蟲的家居上都扮演著重 要的角色。
Tenants and Landlords both [...]
play important roles in maintaining pest-free homes for tenants.
当时的我,只是一个新来租客,大 队想撤,我也必需撤。
I am just a new tenant by that time, [...]
I can’t do anything but to follow the crowd’s decision.
[...] 时免费法律咨询服务,提供法律资讯录音,内容涵盖各个与市民息息相关的法律 范畴,包括婚姻、业主租客、刑 事、财务、雇佣及行政法等。
The Tel-Law Scheme is a 24-hour free telephone enquiry service, which provides taped legal information on various
topics of interest, including matrimonial,
[...] landlord and tenant, criminal, financial, [...]
employment and administrative law matters.
如果租一個月或以上,機構薪酬總額的 20%至 100%,取決於物件的租契、 現金或現金付款,租客繳付
If the lease is for a month or more, the Agency remuneration
in amount of 20% to 100%, depending on the value of the
[...] object of the lease, cash or cashless payment, the tenant pays.
所有持有之物業於未來一至五年內均 租客租 用。
All of the properties held
[...] have committed tenants for the next [...]
one to five years.
入境事务处和监督检查站,新加坡金融管理局,税务管理局,国家环境局,新加坡司法部,警方的牌照计算机系统,中央公积金, I C A 租客 核 查 ,电子警察中心,新加坡民防部队都是作为服务宗旨,新加坡测量师学会和估价师,新加坡营销学院,新加坡医学会,新加坡律师会,会计与企业管制局以及新加坡管理学院已与各国联系不断增强其有效的地位。
Authority of Immigration and Checkpoint, Singapore Monetary Authority, Inland Revenue Authority, National Environment Agency, Singapore Legal Portal, Police
Licencing Computerized System, Central
[...] Provident Fund, ICA Tenant Verification, Electronic [...]
Police Centre, Singapore Civil
Defence Force are all for the purpose of service and Singapore Institute of Surveyors and Valuers, Marketing Institute of Singapore, Singapore Medical Association, Law Society of Singapore, Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority as well as Singapore Institute of Management have been linking with the nations consistently enhancing the status of them effectively.
審判處還處理公共援助欺詐﹑與精神科評估有關的訴訟﹑房 東 - 租客 毒 品驅逐﹐並設有一個研究和調查犯罪策略的小組﹐負責識別在我們的社區內的罪案主要是由哪些團體和個人所為。
The Trial Division also handles public assistance fraud,
litigation surrounding psychiatric
[...] evaluations, landlord-tenant narcotics evictions, [...]
as well as a crime strategies unit
that identifies groups and individuals most responsible for committing crimes in our communities.
如申請人遞交的租單副本顯示,租金與其在申請表第三部分所 填寫的金額相同,他只需要遞交申請日期前過去 3 個月的其中
[...] 一個月的租單副本(需顯示住戶其中一位為該單位 租客 及每 月租金)。
If the rent shown on the copy of the rental receipt submitted by an applicant is same as the amount indicated in Part 3 of the application form, the applicant is only required to submit copy of the rental receipt (showing any of the household
members as the tenant of the flat concerned
[...] and the monthly rent) of any one of [...]
the 3 months prior to the application date.




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