单词 | 科罗拉多 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | Examples:科罗拉多州—Colorado 科罗拉多大峡谷—the Grand Canyon (Colorado) See also:罗拉—roller (loanword)
Jeong 博士拥有首尔国立大学电子工程学系理学士学位,韩国高等理工学院电子工程学系理学硕士学位,科罗拉多大学电子与电脑工程学系博士学位。 seagate.com | Dr. Jeong holds a bachelor of science degree in electronics engineering from Seoul [...] National University, a [...] master of sciencedegree in electrical engineering from the Korea Advanced Instituteof ScienceandTechnology [...]and a Ph. seagate.com |
他还拥有科罗拉多大学的荣誉博士学位。 seagate.com | He also holds an honorary [...] doctorate from the University of Colorado. seagate.com |
经过马利克沙阿的死因,质量下降的朝代领导和分工其统治之间的军事指挥官和省级科罗拉多大学( atabegs ) ,弱化了权力的伟大seljuks 。 mb-soft.com | After Malik Shah's death, a decline in the quality of dynastic leadership and division of their rule among military commanders and provincial regents (atabegs) weakened the power of the Great Seljuks. mb-soft.com |
他有如一个军事小子般 在国外被抚养﹐但在科罗拉多州渡过他的成长期。 napca.org | Raised overseas as a military brat, Scott spent his formative yearsin Colorado. napca.org |
他是美国科罗拉多州、蒙大拿州和阿肯色州的注册专业工程师。 southgobi.com | He is a Registered Professional Engineer in the states ofColorado,Montana and Arkansas. southgobi.com |
这些以大学为单位的参赛队伍将在ISC’13展览厅展开激烈角逐,并将展示尖端HPC系统和应用软体的绝佳性能。这些队伍包括:英国的爱丁堡大学(EPCC);德国的开姆尼茨工业大学和卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院(KIT);哥斯大黎加的哥斯大黎加科技学院(TEC);美国的科罗拉多大学波尔德分校(CU);台湾的国立清华大学(NTSU);南非的一所大学(具体名单将由高速计算中心(CHPC)在决赛中确定);以及中国大陆的两支大学队伍(具体名单将由Inspur在2013年初的决赛中确定)。 businesswirechina.com | University-based teams to compete and demonstrate the incredible capabilities of state-of-the-art HPC systems and applications on the ISC'13 show-floor will be the following: The University of Edinburgh (EPCC) from the United Kingdom, Chemnitz University of Technology and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) from Germany, Costa Rica [...] Institute of Technology (TEC) from Costa [...] Rica, University ofColorado Boulder(CU) from [...]the USA, National Tsing Hua University [...](NTSU) from Taiwan, a university to be determined in a run-off competition via the Centre for High Performance Computing (CHPC) from South Africa, and two university teams from China who will be determined in a run-off competition via Inspur in early 2013. businesswirechina.com |
Mosley 自 1996 年起加入 Seagate [...] 以来担任过多项职务,包括:销售与行销部门副总裁、研发工程设计部资深总监、担任公司在科罗拉多州朗蒙特 (Longmont) 营运部的副总裁与现场管理团队领导人,此外还领导公司的新兴产品开发团队。 seagate.com | Since joining Seagate in 1996, Mosley has held a variety of posts, including: executive vice president of sales and marketing; senior director for R&D engineering; vice president and [...] site management team leader for the [...] company’s Longmont, Colorado, operation; and [...]he’s led the company's emerging products development team. seagate.com |
探险与旅行摄影师 Lucas Gilman 在美国科罗拉多州西部的山区长大,毕业於美国科罗拉多大学博尔德分校的新闻学院。 mammals.org | Adventure and travel photographer Lucas Gilman grew up in the mountains of western Colorado and graduated from the University of Coloradoat Boulder School of Journalism. mammals.org |
在此 之前﹐Scott 是科罗拉多州议会的政策主任。 napca.org | Scottcomes toNAPCA with an array of experience in the public and private sector. napca.org |
Bartel先生於1979年获得科罗拉多矿业学院(Colorado School of Mines)颁发的矿业工程高 级荣誉理学学士学位。 southgobi.com | Mr. Bartel received [...] his Bachelor ofScience in Mining Engineering with High Honors from the Colorado School of [...]Mines in 1979. southgobi.com |
2004年11月在科罗拉多州韦尔的一个共和党竞选阵营,一名工作人员在得到最新的选举团票数 [...] 统计後手舞足蹈。 americancorner.org.tw | At a Republican [...] election party in Vail, Colorado, ajoyful reaction [...]to an Electoral College update during the vote counting in November 2004. americancorner.org.tw |
根据今天公布的安排,美国太古可口可乐的专营区域将扩大至包括科罗拉多州的丹佛市及科罗拉多斯普林斯市。 swirepacific.com | Under the arrangement announced today, Swire Coca-Cola USA will assume territories in Colorado including the Denver and ColoradoSprings markets. swirepacific.com |
这位政治活动人士在为动员科罗拉多州拉美裔选民登记投票筹款。 americancorner.org.tw | This political activist hopes to funnel money into Hispanic voter registration [...] and getout-the-vote effortsin Colorado. americancorner.org.tw |
Gilman 的足迹遍布全球,从印度、巴西、乌干达与哥斯达黎加的皮划艇运动,再到科罗拉多州、怀俄明州、阿拉斯加与南美洲的越野滑雪,拍摄出体育运动的迷人瞬间。 mammals.org | Gilman travelsthe world to capture images ranging from kayaking in India, Brazil, Uganda, and Costa Rica to backcountry skiing in Colorado, Wyoming, Alaska, and South America. mammals.org |
科罗拉多州(英语:Colorado)是美国中西部的一州,此州最着名的是拥有洛矶山脉的最高峰,地形从东侧的平原陡然升高为西侧峻岭,地理景观十分壮丽。 usamapfinder.com | Colorado (Spanish: red colored) is the U.S. state that encompasses [...] most of the Southern Rocky Mountains as well as the northeastern [...]portion of the Colorado Plateau and the western edge of the Great Plains. usamapfinder.com |
InfoPrint [...] Solutions Company 总部位於科罗拉多的博尔德,将 IBM 和 Ricoh [...]在客户策略解决方案的开发、制造、市场营销及建立方面的优势集於一身,成为策略上专注於输出市场的成长型跨国企业。 ipress.com.hk | InfoPrint Solutions Company, [...] headquartered in Boulder,Colorado,bringsto market [...]the advantages IBM and Ricoh have in the [...]development, manufacturing, marketing and building of strategic solutions for customers, creating a growth-oriented global enterprise that is strategically focused on the output market. ipress.com.hk |
宽大的内部装下一部机身接一支长焦端变焦镜头,再加上4-6支中焦段或者定焦头以及一部後备机早在1967年,在科罗拉多州的一间小小的 车库中,乐摄宝(LOWEPRO)诞生了。 tw.evershooting.com | Large installed inside a fuselage then a telephoto end of the zoom lens, plus on 4-6 support in focal lengths, or the [...] focusing head as well as a back-up machine as [...] early as 1967,in Colorado, a small garage, [...]Lowepro Po (LOWEPRO) was born. evershooting.com |
科罗拉多矿业学院的Murray Hitzman博士是世界公认的斑岩及铁-氧化物-铜-金矿床专家,他一份较早前(2012年)的报告亦说明Spout区显示出与铁-氧化物-铜-金矿床近似。 nafinance.com | An earlier report (2012) by world-recognized [...] expertin porphyry andIOCG [...]deposits, Dr. Murray Hitzman of the Colorado School [...]of Mines, USA, also suggested that the Spout zones show affinities with IOCG deposits. nafinance.com |