单词 | 种植者 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 种植者 noun, plural —growers pl种植者 noun —grower nSee also:种植 v—crop v • plant v • implant v • grow v 种植 n—cultivation n • plantation n 植 n—plant n
对于生物技术植物,“相关方”可能包括监管当局 、 种植者 以及价值链中可能会因转基因植物的开发和商品化产生业务利益影响 的其他各方。 excellencethrou...stewardship.org | In the case of [...] biotechnology-derived plants, “interested parties” may include regulators, growers, and [...]other members of the value [...]chain whose business interests may be affected by the development and commercialization of transgenic plants. excellencethrou...stewardship.org |
这一措施可鼓励缅甸北部和 老挝人民民主共和国的罂粟种植者通 过 替代发展迈向可持续和合法的经济增 长。 daccess-ods.un.org | This measure has [...] encouraged poppy cultivators in the north [...]of Myanmar and the Lao People’s Democratic Republic to move on [...]to sustainable and legal economic growth through alternative development. daccess-ods.un.org |
推广服务并非总是广泛提供的,不过同业公会、政府机构甚至私营公司,常常在 为种植者提供 技术援助和最新信息方面发挥作用。 multilateralfund.org | Extension services are not always widely available, however trade associations, government [...] institutions and even private companies often play a role in providing technical [...] assistance and updated information to growers. multilateralfund.org |
有的专家指出,金融市场的交易员赚钱很多, 而作出牺牲的是那些贫苦的种植者。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was observed that traders in financial markets are making more money at the expense of poor farmers. daccess-ods.un.org |
例如, [...] 森林的分水岭保护功能促使水质量改善,而其反过 来又可能影响下游的花卉种植者。 teebweb.org | For instance, the watershed protection function of a forest leads to improved water quality which might in turn [...] affect a flower grower downstream. teebweb.org |
将从 2007 [...] 年起执行以下活动:再培训 200 名种植者的培训方案;再淘汰 50.0 ODP 吨的甲基溴;继续与环境和农业秘书处进行协作,以设计控制甲基溴进口的管制措施 [...] ; 继续采取行动来减少投入浮盘系统技术的成本并反复利用剩余塑料来减少对环境的影响; [...]继续提高认识的活动;制定额外的培训材料和出版物。 multilateralfund.org | The following activities will be [...] implemented from 2007: training programmes for [...] an additional 200 growers; the phase-out [...]of an additional 50.0 ODP tonnes of [...]MB; continued coordination with the Secretariats of Environment and Agriculture to design regulations for controlling imports of MB; continued actions to reduce the cost of inputs for the floating-tray system technology and recycle the residual plastic to reduce the environmental impact; continued awareness-raising activities; and development of additional training materials and publications. multilateralfund.org |
该法案已获得美国商会以及各州和联邦农业协会的支持,如农业联合会、水 稻联合会、全国牛奶生产者联合会,全国玉 米 种植者 联 合 会和美国大豆协会等等。 daccess-ods.un.org | That bill has the support of the United States Chamber of Commerce and state and federal agricultural associations, such as the Agricultural Federation, the USA [...] Rice Federation, the [...] National Milk Producers Federation, the National Corn Growers Association [...]and the American Soybean Association. daccess-ods.un.org |
目前 很多可可种植者和交 易商无法出售或出口其产品,来自这些人的压力也可能已促 使该行政当局相信这一措施具有可行性。 daccess-ods.un.org | traitants, many of whom cannot currently sell or export their production, may also have persuaded the administration of the feasibility of this measure. daccess-ods.un.org |
这场斗争的成败关键仍 然在于采取减少供应的办法,包括对毒 品 种植者 持续开展替代发展方案和实现有关地区的总体经济发展。 daccess-ods.un.org | The cornerstones of this fight are still supply-reduction strategies involving [...] sustained alternative development [...] programmes for the cultivators of drug-yielding crops, as well [...]as the overall economic development of the concerned regions. daccess-ods.un.org |
主席女士,我还要告诉你,我们还在与哥伦比亚 全国咖啡种植者联合会合作,以便在海地生产咖啡。 daccess-ods.un.org | I would also like to tell you, Madame, that [...] we are working with the National [...] Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia to develop coffee production involving Haiti. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于酒花 的种植面积同时也在减少,因此每个酒 花 种植者的 的平均种植面积基本没有改变,每个种植园为12.5 公顷。 barthhaasgroup.com | As acreage decreased at the same time, the average acreage planted with hops remained unchanged at 12.5 ha per farm. barthhaasgroup.com |
正是这段历史将散居海外的非洲人联系在一 起;无论是生活在南卡罗来纳州海岛上的Gullah人 或Geechee人,还是非洲裔的巴西人,共同的历史 将他们捆绑在一起,正如塞拉利昂或几内亚北部海 岸的Mende族稻米种植者和安哥拉的Mbangala人有 着共同的经历一样,他们戴着脚镣,沿着海岸被带 到要塞,等待船只带他们驶上跨大西洋的“中间航 程” 。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is that history that connects Africans in the diaspora; whether it is the Gullah or Geechee people in the Sea Islands of South Carolina or the Afro-Brazilian, they are all bound by their shared history, just as the Mende rice growers in Sierra Leone or from the upper Guinea coast and the Mbangala from Angola had a common experience when they were shackled and led country true to its founding principles. daccess-ods.un.org |
第一次检查任何一项指标超过允许率在5倍以内,可通 过 种植者 拔 除 病株和混杂株降低比率,第二 次检查为最终田间检查结果。 agrichina.org | If any index in the first inspection is not [...] more than 5 times the allowable rate, [...] then diseased plants and hybrid plants can be uprooted [...]to lowering the rate, and the second [...]inspection result is the final field inspection result. agrichina.org |
与卢旺达除虫菊 (py) 种植者的合作取得了很大的成果,帮助他们提高了产 [...] 量和生活质量。 scjohnson.com | Made strides in our partnership to help [...] pyrethrum (py) farmers in Rwanda increase [...]their production and quality of life. scjohnson.com |
由于波兰酒花市场退化,波兰最大的贸易公司 [...] 资不抵债以及合同签约率低,波兰的酒 花 种植者举 行 了游行示威,从而使人们注意到,这种情况对他 [...]们的生存构成了威胁。 barthhaasgroup.com | Due to the deterioration of the Polish hop market, the insolvency of Poland’s largest [...] trading company and the low contracting [...] rate, Polish hop growers demonstrated in [...]order to draw attention to the threat posed [...]to their existence by the situation. barthhaasgroup.com |
有机棉花的推广,可以改善地球环境 和 种植者 的健康。 itochu.co.jp | Encouraging the [...] spread of organic cotton will improve the health of the global environment and cotton producers. itochu.co.jp |
最近有迹象表明,罂粟 种植者、贩 毒者、可能还有叛乱分子都在囤积鸦片,从而维持了高于通常由供 需法则决定的价格。 daccess-ods.un.org | There are recent indications that opium poppy farmers, drug traffickers and possibly insurgents have been stockpiling opium, thereby maintaining higher prices than the laws of supply and demand would normally dictate. daccess-ods.un.org |
5.1 2009年10月5 日,提交人重申,造成来文所涉事实的原因并不是如缔约国 [...] 所说“与安全部队发生了冲突”,“警察和示威者都受了伤”,而是警察对行使 示威权利的柠檬马鞭草种植者使用 了过度和不合理的武力。 daccess-ods.un.org | 5.1 On 5 October 2009, the author reiterates that the facts to which the communication relates were not the result of a “clash with the security forces”, as the State party claims, in which “both police officers and [...] demonstrators were left injured”, but the disproportionate and unreasonable use of force by police officers against [...] lemon verbena producers who were exercising [...]their right to demonstrate. daccess-ods.un.org |
限制微量营养素施用的明显原因包括风险承担者对肥料需求忽视、获得微量营养素有困 难、肥料的质量令人怀疑、种植者施 用 的问题。 fertilizer.org | Obvious constraints to the adoption of micronutrient use include reasons such as stakeholders’ ignorance about the need to [...] fertilize, difficulty in access to micronutrient sources, dubious fertilizer quality, and [...] application problems for the growers. fertilizer.org |
对于使用酒庄名称的所有散装购买:批发商姓名、 地址(或商号名称)及葡萄种植者名 称。 filhot.net | For all bulk purchases of wine bearing a château name: the name and address of the négociant or firm, or name of the winegrower. filhot.net |
英美烟草公司在其烟草生产计划中宣扬社会责任,包括采用改善的农业实践(如水土 保持);适当使用农业化肥;在烟草加工过程中遵守环境、职业健康和安全标准;以及植树造林, 让需要木材加工烟草的种植者能够从本地可持续的资源中获得木材。 teebweb.org | BAT’s Social Responsibility in Tobacco Production programme promotes improved agricultural practices such as soil and water conservation; appropriate use of agrochemicals; environmental, occupational health and safety standards in tobacco processing; and afforestation to enable farmers who require wood for tobacco curing to obtain it from local sustainable sources. teebweb.org |
事实上,这是为说服风险承担者(即农业推广人员 和 种植者 ) 对作物使用 以前没有用过的微量营养元素肥料的被迫需求。 fertilizer.org | In fact, this is a mandatory requirement for convincing the stakeholders (i.e., agricultural [...] extension staff and growers) for adopting [...]fertilizer micronutrient [...]use in a crop for which it is not used previously. fertilizer.org |
其中一个例子 是为马德雷山脉附近的咖啡种植合作社提供贷款,资助咖 啡 种植者种植 咖 啡 ,同时在他们的土地附近 开展重新造林活动。 teebweb.org | One example is a loan to a coffee-growing cooperative near the Sierra Madre, which helped finance the coffee harvest while also allowing farmers to undertake reforestation activities adjacent to their lands. teebweb.org |
第 17 条(对经济上切实可行的替代活动提供支持)旨在确保支持向烟草工人、 种植者、甚 至个体销售者提供经济上切实可行的替代生计,并保护他们今后不会 [...] 因为最终失去烟草生计而受到伤害。 daccess-ods.un.org | Article 17 (Provision of support for economically viable alternative activities) aims to ensure the provision of support for [...] economically viable alternative livelihoods to [...] tobacco workers, growers and even individual [...]sellers and to protect them from an [...]eventual loss of their livelihood from tobacco in the future. daccess-ods.un.org |
法国葡萄与葡萄酒研究所(IFV)的作用体现在组织和对葡萄品种进行自然选择,提供 给 种植者 以 苗 株——称之克隆——使其免受自身缺陷和健康状况带来的损失和风险,确保植株的长久寿命。 vindefrance-cepages.org | The IFV’s role is to organize and carry [...] out a natural selection of [...] the grape varieties to provide winegrowers with plants – called clones [...]– without flaws or health [...]risks, in order to ensure that parcels planted with these vines have a longer lifespan. vindefrance-cepages.org |
他们中很多人与我们的葡萄种植者与 顾 问一直保持联系,以充分解他们的酒的特性。 tipschina.gov.cn | Clients participate as much or as little as they like, make key winemaking decisions with our support and many form relationships with our growers and consultants [...] to get insight into the character of their wine. tipschina.gov.cn |
种植23 与繁种是一个持续过程,在这一过程中按照既定的标准和要求种 植植物产品,以确保产品在销售给 种植者 之 前 维持遗传一致度、品种纯 度并符合特定的质量标准。 excellencethrou...stewardship.org | Plant23 and seed multiplication is the [...] continuous process in which plant products are grown according to defined standards and requirements to ensure genetic identity, maintain varietal purity, and meet certain quality standards before distribution to growers. excellencethrou...stewardship.org |
事实 上,很多国家都缺少政策和能力,他们可能需要有效帮 助 种植者 改 变他们目前的农业操作,在不使用任 [...] 何 HHPs 的情况下,并保持他们的作物有好收成。 ipen-china.org | Additionally, many countries lack the policies [...] and capabilities that they would need to [...] effectively help growers change their present [...]agricultural practices to enable them [...]to maintain good crop yields without using any highly hazardous pesticides. ipen-china.org |
也许不是巧合,星巴克的公告发布于中国日报发表了另一篇咖啡相关的新闻一天之前,但是这明显是关于中国主要咖啡种植区云南咖 啡 种植者 痛 苦和悲观的报道。 youngchinabiz.com | Perhaps not coincidentally, Starbucks announcement comes just a day after the China Daily ran another coffee-related news item, though [...] this one was decidedly more downbeat about [...] suffering coffee growers in southwestern [...]Yunnan province, China’s main coffee-growing region. youngchinabiz.com |
粮农组织正在肯尼亚西部推广的一种耐寒、高产油棕榈品种对小农和企业生产者都具有很大好处,可以增加收入,改善饮食,减少食用油的进口以及为当地糖类作 物 种植者 提 供 非常需要的作物多样性。 fao.org | A cold-tolerant, high-yielding oil palm being promoted by FAO in western Kenya could be a boon to small-scale farmers and industrial producers alike, increasing [...] incomes, improving diets, reducing imports of food oil and providing much-needed crop [...] diversification for local sugar growers. fao.org |