

单词 种族清洗

See also:

清洗 n

cleanse n
cleaning n
washing n

清洗 v

wash v
rinse v

External sources (not reviewed)

在严重侵犯人权、特别种族清洗造 成 流离失所的情况下,当局有保护国内 流离失所者免受进一步侵害的严格义务,不能永久禁止返回。
In situations of displacement resulting
from serious violations of human
[...] rights, in particular ethnic cleansing, the authorities [...]
are under a strict obligation to protect
IDPs from further violations and returns may not permanently be prohibited.
虽然包括联合国主要机关在内的国际社会一直承认,是亚美尼亚发动了战 争,攻击并占领阿塞拜疆领土,包括 Daghlyq
[...] Garabagh(纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫)地 区,开展大规模种族清洗,在 战争期间犯下其他骇人听闻的罪行,在被占领的 [...]
机器继续把对阿塞拜疆的侵略说成是“纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫人民和平要求行使其 自决权,是符合宪法的要求”。
Whereas it has been internationally recognized, including by the principal organs of the United Nations, that Armenia unleashed the war, attacked Azerbaijan and occupied its territories, including the
Daghlyq Garabagh (Nagorno Karabakh)
[...] region, carried out ethnic cleansing on a massive scale, [...]
perpetrated other heinous crimes
in the course of the war and established the ethnically constructed subordinate separatist entity on the captured Azerbaijani territory, it is curious that Armenian propaganda continues to qualify the aggression against Azerbaijan as “a peaceful and constitutional demand of the Nagorno Karabakh people to exercise its right to self-determination”.
[...] 吉亚还是国际社会都不会接受建立在对国际法准则和原则的粗暴侵犯基础上的 “新现实”种族清洗的结果。
Mr. Putin must, however, be well aware that all these attempts will lead nowhere, and that neither Georgia nor the international community will ever accept any “new
reality” based upon the gross violation of the norms and principles of international law
[...] and the outcomes of ethnic cleansing.
亚美尼亚不应试图对他人进行说教,并转移国际社会对主要问题的注意力, 而是必须认识到,其基本义务是停止吞并 种族清洗 这 一破坏性政策,放弃破坏 和平进程的企图,确保结束对阿塞拜疆领土的占领,并确保承认和执行阿塞拜疆 [...]
Instead of attempting to lecture others and to draw the international community’s attention away from the main problems, Armenia must realize that its fundamental obligation
is to cease the destructive policy
[...] of annexation and ethnic cleansing, renounce attempts [...]
to undermine the peace process and
ensure that the occupation of Azerbaijani territory is ended and that the inalienable right of Azerbaijani internally displaced persons to return to their places of origin is recognized and implemented.
包括联合国主要机构在内的国际社会已经认定,是亚美尼亚发动了战争,攻 击阿塞拜疆并占领其领土,包括 Daghlyq
[...] Garabagh(纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫)地区, 开展大规种族清洗,在 战争期间犯下其他滔天罪行,并在占领的阿塞拜疆领土 [...]
It has been internationally recognized, including by the principal organs of the United Nations, that Armenia unleashed the war, attacked Azerbaijan and occupied its territories, including the
Daghlyq Garabagh (Nagorno Karabakh)
[...] region, carried out ethnic cleansing on a massive scale, [...]
perpetrated other heinous crimes
in the course of the war and established the ethnically constructed subordinate separatist entity on the captured Azerbaijani territory.
比利时珍视大会在 2005 年采纳的这一
[...] 概念,因为它强调,每个国家都有责任保护本国民众 免遭已清楚确认的最为严重种族灭绝罪、战争罪种 族清洗罪和危害人类罪的危害。
Belgium cherishes that concept, which was adopted by the General Assembly in 2005, for it emphasizes the duty of each State to protect its
population against the clearly identified ultimate crimes of
[...] genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against [...]
[...] 合国宪章》和国际法基础之上的,永远不会与亚美尼亚的方法一致,除非亚美尼 亚停止吞并种族清洗这一 破坏性政策,放弃破坏和平进程的企图,确保结束对 [...]
阿塞拜疆领土的占领,并确保承认和执行阿塞拜疆境内流离失所者不可剥夺的返 回其原籍地的权利。
In this context, the Republic of Azerbaijan is confident that the approaches of the international community, which are based on strict compliance with the Charter of the United Nations and international law, will never be in line with the approaches of Armenia unless the
latter ceases its destructive
[...] policy of annexation and ethnic cleansing, renounces attempts [...]
to undermine the peace process
and ensures that the occupation of the territories of Azerbaijan is ended and that the inalienable right of Azerbaijani internally displaced persons to return to their places of origin is recognized and implemented.
我的防止灭绝种族问题特别顾问与保护责任问 题特别顾问已提醒利比亚政府和其他面临民众大规 模抗议的国家政府注意:各国国家元首和政府首脑在 2005
[...] 年世界首脑会议上曾承诺为保护人民必须防止 灭绝种族罪、战争罪种族清洗和危害人类罪以及煽 动这些罪行的行为。
My Special Advisers on the Prevention of Genocide and the Responsibility to Protect have reminded the national authorities in Libya, as well as in other countries facing large-scale popular protests, that the heads of State and Government at the 2005 World Summit pledged to
protect populations by preventing genocide,
[...] war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against [...]
humanity, as well as their incitement.
[...] 地亚境内克宁区、斯拉沃尼亚东部和西部及达尔马提亚的武装部队、情报人员和 各种准军事分遣队的活动”,对克罗地亚公民实施 种族清洗 ” 这 种“导致许多 克罗地亚公民流离失所、惨遭杀害、遭受酷刑或非法拘押并且造成大量财产被破 坏的灭绝种族行为”负起责任。
In its application, Croatia contends, inter alia, that, “[b]y directly controlling the activity of its armed forces, intelligence agents, and various paramilitary detachments, on the territory of ... Croatia, in the Knin region, eastern and western Slavonia, and
Dalmatia”, Serbia was
[...] liable for “ethnic cleansing” committed against Croatian citizens, “a form of genocide which resulted [...]
in large numbers of Croatian
citizens being displaced, killed, tortured, or illegally detained, as well as extensive property destruction”.
2008 年
[...] 8 月南高加索地区发生的悲惨事件彰显 了这一需要,当时俄罗斯不得不独自干预,阻止南奥 塞梯遭种族清洗。
The relevance of that need was underscored by the tragic
events of August 2008 in the southern Caucasus, when Russia’s
[...] intervention alone prevented ethnic cleansing in South Ossetia.
[...] 少,将确保各国政府始终采取一切可能的办法,防止 和打击灭绝种族罪种族清洗和危害人类的任何其他 罪行。
The recognition of the core objective and indispensability of the dignity of every man and woman ensures that Governments always undertake with every
means at their disposal to prevent and combat
[...] crimes of genocide, ethnic cleansing and any other crimes [...]
against humanity.
保障回返的权利就等于斩钉截铁地否认 通种族清洗和教 派暴力获取的利益,为背井离 乡者也讨回一些公道,从而消除可能导致未来对 [...]
峙和冲突现象的一个隐患”(S/2007/643,第 55 段)。
ensuring the right to return constitutes a categorical rejection
[...] of the gains of ethnic cleansing ... and offers some [...]
measure of justice to those displaced
from their homes and land, thereby removing a source of possible future tension and conflict” ( S/2007/643, para. 55).
关于发生在第三个时期,即 2008 年 8 月的事件 ——特别是 8 月 7 日夜间和 8 日在南奥塞梯开始的武
[...] 装敌对行动后发生的事件——法院认定,尽管格鲁吉 亚的申诉主要侧重对非法使用武力的指控,但也明确 提及俄罗斯军队进行种族清洗。
With respect to the events that occurred during the third period, August 2008 — in particular after the armed hostilities in South Ossetia that began during the night of 7 and 8 August — the Court found that, while Georgia’s claims were
primarily focused on allegations of unlawful use of force, they also
[...] expressly referred to ethnic cleansing by Russian forces.
萨尔基相总统完全无视一个简单事实,亚美尼亚在其领土和被占领的阿 塞拜疆境内对所有非亚美尼亚人实行全 种族清洗 , 成 功地在这些地区建立了独 一无二的单一文化,与亚美尼亚不同的是,阿塞拜疆始终维护其多元民族和文化。
President Sargsyan disregards the simple fact that,
unlike Armenia, which has
[...] implemented the total ethnic cleansing of both its own territory [...]
and the occupied territories
of Azerbaijan of all non-Armenians and thus succeeded in creating a uniquely monoethnic culture in those areas, Azerbaijan has preserved its ethnic and cultural diversity to the present day.
谨转交 2012 年 8 月 15
[...] 日格鲁吉亚外交部就格鲁吉亚茨欣瓦利地区占领当局 决定摧毁遭种族清洗的格 鲁吉亚村庄遗址问题发表的声明(见附件)。
I have the honour to transmit herewith a statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia dated 15 August 2012, regarding the decision of the occupation
regime in Georgia’s Tskhinvali region to destroy the
[...] remainders of the ethnically cleansed Georgian villages [...]
(see annex).
(b) 做出努力,让国际法院评估以下指称:对西岸和东耶路撒冷的长期占 领含有“种族主义”、“种族隔离”和 种族清洗 ” 的 要素,不符合战时占领情 况中的国际人道主义法,非法剥夺了巴勒斯坦人民的自决权
(b) Efforts be undertaken to have the International Court of Justice assess allegations that the prolonged occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem possess
elements of “colonialism”,
[...] “apartheid” and “ethnic cleansing” inconsistent with [...]
international humanitarian law in circumstances
of belligerent occupation and unlawful abridgements of the right of self-determination of the Palestinian people
克里姆林宫一直努力制造一种它扶植起来的被占地区政权享有合法性的假 象,并种族清洗、对 一个主权国家领土的军事占领和强行重划边界作为确立国 [...]
The Kremlin is insistent in its efforts to create an illusion of legitimacy for the
occupying regime it has set up, as
[...] well as to establish ethnic cleansing, the military occupation [...]
of a sovereign country’s
territories and the forced re-drawing of borders as an instrument of international relations.
普伦德加斯特 爵士呼吁人们关注达尔富尔地区侵犯人权和 种族清洗 ”问 题,并鼓励为索马里问题找到解决方案。
As UN Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs, Sir Kieran
Prendergast called attention to human rights
[...] violations and ‘ethnic cleansing’ in Darfur and encouraged [...]
a resolution to problems in Somalia.
因此,亚美尼亚总统声 称“纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫人民行使自决的权利”,再次确认他认为政治解决冲突只
[...] 是实现吞并它用军事手段掠夺到的阿塞拜疆领土的一种手段,它还在这里进行种族清洗。
Thus, by asserting that “the people of Nagorno-Karabakh exercised their right to self-determination”, the President of Armenia confirmed once again that he considers the conflict settlement process only as a means of achieving the annexation
of Azerbaijani territories that it has captured through military force and in which
[...] it has carried out ethnic cleansing.
格鲁吉亚屡次袭击南奥塞梯、格鲁吉亚当局多次组织对奥塞梯人进行大规模 屠杀种族清洗,这 都是格鲁吉亚领导人和对奥塞梯人犯下这些暴力罪行者逍遥 [...]
The repeated attacks against South
Ossetia by Georgia, and the repeated
[...] mass killings and ethnic cleansing of Ossetians by the [...]
Georgian authorities, are a result
of the impunity afforded Georgian leaders and the perpetrators of these violent crimes against Ossetians.
[...] 年间,俄罗斯联邦向南奥塞梯和阿布哈兹 的分离主义势力提供武器和人员,分离主义势力实 施种族清洗,成 功改变了这些地区的人口构成。
Between 1991 and 1994, for instance, the Russian Federation had provided arms and troops to the South
Ossetian and Abkhaz separatist forces,
[...] who had engaged in ethnic cleansing and had succeeded [...]
in changing the demographic composition of those regions.
以色列和平活动者和以色列议会前议员乌里·阿夫内里表达了这样的看法,种族清洗可以(像 1948 年在该国和 1998 年在科索沃那样)大张旗鼓地进行,也 [...]
Uri Avnery, Israeli peace activist and
former member of the Knesset, made
[...] this observation: “Ethnic cleansing can be carried out [...]
dramatically (as in this country
in 1948 and in Kosovo in 1998) or in a quiet and systematic way, by dozens of sophisticated methods, as is happening now in East Jerusalem.
[...] 勒斯坦平民流离失所和被驱逐出家园,从而形成以色 种族清洗 巴 勒斯 坦人政策的又一部分,从 1967 年占领开始起,以色列违反安理会有关 [...]
If implemented, such a measure would result in the displacement and deportation of Palestinian civilians from their homes in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and thus
constitutes yet another component of
[...] Israel’s policy of ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian [...]
people, a policy that has been continuously
pursued by the various measures and practices mentioned above since the occupation began in 1967, in violation of the relevant Security Council resolutions and in grave breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention and other relevant provisions of international law.
这些违法行为是占领国以色列所推行 种族清 洗和侵 略政策以及以色列决策者打算对和平进程发 动一场致命战争和破坏给该区域带来公正和全面和 [...]
These violations are the most prominent
[...] evidence of the policy of ethnic cleansing and aggression being [...]
pursued by Israel, the occupying
Power, and of the intention of Israeli decision-makers to wage a fatal war on the peace process and to undermine international efforts to bring a just and comprehensive peace to the region.
安全理 事会曾对波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那持续实施武器禁运,
[...] 增强了米洛舍维奇政权压倒性的军事优势,其目的是 不顾人的死活,通过灭绝种族 种族清洗 来 扩 张本国 领土,牺牲周边国家。
By imposing and maintaining the arms embargo on Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Security Council added to the overwhelming military advantage of Milošević’s regime, which intended to expand his country’s
territories, at the expense of the surrounding States, through
[...] genocide and ethnic cleansing, regardless of human cost.
亚美尼亚领导层对其境内以及被占阿塞拜疆领土的所有非亚美尼亚人进行 了全面种族清洗,从 而在这些地区成功地创造了独有的单一民族文化,他们很 [...]
Having implemented the total ethnic cleansing of both the territory of Armenia and the occupied territories of Azerbaijan of all non-Armenians
and thus succeeded in creating
[...] the uniquely mono-ethnic culture in these [...]
areas, the leadership of Armenia long ago unveiled
its annexationist intentions, at the core of which are historical delusions and racial animosity.
[...] 碍难民回返作出的反应不足,挑衅性的言论也被长期 容忍,以至犯罪者认为,把他们犯下暴行 种族清洗 和灭 绝种族罪的地方变成自己领地的时候到了。
Inadequate responses to the constant blocking of State institutions, return of refugees and provocative rhetoric have been tolerated long enough for the perpetrators to believe that the time
has come to turn the territories where they
[...] committed atrocities, ethnic cleansing and genocide into [...]
their own fiefdom.
[...] 国使用否决权的情况,以期规定在第一阶段否决权不 得使用于灭绝种族种族清洗、危 害人类罪、严重违 反国际人道主义法、交战各方停止敌对行动以及遴选 [...]
That approach would necessitate the serious consideration of restricting the veto right of current and new permanent
members to exclude, at a first stage, cases
[...] of genocide, ethnic cleansing, crimes against [...]
humanity, grave violations to international
humanitarian law, cessation of hostilities between belligerent parties and the election of the Secretary-General.
同样,在 Stakić、B r đanin 和克拉伊什尼克案中,事实证明,市、
[...] 地区和国家政治机构会议纪要在确定领导层对波斯尼亚大片地区实 种族清洗 的共同犯罪意图方面起到重要作用。
cases, minutes of meetings of municipal, regional and State political bodies proved important in establishing
the existence of joint criminal enterprises at leadership
[...] levels aimed at the ethnic cleansing of large parts [...]
of Bosnia.




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