

单词 秋熟

See also:

harvest time
surname Qiu


familiar adj
skilled adj
cooked adj
ripe adj

ripe (of fruit)
cooked (of food)
mature (of seeds)

External sources (not reviewed)

秋季种子成熟时, 星鸦在取食的同时储藏大量种子作为冬季和早春的食物,这些种子中未被完全吃掉的遗留部分在第三年春天即可发芽。
After eating some seeds in the tree, nutcrackers carry 30-50 seeds with their sublingual pouch to some places 2-5 km far generally, and cach the seeds 2.5-3.5 cm deep under ground in common.
2004 年 下半年,在执行秋季届 会之后,还将举行一轮多国磋商,并寻求具有更大的参与性,包括 [...]
教科文组织全国委员会和各国利益相关单位的参与,确定多国层面的优先需求,以供写进 33 C/5 文件。
The organization of a further round of cluster consultations later in
[...] 2004, following the autumn session of the Executive [...]
Board, will seek to introduce a
more participatory process, including the involvement of National Commissions and stakeholders at the national level, in the identification of priority needs at the cluster level, proposed to be included in document 33 C/5.
金 融 工 具 不 存 在 活 躍 市 場 的,本 集 團 採 用 估 值 技 術 確 定 其 公 允 價 值,估 值 技 術 包 括 參熟 悉 情 況 並 自 願 交 易 的 各 方 最 近 進 行 的 市 場 交 易 中 使 用 的 價 格、參 照 實 質 上 相 同 的 其 他 金 融 工 具 的 當 前 公 允 價 值、現 金 流 量 折 現 法 和 期 權 定 價 模 型 等。
Valuation techniques include reference to most recent market prices used by knowledgeable and willingness parties, reference to current fair value of other financial instrument with similar nature, discounted cash flow method and option valuation models.
比较理想的是,在这 种情形下,原则上所规定的临时预算最高限额方面的早期(第一 秋 季 ) 协议对于执行局和 总干事的工作不仅令人满意而且极其有效,同时,从后勤和财政的观点看,具有只需单一预 算情形的额外好处,因此可以编制 C/5 号文件。
Ideally, in such a scenario, an early (autumn, year one) agreement in principle on the foreseen provisional budget ceiling would be not only be desirable but extremely useful for the work of both the Executive Board and the Director-General respectively, having the additional advantage from the logistical and financial point of view of requiring only a single budget scenario and therefore the draft C/5 document to be prepared.
根據豁免項目第10項,如果未經烹煮、包裝在並無載有其他配料的容器內和並 無添加其他配料,下列食品屬於肉類及海產:鹿筋/鹿尾羓/鹿鞭、雪蛤膏、鱷魚肉、 海參(遼參/禿參)、海龍、海馬、螺頭、螺片、花膠、元貝、鮑魚、魚翅和魚翅骨。
Under Exemption No. 10, items belonged to meat and marine products if they were in a raw state, packed in a container which contained no other ingredient and to which no other ingredient had been added: Deer tendon, ‘Luk Mei Ba’, Lubian, Hasma, Crocodile meat, Sea cucumber, Sea dragon, Sea horse, Whelk, Sliced whelk, Fish belly, Scallop, Abalone, Shark fin and Shark fin bone.
特别委员会确认,维持和平行动可以发挥积极作用,促进进行对性别问题 敏感的安全部门改革,发展能更好地满足妇女需求的安全服务,例如,可通过以 下途径发挥这种作用:部署女性维和人员,这可以鼓励更多妇女到东道国政府改 革后的安全部门工作;提熟悉性 别问题的专门人才,支持安全部门改革进程; 将性别观点纳入安全部门改革方案。
The Special Committee recognizes the positive role that peacekeeping operations can play in promoting gender-sensitive security sector reform and the development of security services that better respond to women’s needs, such as through, for example, the deployment of female peacekeeping personnel which can be a means of encouraging more women to serve in the reformed security sector of the host Government, through the provision of gender expertise in support of security sector reform processes, and through the incorporation of gender perspectives in security sector reform programmes.
这对建筑木工的技能标 准与培训课程正在接受同行审查,瓦工技术标准也在制定之中,其目的是为抗震建筑提供更 好熟练劳动力。
Skills standards and training curricula for building carpentry is undergoing peer review and the skills standards for block masonry are being developed to produce a better-skilled labour force for earthquake-resistant building purposes.
近东救济工程处表示,两个事件致使加沙工作人员征聘工作变得尤为艰难:2008 年底和 2009 年初爆发加沙战争;2009 年秋审议 能否调整加沙和安曼财务部,以 实现精简业务流程的总体目标。
UNRWA stated that two events made staff recruitment in Gaza especially challenging, i.e., the outbreak of the Gaza war (late in 2008 and early in 2009) and the consideration during the fall of 2009 of a possible restructuring of the Finance Department in Gaza and Amman with the overall aim of streamlining business processes.




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