

单词 秋水

See also:

harvest time
surname Qiu

External sources (not reviewed)

市民已經是望穿秋水,所 期求的不是 做市民那麼簡單,而是何時有自己的房屋?
What they are asking for is not just to be able to carry on as they are, but when they will have their own flats.
方面,現行策略無法遏止樓價大幅飆升;另㆒方面,亦使到有需要入住公屋、居屋 的㆟士望穿秋水,苦候十年八載。
It has failed to meet people's needs of public housing and now those in need of public housing or HOS housing will have to wait for eight or 10 years.
對雙方 都聲稱要保障的升斗市民來說,真有望 穿 秋水 之 嘆
However, for the general public whose rights both sides claim to safeguard, there is no alternative but to keep on waiting earnestly.
非甾体类抗炎药(NSAIDs)秋水仙碱 或类固醇(如“强的松”)等常用的抗炎药物,是治疗急性痛风发作的常用处方药。
Anti-inflammatory medications including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
[...] drugs (NSAIDs), colchicine or steroids [...]
such as prednisone are commonly prescribed
for treatment of acute gouty attacks.
雖然我們㆗間㆒些㆟可能 對㆗英政府就終審庭條例草案達成協議望 穿 秋水 , 但 自由黨無法支持第㆒部分修訂, 原因很簡單:因為是否向本局提交有關終審庭的任何條例草案或關於其他任何事項的 條例草案,須由當局或本局任何㆒位議員決定。
However much some of us may desire for an agreement between the Chinese and the British Governments on the CFA Bill, the Liberal Party cannot support the first proviso for a very simple reason: because the decision whether or not to table any bill in this Council concerning the CFA, or indeed any other matter, rests either with the Administration or perhaps any Member of this Council.
我們需有額外的法例賦予我們這方面的權力,但 此舉將無可避免導致熱轉移值管制延期實施,使到這項推動建築業提高能源效益的管 制因而遲遲未能施行,令㆟「望穿 秋水 」。
We would require additional enabling legislation to do so and this will inevitably delay the implementation of OTTV control which is already a “long-overdue” energy efficiency initiative in the building industry.
香港㆟望穿秋水的退 休保障計劃,對港英夕陽政府來說,是「事 不關己,拖得就拖」。
To the Hong Kong British sunset government, the retirement protection scheme, so fervently awaited by the Hong Kong people, is "none of its business and should be put off as long as it can".
所以,即使居民望穿秋水,也只能在 2006 年年底才可以看到一條擴闊的東涌道。
Therefore, though residents have been looking forward to this project with great expectancy, they can expect to see a widened Tung Chung Road not until the end of 2006.
尤其是望穿秋 水的港島西區龍虎山的郊野公園和大嶼山北的郊野公園,市民其實很渴望政府能夠早 些撥款,使到有資源能夠將這兩個㆞方成為市民可以享用的郊野公園。
In particular, in respect of the country park on Lung Fu Shan in Hong Kong West and the country park in Lantau North the designation of which has long been desired by the public, the public earnestly hopes that the Government can allocate funds as soon as possible, so that there are resources for developing these two sites as country parks for the public.
梁耀忠議員: 主席,我很清楚地詢問局長,在他的檢討中有沒有時間表,以 及增加宿位數目的情況,因為他們很渴望知道這方面的數字,他們已等了這 麼多年,已經望穿秋水了。
I ask the Secretary whether there is a timetable in his review and how the number of hostel places will be increased because they are very anxious to know these figures.
在这个上百万个在找工作的 Facebook 使用者对大概几年后才会真正出现的法律规范望 穿 秋水 的 真 空期,这些雇主的恶行恶状都将持续发生。
In the vacuum where the millions of job-hunting Facebook users await government legislation that may be years away, these egregious employer violations will continue unchecked.
空有㆒個居屋計劃,而不能在㆒個 適當時間,例如兩至㆔年內,令所有有興趣購買居屋㆟士能得償所願,就等如要私㆟ 樓宇居民望梅止渴,望穿秋水。
If the HOS cannot materialize the wishes of perspective buyers in due time, let us say, in two or three years’ time, it is tantamount to using a scheme which exists in name only to tantalize residents living in private domestic premises.
自由黨促請政 府加快興建診所,並在天水圍 112 區或 115 區設立醫院,以免社區設施甚為 缺乏的天水圍居民繼續要望穿秋水。
And, even so, the soonest possible date of inauguration will still be as late as 2012. The Liberal Party urges the Government to expedite the construction of the clinic and build a hospital in either Area 112 or Area 115 of Tin Shui Wai, so as to ensure that Tin Shui Wai residents, who are faced with an acute shortage of community facilities, will have to wait almost endlessly.
希望這些項目可以能按時落成,不要一拖再拖,已討論多年的新 郵輪碼頭,旅遊界已望穿秋水,業 界希望郵輪碼頭能按時於 2012 年落成, 不要再出現延誤,阻礙旅遊業的發展。
The new cruise terminal project has been under discussion for years, keeping the tourism industry with impatient expectancy. It is the hope of the industry that the cruise terminal will be completed on schedule in 2012 without any more delays that hinder the development of tourism.
議員: 代 理主席,在過去 10 年,政府興建或 規劃了 7 條 鐵 路 , 以 解 決 境 內 交 通問題 , 但可惜 跨 境交通 卻 “ 依 然 故 我";其中, 市 民 對 討 論 多 時 的 東 鐵 塱 原支線亦 依 然 只 能“望 穿秋水"。
MR TAM YIU-CHUNG (in Cantonese): Mr Deputy, in the past 10 years, the Government has constructed or planned seven railways to solve transportation problems within the territory, but regrettably, cross-boundary transport has remained fixated and among all these, the public can only look expectantly to the much debated and distant Long Valley spur line.
所 以,即使鄭汝樺局長已多次解釋,但仍未能令人信服,如果每年只興 建 15 000個單位,如何可以令輪候冊上的人可以在3年內“上樓”,特 別 是單身及非長者的人士,他們根本是望 穿 秋水 , 苦等多年仍無法獲編 配公屋。
Therefore, despite the repeated explanations made by Secretary Eva CHENG, people are still not convinced that applicants on the Waiting List can be allocated a flat within three years, given that only 15 000 flats are built each year.
但是,正如我剛才所說,這個計劃必須要在量和效率上 加以提升,幫助多些夾心階層“上車”,希望政府可以加快擴大計劃, 不用令市民等到望穿秋水。
I hope the Government can expeditiously expand the MHP Plan so as not to keep the public waiting for too long.
而今次運輸科發表的《鐵路發展研究》,也未有將發展㆒條由「 ㆖ 環至 堅尼㆞城」的㆞鐵支線提㆖議程,並訂立具體興建的時間表,使到望 穿 秋水 的 西 區居 民,再次失望。
Nor has the present Railway Development Study (RDS)
published by the Transport Branch
[...] put the MTR's Sheung Wan-Kennedy Town extension back on the agenda [...]
or laid down a specific
timetable for its construction.
另 一 方 面 , 居住在天 台木屋及板
[...] 間 房 的 市 民,仍然是望穿 秋 水 , 等 待 政 府施以援手解 決他們的居住問 [...]
題 , 他們每天均生 活 在 危 機 之 中,雨 天 漏 水 , 睛 天 便 石 屎 剝 落 , 火 水 爐 雜
物 四處擺 放 , 一 家 四口一張 床 , 這 樣 的 惡劣居住 環境,如 果不是 親 眼 看 見 , 直接聆 聽市民 的 心 聲 , 相 信亦難 以想像 ;希望行 政長官 和 房屋局局長有 機 會 能 視察一 下 天 台木屋 和 板 間戶,瞭解這一個備受 冷 落的社 。
When it rains, water seeps down; when [...]
the weather is fine, reinforced concrete may spall off; kerosene stoves and other
things are placed all over the dwelling place; a family of four has to share one bed, and so on.
梁美芬議員:主席,市民望穿秋水, 希 望屋宇署就馬頭圍道45號 J塌樓 事件作出清清楚楚的交代。
DR PRISCILLA LEUNG (in Cantonese): President, the public have been waiting anxiously, hoping that the Buildings Department (BD) would give an explicit account of the incident of the collapse of the building at 45J Ma Tau Wai Road.
秋季,雨水与四 周树叶的颜色美妙地混合起来。
In autumn, rain mixes wonderfully [...]
with the colors of the leaves.
本次論壇的主要參與單位有國家旅遊局、上海國際旅遊度假區管委會、上海申迪(集團)有限公司、海昌旅遊集團、日本三麗鷗文化娛樂公司、印尼雅加達安佐爾夢幻樂園、派拉蒙主題公園及度假區、香港迪士尼樂園、雙 水 上 樂 園、AECOM、 秋 樂 園 旅遊發展有限公司、常州恐龍園股份有限公司、華誼兄弟傳媒股份有限公司、華僑城股份有限公司、新加坡聖淘沙名勝世界、陝西文化產業投資控股(集團)有限公司、蘇州樂園發展有限公司、陝西文化產業投資控股有限公司等。
Delegates from the National Tourism Administration of PRC, the Administrative Commission of Shanghai
International Tourism
[...] and Resorts Zone, Shanghai Shendi Group, Haichang Group, Sanrio [...]
Entertainment, PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Paramount Park, Hong Kong Disneyland, Sunway Lagoon, AECOM, Changzhou Dinosaur Park,
Huayi Brothers, Overseas Chinese Town, Resorts World Sentosa, Shananxi Culture Industry Investment Holdings Group, and Suzhou Amusement Land Development attended this annual meeting.
2004 年 下半年,在执行秋季届 会之后,还将举行一轮多国磋商,并寻求具有更大的参与性,包括 [...]
教科文组织全国委员会和各国利益相关单位的参与,确定多国层面的优先需求,以供写进 33 C/5 文件。
The organization of a further round of cluster consultations later in
[...] 2004, following the autumn session of the Executive [...]
Board, will seek to introduce a
more participatory process, including the involvement of National Commissions and stakeholders at the national level, in the identification of priority needs at the cluster level, proposed to be included in document 33 C/5.
根據豁免項目第10項,如果未經烹煮、包裝在並無載有其他配料的容器內和並 無添加其他配料,下列食品屬於肉類及海產:鹿筋/鹿尾羓/鹿鞭、雪蛤膏、鱷魚肉、 海參(遼參/禿參)、海龍、海馬、螺頭、螺片、花膠、元貝、鮑魚、魚翅和魚翅骨。
Under Exemption No. 10, items belonged to meat and marine products if they were in a raw state, packed in a container which contained no other ingredient and to which no other ingredient had been added: Deer tendon, ‘Luk Mei Ba’, Lubian, Hasma, Crocodile meat, Sea cucumber, Sea dragon, Sea horse, Whelk, Sliced whelk, Fish belly, Scallop, Abalone, Shark fin and Shark fin bone.
近东救济工程处表示,两个事件致使加沙工作人员征聘工作变得尤为艰难:2008 年底和 2009 年初爆发加沙战争;2009 年秋审议 能否调整加沙和安曼财务部,以 实现精简业务流程的总体目标。
UNRWA stated that two events made staff recruitment in Gaza especially challenging, i.e., the outbreak of the Gaza war (late in 2008 and early in 2009) and the consideration during the fall of 2009 of a possible restructuring of the Finance Department in Gaza and Amman with the overall aim of streamlining business processes.
比较理想的是,在这 种情形下,原则上所规定的临时预算最高限额方面的早期(第一 秋 季 ) 协议对于执行局和 总干事的工作不仅令人满意而且极其有效,同时,从后勤和财政的观点看,具有只需单一预 算情形的额外好处,因此可以编制 C/5 号文件。
Ideally, in such a scenario, an early (autumn, year one) agreement in principle on the foreseen provisional budget ceiling would be not only be desirable but extremely useful for the work of both the Executive Board and the Director-General respectively, having the additional advantage from the logistical and financial point of view of requiring only a single budget scenario and therefore the draft C/5 document to be prepared.
一般規例 內 12部涵蓋的事宜包括規管本地船隻到達和駛離有關的程序規定、本 地船隻在香水域內 航行、停泊和使用浮標及碼頭、乘客登船和離船、 處理貨物的安全規定、使用及展示燈光及訊號、對某些在中國內地或 澳門註冊的船隻的規管及管制、可透過高頻無線電話通訊運作的報告 系統的船隻航行監察服務及對香水 域 內 某些活動(例如賽事、 水、 捕魚及供給燃料活動)施加管制,以及提升本地船隻航行安全的雜項規 定。
The 12 Parts of the General Regulation cover matters from the procedural requirements governing the arrival and departure
of local vessels, the
[...] navigation in the waters of Hong Kong, the berthing of, and use of buoys and piers by local vessels, the embarkation and debarkation of passengers, the safety requirements for handling of cargo, the use and display of lights and signals, the regulation and control of certain vessel registered in Mainland or Macau, the vessel traffic service permitting a report system operated through high frequency radiotelephone communication, and the imposition of control over some activities (such as racing events, water-skiing, fishing and bunkering activities) in waters of Hong Kong, and [...]
miscellaneous requirements
enhancing the navigation safety of local vessels.
需要注意保证起草工作具有最高水准, 确保在各国政府和专家之间进行充分的磋商,以便为获得广泛的批准创造最佳的条 件。
Care needed to be taken to ensure the highest standards in the drafting process and full governmental and professional consultations with a view to creating the best possible conditions for broad-based ratification.
[...] 这特别包括:获得足够营养丰富的食物和清 水 的 权 利;适足住房权;获得良好 卫生标准的权利;充足使用排污系统和电力的权利;结婚和家庭权利;受教育的 [...]
权利;工作权;罢工权;享有退休金的权利;参加文化生活的权利;以及拥有财 产的权利。
Economic, social and cultural rights and fundamental freedoms introduced or strengthened under the new Constitution include,
inter alia: the right to adequate,
[...] nutritious food and clean water; the right to adequate [...]
housing; the right to a good standard
of health; adequate access to sewerage and electricity; the right to marriage and family; the right to education; the right to work; the right to strike; the right to enjoy a pension; the right to take part in cultural life; and the right to enjoy property.




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