单词 | 秉笔直书 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 秉笔直书 —record faithfullySee also:秉笔—hold the pen • do the actual writing 笔直—straight as a ramrod • bolt upright • perfectly straight 直书—record faithfully 直笔—a straightforward honest account 笔直 adj—straight adj
其目的是增强各大 学教学人员的能力,以及将他们的读 书笔 记 转 换为电子学习材料的技能。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The goal is to empower academic staff in the various universities with the skills to convert their lecture notes to electronic learning materials. unesdoc.unesco.org |
由于调解进程从来都不是笔直的, 并非所有因素都可以完全掌控,所以战略就需 要灵活应对不断变化的情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since a mediation process is never linear and not all elements can be fully controlled, strategies need to be flexible to respond to the changing context. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,这一道路绝非总是笔直的,在资产追回案件方面寻 求援助的国家并不总是决定提起或寻求法律诉讼。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, this [...] path is by no means always linear and countries [...]that have sought assistance in asset recovery cases have not [...]always decided to initiate or pursue legal proceedings. daccess-ods.un.org |
将活塞总成 (5) 从下盖上笔直向上滑出。 graco.com | Slide the piston assembly (5) straight up off the bottom cover. graco.com |
他回顾说,《蒙特利尔 议定书》已经通过 25 年了,以前一直秉承预 防原则,采取有科学依据的有力 行动来保护臭氧层,而不是坐等无可辩驳的造成臭氧层消耗的证据出现,或者 坐等用于氯氟化碳和哈龙所有用途的替代品出现。 conf.montreal-protocol.org | He recalled that the Montreal Protocol had been adopted twenty-five years previously in line with the precautionary principle to take firm, science-based action to protect the ozone layer, without waiting for incontrovertible evidence of the causes of its depletion or for alternatives to CFCs and halons to become available for all uses. conf.montreal-protocol.org |
佰特家具公司坐落于家具之都-东莞厚街,展厅设于家具大道,地理位置优越,交通便利.十几年来,公司秉着“以人为本”的管理理念,斯纳贤才,培养出了一支技术精湛,富有创造力的团队,以满足客户的需求为已任,为客户提供舒适适用的家具产品.同时 一 直秉 乘 ”锐意进取,博大精深”的宗旨,竭诚为客户提供持续,有效的服务.公司生产的产品不仅通过了ISO9000:2000的质量管理体系认证,也获得了绿色装饰产品推介 证 书 , 同 时产品也通过了BS EN 标准 的测试.为您买到经久耐用的家具提供了最有力的质量保证.凭着上乘的品质,一流的设计,贴心的服务,坚固的物流合作伙伴,产品国内远销东北三省,近至粤闽地区,国外销至东南亚,中东,欧美等国家和地区,受到一致好评。 dgbaite.com | Ltd. is located in Houjie, Dongguan, These ten years, with the idea of "people are the basic", we have had a group of people who are very professional and creative to satisfy customers' requests. dgbaite.com |
房署亦一直秉承公 開、具透明度、 公平及公正的原則,不偏不倚地處理所有展示宣傳品的申 請。 legco.gov.hk | All along, the HD has been processing [...] applications for the display of PMs in a neutral manner and on the basis of openness, [...]transparency, fairness and impartiality. legco.gov.hk |
在该决议同一节第 8 段,大会还请秘书长增加承包笔译的 比例,以期除其他 外进一步提高效率,但这一交付方式产生的最后产品的质量须相当于内部翻译, 并就此向大会第六十六届会议提出报告。 daccess-ods.un.org | In paragraph 8 of the same section of the [...] resolution, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to increase the proportion of translation [...]done contractually, with [...]a view to achieving, inter alia, further efficiencies where this mode of delivery yielded a final product that was of comparable quality to in-house translation, and to report thereon to the Assembly at its sixty-sixth session. daccess-ods.un.org |
据秘书长称,这笔经费是依据最近与总部保险商签订 的合同规定计算的。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to the Secretary-General, the costs [...] under this provision are based on the terms of the contracts recently signed [...]with insurance providers at Headquarters. daccess-ods.un.org |
欧洲联盟已经采取了 这些措施,其中包括立即停止生产用于核武器的裂 变材料;拆除核设施和试验场地,而且拆除退役的 核弹头;秉持美国和俄罗斯联邦缔结新条约的精神, 削减所有核武库;针对极端自卫情况,限制核武器 在防御理论中的作用;以法国和美国为榜样,提高 各国持有核武器数量的透明度;所有国家,特别是 附件二列示的尚未加入该文书的国 家迅速批准《禁 试条约》;立即开展关于裂变材料禁产条约的谈判。 daccess-ods.un.org | Those measures, which had been taken up by the European Union, included an immediate halt to the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons; the dismantlement of nuclear installations and test sites, but also of [...] decommissioned [...] nuclear warheads; a reduction of all nuclear arsenals, in the spirit of the new treaty between the United States and the Russian Federation; a limiting of the role of nuclear weapons in defence doctrines to extreme cases of self-defence; greater transparency as to the number of nuclear weapons held by each State, following the example of France and the United States; prompt ratification of the Test-Ban Treaty by all States, particularly annex II States, that were not yet parties to that instrument; and immediate [...]negotiation of a fissile material cut-off treaty. daccess-ods.un.org |
秉持同样的精神,对拒绝接受这类机构对相关法律 文 书 生 效 或接受机 构管辖之前发生的行为或疏忽具有管辖权的保留的解释不得阻碍当事国在 此之后为继续发生的强迫失踪承担责任。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the same spirit, reservations that exclude the competence of such a body for acts or omissions that [...] occurred before the [...] entry into force of the relevant legal instrument or the acceptance of the institution’s [...]competence should [...]be interpreted so not to create an obstacle to hold a State responsible for an enforced disappearance that continues after this. daccess-ods.un.org |
然后在点阵纸上书 写以将新笔记与现有录音链接。 livescribe.com | Then write on dot [...] paper to link your new notes to the existing audio. livescribe.com |
通过直接流线型多功能通信连接 -通过连接的PN – [...] L601B到尖锐的网络连接的多功能一体机(多功能产品),文件可能是从MFP扫描, 并 直 接 导 入到- L601B笔通知书上显示的软件。 technologeeko.com | Streamlined Communications via Direct MFP Connection – By connecting the PN-L601B to a Sharp network-connected MFP [...] (multifunctional product), documents may be scanned [...] from the MFP and directly imported to the pen software for display [...]on the PN-L601B. technologeeko.com |
该文书规定,应秉诚执 行《公约》条款, 包括第四条,其中要求每一缔约国应保证将一切酷刑行为,以及施行酷刑的企图 [...] 以及任何人合谋或参与酷刑的行为定为刑事罪行。 daccess-ods.un.org | That instrument required that the Convention’s [...] provisions be implemented in good faith, including article 4 thereof, which [...]required each State party to ensure that all acts of torture, as well as any attempt to commit torture and any act by any person that constitutes complicity or participation in torture, are offences under its criminal law. daccess-ods.un.org |
在本次会议上,缔约方将再次讨论一些 棘手的问题,他敦促所有与会代表,不管结果如何,都 要 秉 承 二 十五年前参加 《蒙特利尔议定书》谈 判的前辈们所展示的果敢精神参与讨论,同时牢记所有 国家,无论大小和贫富,都有义务齐心协力保护地球。 conf.montreal-protocol.org | At the current meeting parties would again be discussing some difficult matters and he urged all delegates, regardless of the outcomes, to participate in the discussions with the bold spirit shown by those who had negotiated the Montreal Protocol twenty-five years earlier, remembering the obligation of all nations, large, small, rich or poor, to act together for the protection of the planet. conf.montreal-protocol.org |
該公司於1976 年成為滙豐的工商業務客 戶,一直秉持積 極的國際增長策略,致力在增長 較快市場拓展業務。 hsbc.com | An HSBC Commercial Banking customer since 1976, Godrej has an ambitious international growth strategy to expand in faster-growing markets. hsbc.com |
尽管我们对是否有必要制订《全球行动计划》感 到关切,但我们一直秉诚协 作,以确保这项文件尽可 能强有力,同时不在纽约建立任何平行进程,也不忽 视巴勒莫条约或维也纳联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪 公约缔约国会议的任务规定。 daccess-ods.un.org | Despite our concerns as to the necessity of the Global Plan of Action, we have collaborated in good faith to ensure that this document is as strong as possible, while not creating any parallel New York process and not overriding the Palermo treaties or the mandate of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime in Vienna. daccess-ods.un.org |
与声音部分一起展示的还有一块黑板,上面重 叠 书 写 着 数字, 粉 笔 灰 收 在下方,反应貌似永无止境的生产已经不存在的知识。 shanghaibiennale.org | In tandem with the sound piece, the exhibition includes a chalkboard work with numbers written one over the other, and the collected chalk dust below, reflecting the seemingly endless markings that acknowledge those who no longer exist. shanghaibiennale.org |
在核查 2006 年氟氯化碳出口情 况期间,消耗臭气层物质进出口办通知核查员进口商已经出示了欧盟准许向 联合王国出口 32 ODP 吨 CFC-113 [...] 的证书,但消耗臭气层物质进出口办和出 口商(常熟 3F 公司)都没有提供证明这笔交易的书 面 单 据。 multilateralfund.org | During the verification of 2006 CFC exports, IEMO advised the verifier that the importer had shown the permission from EU for export of 32 ODP tonnes of [...] CFC-113 to UK, but both IEMO and the exporter (Changshu 3F) failed to present the [...] written document certifying the transaction. multilateralfund.org |
所翻译的文件包括缔约国的案件书 状和其他函件;听讯的逐字记录;法院判决书、咨询意见和命令的草稿及其各种 工作文件;判决书所附的法官笔录、 意见和声明;法院和及其下属机构的会议记 录,包括预算和行政委员会和其它委员会的会议记录;内部报告、说明、研究报 告、备忘录和指示;院长和法官向外界机构发表的演讲,以及给秘书处的报告和 函件等。 daccess-ods.un.org | Documents translated include case pleadings and other communications from States parties; verbatim records of hearings; draft judgments, advisory opinions and orders of the Court, together with their various working documents; judges’ notes, opinions and declarations appended to judgments, advisory opinions and orders; minutes of meetings of the Court and of its subsidiary bodies, including the Budgetary and Administrative Committee and other committees; internal reports, notes, studies, memorandums and directives; speeches by the President and judges to outside bodies; reports and communications to the Secretariat, etc. The Department also provides interpretation at private and public meetings of the Court and, as required, at meetings held by the President and members of the Court with agents of the parties and other official visitors. daccess-ods.un.org |
交易总额中还包括Milestone公司将于今天晚些在直升机展上宣布的另 一 笔直 升 机 大订单。 tipschina.gov.cn | The cumulative total also includes a significant new Milestone helicopter order that will be announced later today at Heli-Expo. tipschina.gov.cn |
在回歸14年來,特區政府一直秉承“ 一國兩制”、“港人治港”、“高 度自治”的方針,在符合《基本法》保障下,堅決捍衞港人的核心價 值,而立法會亦作為監督機構,監督特區政府在這些大前提下實行的 有效施政。 legco.gov.hk | Over the 14 years after the reunification, the SAR Government has always upheld the principles of "one country, two systems", "Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong" and "a high degree of autonomy". It has persevered in safeguarding the core values of Hong Kong people in accordance with the protection enshrined in the Basic Law, whereas the Legislative Council, being the monitoring institution, monitors the Government in the delivery of effective governance on such premises. legco.gov.hk |
对于被要求仅就可否受理问题提交书面答复的缔约国,不排除它在收到要求后的 六个月内一并就来文的可否受理问题和是非 曲 直 再 提 交 书 面 答 复的可能。 daccess-ods.un.org | A State party that has been requested to submit a written reply that relates only to the question of admissibility is not precluded thereby from submitting, [...] within six months of the request, a written reply that shall relate both to the [...] communication’s admissibility and its merits. daccess-ods.un.org |
檢察官辦公室一直秉承保 留檢控案件DNA數據的傳統,使我們的檢控工作不再受到訴訟時效的限制,讓我們能夠對幾年前甚至幾十年犯案但沒有被繩之以法的罪犯重新進行檢控。 manhattanda.org | The Office has a history of obtaining indictments of DNA profiles, which stop the clock on statutes of limitation and allow the Office to prosecute offenders who are not caught for years – or even decades. manhattanda.org |
塞拉 利昂政府在同一封信中建议,委员会在审查第 1171(1998)号决议第 4 段关于向塞 [...] 拉利昂出口武器的通知规定时,不妨除其他外考虑到以下情况:塞拉利昂已批准 的西非国家经济共同体《关于小武器和轻武器、其弹药及其他相关材料的公约》; [...] 大会已通过《使各国能够及时和可靠地识别和追查非法小武器和轻武器的国际文 书》;塞拉利昂一直推动 的《联合国常规武器登记册》。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the same letter, the Government of Sierra Leone suggested that, in reviewing the notification provision for arms exports to Sierra Leone set out in paragraph 4 of resolution 1171 (1998), the Committee might wish to take into consideration, inter alia, the following: the Economic Community of West African States Convention on Small Arms and Light Weapons, Their Ammunition and Other Related Materials, which Sierra Leone had ratified; the adoption by the General Assembly of the International Instrument to Enable States to Identify and Trace in a Timely and Reliable Manner, Illicit Small [...] Arms and Light Weapons; and the United Nations Register of [...] Conventional Arms, to which Sierra Leone has been contributing. daccess-ods.un.org |
内部监督事务厅在同一报告第 30 段(建议 4)中建议大会和会议管理部应编 [...] 写一份文件供大会审议,将关于字数和页数限制的现有准则整合起来,并澄清每 份报告文件的页数及每页的字数,包括 秘 书 处 直 接 提 交和代表政府间机构提交的 所有文件。 daccess-ods.un.org | In paragraph 30 (recommendation 4) of the same report, the Office of Internal Oversight Services recommended that the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management prepare a document for consideration by the General Assembly consolidating existing guidelines on word and page limits and clarifying the number of words per page and pages per [...] document for reports, including all documents [...] submitted by the Secretariat directly and on behalf of [...]intergovernmental bodies. daccess-ods.un.org |
近年来,科锐在中国一直秉持“科锐芯,中国情”的市场发展战略,针对细分市场和实际应用的不同开发出相应的LED照明产品并不断优化产品性能,帮助客户进一步降低系统成本,加速新品上市速度,以实现更高的性价比。 sujiled.com | In recent [...] years, China has been in sharp, grasps [...]"the secco sharp core, ZhongGuoQing" market development strategy, in view [...]of the market segments and the practical application of different to develop the LED lighting products and constantly optimize product performance, help customers to further reduce the system cost, and accelerate new products on the market, in order to achieve higher speed ratio. sujiled.com |
支助论坛秘书处的第三笔赠款 是在 2008 年核准的,用于支助在国家一级宣 传和执行《联合国土著人民权利宣言》和《联合国发展集团关于土著人民问题的 [...] 准则》。 daccess-ods.un.org | A third grant in support of the secretariat of the Forum [...] was approved in 2008 and will support the dissemination and implementation [...]of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the United Nations Development Group’s Guidelines on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues at the country level. daccess-ods.un.org |
小组得到了 Joel Guehi Bleka 2011 年 5 月在 Youbor 书写的 名单上有关人员姓名的照片,以及此人 2011 年 8 月书写的笔迹样 本,为辨认 Youbor 案件涉案人员的身份提供了新的重大证据。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Panel obtained a photograph of Guehi Bleka writing the names on the list in Youbor in May 2011, as well as a writing sample from that individual in August 2011 to further substantiate evidence as to the identification of those involved in the Youbor case. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了避免因等待第四次增资生效而造成环境基金作出资助承诺的能力出现中断,如果托管人 [...] 已收到合计出资不少于3.10 亿特别提款权的认缴参加国向托管人交存的《承诺书》或《有附 加条件承诺书》2 [...] ,托管人在生效日期之前,可将已为其交存《承诺书》或《有附加条件承诺 书》的每笔出资 的总金额的四分之一视作预支出资,除非认缴参加国在其《承诺书》或《有 [...]附加条件承诺书》中另有规定。 thegef.org | (a) In order to avoid an interruption in the GEF’s ability to make financing commitments pending the effectiveness of the Fourth Replenishment, and if the Trustee shall have received Instruments of Commitment or Qualified Instruments of Commitment from Contributing Participants whose contributions aggregate not less than SDR 310 million2, the Trustee may deem, prior to the Effective Date, one [...] quarter of the total [...] amount of each contribution for which an Instrument of Commitment [...]or Qualified Instrument of Commitment has been deposited [...]with the Trustee as an advance contribution, unless the Contributing Participant specifies otherwise in its Instrument of Commitment or Qualified Instrument of Commitment. thegef.org |