单词 | 秉持 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 秉持 —upholdless common: hold fast to See also:秉—maintain • grasp • surname Bing
牙买加重视这两项《公约》所秉持的 目 标,并将持续地审查它们,而且就批 准问题作出决定。 daccess-ods.un.org | Jamaica attaches importance to the objectives underpinning these Conventions and will keep them under review with the aim of taking a decision on ratification. daccess-ods.un.org |
曜越科技自1999年起秉持『致 力於創造完美的使用者經驗』之企業使命,與旗下專業電腦DIY品牌【Thermaltake】以穩健的腳步持續延續品牌和產品創新獨具之精神,在業界擁有屹立不搖的地位!自2002年起,Thermaltake推出了第一代Bigwater [...] [...] SE水冷散熱器,提供全方位且多元的散熱商品,包括DIY式、外接式、All-In-One、水氣冷waterblock、水冷散熱系統機殼等,Thermaltake產品設計師及工程師成功將理性與感性融合於產品之中,用以洞燭機先的精準眼光,不斷早一步發掘並滿足使用者需求,屢屢透過創新科技的應用改寫歷史,不但備受消費者推崇,更屢獲全球各項大獎肯定。 thermaltakecorp.com | Thermaltake, the go-ahead for the liquid-cooling system 【Bigwater SE】to the [...] PC gaming hardware and DIY market development [...]was presented in 2002, the scene was set for expansion, and followed with variants of cooling system including the “DIY style”, “external style, “All-in-one Style”, “waterblock” and “liquid-cooling chassis” etc. The brand is therefore launching a new highlight with a new model series while continuing a tradition that has repeatedly met with great enthusiasm throughout the history of the “Bigwater Series” and liquid-cooling chassis, with the new CPU liquid-cooling chassis 【Level 10 GT LCS】and CPU liquid -cooling system 【Bigwater A80】&【Bigwater 760 PLUS】, which emphasize on their superior performance and state-of-the-art technology. thermaltakecorp.com |
在现实中,正义通过承认受害者的权利 并 秉持 法 治 , 不仅本身就是重要目的,而且常常能够极大地帮助实现持久和平。 daccess-ods.un.org | In reality, not only is justice — by honouring victims and asserting the rule of law — an important end in its own right, it can often contribute substantially to securing a durable peace. daccess-ods.un.org |
特區政府在改革電子服務時應秉持真 誠 的「顧客為本」原則,按此原則廣泛 採用先進的資訊及通訊科技技術。 procommons.org.hk | A genuine application of user-orientated principle in the course of revamping e-government services through wider application of ICT technology shall be adopted. procommons.org.hk |
在今后的磋商中应秉持 合作 的精神,这将有助于通过反映所有利益攸关方 观点的案文。 daccess-ods.un.org | A spirit of cooperation should prevail in future negotiations as that would facilitate the adoption of texts which reflected the views of all stakeholders. daccess-ods.un.org |
毒品和犯罪问题办公室与国际检察官协会的合作旨 在促进全世界检察官的最低标准,从而促进良好做法 并 秉持 人 权 和法治。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNODC cooperation with IAP is aimed at promoting minimum [...] standards for prosecutors all over the world and thus promoting [...] good practice and upholding human rights and [...]the rule of law. daccess-ods.un.org |
这不只是它不符合启示宗教、民主和国际公 约的原则;它也有违于人类相亲相爱、守望相助 和秉 持正义的崇高理想。 daccess-ods.un.org | Not only is it inconsistent with the principles of the revealed religions, of democracy and of international conventions; it also contradicts the lofty human ideals of brotherhood, solidarity and justice. daccess-ods.un.org |
必须作出严肃和及时 的努力,秉持保护 被占巴勒斯坦人民包括囚犯和被关押者的法律义务、执行法律、 [...] 并挽回实现和平与安全的机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | Serious and timely efforts [...] are needed to uphold the legal obligation [...]to protect the Palestinian people under occupation, [...]including the prisoners and detainees, to enforce the law and to salvage the chances of achieving peace and security. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,HOPEFOR 倡议 将秉持公正 、中立、独立和按需提供援助的基本人道主义原则以及关于使用军事 [...] 和民防资源的《奥斯陆准则》,特别是将使用外国军事和民防资源作为最后诉诸 手段的原则。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, the HOPEFOR [...] initiative fully adheres to the fundamental [...]humanitarian principles of impartiality, neutrality, [...]independence and assistance based on needs, and the Oslo and MCDA Guidelines, particularly the principle of last resort, with regard to the use of foreign MCDA. daccess-ods.un.org |
它秉持大公主义精神,与信仰其 他宗教的妇女和世俗团体开展合作。 daccess-ods.un.org | It works ecumenically, with women of other faiths and with secular groups. daccess-ods.un.org |
欧洲联盟已经采取了 这些措施,其中包括立即停止生产用于核武器的裂 [...] 变材料;拆除核设施和试验场地,而且拆除退役的 核弹头;秉持美国和俄罗斯联邦缔结新条约的精神, [...] 削减所有核武库;针对极端自卫情况,限制核武器 在防御理论中的作用;以法国和美国为榜样,提高 [...] 各国持有核武器数量的透明度;所有国家,特别是 附件二列示的尚未加入该文书的国家迅速批准《禁 试条约》;立即开展关于裂变材料禁产条约的谈判。 daccess-ods.un.org | Those measures, which had been taken up by the European Union, included an immediate halt to the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons; the dismantlement of nuclear installations and [...] test sites, but also of decommissioned [...] nuclear warheads; a reduction of all nuclear [...]arsenals, in the spirit of the new treaty [...]between the United States and the Russian Federation; a limiting of the role of nuclear weapons in defence doctrines to extreme cases of self-defence; greater transparency as to the number of nuclear weapons held by each State, following the example of France and the United States; prompt ratification of the Test-Ban Treaty by all States, particularly annex II States, that were not yet parties to that instrument; and immediate negotiation of a fissile material cut-off treaty. daccess-ods.un.org |
作为特奥会的教练,您需要对每一次的练习、活动和比赛都充满热情、决心 并 秉持 积 极 的态度。 specialolympics.org | As a Special Olympics coach, you bring enthusiasm, commitment and a positive attitude to each practice, event and competition. specialolympics.org |
协会在9个国家坚持工作,秉持以马 内利修女所坚持的理念,延续其始于30多年前在开罗贫穷小镇的工作。 clarinsusa.com | Based on her guiding principles, the association continues to work in 9 countries, work that was begun on her own in the shanty towns of Cairo over 30 years ago. clarinsusa.com |
最后,我要感谢我的特别代表和观察团的所有人,感谢他 们 秉持 奉 献 和敬业 精神,在常常是步履维艰的情况下执行任务。 daccess-ods.un.org | In conclusion, I would like to thank my Special Representative and all the [...] men and women of the Mission for their [...] dedication and professionalism in carrying [...]out their tasks under often difficult circumstances. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,当今的人权问题受到少数大国有计 划的歪曲,他们根据政治标准给国际社会成员打高分 或打低分,此举违背审议该问题必须 秉持 的 积 极精神 和普及公正原则。 daccess-ods.un.org | That machinery worked on the basis of close international cooperation, yet the issue of human rights was routinely dominated by an all-powerful minority that applied a double standard to members of the international community based on political criteria, which was contrary to the positive spirit and the principles of universality and impartiality that should characterize the examination of the issue. daccess-ods.un.org |
作为负责任的公司,娇韵诗亦秉持其 一 贯方针:收集最有效的植物萃取,同时保护大自然。 clarinsusa.com | As a responsible company, Clarins is thus respecting its permanent objective: to collect the most effective plant extracts while preserving the environment. clarinsusa.com |
我要向安理会保证,塞尔维亚随时准 备秉 持诚意 灵活地交往,因为我们的意图既不是冻结冲 突,也不是战胜或征服别人。 daccess-ods.un.org | I want to assure this Council that Serbia stands ready to flexibly engage in all sincerity, for our intent is neither to freeze the conflict nor to triumph or subjugate. daccess-ods.un.org |
秉持同样 的精神,对拒绝接受这类机构对相关法律文书生效或接受机 构管辖之前发生的行为或疏忽具有管辖权的保留的解释不得阻碍当事国在 此之后为继续发生的强迫失踪承担责任。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the same spirit, reservations that exclude the competence of such a body for acts or omissions that occurred before the entry into force of the relevant legal instrument or the acceptance of the institution’s competence should be interpreted so not to create an obstacle to hold a State responsible for an enforced disappearance that continues after this. daccess-ods.un.org |
所有国家应秉持互信 、互利、平等、协作 的安全观,营造和平与稳定的国际环境。 daccess-ods.un.org | All States should base their security doctrine on mutual trust [...] and benefit, equality and coordination in the interest of [...]a peaceful and stable international environment. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于秉持诚意,真正致力于遵守 国际法、联合国相关决议、土地换和平原则、阿拉伯 和平倡议和四方路线图,这条道路将迅速推动我们朝 着达成以巴冲突中所有核心问题——包括难民、耶路 撒冷、边界、供水和安全等问题——的最终、公正解 决办法方向迈进,最终结束始于 1967 年的以色列军 事占领,实现以东耶路撒冷为其首都的巴勒斯坦国 的独立,并以公正和商定方式解除巴勒斯坦难民的 困苦。 daccess-ods.un.org | With good faith and a genuine commitment to international law, relevant United Nations resolutions, the principle of land for peace, the Arab Peace Initiative and the Quartet Road Map, it is this path that will speedily advance us towards the achievement of a final, just resolution of all core issues in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, including the issues of refugees, Jerusalem, settlements, borders, water and security, bringing a definitive end to the Israeli military occupation that began in 1967, the independence of the State of Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital and a just and agreed solution to the plight of Palestine refugees. daccess-ods.un.org |
事实上,作为业界主流的网络能源设备厂商,艾默生网络能源一直高度重视行业节能减排策略的实施,公司始 终 秉持 “ 关键业务全保障™”理念,通过不断创新,不断发展绿色网络能源技术,为用户打造高效可靠、节能环保的动力产品和解决方案。 emerson.com | As a leading network power equipment manufacturer, Emerson Network Power has always paid great attention to implementation of energy conservation and emission reduction strategies in the industry. Always holding to the business philosophy of "business-critical continuity", the company offers users with efficient, reliable, energy-efficient and environmentally-friendly power products and solutions by constantly bringing forth new ideas and developing green network energy technologies. emerson.com |
為了迎合數位匯流及資訊整合的趨勢,本公司將 秉持以「 客戶導向」為策略規劃方針,以強化顧 [...] 客個別的服務、豐富便利生活的方案、開闊市場 創新的商機為基本的執行主軸,實踐「輕鬆簡單的 人性化行動生活」的承諾。 corp.taiwanmobile.com | To stay competitive in the face of [...] this technology and service convergence, TWM has drawn up three key strategies in line [...]with its objective of creating the best mobile experience. english.taiwanmobile.com |
秉持一向 有紀律 的資金運用方式,將資金投資於回報最高及投資回收期最短的市場及產品,我們專注發展亞洲地區(尤其是東南 亞)及美國的變額年金業務。 prudential.co.uk | In line with our disciplined approach of investing our capital in those markets and products with the highest return and shortest payback periods, we focused our efforts on the Asian region (particularly South-East Asia) and the US variable annuity business. prudential.co.uk |
制表品牌伯爵再次秉持精益 求精的精神,推出首枚伯爵制1270P超薄自动上链陀飞轮机械机芯,这款机芯结合两款卓越机芯的优点:世上最纤薄的手动上链陀飞轮机械机芯--伯爵制600P机芯,以及世上最纤薄,并搭配微自动盘的自动上链机械机芯--伯爵制1208P机芯。 piaget.com.cn | The 1270P movement is derived from two ultra-thin Piaget movements: the 600P movement, the world's thinnest hand-wound tourbillon movement, and the 1208P movement, the world's thinnest automatic movement, fitted with a micro-rotor. piaget.com |
本公司秉持創造 客戶最佳使用經驗的承諾,不 斷創新產品與服務,贏得各界認同:連續六年 榮獲《讀者文摘》「信譽品牌」金獎;五度 榮獲《壹周刊》之「服務第壹大 獎」;獲《數位時代》選入「台 灣科技100強」,是唯一進入前 十強之電信公司;在財團法人資 訊工業策進會「2009年企業上網 滿意度大調查」中,亦獲得整體 滿意度最高之肯定。 corp.taiwanmobile.com | TWM received the “Gold Trusted Brand” from Reader’s Digest for the sixth year in a row and the “Top Service Awards” from Next Magazine for five times. The Company also ranked sixth in the “Info tech 100 Taiwan” by Business Next Magazine, placing it ahead of its telecom peers, and won the highest recognition in the “Enterprise Internet Service Satisfaction Survey 2009” conducted by the Institute for Information Industry. english.taiwanmobile.com |
孟加拉国还呼吁《不扩散条约》缔约方根据《条 约》第六条的规定承诺秉持诚意 ,就核武器和裁军方 面的有效措施以及一项在严格和有效国际控制下进 行全面和彻底裁军的条约进行谈判。 daccess-ods.un.org | Bangladesh also calls on the parties to the NPT, pursuant to article VI of the Treaty, to undertake to pursue negotiations in good faith on effective measures relating to nuclear arms and disarmament, and on a Treaty on general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control. daccess-ods.un.org |
中方认为,为进一步公正、有效地推进多边军控 和防扩散进程,国际社会应秉持以互信、互利、平等、 协作为核心的新安全观,充分尊重和照顾各国正当安 [...] 全关切,努力建立相互理解和信赖的国家关系,坚持 多边主义,巩固以联合国为核心的集体安全体系,通 过互利共赢实现普遍安全。 daccess-ods.un.org | China maintains that, in order to further push forward the multilateral arms control and non-proliferation process in a fair and effective way, [...] the international [...] community should embrace a new security [...]concept characterized by mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality [...]and coordination; fully respect and accommodate the legitimate security concerns of countries; establish inter-State relations of mutual understanding and mutual trust; adhere to multilateralism; consolidate the collective security system with the United Nations at its core; and attain the goal of security for all through mutually beneficial means. daccess-ods.un.org |
在安全理事会第 1813(2008)号决议中,安全理事会审议了秘书长报告(S/2008/ [...] 251),赞同报告的建议,认为双方秉持 现 实 态度与妥协精神,是维持谈判进程势 [...]头所必不可少的。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that resolution, the Security Council, having considered the report of the Secretary-General (S/2008/251), endorsed the recommendation in the report that [...] realism and a spirit of compromise by the parties were [...] essential to maintain the momentum [...]of the process of negotiations. daccess-ods.un.org |