

单词 秉性

秉性 ()

natural disposition
innate character

See also:

surname Bing

External sources (not reviewed)

由于妇女秉性非常 关注其所爱之人的痛苦,因此 可通过设计一些方式,恰当承认这类痛苦及其复原能力的个人方面。
Given women’s predisposition to focus on [...]
the pain of their loved ones, it would be interesting to devise ways to duly recognize
the individual dimension of such suffering and resilience.
推荐的做法是,在入学的头几年以当地语言教学,并处秉 性、性情、同侪压力和社交等问题。
Providing education in the local language for the first years of schooling and addressing such issues as predisposition, temperament, peer pressure and socialization are recommended approaches.
他们秉性上来 说倾向于合作和相互 沟通,这两个合作方面对于我们的目标至关重要。
They are temperamentally predisposed toward working together and connecting with one another, two aspects of cooperation that are essential to our goals.
大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国不遵守联合国决议,无意与阿根廷这样一个充 分展示出和秉性的民 主国家进行对话,而在南美洲(马尔维纳斯群岛)设立、维 [...]
持并不断加强军事基地,并进行空军和海军军事演习,严重威胁到世界这一地区 的和平与共处。
The failure of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to comply with United Nations resolutions; its unwillingness to open a dialogue with a democratic country,
Argentina, that has clearly demonstrated its
[...] commitment to peace; and the installation, [...]
maintenance and continuous reinforcement
of a military base on this continent (on the Malvinas Islands) and the conduct of aerial and naval military exercises are seriously jeopardizing peace and harmony in this part of the world.
经过这样的努力,在 2009 年初,已有十个山脉生物圈保护地(分别分布于中国、德 国、印度、秘鲁、俄罗斯联邦、西班牙、瑞士和美国)开始实施这项研究战略,用来在它们 各自的生物圈保护地中对全球性和气候性变化对环境的生物物 秉性 和 山区居民的社会经济 条件影响开展评估工作。
Consequently in early 2009, 10 mountain biosphere reserves (in China, Germany, India, Peru, Russian Federation, Spain, Switzerland and United States of America) started operationalizing the GLOCHAMORE Research Strategy in their respective biosphere reserves to assess the impact of global and climate change on the biophysical environment and socio-economic conditions of mountain inhabitants.
主席,梁美芬議員發言時表示,大家應 秉 持 理 性 民 主 的作風, 應該做一些議員應該做的事。
Chairman, Dr Priscilla LEUNG said in her speech that we
[...] should always be rational and democratic [...]
in what we do and that we should do what Members should do.
以色列原本设想,审查进程能够在理事会内部没有任何区分 秉 持 普 遍 性 、 公正 性、客观性和无选择的原则。
Israel had envisaged that the review process would have enabled the
principles of universality, impartiality, objectivity and
[...] non-selectivity without distinctions of any kind within the Council.
对 工作人员和管理当局的关系问题双方都 秉 持 建设 性的态 度,否则,任何重大的改革都不可能实现。
Otherwise, no significant reform could take place.
我一向都同意大家應秉持理性民主 的 作風,我在發言時從來不希望出現人身攻擊。
I always agree that
[...] Members should be rational and democratic, [...]
and it is never my wish to make any personal attack in my speech.
阿尔及利亚秉持建设性态度 作出努力,争取使 在透明、包容的进程内并本着达成共识的精神开展的 政府间谈判取得实质性进展。
Algeria is ready to work constructively for substantive progress in the intergovernmental negotiations within a transparent and inclusive process and in a spirit of consensus-reaching.
秉持这种建性接触的传 统,最近在新德里举行了一个讨论会。
A seminar was recently held in New Delhi in the
[...] tradition of that constructive engagement.
[...] 理相關的工作,並會仔細平衡勞資雙方和香港整體的利益,也希望社會 各秉持理性、實事求是、包容及互諒互讓的精神,穩健及務實地推動 [...]
In the future, we will take on the relevant work in a prudent manner and we will seek to strike a balance between the interests of employers and employees, as well as the interest of Hong Kong. We hope
that all sectors across the community
[...] will work with a rational, pragmatic, tolerant [...]
and accommodating frame of mind to
further minimum wage work in Hong Kong in a steady and sound manner.
秉承可持续性发展 的理念,力求实现经济平稳增长、社会进步和促进环保等目标,并且在此前提下经营公司业务、将产品推向市场。
We endorse the principles of sustainability, including the need to balance economic growth, social development and environmental protection in how we operate our business and market our products.
要在兩者之間取得平衡,公民黨的主流意見認為秉 持理性討論原則之餘,仍然要照顧羣眾的情緒,因為市民前來立法會 [...]
時,總不希望受到一些自己不想受到的待遇,而也有些市民為官員而 感到不值。
In order to strike a right balance, the mainstream view
of the Civic Party is that in upholding
[...] the principle of rational discussion, we also [...]
have to take into account the people's
sentiments because when members of the public come to attend meetings of the Legislative Council, they would not want to receive any unseemly treatment.
秉持个性化服 务和客户满 意度至上的理念,JHA 始终将为其 5900 多个美国及加勒比海地区的金融服务行业 客户提供高品质技术支持放在首位。
With a strong philosophy of personalized service and customer satisfaction, JHA places a high priority on providing top quality technical support for its 5900+ U.S. and Caribbean region financial services customers.
富鈞科秉持著 - 質量性能和 經濟價格的堅持,開發出優質X-Calibre系列電源。
The Xigmatek X-Calibre series power supplies are built upon three premises: Quality, Performance and Value.
自 1966 年巴塞尔钟表展 (Basel Fair) 面世以来,这款手表一直秉承极 具独 性 的 设 计理念,它是第一款采用无时标表盘和手工雕刻罗马数字表圈的手表。
A ground-breaking concept from day it was introduced at the 1966 Basel Fair, this is the first timepiece to favor an hour-free dial and hand-engraved roman numerals on the bezel.
这一系列营造的是一种祥和的氛围与情调,其实用与美观的 性秉 承 了 我们的原创理念,却又丝毫没有忽略使用的便利性。
A model that creates an atmosphere of warmth and sentiment, with functional,
good-looking features and original ideas that allow
[...] us, without sacrificing convenience, [...]
to bring back to life the delicious context
of a convivial, intimate kitchen full of personality, still present in our memories and our dreams.
基於此,公共專業聯盟認為, 特區政府秉承前瞻性、多 元化、可持續性、「以民為本」和「人人有機會」理 念,作為公共政策的指導性原則。
Against this background, the Professional Commons believes that the Hong Kong Government’s policies should, in essence, be forward-looking, encouraging of diversity, sustainability, providing opportunities for all, as well as being “people-oriented”.
[...] Green芳草地一直贯彻的绿色理念,坚持从设计, 建筑到未来营运秉持可持续性发展 的绿色精神与使命。
Parkview Green FangCaoDi has been well recognised for not only its architectural and environmental uniqueness,
but its commitment, going beyond the
[...] technical markers to materiality, community and wellness,which [...]
matched the award’s ambition
to broaden the definition of a green building.
我要非常明确地指出,我们将采取建 性 态 度, 秉持诚 意寻求同普里什蒂纳达成一项折中解决办 法,就像它从未试图片面宣布独立那样。
We will pursue a compromise with Pristina constructively and in good faith, as if it had never attempted UDI.
Yolanna 秉承意大利性偏柔 美的設計風格,融合藝術,追求精緻;面料多採用天然原料,結合提花、緞織、蕾絲等富純正歐洲傳統工藝,傳承其奢華和精緻的風格。
Yolanna upholds neutral and gentle style, which [...]
blending art and pursuing refinement. Products are mostly made from natural
materials, combined with jacquard weave, satin weave, lace and European traditional crafts, which always maintain the superb quality.
在人口结构不断变化的世界中兼顾您的家庭生活和工作:格罗茨-贝克特始 秉 承 可持 续 性 发 展的理念,公司不仅以环保为已任,同时,还关心社会及公司员工。
Being able to combine your family life and your work life in a world of demographic change: with sustainability firmly in mind, Groz-Beckert assumes responsibility not only for the environment but also for society and its employees.
在 进行协商时,哥伦比秉持建设性的 精 神和依据扎实 的法理论点,提出了一些建议,但这些建议都没有反 映在最后文本中,尽管我们也没有听到其他国家对这 [...]
During that
[...] process, Colombia presented — in a constructive spirit and [...]
in line with solid legal arguments — a number of
proposals that do not appear to be reflected in the final text, even though we heard no opposition from other States.
在此特定问题上,我借此机会向你保证,南苏丹共和国将继续在你的主持下秉诚意 开展谈判,以就有争议和有权利主张的地区立即达成协议;但是南苏丹 共和国不接受将谈判延续至 2012 年 8 月 2 日之后,以避免不确性及再次发生 冲突的可能。
On that particular matter, I take the opportunity to assure you that the Republic of South Sudan will continue under
your auspices to negotiate in good faith
[...] to secure a prompt agreement on the disputed and claimed areas, but that it will not accept any extension of the negotiations beyond 2 August 2012, in order to avoid uncertainty and a potential resumption of conflict.
(c) 法庭/ 法院如 信 納作出命令判並 非該等法律程序一方的 人支付訟費秉 行公正 ,而有關命令擬適用於只 涉 訟費 的法律程序的訟費及附 帶 訟費,可如此作出命令, 從 而 給 予 法庭最大的性。
(c) the Court may make an order awarding costs against a person who is not a party to the proceedings,
if it is satisfied
[...] that it is in the interests of justice to do so and is intended to apply to the costs of and incidental to the costs-only proceedings, so as to give maximum flexibility to the courts.
部分委員並促請當局在港台 約章中刪除有關顧問委員會的權力,以及在約章特別訂明港台的編輯自 主,避免當局和顧問委員會作出政治干預,但也有其他委員支持設立顧
[...] 問委員會,因為他們認為作為制衡機制,可以加強港台的問 性 , 確保 港秉持新聞專業標準和客觀的原則。
Some members urged the Administration to remove such power of the Board from the
Charter and provide specifically
[...] for RTHK's editorial independence in the Charter to [...]
safeguard against any political interference
by the Administration and the Board.
正 如 前 民政事務局局長特別向 報 章 投 稿 指出,香 港 的 繁 榮 有 賴 公務員系 統 的 穩性 ,公務員必秉 持 政 治 中立、 廉 潔和高效率的原則, 而 他們的貢 獻 亦已得 到 社 會 和 鄰 近 地 區的肯 定。
Just as the former Secretary for Home Affairs has said in his article recently published in the newspapers, that is, the prosperity of Hong Kong depends on the stability of the Civil Service, and the civil servants must uphold the principle of political neutrality, integrity and high efficiency, and their contribution has been affirmed by the community at large as well as our neighbouring regions.
(d) 一 位 議員察悉有關檢討金管局的規定的4 個 目 的 ( 上文第 5 段 ) 後 認 為,檢討的 目 的 應限於政府當局就規管前首 長 級公務員離職後就業的政策進行檢討時秉持的 目 的, 即 確保前首 長級公務員不 會從事與其以往公職可能有實 際、潛在或表面利益衝突,或引致公眾負 面 看 法 致令政 府 尷尬或公務員形象受 損 的業務或工作。
(d) Noting the four objectives of the review of the rules of HKMA (paragraph 5 above), a Member considers that the objectives of the review should be confined to that adopted by the Administration in conducting the review of the policy governing post-service employment of former directorate civil servants, i.e. to ensure that former directorate civil servants will not enter into business or take up employment which may constitute conflict of interest (real, potential or perceived) with their former government duties or cause negative public perception embarrassing the Government and affecting the image of the civil service.
根据客户满意度的测评结果秉承对 客户信任的回报,结合高端客户的意见和建议,在客户满意度测评完成 [...]
后,公司进行整体分析并提出各方面提升及改进要求,督促并要求各相关部门和单位进行提升及改进活动,落实 到各个一线的客户服务团队及界面中,在公司能力提升的同时赢得了客户充分的信任。
[...] to the results of the evaluation, [...]
and by combining the opinions and suggestions of high-end customers, the company
conducted an overall analysis and put forward improvement requirements in various aspects, and urged and required the related departments and units to carry out improvement activities throughout all customer service activities, which improved the capability of the company and won the full trust of customers.




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