

单词 私生活

See also:


private adj
personal adj
selfish adj

生活 pl

life n
lifestyles pl

生活 n

lives pl
lifestyle n
activity n

External sources (not reviewed)

私生活委员会是一个负责在处理个人数据时,保 私生活 的 机 构,其 主要任务是回应查询资料的要求以及处理向它提出的申诉。
The main
[...] mandate of the Commission for the Protection of Privacy, responsible for ensuring the protection of privacy in the handling [...]
of personal data, is
to answer requests for information and process the complaints it receives.
委員察悉政府當局提供的資料文件( 立法會
[...] CB(1)1474/07-08(02)號文件),當中載述涉及其他範疇而 又類似隨機呼氣測試的兩宗法庭案例,以顯示可以容許 某些私生活權利的侵擾。
Members noted the information papers provided by the Administration (LC Paper No. CB(1)1474/07-08(02)) setting out two court cases in other areas which
were analogous to random breath test (RBT) to show that certain
[...] interference with the right of privacy was permissible.
这一《公约》规定的有关权利包括生命权(第 2 条)、禁止酷刑及不人道和有 辱人格的待遇和处罚(第
[...] 3 条)、适当程序(第 5 条)、公平审判(第 6 条)、私生活 和家庭生活权(第 8 条)以及和平享有财产权(第一议定书第 [...]
1 条)。
The relevant rights under this Convention would include the right to life (article 2), the prohibition of torture and inhuman and degrading treatment and punishment (article 3), due
process (article 5), fair trial
[...] (article 6), the right to private and family life (article 8) and [...]
the right to peaceful enjoyment
of property (article 1 of Protocol I).
188 ,因为我们的宪法第四修正案和现行的美国法律禁止利用现代技术 过度和不合理地干预个私生活。
188, because our Constitution’s Fourth Amendment and existing
U.S. law prohibit the use of modern technology for excessive and unjustified
[...] interference in individuals’ private lives.
[...] 的、公共秩序的或国家安全的理由,或当诉讼当事人 私生活 的 利 益有此需要时, 或在特殊情况下法庭认为公开审判会损害司法利益因而严格需要的限度下,可不 [...]
The press and the public may be excluded from all or part of a trial for reasons of morals, public order (order public) or national
security in a democratic society, or when
[...] the interest of the private lives of the parties [...]
so requires, or to the extent strictly
necessary in the opinion of the court in special circumstances where publicity would prejudice the interest of justice: but any judgement rendered in a criminal case or in a suit at law shall be made public except where the interest of juvenile persons otherwise requires or the proceedings concern matrimonial dispute or the guardianship of children.
為了確定隨機呼氣測試不屬對《基本法》及《香 港人權法案》所保障私生活權利 構成不能容許的侵 擾,涂謹申議員認為不應單靠隨機呼氣測試屬合情合 [...]
理,不屬任意及與保障公眾安全的需要相稱的假定,政 府當局應進一步研究其他地區與隨機呼氣測試相似的判
In order to ascertain that RBT was
not an impermissible interference
[...] with the right to privacy protected by the Basic Law [...]
and the Hong Kong Bill of Rights,
Mr James TO opined that instead of simply relying on the premise that RBT was considered reasonable, non-arbitrary and was proportionate for the protection of public safety, the Administration should conduct further research on case law in other areas which were analogous to RBTs so as to prepare themselves for possible legal challenge in future.
从肖像和日记均看不出她对于自己的生活质量或奴隶状态有什么看法,也看不出她是否有配偶子女等其 私生活 方 面
Neither portrait nor diary entry give any insight into what she thought of the quality
of her life or about her servitude, or
[...] other aspects of her private life, such as whether [...]
she had a spouse or children.
[...] 围内,在适当尊重公众义务、权利和自由以及他人自由和他 私生活 神 圣 性 的前提下,促进传播思想、文化和知识。
The press shall be free to present news, information and comment and shall contribute to the dissemination of ideas, culture and knowledge within the limits of the law and
with due respect for public duties, rights and freedoms and for the freedom
[...] and sanctity of the private lives of others.
此外,《香港人權法案》第14 條對個私生活、家 庭、住宅、通信、名譽及信用提供了 保障。
In addition, Article 14 of HKBOR guarantees
[...] the protection of privacy, family, home, correspondence, [...]
honour and reputation.
為遵守㆟權法案第 14 條的規定,即保障個㆟私生活、家 庭、住宅或通訊不致任意受 到干預,廉政專員是否仍繼續作為某名㆟(而不是某個疑犯)應否透露其個㆟資料的唯㆒ 決定㆟,還是應由獨立的司法機構,例如裁判司或法官權作決定㆟?
In order to comply with Article 14 of the Bill of Rights, which guarantees to the individual protection against arbitrary interference with his or her privacy, family, home or correspondence, should the Commissioner continue to be the sole arbiter to decide whether a person, not a suspect, should be required to divulge personal information, or should the arbiter be an independent judicial authority, such as a magistrate or a judge?
旅行充电套件为您提供最大的方便,使 Jabra Motion UC 成为工作私生活的理 想选择(不零售)。
The Travel & Charge kit gives you maximum
convenience and makes the Jabra Motion UC the perfect choice
[...] for both business and private life (not available [...]
in retail).
局長又表示,條例草案是涉及政府的一項政策,該政策豁免受 僱 於家庭服 務的人士受《職業安全及健康條例》(第 509 章)所規範 , 以 免法例介 入個別家庭私生活。
The Secretary also states that the Bill relates to the government policy that, in order not to intrude into the private life of individual
households, persons
[...] employed in domestic services should be exempted from the Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance (Cap. 509) (OSHO).
任何人私生活、家 庭、住宅或通信,不得無理或非法 侵擾……” 當局認為,秘密監察如屬《基本法》第 30 條所容許,並依照上述 的行政命令所載的法律程序進行,並非無理或非法侵擾。
The Administration considers that covert surveillance permitted by Article 30 of the Basic Law and undertaken in accordance with the legal procedures contained in the Order would be neither arbitrary nor unlawful.
(a) 為了釋除委員對賦權警務人員可以在無需任何
[...] 合理懷疑的情況下進行隨機呼氣測試的建議, 不屬對《基本法》及《香港人權法案》所保障私生活權利構成不能容許的侵擾的關注,政 府當局被要求進一步研究其他地區與隨機呼氣 [...]
(a) in order to allay a member's concern about the proposal to empower a police officer to conduct RBT without any reasonable suspicion was
not an impermissible interference
[...] with the right to privacy protected by the Basic Law [...]
and the Hong Kong Bill of Rights,
the Administration was requested to conduct further research on case law in other areas which were analogous to RBTs
任何人如沒有充分理由而宣揚關於另一人 私生活 的事 情,便應該負上侵權法上的法律責任,惟該次宣揚必須會 嚴重冒犯一個合理的人或會令這個人非常反感,而且宣揚 該等事情的人知道或理應知道會有這樣的情況出現; - 因無理宣揚他人私生活而被 起訴的人,如果可以證明他 的宣揚是符合公眾利益的, 便應可以此作為免責辯護。
any person who, without justification, gives publicity to a matter concerning the private life of another should be liable under the law of tort if the publicity is of a kind that would be seriously offensive or objectionable to a reasonable person, and he knows or ought to know that the publicity would [...]
be seriously offensive or objectionable to such a person
(b) 侵擾的目的及場合(例如有關的侵擾是否干擾了 有關的個人私生活
(b) the object and occasion of the intrusion (e.g., whether it
[...] interferes with the private life of the individual)
3.39 法改會並建議法院在判斷被告人在案中的情況下 做出有關行為是否合理時,應該考慮到《公民權 利和政治權利國際公約》(“《公約》”)第十七條 ( 關私生活、家庭、住宅和通信)11 、第十九條 ( 關於發表自由)12 和第二十一條(關於和平集會)13 所規定的權利和自由。
3.39 The LRC also recommended that the courts should take into account the rights and freedoms provided in Article 17 (privacy, family, home and correspondence)11 , Article 19 (freedom of expression)12 and Article 21 (peaceful assembly)13of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (“ICCPR”) when determining whether the pursuit in question was reasonable in the particular circumstances.
Questions must not
[...] include personal or private life matters.
我知道有㆟亦關注到條例草案草擬本第 25 及第 26
[...] 條是否賦予執法機構過大權力, 以及這些條款是否違反㆟權法案所載有關個 私生活 不 受任意干涉的保證。
I am aware that there is also concern as to whether sections 25 and 26 of the draft Bill confer wider powers than are necessary on the law enforcement agencies, and whether
these provisions infringe the guarantee of freedom from arbitrary
[...] interference with one's privacy under the Bill of Rights.
属于非穆斯林少数群体的土耳其公民 私生活 和 公 共生活中使用本族语言 不受限制。
There is no restriction for Turkish citizens belonging to non-Muslim minorities as regards the use of
[...] their language in private and in public.
(k) 促进和支持所有妇女和女孩有更多机会获得信息和通信技术,特别是贫 穷妇女和女孩、农村和边远地区的妇女和女孩,以及处境不利的妇女和女孩,并 增强国际支持,克服各国间和各区域间、男女之间以及男孩和女孩之间的数码鸿 沟; (l) 进一步采取措施,确保教育系统和媒体在符合表达自由的情况下支持使 用非定型、平衡以及不同的妇女形象,将她们视为发展进程中的关键角色,同时 促进男女在私生活中的 非歧视性的作用
( k ) Promoting and supporting increased access for all women and girls to information and communication technology, particularly women and girls living in poverty, and women and girls living in rural and remote areas and in disadvantaged situations, and enhancing international support to overcome the digital divide among countries and regions, and between women and men and girls and boys
就 保 護個人 私隱方面而言,《公民權利和 政 治 權利國際 公 約 》第 17 條 確 立 個私 生 活不得受到干擾;而香港特別行政 區 《基本 法》第三十九條訂 明 透過香港的法律落實公 約 的規定,因此,公約具有憲法 地位。
By virtue of Article 39 of the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, provisions of the Covenant have acquired a constitutional status in Hong Kong.
公民权利和政治权利国际公约》提到“尊重其固有的人格尊严”3 和声明“任 何人私生活、家 庭、住宅或通信不得加以任意或非法干涉,他的荣誉和名义不 [...]
The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights refers to “respect for the inherent dignity of human persons”3 and states that “no one shall be
subjected to arbitrary or unlawful
[...] interference with his privacy, family, or correspondence, [...]
or to unlawful attacks on his honour and reputation.
1.4 因此,條例的目的十分明確,就是保障在香港境內 的人的權利( 見《基本法》第 41 條 ) ,這些權利涉及各方面的 私隱,並且已莊嚴地載於《基本法》第 39 條,受《基本法》 第 29 條 ( 禁止任意或非法侵入住宅和其他房屋)
、《基本法》 第 30 條 ( 禁止侵犯通訊秘密) ,以及《公民權利和政治權利國 際公約》第 17 條 (
[...] 已納入《香港人權法案條例》( 第 383 章 ) 第 14 條內)(禁止侵私生活、家庭、住宅及通訊,亦不得侵 擾名譽及信用) [...]
It is for the protection of the rights of persons in Hong Kong (see Article 41 of the Basic Law) in various facets of privacy that are protected by Article 29 of the Basic Law (prohibition against arbitrary or unlawful intrusion into a home or other premises), Article 30 of the Basic Law (prohibition against infringement of privacy of communications) and Article 17 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (incorporated in Article 14 of the Hong Kong Bill of Rights
Ordinance, Cap 383) (prohibition
[...] against interference with privacy, family, home and correspondence [...]
and against attacks on
honour and reputation), as enshrined by Article 39 of the Basic Law.
例如:没有真正的职业安排战略;工作 私生活 ( 尤 其是夫妇职业不同)之间的协调 问题;保护本组织机构的记忆和能力的必要性问题;人力资源管理信息系统不足,特别是个 [...]
For example, the absence of a real career development
strategy; problems of reconciling
[...] professional and personal life, notably for households [...]
with two breadwinners; the need
to preserve the institutional memory and capacities of the Organization; the shortcomings of the computerized human resource management system, notably the problem of updating information contained in the individual files.




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