单词 | 私偏 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 私偏 —selfish preference偏私 noun —partiality nfavouritism n偏私 —practice favoritismSee also:私 adj—private adj • personal adj • selfish adj 偏—slant • lean • stray from the intended line • stubbornly • left-hand side of a split Chinese character, often the key or radical • deviate from average • contrary expectations 偏 adj—prejudiced adj • oblique adj 偏 n—migraines n
如果在隐私政策更改后,您希望改变 Interval [...] 对您个人信息的使用方式,您可以按照下方“更新个人信息和 隐 私偏 好 ” 部分描述的步骤来完成。 zh.intervalworld.com | If as the result of such changes, you want to alter the ways in which Interval is allowed to use your personal information, you can do so by [...] following the procedure described below in the section titled "Updating your personal [...] information and privacy preferences. intervalworld.com |
在這些事件中,都出現了偏私, 而偏私的最 大目的,可能是與小圈子選舉有關。 legco.gov.hk | All these are [...] examples of partiality, and the most probable cause of such partiality is the coterie [...]election in question. legco.gov.hk |
照目前的情況來看,難怪旁觀者 會推斷說該制度由於有偏私或偏袒的成份而有瑕疵。 legco.gov.hk | As things stand, an observer can be forgiven for concluding that there is a flaw in [...] the system caused by bias or partiality. legco.gov.hk |
请注意,如果您向 Interval 表明的隐私偏好不 一致(例如,一时同意第三方与您联系发布促销优惠信息,一时又不同意),则 Interval 无法保证满足您的最新隐私偏好。 zh.intervalworld.com | Please note that if you provide Interval [...] with inconsistent privacy preferences (for example, by indicating on one occasion that third parties may contact you with marketing offers and indicating on another occasion that they may not), Interval cannot guarantee that your most recent privacy preference will be honored. intervalworld.com |
鑒於投資者偏好及低息環境,私人銀 行 偏 重 向 客戶提供債券基金及以收入為主的產品。 stock.pingan.com.hk | Responding to investor [...] sentiment and the low interest rate environment, Private Banking focused on [...]selling bond-related and income-oriented products. stock.pingan.com.hk |
如果他們不支持這項議案的話,我相信很多香港人皆會認為他們有所 偏私,或為了某些政治理由,不希望香港人得知真相。 legco.gov.hk | If they do not support this motion, [...] I think many Hong Kong people would [...] consider them to be partial or that, for [...]some political reasons, they are unwilling [...]to let Hong Kong people know the truth. legco.gov.hk |
(二 ) 提供開放平台,讓公眾暢所欲言,以不畏懼和 不 偏私 的方 式交流意見。 legco.gov.hk | (b) provide an open platform for the free exchange of views without fear or favour. legco.gov.hk |
基於首長級人員、政務主任、警務人員及新 聞主任的職務性質容易被指有偏私之 嫌 ,這4類人員均被禁 止參與助選活動。 legco.gov.hk | Officers who are particularly susceptible [...] to accusations of bias, namely Directorate [...]Officers, Administrative Officers, Police [...]Officers and Information Officers, are prohibited from participating in electioneering activities. legco.gov.hk |
房屋委 員會( “ 房 委 會 [...] ”)就天頌苑事件所 委 任的調查小組 其 中 有些成員與 房 委 會 或 政 府 關 [...] 係 較 密切, 雖 然並不表示 他 們 會 偏私、 會 有利益 衝 突 或 對委任 他 們 的 [...]機構“手 下 留 情”, 但是, 他 們 會 不 會 在不知不覺 間 偏 [...]向 從 房 委 會 或 政 府 的 角 度 來 考 慮 問 題呢? legco.gov.hk | Some of the members serving on the panels appointed by the HA to investigate the Tin Chung Court incident have close ties with either the HA or the Government. Although that [...] does not mean the relevant panel [...] members will practise favouritism, have conflict of [...]interest, or be lenient to their appointing [...]agency, would it be possible that they might have unknowingly considered things from an angle which is partial to the HA or the Government? legco.gov.hk |
原因是現時的表 面證供確實對他不利,亦顯示出他可能有 所 偏私。 legco.gov.hk | The reason for doing so is that at present, the prima facie evidence is really unfavourable to him and indicates that [...] he may have been partial. legco.gov.hk |
在事務委員會討論選管會發出的行政長官選舉活動建議 [...] 指引時,委員察悉,根據公務員事務局就規管公務員參與助選活 [...] 動而發出的指引,某些高級人員,以及由於職務性質特別容易被 指有偏私之嫌 的公務員,即首長級人員、政務主任、警務人員、 [...] 新聞主任,以及署理這些職系和職級以待實任的人員(統稱"政府 官員"),均不應公開支持任何候選人或令人以為他們支持某候選 人。 legco.gov.hk | When the Panel discussed the proposed guidelines on election-related activities in respect of the CE election issued by EAC, members noted that according to guidelines issued by the Civil Service Bureau governing civil servants' participation in electioneering activities, certain officers at the senior level and [...] those who might be particularly [...] susceptible to accusations of bias, namely Directorate [...]Officers, Administrative Officers, Police [...]Officers and Information Officers and those officers acting in these grades and ranks with a view to substantive appointment thereto ("government officials"), should not openly support any candidate or be seen to lend support to a candidate. legco.gov.hk |
如接受該份禮物會影響負責人員或職員處理藝團業務的客 [...] 觀態度,或導致負責人員或職員作出有損藝團利益的行為,或會令 人覺得或投訴他們有所偏私或行 事不當,則負責人員或職員應拒絕 [...]接受該份禮物。 legco.gov.hk | Officials and staff should decline the offer if the acceptance could affect their objectivity in conducting the Company’s [...] business, or induce them to act against the interest of the Company, or lead to perception [...] or complaints of bias or impropriety. legco.gov.hk |
雖然我們不是純粹因為結構的問題,而認為法援 署 偏私 , 但如果我 們從事法律工作的人都覺得法援署的處理手法是不妥善,而再加上結構 問題的話,我相信很多市民質疑法援署的公正性是在所難免的。 legco.gov.hk | We do not [...] think that the LAD is biased purely because of some structural reasons, but [...]if those of us who are practitioners [...]in law also think that the LAD does not handle cases in a satisfactory manner and when structural problems are added in, I would believe it is inevitable that many members of the public will question the impartiality of the LAD. legco.gov.hk |
或許可以這樣說,楊 經文的作品本身,很可能亦有其突出之處,不一定是某個人 的 偏私。 legco.gov.hk | Perhaps, this is because of some outstanding features of T.R. Hamzah & Yeung's entry [...] rather than the personal bias of some jurors. legco.gov.hk |
主席女士,我 想 強 調 , 我們不可以說 進行調查 的 警 員一 定是不正、一定是偏 私 、 一定想 包 庇 , 但 如果我們不 改 善 制 度 ,的確 難 以令 用者感 到 公 正 和 心 服 的 。 legco.gov.hk | Madam Chairman, I wish to stress that we cannot say that the police officers who conduct the investigations are definitely partial, showing favour for or wanting to shield their colleagues. legco.gov.hk |
我認為在現階段我對該署偏私或干 預政治之說,實無法接 受。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore I feel that the record on this is quite clear and I do not think [...] that at this stage I can accept the [...] premise that there is bias or political judgement [...]being exercised by the Department. legco.gov.hk |
第二,我們有理由相信這個制度會令特首利用公帑、利用高薪厚祿,從 而拉攏與他政見相近,同時會穩定支持他的政團和政治人士進入他的管治集 團,這會造成不公平的政策傾斜及 偏私。 legco.gov.hk | Second, we have reasons to believe that under such a system, the Chief Executive may offer high emoluments to the appointees at the expense of the public coffers, so as to induce people with similar political convictions as his, that is, political parties and figures that will give him steadfast support, to join his ruling regime. legco.gov.hk |
在 有 陪 審 團 的 民 事 審 訊 中 , 為 了 選 出 一 個 公 正 而 無 偏 私 的 陪 審 團 , 主 審 法 官 頇 審 查 準 陪 審 員 。 hkreform.gov.hk | To select a fair and impartial jury in civil jury trials, the trial judge shall examine the prospective jurors. hkreform.gov.hk |
涂議員反 對 現行投訴警 察 制 度 [...] 的 論 據,完全是基於對 警 方的不 信 任,認 為 警 務人員一 定會偏 私 , 包庇同 事 。 legco.gov.hk | The argument put forward by Mr TO in opposing the existing police complaint system is based completely on his distrust of [...] the Police force, and on his belief that police officers will [...] certainly practise favouritism and protect their [...]colleagues. legco.gov.hk |
我們將根據公司所採行的政策與程序努力避免在工作場所出 現 偏 袒 或 徇 私 行 為。 colgate.com | We strive to avoid favoritism or the [...] appearance of favoritism in the workplace [...]in accordance with the policies and procedures adopted by the Company. colgate.com |
當時不少社會上的保皇力量立即為政府護航,認為行政長官如果 [...] 沒有政黨背景,便可以為香港的整體利益做事;如果行政長官具有政黨背 景,便表示他會偏私。 legco.gov.hk | The "royalist" elements in society immediately hastened to defend the position of the Government, saying that a Chief Executive with no political affiliation would be in a better position to [...] work for the interests of Hong Kong as a whole, but that one with political affiliation [...] would be susceptible to partiality. legco.gov.hk |
当局曾开展了一次有政治偏私的反 腐运动,从而破坏了司法部门的独立性。 crisisgroup.org | The regime has undermined the independence of the judicial branch by running an anti-corruption [...] campaign that is politically biased. crisisgroup.org |
現行的指引,某些高級人員,以 及由於職務性質特別容易被指有偏私 之 嫌 的公務員即首長級人 員、政務主任、警務人員、新聞主任以及署理這些職系和職級 [...] 以待實任的人員(“政府官員”),均不得成為選舉委員會成員, 以及參與和香港有關的助選活動,包括為任何候選人尋求選舉 捐贈。 legco.gov.hk | Under the CSB guidelines currently in force, certain officers at the senior level and [...] those who may be particularly [...] susceptible to accusations of bias because of the nature of [...]their duties, namely Directorate Officers, [...]Administrative Officers, Police Officers and Information Officers and those officers acting in these grades and ranks with a view to substantive appointment thereto (“government officials”), are prohibited from becoming a member of the EC and from participating in any electioneering activities within the Hong Kong context, including seeking election donations for any candidate. legco.gov.hk |
公平、客觀及可靠 評核方式必須公平,不應對任何組別的學生存 有 偏私。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | Students should be assessed in ways that are [...] fair and are not biased against particular [...]groups of students. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
國營媒體亦報導,在北京、上海等大城市裡,有些官員將酒席轉 往 偏 僻 郊區 或 私 人 俱樂部舉行,席間官員仍牛飲昂貴的茅台酒,只是撕掉標籤,或是將酒倒入水瓶裡。 thisbigcity.net | During the banquet, officials still drink the expensive Chinese liquor Maotai, but with the bottle’s label torn off or with the alcohol poured into a water bottle. thisbigcity.net |
尤其每當事件牽涉司法覆核,或牽涉向政府興訟,甚或有些刑事個 [...] 案牽涉當時人被政府檢控而須答辯時,如果法援署作出的一些決定令他 們不滿,他們很容易便會認為這個政府部門有 所 偏私。 legco.gov.hk | In particular, in those cases where judicial review is involved, or legal action is instigated against the Government or where certain criminal cases when someone is prosecuted by the Government and he has to defend his case, if some [...] decisions made by the LAD cause dissatisfaction in these people, they will easily [...] think that there is bias in that department. legco.gov.hk |
正如上文所述,即便在公共行政部门中,都可能普遍存在不同的看法 和偏 好(许多私营部门行为体更是如此)。 daccess-ods.un.org | As discussed above, even within public administration (not to [...] mention the many private actors) different perceptions and preferences might [...]prevail. daccess-ods.un.org |
家 和 萬 事 興 ‛ 、 特 別 是 ‚ 夫 妻 同 心 ‛ 的 觀 念 使 人 一 想 到 夫 妻 互 相 指 控 尌 會 反 感 , 又 會 令 人 認 為 他 們 互 相 為 對 方 辯 護 時 的 發 言 總 有 偏 私 的 成 分 。 hkreform.gov.hk | The unity of the family, and particularly of husband and wife, made it revolting to contemplate their condemning one another, and suggested that anything they said in support of each other would be tainted by interest. hkreform.gov.hk |