

单词 离题



on track

See also:

without (sth)
be away from
independent of
part from
mythical beast (archaic)
surname Li
(in giving distances) from

External sources (not reviewed)

杜绝事项:过分夸张,情绪失控,咄咄逼人,即使受到强烈质疑也不要被诱导性提问所 迷惑,不要言之无物离题万里
Don’t: Exaggerate; lose your
cool; be aggressive, even if challenged; be tricked
[...] by leading questions; waffle; or get sidetracked from your [...]
避免照搬:重要的是防止照搬他人的活动、举措或贡献,以及避免在现行 和新的举措中出现重复、不成体系 离题。
Avoiding duplication: It will be important to prevent the duplication of activities, initiatives or
contributions of others, as well as to avoid repetition,
[...] fragmentation and digression among current [...]
and emerging initiatives.
(d) 全面解决教育领域罗姆人事实上的 离 问 题 , 考 虑到该问题与住房和 就业领域歧视的密切联系。
(d) Address de facto segregation of Roma in education [...]
in a global manner, taking into account its close relation to discrimination
in the fields of housing and employment.
Nihon 先生(比利时)代表欧洲联盟在投票前对投 票做解释性发言,他说,欧洲联盟确认该决议草案中 就需要建立民主和公平的国际秩序提出的问题需要 进行分析和各国的行动,案文中的许多说明都带有选 择性,不离题,而 且超出了第三委员会的范围。
(Belgium), speaking in explanation of vote before the voting on behalf of the European Union, said that, while the European Union recognized that the issues raised in the draft resolution on the need for a democratic and equitable international order required analysis and action by all States, many statements in the text were selective, presented out of context and went beyond the scope of the Third Committee.
请原谅离题了, 但这都是我国的实际情况—— 不能只是因为突发因素造成危险才关注这种现实,而 [...]
不承认这样的事实,那就是现实始终会因为系统的内 在不足而承受压力。
Please forgive me for digressing, but this is [...]
our reality — a reality that cannot be viewed only in the light of contingency-driven
risks, without accepting the fact that it will always be burdened by the system’s intrinsic shortfalls.
或许是你掌握的信息不对,第一个问题后你大脑就一片空白,或者在某个不相关事宜上完 离题 ; 总 之,面试官开始不断看表,似乎希望面试能够尽快结束。
Maybe you had the wrong information, went blank on the first question, or drifted completely off-topic on an unrelated matter that left the interviewers looking at their watches.
[...] 性能测试终端的性能指标测试,通过分割网络和快速离 问题改善平均修复时间(MTTR):这是一种主动实现服务 [...]
Thanks to real-time actionable information, operators can remotely launch performance metrics tests from the verifier to the performance endpoint, improving the mean
time to repair (MTTR) by segmenting the
[...] network and quickly isolating problems—a proactive approach [...]
to service assurance.
在1972年2月于亚的斯亚贝巴举行的安理会会议期间,非洲统一组织(非统组织)请求安全理事会采取行动,执行其涉及纳米比亚、南罗得西亚局势、南非种族 离 问 题 、 葡 萄牙统治下殖民地问题的相关决议以及大会关于自决权问题的第1514(XV)号决议。
During Council meetings held in Addis Ababa in February 1972, the Organization of African Unity (OAU) requested the Security Council to take action to implement its relevant resolutions as well as General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) on the right to self-determination with regards to the situations in Namibia, Southern Rhodesia, the question of the apartheid in South Africa, and the territories under Portuguese administration.
还将在保证混合移徙 情况中的庇护空间和加强应对城市中的 离 失 所 问 题 方 面 开展业务。
Operations will also work to safeguard asylum space in the context of mixed migration and strengthen
[...] the response to displacement in urban settings.
自设立以来,该办公室处理了很多婚姻事件,主要离 婚和社会题有关
Since its establishment, the centre has dealt with numerous matrimonial cases
[...] related mainly to divorce and social problems.
[...] 行;推动持久解决;加强解决无国籍问题的业务;努力解决指定的局势;按照难 民署的集权职责处理境内离失所问 题 , 并 将重点放在执行《非洲联盟保护和援 [...]
Activities to achieve these will include incremental implementation of UNHCR’s urban refugee policy, based on strengthened partnership and outreach; promotion of durable solutions; strengthening of operations to address statelessness; pursuing the
resolution of targeted situations; and
[...] addressing internal displacement as per the Office’s [...]
cluster responsibilities with focus
on the entry into force of the African Union Convention for the Protection and Assistance of Internally Displaced Persons in Africa.
在儿童基金会支持下取得的其他成果包括:以方便获得基本社会服务为目的的迁 徙儿童登记系统,北京已经成功借鉴了这种做法并将其纳入北京的第 11 个“五
[...] 年规划”;将儿童权利和性别平等纳入全国家庭教育框架和家长教育服务;建立 针对留守儿童的社会支助网络,帮助他们应对与父母 离 的 问 题。
Other UNICEF-supported results were the registration system for migrant children to increase access to basic social services, which was successfully replicated in Beijing and incorporated into Beijing’s 11th Five-Year Plan; the incorporation of child rights and gender equality into the national family education framework and parental education services; and the
establishment of social support networks for left-behind children to help
[...] them cope with separation from their parents.
我们强调指出,小武器和轻武器非法贸易的各个方面继续支撑冲突,加剧暴 力,加重平民离失所问题,阻 碍遵守国际人道主义法,助长犯罪、恐怖主义和 海盗行为,阻碍向武装冲突受害人提供人道主义援助。
We emphasize that the illicit trade in small
arms and light weapons
[...] in all its aspects continues to sustain conflict, exacerbate violence, contribute to the displacement of civilians, [...]
undermine respect for
international humanitarian law, fuel crime, terrorism and piracy, and impede the provision of humanitarian assistance to victims of armed conflict.
他强调,通过核准该草 案,大会邀请各国找到离失所者问 题 的 持 久解决 办法,对越来越多的国家通过了涉及流离失所所有 阶段的立法表示欢迎,并且指出由于自然灾害而流 离失所的人口有可能增加,尤其在气候变化的影响 下。
He emphasized that, by adopting the draft resolution, the General Assembly would call upon States to find durable solutions for displaced persons, would welcome the fact that a growing number of countries had adopted domestic legislation covering all stages of displacement and would note that the number of displaced persons owing to natural disasters was liable to rise, particularly under the impact of climate change.
[...] 准备、配偶水火不容、单亲父母、亲子关系引发的问题、家庭角色的分配和责任 、照顾老年人和残疾人、消离婚前 后的 题 以 及帮助家庭自足。
Parallel to these objectives, professional studies continue at these centres regarding preparation for marriage, incompatibility between spouses, single parenthood, problems stemming from parent – child relations, distribution of roles and responsibilities inside the family, care of
the elderly and the disabled,
[...] elimination of the problems before and after divorce, and helping [...]
family be self-sufficient.
基金组织需要加强多边监督并且更加注意发展中国家宏观经济 政策的一致性,不要受发展中国家公营部门治理 题 的 影 响而 离 真 正 的任务。
IMF needed to strengthen its multilateral surveillance and pay more attention to the consistency of macroeconomic policies of
developed countries and not be distracted by the public sector
[...] governance issues in developing countries from its true mandate.
在 2 月 27 日讨论难民和离失所者问题的专题 会 议上,波斯尼亚和黑塞哥 维那联邦代表院投票赞成关于斯雷布雷尼察的一项倡议,该倡议呼吁“负责实施 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那选举[和 ]国际社会所有主题的公共机构,特别是高级代表 [...]
办事处,根据 2008
年在斯雷布雷尼察适用的模型和解决方案,制定一项关于 2012 年和今后几年实施斯雷布雷尼察地方选举、直到《代顿和平协定》附件 7 以及永 久、良好的系统性解决方案得到全面执行的决定。
On 27 February, at a thematic session dedicated to the issues of refugees and displaced persons, [...]
the Federation of Bosnia
and Herzegovina House of Representatives voted for an initiative related to Srebrenica that called upon “public institutions responsible for implementing elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina [and] all subjects of the international community, especially the Office of the High Representative, to enact a decision on implementing local elections in Srebrenica for 2012 and future years according to the model and solutions applied in Srebrenica in 2008 until the complete implementation of annex 7 to the Dayton Peace Agreement and a permanent and quality systemic solution”.
由于贫穷和失业题,离婚率 越来越高,妇女 正在成为家庭暴力和贩运人口的受害者。
Because of poverty and
[...] unemployment, divorce rate is growing [...]
high and women are becoming victim to domestic violence and human trafficking.
(欧盟) 。这方面的工作可以包括制定检验生产能力 建设和发展的更好的标准,更好地了解{ 中等收入( 墨西哥主张保留)}(JZ) 发展中 国家面临的现实,以便处理这些国家的关切以及需要为即将脱离最不发达国家类 别的国家提供恰当、有吸引力的离 后 环 境的 题。
This could include developing better measures of productive capacity–building and development, a better understanding of the realities facing {middle-income (Mexico retain)} (JZ) developing countries, with a view to addressing their concerns and the need to provide graduating LDCs a clear and attractive post-graduation environment.
解决中东题离不开 国际社会的大力支持和协 助。
The solution to
[...] the Middle East issue is inseparable [...]
from vigorous support and assistance on the part of the international community.
政府的国家战略、特别是《减贫战略》、2005-2010 年《国家就业战 略》、《解决难民和国内离失所者 问 题 的 国家战略》确定了有关难民就业的额 外方案、措施和活动。
National strategies of the Government, particularly the Poverty Reduction Strategy, the National Employment Strategy for the period 2005–2010 and
the National Strategy for
[...] Resolving the Issues of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons, [...]
identify additional programmes,
measures and activities relating to the employment of refugees.
具有动画效果的粘性标题平滑地推动前一个 题离 开 屏 幕。
Animated sticky headers smoothly push previous headers off the screen.
重申所有人,包括境内流离失所者,均享有自由移徙权利和居住权,并应受 到保护,不被任意迁移,2 注意到国际社会对全世界境内离失 所者 问 题 的 认 识日增,并注意到迫切需 要消除造成流离失所的根源,寻求持久解决办法,包括确保安全、有尊严地自愿回 返以及在流离失所者目前所在地区自愿就地安置或在该国另一个地方自愿安置
Reaffirming that all persons, including those internally displaced, have the right to freedom of movement and residence and should be protected against being arbitrarily displaced,2 Noting the international community’s growing awareness of the issue of internally displaced persons worldwide and the urgency of addressing the root causes of their displacement and finding durable solutions, including voluntary return in safety and with dignity, as well as voluntary local integration in the areas to which persons have been displaced or voluntary settlement in another part of the country
请 请请 请秘书长在题为“联合国难民事务高级专员的报告:有关难民、回返者 和离失所者的题和人道主义题 ” 的项目下,向大会第六十七届会议提交一 份全面报告,说明对非洲境内难民、回返者和流离失所者的援助情况,同时充分 考虑到庇护国所作的努力。
the Secretary-General to submit a comprehensive report on assistance to refugees, returnees and displaced persons in Africa to the General Assembly at its sixty-seventh session, taking fully into account the efforts expended by countries of asylum, under the item entitled “Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, questions relating to refugees, returnees and displaced persons and humanitarian questions”.
[...] 以增加对一切来源之电离辐射量、影响和危险的认识;请科学委员会下届会议继 续审查离辐射领域的各项重要题 , 并就此向大会第六十五届会议提出报告; 并决心资源分配一旦确定,便在科学委员会第五十七届会议后,但不迟于大会第 [...] [...]
六十四届会议结束前,就委员会的组成作出决定(第 64/85 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly requested the Scientific Committee to continue its work, including its important activities to increase knowledge of the levels, effects and risks of ionizing radiation from all sources; requested the Scientific Committee to continue at
its next session the review of
[...] the important questions in the field of ionizing radiation and to [...]
report thereon to the Assembly
at its sixty-fifth session; and resolved to take a decision on the membership of the Scientific Committee once a decision on resource allocation had been made and after the fifty-seventh session of the Scientific Committee but no later than the end of the sixty-fourth session of the General Assembly (resolution 64/85).
秘书长报告(A/64/366)第 86(a)至(d)段说明待由大会采取哪些行 动,以便为联合国以及卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭和前南斯拉夫 题 国际离职后健康保险福利现有应计负债供资,并为这些实体在职工作人 员每年递增的应计负债供资。
Actions to be taken by the General Assembly to fund the presently accrued liability for afterservice health insurance benefits of the United Nations, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, as well as to fund the annual incremental accrual for employees in the active service of those entities, are indicated in paragraphs 86 (a) to (d ) of the report of the Secretary-General (A/64/366).
该活动将使人们更好了解洪灾 的科学和社会方面问题,改善防灾工作,包括注意性别差异 题 的 撤 离 和 应 急管理程序。
This activity will enhance the understanding of the scientific and social aspects of floods and improve disaster preparedness, including gender-sensitive evacuation and emergency management procedures.
为协助 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐怖主义而开展的活动包括:(a) 进行关于食品安全、 动植物健康题的能力建设(培训班、各种项目),包括促进风险分析和加强基层 能力,以确保国家能够监测、诊断、报告和应对病虫害和疾病的爆发;(b) 食品 标准法典委员会和国际植物保护公约制定有关标准;(c) 设立一个食物链管理框 架以便对跨界动植物病虫害和疾病造成的食物链危机、粮食安全威胁和紧急情 况,以及对核放射性威胁级紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 国际论坛讨论与粮食和农业相关的生物风险管理 题。
Specific activities that assisted countries in relation to terrorism targeted at food products included: (a) capacity-building (training courses, projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of risk analyses and developing base-level capacity to ensure national ability to monitor, diagnose, report and respond to pest and disease outbreaks; (b) the standard setting work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for prevention, early warning, preparedness and response to food chain crises caused by transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases, food safety threats and emergencies, as well as nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies; and the organization of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture.
捷克共和国的建议涉及培训狱政人员,埃及的建议涉及刑法的适用及 其应符合国际人权标准,日本涉及难民和 离 失 所 者。
The Czech Republic had made a recommendation on the training of prison wardens, Egypt on the application of the penal code and its conformity with international human rights standards, and Japan on refugees and displaced persons.




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