单词 | 离苦得乐 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 离苦得乐 —abandon suffering and obtain happiness (Buddhism)
用户无需为了在下载中心获得所需 的图纸 而 离 开 博 世力 士 乐 电 子 目录。 traceparts.com | Users do not have to [...] leave the Bosch Rexroth e-catalog in order to pick up the requested drawings [...]in the download center. traceparts.com |
其中许多种影响,如果没有得到妥 善处理,对于住在采矿业务 附近、有时候与采矿地点距离很远的 穷 苦 和 脆弱群体的健康和生计,可能产生不 良的影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | If not managed well, many of these can adversely affect the health and livelihood of the poor and vulnerable groups living near mining operations and sometimes at significant distances from extraction sites. daccess-ods.un.org |
妈妈看着废墟,想象着儿子曾在这里 痛 苦得离 去 ,又痛哭了起来。 4tern.com | She says to her son,”Mummy is coming to get you home. 4tern.com |
联合国应争取尽早介入,如有需要则长期驻留以便为 绝望者带来希望,帮助无数无助、痛 苦 和 流 离 失 所的 冲突受害者。 daccess-ods.un.org | The United Nations should endeavour to go in early and stay long enough, if need be, to give hope to the hopeless and succour to the millions of helpless, distressed and displaced victims of conflict. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会十分关切地注意到有报导称一些因2007 年选举后暴力事件而流离失 所的人既无法返回家乡,也没有获得 赔偿 委员会忆及关于难民和流离失所者的第五条的第二十二号一般性建议(1996年), 建议缔约国充分关注境内流离失所者 的 苦 难 ,确保他们重返家园或以其他方式适 当安置,并提供充分赔偿。 daccess-ods.un.org | Recalling its general recommendation No. 22 (1996) on article 5 and refugees and displaced persons, the Committee recommends that the State party give its fullest attention to the plight of internally displaced persons and ensure that they return to their land or are otherwise properly resettled and provided with adequate reparation. daccess-ods.un.org |
俞伯牙在当时很受欢迎,但他却时常感到孤 独 苦 闷 , 因为他 觉 得 没 人 真正 懂 得 他 的 音 乐 , 或 者说,尽管有很多人欣赏他的音乐技巧,但没人懂得他 音 乐 中 的 内涵。 chinesestoryonline.com | As a famous musician of his time, Yu Bo Ya was [...] very popular among uppertendom, but he often felt lonely and depressed, for he thought nobody really understood his music, or more exactly, although there were a lot admiring his music skills but none of them understood his musical prowess. chinesestoryonline.com |
另有一些代表团表示,未能实现具有广泛基础的 [...] 社会包容性增长威胁到社会稳定,会对刚刚摆脱冲突的国家在治理方面 辛 苦得来 的成果造成损害。 daccess-ods.un.org | Other delegations stated that failure to achieve broad-based, socially inclusive [...] growth threatened social stability and would put at [...] risk the hard-won gains in governance [...]for those emerging from conflict. daccess-ods.un.org |
当他习惯带Thudguard了,对他以后渐渐适应佩戴自行车头盔等也有好处)对于大多数稍大一些对佩戴安全帽反感的孩子,就只有当他们 玩 得 不 亦 乐 乎 , 或者正 要 离 开 房间冲向花园的瞬间把防护帽给他们“扣”上了。 thudguard-asia.com | It is easier to try putting on a [...] Thudguard to your child when he is preoccupied [...] with playing or just before leaving the house or going out to [...]the garden. thudguard-asia.com |
我们正在远离创 造了美、音乐、鸟儿和作为造物者延伸的人类的上帝, 走向被商业化的上帝,沦落到只是为了方便人们使用 [...] 的地步。 daccess-ods.un.org | We are moving from God [...] the creator of beauty, music, birds and human beings [...]as extensions of their creator to a commercialized [...]God degraded to the level of human convenience. daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,黎巴嫩期待,伸张正义将有助于减少利比 亚烈士家属的沮丧和悲痛、减轻伤员和受酷刑者的痛 苦、让境内流离失所者和难民返回家园,并恢复利比 亚的和平与安全。 daccess-ods.un.org | In conclusion, Lebanon looks forward to justice that will help to lessen the frustration and grief of the families [...] of the martyrs in [...] Libya, reduce the suffering of the injured and tortured, return internally displaced persons [...]and refugees to their [...]homes, and restore peace and security in Libya. daccess-ods.un.org |
喀土穆本性未改,驱逐了人道主义团体,加深了达尔富尔大批境内 流 离 失 所 者的 苦难,但是,2011 年 1 月,分离问题全民投票经过长久计划后举行了,同年 2011 年 7 月南苏丹分离了。 daccess-ods.un.org | True to its nature, Khartoum expelled humanitarian [...] groups, deepening hardship for the huge population of internally displaced persons in [...]Darfur, but, in January [...]2011, the long planned secession referendum occurred and in July of 2011 South Sudan seceded. daccess-ods.un.org |
我的职责是设定目标,鼓舞干劲,促进以上目标实现,而我们的成功 则 离不 开所有利乐人的创造力和努力。 tetrapak.com | My role is to set the goals and create the mindset that will make this happen. tetrapak.com |
2010 年和 2011 年,为了促进加沙儿童和青年的心理健康 和身体健康,近东救济工程处组织了夏令运动会,为约 200 000 名儿童提供了一 个难得的玩乐、交友、学习和自由展现自我的机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | In both 2010 and 2011, in order to promote the psychological and physical health of children and youth in Gaza, summer games were organized, providing a rare opportunity for around 200,000 children to play, make friends, learn and express themselves freely. daccess-ods.un.org |
不过,最近我 们从该国当局获得了一些令人乐观的 消息,并希望年底前能够完成该项目。 unesdoc.unesco.org | However, we have recently received positive news from the national authorities and hope that this partnership will be implemented before the end of the year. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在这方面,特别委员会对秘书长的报告(A/63/675 和 [...] Corr.1)指出大部分特派团 在提供福利和娱乐方面做得不够 表示关切,并期待着第五委员会审议该报告及其 [...]建议。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this regard, the Special Committee expresses its concern with deficiencies faced [...] by the majority of missions in the [...] area of welfare and recreation, as stated in the [...]report of the Secretary-General (A/63/675 [...]and Corr.1) and looks forward to the consideration by the Fifth Committee of the report and its recommendations. daccess-ods.un.org |
我要强调指 [...] 出,必须对我们的预防和有效解决冲突努力给予支 持,因为冲突造成了难民署和联合国其它机构每天都 在目睹的流离失所和苦难。 daccess-ods.un.org | I stress the need for our support to be extended to efforts to prevent and effectively [...] resolve the conflicts that are the [...] cause of the displacement and suffering witnessed by the [...]High Commission and other United [...]Nations agencies on a daily basis. daccess-ods.un.org |
本报告呈件重点介绍了贫穷、生活在农村地区、长期 遭受疾病或其他健康问题之苦、残疾 、 离 异 、孤寡或单身老龄妇女等老年人的情 况。 daccess-ods.un.org | Submissions to the report underscored the situation of older persons [...] who are poor, living in [...] rural areas, suffering from chronic diseases or other health conditions or living with disabilities, as well as that of divorced, widowed or single [...]older women. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于他的身体另一方面话语的塞维鲁这 使 得 基 督 的 苦 难 自愿许可,造成相当的治疗比自然有必要,或许可以辩解的考虑,从工会和随之而来的至福直观的基督的灵魂,将congruously接踵而来一个灵魂封圣的身体和精神化的,因为实际上是复活的情况后,从这个角度来看,的确是人性的可能性是自愿的(即,神颁布的意愿),而不是由于它在该州是它固有的联盟后,虽然人的本质是它自己的性质passible)除了联盟(圣托马斯,三,问:十四,答:1,广告2。 mb-soft.com | On the other hand utterances of Severus [...] which make Christ's sufferings voluntarily permitted, [...]rather than naturally necessitated [...]by the treatment inflicted on His Body, might perhaps be defended by the consideration that from the union and consequent Beatific Vision in the Soul of Christ, would congruously ensue a beatification of the Soul and a spiritualizing of the Body, as was actually the case after the Resurrection; from this point of view it is true that the possibility of the Humanity is voluntary (that is, decreed by the Divine will) and not due to it in the state which is connatural to it after the union; although the Human Nature is of its own nature passible apart from the union (St. Thomas, III, Q. xiv, a. 1, ad 2). mb-soft.com |
为了防止人道 主义危机的加深,应当尽可能在早期阶段减轻 流 离失 所者的困苦。 daccess-ods.un.org | The hardships faced by displaced persons should be alleviated as much as possible in these early days in order to prevent the deepening of the humanitarian crisis. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了不 加剧他们背井离乡与家人分离的痛苦 , 而 且他们探监的方式也有限,该国应确保 将他们分配到或重新分配到距离其土著社区最近的监狱。 daccess-ods.un.org | In order not to compound the effect of their [...] being uprooted from their ancestral lands and separated from their families, who have limited means for visiting [...]them, the State should [...]ensure that they are assigned or reassigned to the prison facility closest to their native communities. daccess-ods.un.org |
值得乐观的 是,和平正在布隆迪逐渐实现,冲突在 该多国办事处地区内很快就会消失。 unesdoc.unesco.org | On a positive note, peace is gradually returning to Burundi and soon the entire cluster region may be rid of conflicts. unesdoc.unesco.org |
快乐的巨魔离开, 大丽花说,她不禁叶琳娜,她并不想帮她最后一次试图帮助他们,他们都不相信她是很好的,除了Azura的,因为她一直与监护人Laverna。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The happy trolls leave and Dahlia says she can’t help Elina; she doesn’t want to help the guardians as the last time she tried to help them, none of them believed she was good except for Azura, as she had been working with Laverna. seekcartoon.com |
此外, 这种新型固体树脂可确保香精更快释放, [...] 从而只需较少的香精即可获得十足风味, 并且即使经过长时间咀嚼后口香糖也不会 变 得苦 涩。 wacker.com | What’s more, the new solid resin ensures a faster release of flavor so that fewer [...] flavorings are needed for a full flavor and so that the [...] gum does not become bitter even after it has [...]been chewed for some time. wacker.com |
由 于这些短缺,加上全球粮食和经济危机以及各种发展政策和方案的失败,穷人生 活迟迟得不到改进,其缓慢程度令人无法接受,而经过 艰 苦 努 力才 取 得 的 一 些成 绩也正被销蚀。 daccess-ods.un.org | As a consequence of these shortfalls, aggravated by the global food and economic crises as well as the failure of various development policies and programmes, improvements in the lives of the poor have been unacceptably slow to achieve, while some hard won gains are being eroded. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们确认,当前的全球金融和经济危机可能使发展中国 家债务方面的多年艰苦工作和取得的 成 果付之东流。 daccess-ods.un.org | We recognize that the current global financial and economic crises carry the possibility of undoing years of hard work and gains made in relation to the debt of developing countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
智利呼吁遭受武装冲突的各国政府作出一切可 [...] 能的努力,同时采取必要的预防措施,同冲突中的其 他行为方建立沟通渠道,以便使儿童 远 离 冲 突 的苦 难,并防止他们直接参与冲突。 daccess-ods.un.org | Chile calls on those Governments suffering through armed conflict to make every possible effort, while taking necessary precautions, to establish channels of communication with the other [...] actors in the conflict so as to keep [...] children at a distance from the hardships of [...]conflict and prevent their direct involvement in it. daccess-ods.un.org |
该法第 25 条进一步规定,“侵犯朝鲜民主主义人民共和国主权、有关机构 有合理理由认为其扰乱朝鲜民主主义人民共和国的安全和公共秩序或患有传染 病的外国人,禁止进入朝鲜民主主义人民共和国”;第 30 条规定,“持有污损或 伪造移民证件或有关机构认为不适合离境的外国人, 不 得离 开 朝鲜民主主义人民 共和国”。 daccess-ods.un.org | The law further provides in article 25 that “Foreigners who have violated the sovereignty of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, who are regarded by the relevant organ as having reasonable grounds for disturbing the security and public order of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, and who have an infectious disease shall be prohibited from entering the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea” and in article 30 that “Foreigners who carry soiled or forged immigration certificate or who are regarded by the relevant organ as being unfit to exit shall not leave the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea”. daccess-ods.un.org |