单词 | 离得较远的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 离得较远的 adjective—far adjSee also:较远 adj—more distant adj 远离 prep—away from prep 远离 adv—far from prep 远离—keep away from • be far from
内罗毕和阿斯马拉之间的距离较远, 且没有直飞航班,因此教科文组织代表团难以到达 该国。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The distance between Nairobi and Asmara and [...] the absence of direct air links makes it difficult to send UNESCO missions to the country. unesdoc.unesco.org |
结果是,古巴不得不从较远的地方 购买和进口产品,致使费用大大增加。 daccess-ods.un.org | As a result, Cuba has to purchase and import products from more distant places at a much higher cost. daccess-ods.un.org |
也就是 说,在较远的距离处低 频会大幅地下降——这是减少背景噪音及避免啸叫一个非常重要的因素。 dpamicrophones.com | This means that the bass roll-off will be more [...] prominent at a greater distance – an important [...]factor when it comes to rejection of background [...]noise and the fight to avoid feedback. dpamicrophones.dk |
文化领域,在编制相关 项目规划时寻求协作的尝试没有成功,主要原因是我 们 离得 太 远 , 同 时也跟合作伙伴对遗产 问题缺乏兴趣有关。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In culture, attempts to be involved in joint programming were unsuccessful, owing mainly to our distant location and to partner agencies’ lack of interest in cultural heritage matters. unesdoc.unesco.org |
因为距离远,地 理位置偏僻,导致运输费用昂贵,且国 际船运和空运质量和航班频度基本上由 不 得 他 们 控制,所以加剧了他 们 的 脆弱 性。 daccess-ods.un.org | This increases their vulnerability, as distance and isolation have resulted in relatively high transport costs, and the quality and frequency of international shipping and air services [...] [...] are largely beyond their control. daccess-ods.un.org |
第 6(4)条明文提到第 41(4)条,但鉴于这两个条款前后实际 距离 较远,所以明文提醒注意第 6(4)条的内容将是有益的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Article 6(4) refers explicitly to Article 41(4), but given the physical distance between the two provisions, an explicit reminder of Article 6(4) will be helpful. daccess-ods.un.org |
至 少,儿童有权获得一套基本的社会服务,其中包括高质量的医疗保健、充足的食 物、住房、安全饮用水和卫生设施、以及初级教育,从而使他 们 得 以 充 分成长, 远离疾病、营养不良、文盲和其他的 形 式 的 匮 乏。 daccess-ods.un.org | At a minimum, children are entitled to a package of basic social services that includes high-quality health care, adequate food, housing, safe drinking water and sanitation and primary education, so that they can grow to their full potential, free of disease, malnutrition, illiteracy and other deprivations. daccess-ods.un.org |
这意味着重大损失,因为古巴只得向较 远的市场 销售产品,增加了营销和发货费用。 daccess-ods.un.org | This has implied major losses, since it has been necessary to sell to markets located further away with the resultant higher marketing and distribution costs. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然这些分歧出现了,但值得指出 的是,一位赞同“特殊裂变材料加上 镎”定义的与会者建议,按照这一定义,可以考虑不同水平的核查,取决于裂变 材料的战略敏感性,即对于经过辐照的乏燃料中的钚以及对低浓缩铀,可以进行 较低水平的核查,而对于分离的钚和高浓缩铀可以进行高水平的核查。 daccess-ods.un.org | While these [...] differences emerged, it is worth noting that a proponent of the definition “special fissionable material plus neptunium” suggested that under that definition, different levels of verification could be considered, depending on the strategic sensitivity of the fissile material – e.g. there could be a lower level of verification for irradiated plutonium in spent fuel and for low enriched uranium, and a higher level of verification for separated plutonium and for high [...]enriched uranium. daccess-ods.un.org |
离适配卡表面较远的串行 ATA端口为奇数通道 (1, 3, 5, 7), 而离适配卡表面较近的端口为偶数通道 (2, 4, 6, 8)。 highpoint-tech.cn | The SATA port furthest away from the surface of the adapter is always the odd numbered channel [...] (1, 3, 5, 7), while the port [...]closest to the adapter is the even numbered channel (2, 4, 6, 8). highpoint-tech.com |
我已经看到联合国在世界各地所取 得的 成 就 ,我 有幸见到许多无私奉献的男女工作人员 在 远离 他们 的家园的动荡领土上辛勤劳作,这些领土包括:利比 里亚——在那里联合国部队提供了该战乱国家所需 要的空间和安全,以便开始其重建工作;巴基斯坦— —在那里联合国援助人员正在协助其家园和生计被 洪水冲走的人民;当然还有海地——在那里巴西领导 的联合国维和人员在地震发生后立即走上街头,尽管 他们自己也蒙受了严重损失。 daccess-ods.un.org | I have seen the good that the United Nations has accomplished all over the world, and I have been privileged to meet many of the dedicated men and women who work under the blue flag in troubled lands very far from their homes: places like Liberia, where United Nations forces have provided the space and security that that war-torn country needed to begin putting itself back together; Pakistan, where United Nations aid workers are assisting people whose homes and livelihoods have been washed away by the floods; and, of course, Haiti, where United Nations peacekeepers, led by Brazil, were immediately back on the streets after the earthquake, despite having suffered grievous losses themselves. daccess-ods.un.org |
非洲经济委员会(非洲经委会)进行了一项研究,通过分析人口与健康调查情 况调查了一组非洲国家(乍得、喀麦隆、埃及、埃塞俄比亚、加纳,肯尼亚、马 拉维、摩洛哥、塞内加尔和赞比亚)在 获 得 保 健方 面 的 不 平 等程度,研究结论表 明,由于收入差距、远离医生或保健提供者以及城乡分布,所有被研 究 的 国 家均 在获得保健 方面存在显著不平等问题(联合国、非洲经济委员会,2008 年)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The findings of an Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) study that investigated the extent of inequities in access to health care [...] in a group of African [...] countries — Chad, Cameroon, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Morocco, Senegal and Zambia — through analysis of demographic and health surveys show significant inequities in access to health care stemming from income differences, distance to a health-care [...]provider, and rural/urban [...]locations in all countries studied (United Nations, Economic Commission for Africa, 2008). daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管只是暂时的,但多余的输入会减弱,我们会从过量进食中解放出来,尽管同时我 们 的 历 史 已 离得 太 远 而 无法给与这些释放的精神以支持。 shanghaibiennale.org | The excessive input weakens us down, be it is temporary, and we find ourselves liberated from [...] overeating, although at the same time [...] our history is already too far gone to give enough support [...]to the now unleashed spirits. shanghaibiennale.org |
您可以从涵盖长距 离网络中较远距离的动态 范围中进行选择。 exfo.com | It lets you choose from dynamic ranges covering the greater distances in long-haul networks. exfo.com |
日内瓦排 雷中心补充说,乌克兰将采用的销毁方法安全、负担得起、易于按照国家排放标 准得到更新,易于维护和操作、利用易于 获 得的 材 料 建造,而且能够保 持 较 高的 产出率。 daccess-ods.un.org | The GICHD added that the destruction method to be used by Ukraine is safe, affordable, easily upgradable to national emission standards, simple to maintain and operate, built using readily-available materials and capable of sustaining high rates of output. daccess-ods.un.org |
具体而言,将采取文化合作的形式(通过在那些共享不同文化或属于不同 文明的邻国或地处较远的国家 之间开展文化旅游和共同实施文化项目),还将培养各种才能 和提高文化创造能力(宣传和加强“口述”遗产、艺术和民间艺术节;联合创作文化艺术作 品和建立伙伴关系;在博物馆和地区文化论坛举办多文化展览会)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Concretely, this will take the form of cultural cooperation (through cultural tourism, joint cultural projects among neighbouring or distant countries sharing distinct cultures or belonging to different civilizations) and the fostering of diverse talents and cultural creativity (promoting and strengthening “oral” heritage, arts and folklore festivals; joint cultural artistic work and partnerships; multicultural exhibitions in museums and regional cultural fora). unesdoc.unesco.org |
其中许多种影响,如果没有得到妥 善处理,对于住在采矿业务 附近、有时候与采矿地点距离很远的 穷 苦 和脆弱群体的健康和生计,可能产生不 良的影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | If not managed well, many of these can adversely affect the health and livelihood of the poor and vulnerable groups living near mining operations and sometimes at significant distances from extraction sites. daccess-ods.un.org |
安置还会给生计带来负面影响:灾民被 安置在远离生活来源的地方 ,他们有可能 不 得 不 放弃诸如家畜或埋在瓦砾中的财产。 alnap.org | Relocation may also have a negative impact on livelihoods: it moves people away from the sources of their livelihoods, and it may force them to leave behind livelihoods assets such as livestock or goods buried in the rubble. alnap.org |
远离永久住址求学的学生领取路 费,城市学生获得交通补贴。 daccess-ods.un.org | Students, who study far from their permanent residence, collect travel payment and [...] urban students benefit from transportation costs. daccess-ods.un.org |
一些代表团要求获得有关以下诸方面 的资料:高度风险运作中的远程管理;难民署实地办事处显然没有遵守《最低运 作安保标准》的情况以及所涉估计成本;以及联合国安全管理系统从“何 时离 开”转向“如何留下”的方针的影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Others asked for information on remote management in high risk operations; the apparent fall in the compliance rate of Minimum Operating Security Standards (MOSS) in UNHCR field offices and the estimated costs involved; and the impact of changes in the United Nations [...] Security Management System [...]from a “when to leave” to a “how to stay” approach. daccess-ods.un.org |
他们往往被关 押在远离家人的地方 。高度警戒牢房的囚犯 不 得 打 电 话、接收包裹或保留个人物 品。 daccess-ods.un.org | Maximum-security inmates were not allowed to make telephone calls, receive parcels or keep personal belongings. daccess-ods.un.org |
(e) 评估将儿童安置在远离家庭的寄宿 学校的根本原因,同时审查这些学 校的教育质量和照料情况,以预防此种学校不必要地妨碍儿童在家庭环境中生活 的权利;并且规定寄宿学校中的儿童应尽可能定 期 得 到 家 人探视。 daccess-ods.un.org | (e) Evaluating the root causes for child placement in [...] residential schooling [...] away from home while reviewing the quality of education and care at these schools, with a view to preventing such schooling unnecessarily hindering the right of the child to a family environment; and providing for regular home visits for children in residential schools, to the greatest extent possible. daccess-ods.un.org |
这几所学校的建立极大地降低了辍学率,特别是贝多因女 童的 辍学率,先前由于学校距离所在村庄 较远 和 宗教、文化障碍等原因,这些女 童的 父母没有送她们去上学。 daccess-ods.un.org | The schools contributed greatly to the significant reduction in dropout [...] rates, especially among Bedouin girls, who [...] previously were not sent to school by their parents, due to the distance of the school from the village and religion and cultural barriers. daccess-ods.un.org |
Audience的自动语音识别辅助技术完美解决了目前许多语音识别应用所面 临 的 挑 战,例如,乱糟 糟 的 环 境 噪声致使无法识别口语单词和完成指定任务,这种情况在移动设备 距 离 讲 话 者 较远 时 愈 发明显。 tipschina.gov.cn | ASR Assist technology from Audience directly addresses the challenge faced by many speech recognition applications [...] today, namely their [...] failure to recognize spoken words and complete assigned tasks because of disruptive background noise, especially for devices which are remote or held at a distance from the talker. tipschina.gov.cn |
由于效益与地方生态系统的距离较远 , 或者一些问 题只有在一段时间后才能显现,生态系统服务的维 护和管理可能具有挑战性,而在上述两种情况下, 有必要采取集体行动应对管理问题。 teebweb.org | Maintaining and managing ecosystem services can be challenging, either because benefits are far removed from the local ecosystem or because some problems only become visible after a certain time-lag, in both cases collective action may be necessary to address management. teebweb.org |
除了新闻部本身, 各实体内的新闻职能存在三种安排。45 个实体有专门的新闻职能办公室;8 个有 新闻工作人员但没有专门的办公室;11 个没有专门的办公室或新闻人员,但通常 有其他工作人员从事新闻活动,作为其他责任的一部分, 并 得 到 联 合国新闻部或 距离较近的相关 联合国新闻处或联合国新闻中心的协助。 daccess-ods.un.org | Three types of arrangements exist for the public information function within entities other than the Department of Public Information itself: 45 have a dedicated office for the function; 8 have public information staff but no dedicated office; 11 have no dedicated office or public information staff and usually have other staff undertaking public information activities as part of other [...] duties, with [...] assistance from the Department of Public Information or related United Nations Information Services or United Nations information centres when closely located. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,几名成员对以下问题表示顾虑:其中第二阶段技术转型的供金资格;待解决的 基准百分比(19.2%);一些建议的替代 品 的较 高 全 球升温潜能值,特别是关系到第 60/44(f)(iv)号决定的成本效益相关的供资规定;针对配方厂家的技术援助的大量资金请求, 而无相关的 ODP 值;2012 年的消费量明显增长和维修行业的技术援助在遏制这种增长中 的作用;在执行消耗臭氧层物质政策和法规方面所 取 得的 进 展;以及,印度四氯化碳淘汰 计划的剩余余额 140 万美元,可用于氟氯烃淘汰管理计划的执行。 multilateralfund.org | Several members, however, expressed concerns relating to: the funding eligibility of the second-stage conversions therein; the percentage of the baseline to be addressed (19.2 per cent); the high-GWP value of some of the proposed alternatives, particularly in relation to the cost-effectiveness-related funding provisions of decision 60/44(f)(iv); the request for substantial funding for technical assistance for systems houses with no associated ODP value; the apparent growth in consumption in 2012 and the role of technical assistance in the servicing sector in curbing that growth; progress in implementing ODS policies and regulations; and the balance of US $1.4 million remaining from CTC phase-out in India, which might be used for implementation of the HPMP. multilateralfund.org |
2010--1011 [...] 双年度有 24 项活动,其中六项由因公时常得远离 达 喀 尔 的 办 事 处主任负 责;两项归中心协调员负责;12 [...] 项交给单独的一位计划专家,致使其一人就负责 131 万美元 的预算;剩下的四项活动由两人管理。 unesdoc.unesco.org | For the 2010-2011 biennium six of the 24 activities are [...] under the authority of the Director [...] of BREDA, who is very often away from Dakar on official [...]duty, while two are under the Pôle’s [...]coordinator, 12 have been entrusted to a single programme specialist, who is thus responsible for a budget of $1.31 million, and the last four are followed by two people. unesdoc.unesco.org |
至于资金的实际付款,最好避免设立更多的支付渠道,而是使用现有的渠道 (包括针对公共保健方案的全球基金和正在设立的绿色气候基金),但须付款可以 合并,而且通过具有更广泛(例如,整个部门)任务范 围 的较 少 数 机制输送--同样, 要有适当的治理机制确保受援国利益 得 到 充 分代表。 daccess-ods.un.org | For the actual disbursement of funds, it would be best to avoid creating additional disbursement channels and to use existing ones instead (including the global fund for public health programmes and the Green climate fund which are being created), provided disbursements can be consolidated and channelled through fewer mechanisms with broader (for example, sector-wide) remits — again, with appropriate governance mechanisms to ensure full representation of recipients’ interests. daccess-ods.un.org |