单词 | 离 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 离verb—leavev离—without (sth)less common: be away from independent of part from ☲ surname Li (in giving distances) from mythical beast (archaic) Examples:离心n—centrifugen centrifugationn 远离prep—away fromprep 隔离器n—isolatorn
如 实 际 雇员离职率低 於 管 理 层 预测离职率,有 关 成 本 将 有 所 增 加。 zte.com.cn | In situation that the actual turnover rate is less than the management estimation, such cost would be higher. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
(c) 一名替任董事应(除非不在香港,在此情况下,倘若彼已通知秘书表示有意 於任何期间(包括该日)离开香港,且并无撤回有关通知,则彼应被视为於任何日 [...] 子不在香港)有权接收董事会会议通告,并有权作为董事出席委任彼为代表之董事 并无亲身出席之任何会议及於会上表决,并在一般情况下在上述会议上履行其委任 [...]人作为董事之一切职能;而就於该会议上之程序而言本章程细则之条文将适用,犹 如该替任董事(而非其委任人)为董事。 equitynet.com.hk | (c) An alternate Director shall (except when absent from Hong Kong, for which [...] purpose he shall be deemed absent from Hong [...] Kong on any day if he has given to [...]the Secretary notice of his intention to be [...]absent from Hong Kong for any period including such day and has not revoked such notice) be entitled to receive notices of meeting of the Directors and shall be entitled to attend and vote as a Director at any such meeting at which the Director appointing him is not personally present and generally at such meeting to perform all the functions of his appointor as a Director, and for the purposes of the proceedings at such meeting the provisions of these Articles shall apply as if he (instead of his appointor) were a Director. equitynet.com.hk |
若要防止因电 池暴露在高温而导致人身伤害或产 品损坏的可能性,离开车辆时请取 下装置,或将装置存放於阳光无法 直接照射的地方。 garminasus.com | To prevent the possibility of personal injury or product damage caused by battery exposure to extreme heat, remove the device from the vehicle when exiting or store it out of direct sunlight. garminasus.com |
你可於网上查询你的归属结余,但请注意你最终获享的权益,将视乎雇主汇报的离职理由、任何长期服务金或遣散费抵销或其他扣减,以及在支付或转移权益时之基金单位价 格而定。 bank.hangseng.com | You may enquire your vested balance online, but please be noted that your final benefit entitlement will be subject to the reason of termination of employment reported by your employer, any offset of long service payment or severance payment or other deduction as well as the unit prices of funds at the time the payment or transfer of benefits is processed. bank.hangseng.com |
(b) 本公司在相关期间届满时知悉,本公司并未在相关期间内接到任何显示证明该 股份持有人或因身故、破产或藉法律的施行而成为该股份权益人确实存在;及 (c) 倘指定证券交易所的股份上市规则有规定,本公司已根据指定证券交易所的规 定在报纸上发出通告及刊登广告,说明有意按指定证券交易所规定的方式出售 该等股份,而距离该广告刊登日期已有三(3)个月或指定证券交易所允许的较 短期间。 soundwill.com.hk | (b) so far as it is aware at the end of the relevant period, the Company has not at any time during the relevant period received any indication of the existence of the Member who is the holder of such shares or of a person entitled to such shares by death, bankruptcy or operation of law; and (c) the Company, if so required by the rules governing the listing of shares on the Designated Stock Exchange, has given notice to and caused advertisement in the Newspapers in accordance with the requirements of the Designated Stock Exchange to be made of its intention to sell such shares in the manner required by the Designated Stock Exchange, and a period of three (3) months or such shorter period as may be allowed by the Designated Stock Exchange has elapsed since the date of such advertisement. soundwill.com.hk |
为了避 免造成损坏,离开车子时,请从车 上取出此装置、或将其存放於阳光 无法直接照射的地方。 garminasus.com | To prevent damage, remove the device from the vehicle when exiting or store it out of direct sunlight. garminasus.com |
(B) 替任董事的委任须於发生任何下列情况时厘定:倘出任替任董事 的董事发生任何可能导致其离职的事件,或其委任人不再为董 事,惟倘任何董事於股东大会退任但於会上获重选或根据本细则 条文被视为於其退任的会上获重选,则其根据本细则作出的任何 委任於紧接其退任之前已生效的应於该等重选之後持续有效,如 同其并未退任。 taunggold.com | (B) The appointment of an alternate Director shall determine on the happening of any event which, were he a Director, would cause him to vacate such office or if his appointor ceases to be a Director provided that if any Director retires at a general meeting but is re-elected by the meeting or is, pursuant to the provisions of these Bye-laws, deemed to be re-elected at the meeting at which such retirement took place, any appointment made by him pursuant to this Bye-law which was in force immediately prior to his retirement shall continue to operate after such re-election as if he had not so retired. taunggold.com |
(c) 董事(就本第(c)段而言包括替任董事)或秘书就董事(可能为签署证明文 件中之一名人士)於董事或任何董事委员会决议案之时离开总办事处所在 地区或不可或无法行事之其他情况或并未提供供其收取通知之於总办事处 所在地区内之地址、电话及传真号码而出具之证明文件将为所证明事项 (未明确发出反对通知而赞成所有人士)之最终定论。 nh-holdings.com | (c) A certificate by a Director (including for the purpose of this paragraph (c) an alternate Director) or the Secretary that a Director (who may be the one signing the certificate) was at the time of a resolution of the Directors or any committee thereof absent from the territory of the Head Office or otherwise not available or unable to act or has not supplied an address, telephone and facsimile number within the territory of the Head Office for the purposes of giving of notice to him shall in favour of all persons without express notice to the contrary, be conclusive of the matter so certified. nh-holdings.com |
(h) 於 最 後 实 际 可 行 日 期 , 将 不 会 向 任 何 董 事 提 供 任 何 利 益( 法 定 补 偿 除 外 )作为离职或与 收 购 建 议 有 关 之 补 偿 。 cigyangtzeports.com | (h) As at the Latest Practicable Date, no benefit (other than statutory compensation) would be given to any Director as compensation for loss of office or otherwise in connection with the Offers. cigyangtzeports.com |
(B) 董事不得仅因其达到特定年龄而被要求离职或无资格再获选或 重新被委任,而任何人士亦不得只因达到特定年龄而无资格获委任为董事。 asiasat.com | (B) No Director shall be required to vacate office or be ineligible for re-election or re-appointment as a Director, and no person shall be ineligible for appointment as a Director, by reason only of his having attained any particular age. asiasat.com |
3.2.5 主干道亦不能在香港会议展览中心新翼之上或之下通过: [...] 道路不能急升至跨过香港会议展览中心新翼楼顶的高度, 因此,离岸高架道路走线不可行的;主干道亦不能够下降 [...]至足够深度,以避免与香港会议展览中心新翼地库及其地 基产生冲突。 devb.gov.hk | 3.2.5 Nor can the Trunk Road pass above or beneath the HKCEC Extension building: the road cannot rise steeply enough to clear [...] the roof of the HKCEC Extension, therefore [...] an elevated offshore alignment is [...]not possible; nor can the Trunk Road drop [...]low enough to avoid conflict with the basement of the HKCEC Extension and its foundations. devb.gov.hk |
把待测物和校准标样物中相应的化合物两者的保留时间、质量和两 个准确质量电荷比的离子丰量比率作比较,进行定性分析。 cfs.gov.hk | Identification was confirmed by comparing the retention time, masses and ion-abundance ratio of two exact m/z for each of the analytes with those of the corresponding compounds in the calibration standards. cfs.gov.hk |
本公司之细则偏离守则条文A.4.2条,该细则规定於股东周年大会上,当时在任之三分一(或若董事总数并非 [...] 三或三之倍数,则为最接近三分一之数)之董事(主席及董事总经理除外)应退任,并可符合资格於会上膺选连 任,而任何於年内获董事会委任之董事须於接受委任後之下届股东周年大会上退任,并可符合资格於会上膺 选连任。 equitynet.com.hk | The Company’s bye-laws deviate from CodeProvision [...] A.4.2 as it provides that one-third of the directors for the time being [...](save for the Chairman or Managing Director), or if their number is not three nor three nor a multiple of three, then the number nearest to one-third, shall retire from office and being eligible, offer themselves for re-election at the annual general meetings and that any new director appointed by the Board during the year shall hold office until the next following annual general meeting after appointment, and he/ she shall be eligible for re-election. equitynet.com.hk |
本公司将偏离守则第 D.1.4 条条文,因各名董事将於每年在股东周年大会上 [...] 获委任,此乃符合加拿大的市场惯例。 sunshineoilsands.com | The Corporation will deviate from Code Provision [...] D.1.4 of the Code since each of the Directors will be appointed on an annual [...]basis at each annual general meeting, which is consistent with market practice in Canada. sunshineoilsands.com |
网络医务人员提供的急需护理,或是因暂时离开计划的服务区等情况而无法前往网络医疗服务提供 者或无法取得其服务时,由网络外医务人员提供的急需护理。 lacare.org | Urgently needed care from in-network providers or from out-of-network providers when network providers are temporarily unavailable or inaccessible, e.g., when you are temporarily outside of the plan’s service area. lacare.org |
道路的弯度是按照道 路设计标准中有关半径的几何值和视线距离要求来确定 的。 devb.gov.hk | Road curvature is in accordance with highway design standards with regard to geometric values for radii and sight distances requirements. devb.gov.hk |
12 hours 虽然於进场及离场时给予工人提供和保持安全装置及安全工作系统是承判商 的首要任务及责任,但场馆营运者,活动主办单位,参展商及承判商之间的 四方合作是最有效去加强展览会议业的安全及健康水平的方法。 asiaworld-expo.com | 12 hours Although it is a prime duty and responsibility of a Contractor to provide and maintain a safe plant and a safe system of work for his workers during the move-in and move-out periods, a quadpartite cooperation between a Venue Operator, Event Organiser, Exhibitor and Contractor is an effective mechanism to enhance the safety and health standard of the exhibition and convention industry. asiaworld-expo.com |
如果您达到此金额,您会离开初始承保阶段,进入重大伤病承 保阶段。 lacare.org | If you do reach this amount, you will leave the Initial Coverage Stage and move on to the Catastrophic Coverage Stage. lacare.org |
如果运载有货物的货车在北上路程中於香港关口完成了ROCARS的清关手续及离境後,在深圳口岸被中国海关截查并原车带货遣返回港,货车上的货物是否需要再一次向道路货物资料系统申报及作出捆绑才能回港? rocars.gov.hk | In the course of northbound trip, if a laden goods vehicle is repatriated by the Mainland Customs after going through the ROCARS and immigrationdeparture clearance at Hong Kong land boundary control point, should the goods onboard be declared via the ROCARS and then bundled with the vehicle before it can enter Hong Kong again? rocars.gov.hk |
至於候任特首梁振英,其最新支持度评分为52.2分,支持率为46%,反对率为45%,民望净值由负13个百分比明显升至正1个百分比,开始抛离现任特首曾荫权。 hkupop.hku.hk | As for CE-elect CY Leung, his latest support rating of is 52.2 marks, approval rate 46%, disapproval rate 45%, meaning that his net popularity has changed significantly from negative 13 to positive 1 percentage point, widening his lead over CE Donald Tsang. hkupop.hku.hk |
衡量个人可承受的风险水平时, 你应考虑下列各项因素:你的个人目标及退休计划, 你的年龄及距离退休的年期,你的投资目标及你可 承受的风险水平。 bank.hangseng.com | There are certain factors you need to take into account when deciding on the appropriate level of risk: your personal goals and retirement plan, your age and number of yearsto retirement, your investment objectives and the level of risk with which you feel most comfortable. bank.hangseng.com |
光亮(“发光”)的持续时间取决於光源的亮度,光源的类型,与光源的距离以及光源的 照射时间和发光涂料的用量。 citizen.com.hk | The duration of the light (“glow”) will vary depending on the brightness, types of and distance from a light source, exposure time, and the amount of the paint. citizen.com.hk |
於 年 内,概 无 董 事 或 监 事 放 弃 或 同 意 放 弃 任 何 酬 金,而 本 集 团 亦 无 支 付 任 何 薪 酬 予 董 事、监 事 或 任 [...] 何 五 名 最 高 薪 酬 雇 员,作 为 加 入 本 集 团 的 诱 因或离职补偿。 zte.com.cn | During the year, no director or supervisor waived or agreed to waive any emolument, and no emoluments were paid by the Group to the directors, supervisors or any of [...] the five highest paid employees as an inducement [...] to joinor upon joining the Groupor as compensation [...]for loss of office. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
董事会或任何委员会或作为董事或委员会成员的任何人士的所有善意行为,尽管事後 [...] 发现对董事会或该委员会的任何成员或作为上述成员的人士的委任有问题,或他们或其中任何人被取 消资格或已离任,均应有效,犹如各该人士已被正式委任及合资格,并已继续担任董事或该委员会成 员。 cre8ir.com | All acts bona fide done by the Board or by any committee or by any person acting as a Director or members of a committee, shall, notwithstanding that it is afterwards discovered that there was some defect in the appointment of any member of the Board or such committee or person acting as [...] aforesaid or that they or any of them were [...] disqualifiedor hadvacated office,be as [...]valid as if every such person had been duly [...]appointed and was qualified and had continued to be a Director or member of such committee. cre8ir.com |
关 连 方 可 为 个 人(即 主 要 管 理 人 员、重 大 股 东 及 ╱ 或 彼 等 之 直 系 亲 属 )或 其 他 实 体,并 且 包 括 受 到 本 集 团 属 个 人 之 关 连 方 重 大 影 响 之 实 体,以 及 为 本 集 团 或 作 为 本 集 团 关 连 方 之 任 何 实 体 之 雇 员 福 利 而 设之离职後福 利计划。 evoc.com.cn | Related parties may be individuals (being members of key management personnel, significant shareholders and/or their close family members) or other entities and include entities which are under the significant influence of related parties of the Group where those parties are individuals, and post-employment benefit plans which are for the benefit of employees of the Group or of any entity that is a related party of the Group. evoc.cn |
(3) 如 拟 把 一 个 被 警 方 拘 留 的 人 转 移 到 另 一 警 区 , 根 据 上 开 第 ( 1 ) 款 决 定 是 否 批 准 把 他 拘 留 的 人 员 须 顾 及 两 地 的距离及旅程 所 需 的 时 间 。 hkreform.gov.hk | (3) If it is proposed to transfer a person in police detention to another police area, the officer determining whether or not to authorise keeping him in detention under subsection (1) above shall have regard to the distance and the time the journey would take. hkreform.gov.hk |
倘购股权承授人为合资格雇员,而於其购股权全数行使前因身故、 患病或根据雇佣合约退休而不再为合资格雇员,则其遗产代理人或其 本身(视情况而定)可在其终止受雇当日(即承授人在本集团或所投资 公司最後工作日期(不论有否支付代通知金而提早离职))起计12个月 内或董事指定的较长期间,行使全部或部份尚未行使的购股权。 embryform.com | If the grantee of an option is an Eligible Employee and ceases to be an Eligible Employee by reason of his death, ill-health or retirement in accordance with his contract of employment before exercising the option in full, his personal representative(s), or, as appropriate, the grantee may exercise the option (to the extent not already exercised) in whole or in part within a period of 12 months following the date of cessation which date shall be the last day on which the grantee was at work with the Group or the Invested Entity whether salary is paid in lieu of notice or not or such longer period as the Directors may determine. embryform.com |
倘购股权承授人为合资格雇员,而於其购股权全数行使前因身故、 患病或根据雇佣合约退休或基於下文(xiv)分段所述的严重失职或其他 理由解雇以外的理由而不再为合资格雇员,则其所持尚未行使的购股 权将於停止或终止或结束受雇当日失效,不得继续行使,惟董事可另行 决定,承授人可於董事指定由终止或结束受雇当日(即承授人在本集团 或所投资公司最後工作日期(不论有否支付代通知金而提早离职))起 计的期限内行使全部或部份尚未行使的购股权。 embryform.com | If the grantee of an option is an Eligible Employee and ceases to be an Eligible Employee for any reason other than death, ill-health or retirement in accordance with his contract of employment or for serious misconduct or other grounds referred to in sub-paragraph (xiv) below before exercising his option in full, the option (to the extent not already exercised) will lapse on the date of cessation or termination and will not be exercisable unless the Directors otherwise determine in which event the grantee may exercise the option (to the extent not already exercised) in whole or in part within such period as the Directors may determine following the date of such cessation, which will be taken to be the last day on which the grantee was at work with the Group or the Invested Entity whether salary is paid in lieu of notice or not. embryform.com |