

单词 福特汽车

See also:

汽车 n

vehicle n
car n
auto n
cars pl
motor vehicle n
bus n

汽车 pl

motor vehicles pl

External sources (not reviewed)

这种由先进的计算机技术引导地对喷涂车间环境内的气流的关注的CFD方法,率先 福特汽车 所 采 用,随后被其它汽车公司和生产线使用。
It is the focus on the airflow in the
[...] paint shop environment and the ever advancing power of computers that led, first Ford, then others to [...]
adopt the CFD approach.
我们知道有的人在通用车或 福特汽车 公 司工作了一辈子。
We know of people who worked making General Motors
[...] automobiles or Ford Motor Company automobiles [...]
their entire life.
福特汽车公司(Ford Motor Company,以下称“福特”或“该公司”)在全球范围内设计、开发、生产轿车和卡车并提供维修服务。
Ford Motor
[...] Company (“Ford” or the “Company”) designs, develops, manufactures and services cars and trucks worldwide.
当时福特汽车公司 董事长亨利•福特二世对Ghibli深为喜爱,据传他因此找到奥斯家族,要求收购玛莎拉蒂公司。
Henry Ford II was so impressed by the Ghibli that [...]
he reportedly approached the Orsi family with an offer to buy the company from them.
福特汽车使用 集捆翻转机,使切割好的金属板竖 直。
Bundle turnover machine
[...] installed in a Ford car plant, which [...]
moves cut sheet metal from the horizontal position to the vertical.
其中 Coleman
[...] 先生参与的 C-BASS 和福特汽车 (Ford Motor Company) 重组案,分别在 [...]
2008 年和 2009 年获《国际金融评论》杂志评为 “年度最佳重组业务”。
The International Financing Review recognized
Mr. Coleman's efforts in the
[...] restructurings of C-BASS and Ford Motor Company by [...]
naming the transactions the Restructuring
of the Year in 2008 and 2009, respectively.
梦达驰是一个正式通过了ISO 9001,ISO 14001,及ISO/TS
[...] 16949的公司,经常获得令人羡慕的荣誉,如:欧宝/通用的“年度最佳供应商奖” 福特汽车 公 司 的“Q1质量奖”,并经常性地获得一流汽车生产商的优秀 [...]
Montaplast is an official certified ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO/TS 16949 company, has frequently won the coveted "Supplier of the Year
Award" from Opel/GM, has won the "Q1
[...] Quality Award" from the Ford Motor Company and [...]
has repeatedly received excellent supplier
evaluations from these and a range of top-flight auto manufacturers.
在后来长达九年的任期内,他担任过各种职务——纽约、旧金山和洛杉矶的创意总监,北美的用户体验副总裁及执行创意总监——为AOL、卡地亚、哥伦比亚广播公司、嘉信理财、迪士尼、易趣 福特汽车 公 司 、乔治•阿玛尼、美国家庭电影院频道、纽约公共图书馆、夏普电子、索尼和时代华纳开展市场营销活动及网站建设。
In his nine years with the firm he served a variety of roles—creative director in New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles, VP of User Experience for North America and executive creative director—and developed marketing campaigns and websites for the
likes of AOL, Cartier, CBS, Charles
[...] Schwab, Disney, eBay, Ford Motor Company, Giorgio [...]
Armani, HBO, New York Public Library,
Sharp Electronics, Sony and Time Warner.
在目前艰难的决策环境中,波音公司、考克斯报业集团 福特汽车 公 司、凯悦、IBM 和沃尔玛等企业均凭借此解决方案逆流而上,增创营收。
This drives increased revenues in the world’s most demanding
decision-making environments in organizations like
[...] Boeing, Cox Newspapers, Ford Motor Company, Hyatt, [...]
IBM, and Walmart.com.
安大略省的 Windsor Mold Group 采用山都平TPV,福特汽车公司的 C-Max® 混合动力电动车生产前档发泡密封,实现了成本的降低及物理性能和加工性能的改善。
Windsor Mold Group of Ontario uses Santoprene TPV to reduce the cost and improve the performance and processability of the bulb seal on cowls for Ford Motor Company’s C-Max® hybrid electric vehicle.
高博士曾在中国海洋石油有限公司(中国主要石油公司之一)担任高级副总裁、董事会秘书以及总法律顾问,负责公司海外兼并收购以及其他事务;在中财国企投资有限公司(中国主要投资公司之一)担任执行总裁;并兼任重庆长安汽车股份有限公司独立董事(美 福特汽车 在 中 国的合资企业)、欧美同学会商会理事、美国耶鲁法学院中国协会主席和美国耶鲁大学北京校友会副主席,并于2004年1月被北京市市长王岐山聘为北京市政府投资银行顾问。
Mr. Gao was formerly Senior Vice President, Company Secretary, and Chief Legal Advisor of China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), one of China's major petroleum companies, responsible for overseas mergers and acquisitions and other company affairs, and Chief Executive Officer of China State-Owned Enterprise Investment Corporation, one of China's major investment companies, and Director of Chongqing Changan Automobile Corporation (which has a joint venture with Ford Motors).
福特汽车公司在北美的多个 2008 年车款中采用了该加注口,包括 [...]
Ford Flex、Escape、F150 轻型载货汽车和 Expedition 以及 Lincoln MKS。
Ford Motor Company adopted [...]
it on several 2008 models in North America, including the Ford Flex, Escape, F150 light trucks
and Expedition, and the Lincoln MKS.
福特汽车也将 参加亚洲移动通信博览会的 GSMA 互联城市,展示他们最新的车载技术。
Ford will also be joining [...]
the GSMA Connected City at Mobile Asia Expo to feature their latest in-vehicle technology.
自1991年在密歇根州立大学获得博士学位后,刘能泉博士分别在美 福特汽车 公 司 和中国上汽集团工作至2010年,期间担任技术、产品开发及项目投产等工程管理职位。
D. in Michigan State University in 1991,
[...] Dr. Liu worked at Ford Motor Company in [...]
US and SAIC Motor in China respectively
for technology, product development & launches and various engineering management positions until 2010.
2013年3月 – 为了进军喀麦隆市场福特汽车选中了已经在刚果民主共和国及科特迪瓦代理其业务的太非卡汽车经销公司,作为福特品牌在这个新市场的代理商。
03/2013 - Ford is looking to make inroads [...]
in Cameroon and has selected Tractafric Motors, which currently distributes its
products in the DRC and Côte d'Ivoire, as its representative.
Appointed to this position on October 9, [...]
2009, Gioia directs strategy and planning for the next generation of Ford’s global
electric vehicle portfolio, touching all aspects of electrified transportation, including product planning, supplier partnerships and collaboration with the energy industry and government.
2006年9月,作为被引进的高级技术专家,凌天钧从工作了近15年的美 福特汽车 公 司 海归到上海汽车集团股份有限公司工作,至今先后任上海汽车集团股份有限公司新能源汽车事业部总工程师,整车集成部总监,整车试制部总监,国家863新能源汽车项目负责人, [...] [...]
In September 2006, as a senior-level technology expert, Ling joined
[...] SAIC Motor from Ford Motor Co. where he [...]
has worked for 15 years, holding various
positions including chief engineer, director of vehicle integration, director of vehicle trial production and a project leader with the State 863 New Energy Vehicle Project.
2004至2005年,他出福特汽车执行 副总裁兼美洲部总裁,2002至2004年 福特汽车 公 司 集团副总裁 福特汽车 信 贷公司(Ford Motor Credit Company)董事长兼首席执行官,2001至2002年 福特汽车 公 司 副总裁 福特汽车 信 贷 公司总裁兼首席运营官。
Mr. Smith held various executive-level management positions at Ford Motor Company, most recently serving as Vice Chairman from 2005 until 2006, Executive Vice President and President — Americas from 2004 until 2005, Group Vice President — Ford Motor Company and Chairman and Chief Executive Officer — Ford Motor Credit Company from 2002 to 2004, Vice President, Ford Motor Company, and President and Chief Operating Officer, Ford Motor Credit Company, [...]
from 2001 to 2002.
Mistral后来演变成了Ghibli,这汽车新 潮流的强大魅力甚至感染了亨利 福特 二 世,他曾驾驶一辆玛莎拉蒂敞篷车出现在底特律。
The Mistral morphed into the Ghibli
and the strength of the
[...] new motoring currents affected even Henry Ford II who took to driving around Detroit in [...]
a Maserati Spyder.
从武装男子手中夺取了两汽车: 一辆白色的起亚,车牌号 947471,一辆银 色福特,车牌号 155269(大马士革)。
Two vehicles were seized from
[...] the armed men: a white Kia, licence plate No. 947471, and a silver Ford, licence plate No. 155269 (Damascus).
无论是排气管还车门封条,福伊特 工 业 服务公司均能提供各类商品的全面工程解决方案,而我们的专长是车轮与轮胎装配。
Whether it be exhausts or door seals, Voith Industrial Services [...]
provides fully engineered solutions across a range of commodity
group and specializes in wheel and tire assembly.
捷豹路虎也急需提升其在全球增长最快的豪华车市场上的地位,在这个市场上,德国大 汽车 公 司 已成立好,而且美国巨 福特 ( NY SE: F)和通用(NYSE: GM)也在规划新举措。
Jaguar also desperately wants to boost its presence in
the world’s fastest
[...] growing luxury car market, where the big German names are already well established and US giants Ford (NYSE: F) and [...]
GM (NYSE: GM) are also planning new initiatives.
福伊特是车辆制 造商和运营商得力的合作伙伴。
Voith is a competent partner for vehicle manufacturers [...]
and operators.
O’Kane先生於製造業擁有超過16年的財務管理經驗,曾於澳大利亞和美國 福特 汽車公司任職。
Mr. O’Kane has over 16 years in finance
roles within the manufacturing industry and
[...] has worked for Ford Motor Company both [...]
in Australia and in the United States.
低碳交通系统 愿景的一些要素可以包括:(a)
密集但绿色、混合用途城市,在居民区附近提供 就业及购物和休闲设施;(b)
[...] 中心区之间现代化高质量连接,长途枢纽与当地交 通融为一体;(c) 个汽车使用的高质量替代特别是 高效率的公共交通、良好 的非机动化交通基础设施及其适当的一体化:(d) [...]
高效率的多式货物联运和智能 城市物流,其中包括清洁车辆;以及(e)
混合动力引擎、代用燃料、甚至电动摩 托车和汽车等先进技术。
Some of the elements of a vision for a lowcarbon transport system could include: (a) dense, but green, and mixed-use cities that provide jobs, and shopping and leisure facilities close to people’s residential areas; (b) modern, high-quality links between the centres and good integration of long-distance hubs with local
transportation; (c) high-quality
[...] alternatives to individual car use, in particular efficient public transport [...]
and good non-motorized
transport infrastructure and its proper integration; (d) efficient, intermodal freight transport and smart urban logistics that also include clean vehicles; and (e) advanced technologies such as hybrid engines, alternative fuels or even electric motorbikes and cars.
同样,签订外地供应高价值系统合同要求 在合同谈判之前对供应商样机和(或)生产线进行技术检查(102 500 美元);参 加专业航空运输会议(28 800 美元);与外勤部合作在后勤基地举办一年一度的 航空承运人日,向业界介绍行业招标方法的新发展和经修订的合同范本,并获取 业界反馈(15 600 美元);出席汽车行业 相关的专业交易会,以确保在车队承包 合同和售后支助中采用最高的行业标准(9 700 美元);出席后勤基地的运输主任 会议,更好地了解维特派团 对车辆和燃料的相关要求(8 700 美元)。
Similarly, the establishment of high-value systems contracts for field supplies entail technical inspections of vendors prototypes and/or production lines followed by contract negotiations ($102,500); participation in specialized air transportation conferences ($28,800); organize the annual air carrier day in UNLB in cooperation with DFS to brief the industry on new developments regarding solicitation methods, revised model contracts and obtain industry feedback ($15,600); attendance of
specialized trade
[...] fairs related to the automotive industry to ensure that the highest industry standards are applied to vehicle fleet contracting processes and after-sale support ($9,700); and attendance of the chief transportation officers’ conference in UNLB to gain better understanding of peacekeeping missions’ [...]
requirements related to vehicles and fuel ($8,700).
这些活动 包括,进一步培训和认证制冷维修技术员 特 别 是 在加纳北部、为海关官员提供更多的培 训和提高认识活动、将小容量的商业制冷系统和冷库改装为(主要使用碳氢化合物和氟氯 化碳汽车空调装置改装为使用 HFC-134a)制冷剂;继续开展提高公众认识和新闻传播活 动;以及管理和监督活动。
These include the additional training and certification of refrigeration service technicians, particularly in the northern part of the country, additional training and awareness-raising of customs officers, retrofitting of [...]
small-capacity commercial refrigeration
systems and cold rooms to alternative refrigerants (mainly hydrocarbon-based and CFC-MAC units to HFC-134a); continued public awareness and information dissemination activities; and management and monitoring activities.
IR模擬集成電路和先進電路器件更獲佳士拿 (Daimler-Chrysler)、福特 (Ford) 及寶馬 (BMW) 汽車所選用,用於電子剎車系統、直接燃油噴注系統、電子懸架及全新引擎預熱系統。
Analog ICs and advanced circuit devices from
IR were selected for upcoming
[...] Daimler-Chrysler, Ford, and BMW vehicles to power electronic [...]
braking systems, direct fuel
injection systems, electronic suspension and new engine preheat systems.




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