

单词 福利署

See also:


(material) welfare



office n

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 是為了讓他們有額外的金錢可以用於聯絡親友,以及參與社 福利署 及 其 他非政府團 體所舉辦的支援小組。
The special supplement is designed to enable them to cover extra expenses arising from such activities and
enable them to participate in support groups run
[...] by the Social Welfare Department and other [...]
non-governmental organizations.
但是,社福利署(“社署”) 全年收到 3 000 宗個案,其中只有 116 宗個案能成功申請分戶,只是僅僅多 [...]
於 0.3%。
But of the 3 000 cases received
[...] by the Social Welfare Department (SWD) in the whole [...]
year, only 116 cases have successfully
applied for splitting of a household, representing just over 0.3% of the total number of cases.
此 外,稅務局亦會向其他政府部門,包括入境處、社 福利署 、房 屋署等索取有關資料,以核實納稅人提供的資料是否正確。
In addition, the IRD will request other
government departments such as the Immigration
[...] Department, Social Welfare Department and [...]
Housing Department to provide the relevant
information so as to verify whether the information provided by taxpayer is correct.
醫院管理局("醫管局")的"2010-2015年成年人精神健康服務計劃"("服務計劃")提出的建議包括:(1)在所有醫院聯網聘請個案經理,為所有適合在社區接受治療的嚴重精神病患者推行綜合個案管理計劃;(2)試行跨專業社區精神健康專科團隊,並與社 福利署 的 精 神健康綜合社區中心("綜合社區中心")聯繫,提供全面的精神科及精神健康服務;(3)以跨專業護理為基礎,推行新的專科門診模式,以改善輪候及診症時間,服務靈活度(特別是夜間診所)及服務範圍等。
The recommendations made by the Hospital Authority ("HA") in its Mental Health Service Plan for Adults 2010-2015 include: (1) recruiting case managers ("CMs") in all HA clusters to provide comprehensive case management for all patients with severe mental illness ("SMI") considered suitable for treatment in community settings; (2) carrying out a pilot on setting up community-based multi-disciplinary mental
health specialist care
[...] teams to provide a full range of psychiatric and mental health services in community settings, and provide links with [...]
Integrated Community
Centres for Mental Wellness ("ICCMW") of the Social Welfare Department; and (3) implementing a new specialist out-patient model based on multi-disciplinary care to patients, so as to improve waiting time, consultation time, service flexibility (particularly for evening clinics) and the range of services provided.
我們在社福利署的同事多年來都是盡量提供全人 關懷和發展的政策和服務,但今次我們將就業和勞工福利數個政策思維融為 [...]
一個政策局管理,是希望透過創造就業扶貧和鼓勵自力更生,讓今後這數方 面的工作可以做得更好。
However, in grouping the policy concepts in the areas of
[...] employment, labour and welfare under the charge [...]
of one bureau, it is hoped that the poor
can be helped and encouraged to become self-reliant through the creation of job opportunities, so that a better job can be done in these several areas.
但是,儘管以政府愛滋病顧問委員會為首的工作隊伍已成立了 ㆔年,其他陣線如勞工處、社 福利署 及 教 育署似乎在愛滋病教育的工作㆖表現仍未 [...]
Yet, despite under the flagship of the Government Advisory Council on
AIDS for three years, other fronts like the
[...] Labour, Social Welfare and Education [...]
Departments still appear to fall short in
performing their parts on AIDS education.
福利署副署 長(服務)回應時表示,營辦 服務的非政府機構會因應個別個案的情況評估食 物援助服務的申請,申請人不會純粹因居留身份或 身為綜援受助人而得不到援助。
DDSW(Services) responded that the NGOs operating the service would assess the applications for food assistance service on individual merits and applicants would not be denied assistance solely on the basis of their residence status or their being CSSA recipients.
我希望 在總督修訂草案的基礎㆖,在這功能組別之內加㆖以㆘類別的㆟士,包括(a)社會福利㆟力 策劃制度內的工作㆟員;(b)社 福利署 員 工 薪支表內包括政府及非政府機構的福利職級或 以㆖的社會福利從業員。
It was for this reason that I tried to move some amendments for the Hong Kong Social Workers’ General Union that the social welfare functional constituency on the basis of the Governor’s proposal, will include the following categories: (a) all
employees covered by
[...] the Social Welfare Manpower Planning System and (b) all employees in the social welfare field by the Social Welfare Department’s salaried [...]
staff charts, including
government and non-government social workers at the rank of welfare worker or above.
[...] 可以組織㆒些多元化的社區議會,由禁毒常務委員會代表、社 福利署 代 表 、外展社 工、學校社工、教師和家長等組成,定期舉行研討會,加深對社區問題和青少年問題 [...]
Besides, multi-purpose community meetings comprising representatives
from the Action Committee Against
[...] Narcotics, the Social Welfare Department, outreaching [...]
social workers, school social workers,
teachers and parents and so on should be organized in each district to hold symposia regularly with a view to deepening people's understanding of community problems and adolescent problems and finding community-based solutions.
總括來說,如果社福利署及志 願機構能夠增加㆞區性的家 庭支援服務,必定會對防止家庭問題激烈化、鼓勵婦女參與勞動市場及社區事務,有 [...]
On the whole,
[...] if the Social Welfare Department and other voluntary [...]
organizations can increase the provision of family support
services at the district level, it can surely help ease family problems and encourage women to participate in the labour market and in community affairs.
(二 ) 如果正生會下徑的院舍未能於寬限期屆滿前,達到法定發牌 規定,禁毒處、社福利署及其 他有關政府部門將詳細評 估,酌情考慮延長有關寬限期,以便其繼續進行改善或重置 [...]
(b) If the two DTRCs under CZSA in Ha Keng fail to meet the statutory licensing requirements before the expiry of the
grace period, the Narcotics Division
[...] (ND), the Social Welfare Department and other [...]
Government departments concerned will
make a detailed assessment and consider exercising discretion to extend the grace period, so that CZSA can continue with its improvement or reprovisioning programme for meeting the statutory licensing requirements.
(三 ) 鑒於當局在本年2 月 4 日回答本會議員的質詢時表示,在
[...] 2001-2002年度至2008-2009年度期間,政府向醫院管理局 (“醫管局”)及社福利署(“社 署”)額外撥款,以推行多項計 [...]
劃,改善精神病的醫療和康復服務,有關的詳情及負責跟進 工作的人員數目為何,以及《康復政策及服務白皮書》內有
關精神病康復者康復服務的政策決定的最新落實情況為 何?
(c) given that in reply to a question raised by a Member of this Council on 4 February this year, the authorities advised that during the period from 2001-2002 to 2008-2009, the Government provided additional
funding to the Hospital Authority (HA)
[...] and the Social Welfare Department (SWD) [...]
to support a number of initiatives to improve
the treatment and rehabilitation services for mental patients, of the relevant details and the number of personnel deployed to undertake the follow-up work; and the latest progress in the implementation of the policy decisions on the rehabilitation services for ex-mentally ill persons set out in the White Paper on Rehabilitation?
(c) 社福利署(下稱 "社署")由 2006年 1月起推行為 期兩年的施虐者輔導先導計劃,為自願參與計 劃的施虐者及被判令接受感化的施虐者提供治 療,有關成果將為政府當局提供有用的參考, 藉以考慮引入法院判令家庭暴力施虐者參與反 暴力計劃的未來路向。
(c) the outcome of the two-year pilot project on Batterer Intervention Programme launched by the Social Welfare Department (SWD) since January 2006 to provide treatment to batterers joining the programme on a voluntary basis and batterers put on probation would provide useful reference for the Administration's consideration of the way forward on introducing court-ordered anti-violence programme for abusers of domestic violence.
勞工及福利局局長(下稱"勞福局局長")及財經事務及庫 務局常任秘書長( 庫務)( 下稱" 常任秘書長") 解釋,
[...] 建議第(a)部分,即關於在2012-13年度提供追加撥款予社 福利 署 (下稱 "社署")以推行長者生活津貼,已不再需要,而撥款建議 [...]
首長級職位按薪級中點估計的年薪總值上限以推行長者生活津 貼計劃,則仍然有效。
Secretary for Labour and Welfare (SLW) and Permanent Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury (Treasury) (PS(Tsy)) explained that FCR(2012-13)54A invited members to note that part (a) of the funding proposal in FCR(2012-13)54 relating to the
provision of a supplementary provision
[...] for the Social Welfare Department (SWD) for the year [...]
2012-13 to undertake OALA, was no
longer required, and that part (b) of the proposal relating to an increase in the ceiling on the total notional annual mid-point salary value of all the non-directorate posts in the permanent establishment of SWD in 2012-13 for the implementation of OALA remained valid.
(iv) 由社福利署安排 治療及康復界別內不同類別的服務機構進行會 議及互訪,以促進感化主任、濫藥者輔導中心和戒毒治療及康復 [...]
(iv) Arrangements of meetings and visits
[...] by the Social Welfare Department among [...]
different types of services within the T&R
sector to promote service interfacing among probation officers, CCPSAs and drug treatment and rehabilitation centres and to ensure the better utilisation of resources.
(c) 教育署及社福利署已就 ㆗途輟學學生,聯合採取了各項預防及補救措施, 包括識別邊緣青少年,以及修改㆗小學的資助則例,以便賦予教育署署長明 [...]
(c) The Education Department
[...] and the Social Welfare Department together [...]
have taken various preventive and remedial measures
concerning drop-out students, including the identification of youths at risk and amendment of the Codes of Aid for primary and secondary schools to give the Director of Education clear authority to direct schools to admit pupils.
[...] 法,透過其他途徑(例如郵局)提供基本銀行服務;以及社 福利署 (下 稱"社署")可否考慮容許綜援、高齡津貼及傷殘津貼受助人選擇在郵局 [...]
The Administration was requested to consider adopting the practice of some overseas countries to provide basic banking services through other
channels such as post offices, and
[...] whether the Social Welfare Department (SWD) could consider [...]
providing recipients of CSSA,
Old Age Allowance and Disability Allowance with the option of collecting payments at post offices instead of through banks.
於社會服務方面,黃先生為香港青年旅舍協會的主席及社 福利署 推 廣 義工服務督導委員會委 員,他亦是香港中文大學新亞書院校董。
In community service, Mr. Wong is the Chairman of the Hong Kong Youth Hostels Association.
很奇怪,社福利 署回覆說該署沒有這方面的資料統計,顯示出政府對此問題已經不再重視,或政府已 經放棄,索性採取鴕鳥政策,不聞不問,任由問題惡化。
[...] though, the Social Welfare Department's reply is that [...]
no such statistics are available, indicating that the Government
no longer attaches importance to this issue, or the Government has dropped the issue, simply adopting an ostrich policy of pretending that there was no such problem, and letting the problem deteriorate.
(三 ) 為減低社 區 長 者感染 流感的風險,並希望藉此提 升 他們對預防流
感 的 關注, 我們已經 進一步 將注射 計劃擴 展至年 屆 65 歲
[...] 以上、 領 取 綜 援或獲醫 管 局 或 社福利署 ( “ 社 署 ” ) 減免醫 療費用 , 而 [...]
未 曾 在 剛 過 去 的 流感季 節 接受注 射 的長者 。
(c) In order to minimize the risk of influenza infection among the elderly in the community, and as an attempt to raise their awareness of protection against influenza, we have further expanded the vaccination programme to cover people aged 65 or above who are on CSSA or
granted with medical waivers by the HA
[...] or the Social Welfare Department (SWD), and have [...]
not been vaccinated in the past flu season.
概括而言,若發現案 件,學校應盡快諮詢社福利署的保 護家庭及兒童服務課 或負責案件調查的警方單位,並參考個案工作人員(如學校 [...]
社工/學生輔導主任/學生輔導教師/學生輔導人員) 所 作出的個案評估,為有關學生提供適當的支援和採取跟進 措施。
In brief, whenever a case arises, the school should consult, as soon as possible, the
Family and Child Protective Services
[...] Unit of the Social Welfare Department or the [...]
responsible police unit, and make reference
to the assessment of the caseworker concerned (for example, School Social Worker/Student Guidance Officer/Student Guidance Teacher/Student Guidance Personnel) in providing appropriate support for the student concerned and taking follow-up actions.
(c) 墨西哥的若干政府机构(
[...] 特别是外交部、移徙问题研究所和国 福利署) 与一 些国际机构一起,通过举行孤身儿童和移徙妇女问题机构间圆桌会议,开发 [...]
(c) Several Government agencies in Mexico (in particular the
Foreign Ministry, the Migration Institute
[...] and the National Welfare Agency), together [...]
with international agencies, developed
an integrated model of protection for unaccompanied migrant children through an inter-institutional roundtable on unaccompanied children and migrant women.
就這方面的問題,我們近日已與其他政府部門達成共識,當我們在執行工作遇到困難時,除了盡力呼籲市民合作外,在有需要時,亦會尋求其他部門,如警務處、食物環境衛生署及社 福利署 的 協助,以求達到認真執法的效果。
When we encounter difficulties in taking enforcement actions, apart from appealing to the public for their cooperation, we will also seek assistance from other government departments, such as the Police, the
Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
[...] and the Social Welfare Department where [...]
necessary in order to achieve effective enforcement.
居住在公營房屋的綜援受助人如獲任何免租優惠或減租優惠,在優惠期間社 福利署 不 會 發放租金津貼或只發放減租優惠後實際需繳付的租金,但仍以有關的租金津貼 [...]
If CSSA recipients residing in public housing receive any
rent-free incentives or rent-reduction
[...] incentives, Social Welfare Department will not pay [...]
rent allowance or will only pay rent
allowance at an amount equal to the actual rent paid after deducting the rent-reduction incentives, up to the appropriate maximum rent allowance during the incentive period.
The Director of Social Welfare, Mr Patrick Nip, [...]
announced at a press conference today (January 31) that the Old Age Living
Allowance (OALA) will be launched in April and there will be three phases of implementation.
A series of staff development programmes were
[...] conducted with suppor t f rom the Special One-off [...]
Grant of the Social Welfare Department,
namely, Advanced Health Worker Training Course organized by the Hong Kong Red Cross from 28 March to 9 May 2008, two elementary First Aid Courses and one First Aid Certificate Course provided by the St. John Ambulance from October to December 2008, and The End of Life Care Workshops conducted by The Society for the Promotion of Hospice Care for frontline staff and professional staff from January to March 2009.
3.7 正領取綜合社會保障援助(綜援)的家庭應直接向社 福利署 申 領其子女 2013 / 14 學年與就學有關 的津貼,包括考試費、書簿費、交通費、家居上網費等津貼,而毋須向本處遞交資格評估申請。
3.7 Families currently in receipt of the Comprehensive Social Security
Assistance (CSSA) should apply directly
[...] to the Social Welfare Department (SWD) for school-related [...]
assistance for their children’s
examination fees, expenses on textbook and stationery, transport fares, Internet access charges at home, etc. for the 2013 / 14 school year.
就 2011-12 年 度 需 要 特 別 留 意 的 事 項 中 提 及 的 「 在 天 水 圍 以 先 導 形 式 成 立 一
站 式 就 業 及 培 訓 中 心 , 以 理 順 、 整 合 和 提
[...] 升 現 時 由 勞 工 處 、 社福 利 署 ( 社 署 ) 及 僱 員 再 培 訓 局 [...]
提 供 的 就 業 及 培 訓 / 再 培 訓 服 務 」 的 工 作
, 當 局 可 否 告 知 本 委 員 會 : 上 述 工 作 的 最 新 進 展 ; 預 計 一 站 式 中 心 在 啟 用 後 構 成 的 每 年 經 常 開 支 和 人 手 編 制 ; 及 與 未 整 合 前 (服 務 分 散 模 式 )的 開 支 和 人 手 的 比 較 。
Regarding “setting up a pioneer one-stop employment and training centre in Tin Shui Wai to streamline, integrate and enhance the existing employment and
training/retraining services of the Labour
[...] Department (LD), Social Welfare Department (SWD) and Employees [...]
Retraining Board (ERB)” mentioned
under the matters requiring special attention in 2011-12, would the Administration inform this Committee of the latest progress of this work, the estimated annual recurrent expenditure and manpower requirement after the one-stop centre comes into operation, as well as a comparison of the expenditure and manpower involved with that before integration (with the services provided separately).
主要統計資料:人事、全年開支、社會保障、為罪犯、釋囚及戒毒康復者提供的服務、家庭服務、安老服務、醫務社會工作服務、社會發展、為青少年提供的服務、康復服務、臨床心理服務、支援服務、社 福利署 中 央 轉介系統。
Major statistics available: Personnel, annual expenditure, social security, services for offenders, ex-offenders and ex-drug abusers, family services, services for the elders, medical social services, community development, services for
young people, rehabilitation services, clinical psychological services,
[...] supporting services, SWD central referral [...]




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