单词 | 禅 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 禅—Zenless common: abdicate dhyana (Sanskrit) meditation (Buddhism) Examples:禅修n—meditationn 禅宗n—Zenn 禅宗—Zen Buddhism
这是Wasara纸品餐具系列的理念 — 传承日本传统美学中的禅静气质。 think-silly.com | The concept of Wasara paper tableware is to inherit the JapaneseZen philosophy. think-silly.com |
再至桃山时代、禅道精神的浸透引入了精神性和修养性、被赋予了哲学和教养意义的茶道进而昇华成为一门综合文化。 est-ouest.co.jp | Furthermore, [...] the spirit ofZen was widely adopted [...]to Chanoyu in the Momoyama period, adding spirituality and sense of self-improvement, [...]developed tea ceremony to a totalized culture of philosophy and education. est-ouest.co.jp |
灵感启发自襌修 — Nike Roshe Run设计师Dylan [...] Raasch自小便以静坐沉思作修练,禅道思想主张的简净思维一直影响着其生活的大部分。 think-silly.com | DylanRaasch,the designerof Nike [...] Roshe Run, is strongly influenced by the concept of Zen and has been practicing meditation ever since he was a kid. think-silly.com |
是的,有些朋友说我的作品有一种修道参禅的意 味呢。 mammals.org | People tell me that some of my work has sort of a calming Zen feel,” she says. mammals.org |
你可以在这里找到各种书籍、电子书与有声书,以及静心音乐和其它可供下载的音乐和礼品──包括一直很受欢迎的奥修禅卡。 osho.com | Here you will find all the available books, ebooks, and audiobooks. [...] As well as the music for the meditations, other downloadable music and gifts – including the [...] ever-popular OshoZen Tarot. osho.com |
可持续发展虽然成为了政府的口头禅,应用最多的却是「财政上的可持续性」,而社会的可持续性,也就是社会经济发展能否符合公平公义原则,则甚少提及。 procommons.org.hk | Although sustainable development has become a government mantra, the most widely used is “financial sustainability”, and social sustainability, that is, whether socio-economic development under the principles of fair justice is rarely mentioned. procommons.org.hk |
二十名分别代表自佛山市禅城区经济贸易局(ETBCF)、佛山市禅城区对外贸易经济合作局(FTECBCF)、佛山国家高科技工业发展区中国及行政委员会(FSHIZ)的成员在2006年7月6 日到访香港理工大学(PolyU)纺织及制衣学系(ITC)。 hkrita.com | A delegation with about 20 guests from the Economic and Trade Bureau ofChancheng District Foshan (ETBCF), Foreign Trade and Economy Cooperation Bureauof Chancheng District Foshan (FTECBCF), PRC and The Administration Committee of Foshan National Hi-tech Industries Development Zone (FSHIZ) visited the Institute of Textiles and Clothing (ITC) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and HKRITA on 6 July 2006. hkrita.com |
回到寺 [...] 里﹐很惊讶的看到寺前庭院及 关房前都整理的很乾净﹐原來是禅坐班的 Ed 來过。 azbt.us | The front yard, including the ground in front of the Retreat House had been cleaned up by Ed from the [...] Tuesday nightMeditation class. azbt.us |
中心举办公开讲座及禅修,短期小组和个人闭关,并给一共修组提供场所。 utbf.org | The center offers public teaching and meditation programs, short term group and individual retreats, and hosts a study and meditation group. utbf.org |
向持礟人┪爹册人矗ㄑ甭舦书,甧砛ㄤ按酚琘份靡ㄩ借禅协某书ㄏノ你的靡ㄩ┪靡ㄩ╄┿珇、盢你的靡ㄩ╄┿珇再借┿以取眔癞 [...] 叭硄磕,┪盢你的靡ㄩ╄┿珇存放为ノ以糹︽の睲纕ㄤユΜ砫ヴの杜叭的╄┿珇,存在一﹚风繧。 sctrade.com | There is risk if you provide the licensed or registered person with an authority that allows it to apply your securities [...] or securities collateral pursuant to a [...] securities borrowing and lending agreement, [...]repledge your securities collateral for [...]financial accommodation or deposit your securities collateral as collateral for the discharge and satisfaction of its settlement obligations and liabilities. sctrade.com |
为了善用直觉的人们,OSHO禅卡及OSHO佛卡──发现佛陀的应用程式,现在可以在iPhone、iPad以及Android [...] Phone中使用。 osho.com | For the intuitionally [...] inclined,OSHO Zen Tarot & OSHO [...]Discover The Buddha-apps are now available for iPhone, iPad & Android Phones. osho.com |
可爱的日本小女生,穿上日式甜美可爱和服,衣服底色为粉樱花颜色:纯洁、高尚;袖口充满精致圆圈则是代表命运法则的回圈,充满日式禅意的设计,搭配头上的球型发髻增添活泼俏丽,洋子娃娃是活泼的代表。 hk.eternal.hk | Cute Japanese girl in lovely kimono, two buns on head shows vivacity. hk.eternal.hk |
1.2 讽靡ㄩゼ砆爹册在客め名下时,ヴ何パ赣靡ㄩ玻ネぇ利柬┪ㄤ他利麻,在竒纪人Μ到时,竒纪人同种,盢砆禅疠在赣眀め,┪向客め や付┪锣琵。讽竒纪人┮持客め的靡ㄩ为一у相同靡ㄩぇ一场份时,客めΤ舦ㄉΤ全у靡ㄩㄤ┮占ゑㄒ的利麻。 sctrade.com | Where the securities form part of a larger holding of identical securities held for the Broker's clients, the Client shall be entitled to the same share of the benefits arising on the holding as the Client's share of the total holding. sctrade.com |
作为一位抓住瞬间的老手,他快乐地玩着自由式滑雪,当他从世界上最危险、最壮美的悬崖上俯冲而下时,便完全融入了大自然的威严与力量之中;他是一位生活艺术的大师,对他热爱的山脉、积雪、雪道陡坡以及自由式滑雪所包含的禅理充满激情。 swatch.com | A master of the art of living, Sverre is passionate about the mountains he loves, about the snow pack, the steep [...] slopes, and the zen of freeskiing. swatch.com |
相对於其他神殿,位於建筑群前方且与正殿同在一平台上的正觉禅林不管在规模上或是在建筑形式上都较为讲究,建筑由供奉天后之正殿及侧殿组成,侧殿建筑为一般砖结构民房式,屋顶为硬山式。 macauheritage.net | It consists of a shrine dedicated to Tian Hou and a retreat area with roof fashioned in the yingshan style. macauheritage.net |
OMF的 China Insight指出:「西藏的喇嘛寺和寺庙充满了佛陀、达赖喇嘛、班禅喇嘛,以及诸多神明的镀金佛像......在寺庙里,属灵的黑暗势力明显而见,可怕的黑脸和红脸魔神在庙中俯视,令敬拜者心生畏惧......越深入认识藏传佛教,越能明显看出这是一个与基督福音处於相对地位的宗教极端。 amccsm.org | Lama temples and monasteries in Tibet are filled with gilded images of Buddhas, Dalai Lamas, PanchenLamas, and a multitude of gods and goddesses... The spiritual darkness is palpable in the temples with hideous demonic guardians with black and red faces staring down to terrify the worshipper... The more one delves into Tibetan Buddhism the more apparent it is that this is a religion poles apart from the Christian Gospel. amccsm.org |