




honorific title during Tang Qing times, approx. "Glorious grand master"


avoid employment



External sources (not reviewed)

自上届股东大会根据第 91 条规定获委任为董事 的陈席,亦轮值告退,并因合乎资格,均愿 候选连任。
Philip Chen and the Chairman who had been appointed as Directors under Article 91 since the last annual general meeting also retired and offered themselves for election.
士将被视作持有本公司7,190,000股股份的权益,理由为彼实益拥有Best [...]
Jade所有已发行股本,而Best Jade则 持有本公司7,190,000股股份。
Ms. Li Luyuanwill betaken to [...]
be interested in 7,190,000 shares in the Company as a result of her being beneficially interested
in the entire issued share capital of Best Jade which in turn holds 7,190,000 shares in the Company.
利 彩 广 西 之 董 事 会 已 进 行 重 组 , 人 数 由 三 名 增 至 五 名 , 除 加 入 本 公 司 两 名 管 理 层 成 员 外 , 更 特 别 邀 请 曾作 为 利 彩 广 西 及 利 彩 中 国 有 限 公 司( 本 公 司 全 资 子 公 司及利 彩 广 西 之 直 属 控 股 公 司 )的 董 事 。
In addition to the two members from the management team of the Company joining the board of directors of LE-Guangxi, Professor Zeng Zhong Lu was invited to be the director of LE-Guangxi and Le Rainbow China Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company and the immediate holding company of LE-Guangxi.
为本公司关连人士之承授人(包括所有董事及郑敏泰先生之儿子郑传 全先生和岳明珠女士兄弟岳)已向本公司、联交所及保荐人承诺,彼 等不会行使首次公开发售前购股权,而导致公众股东所持有之本公司已发行 股本低於25%。
The grantees who are connected persons of the Company (including all Directors and Mr. Cheng Chuen Chuen, the son of Mr. Cheng Man Tai, and Mr. Yue Zhong Lu, the brother of Madam Ngok Ming Chu) have undertaken to the Company, the Stock Exchange and the Sponsor that they will not exercise the Pre-IPO Share Options to such extent that the Shares held by the public Shareholders will fall below 25% of the issued share capital of the Company.
<澳门时尚廊> 为一所楼高三层的独立屋, 座落澳门47号, 属澳门望德堂坊一部份。
is a three-storey building located at Rua de S. Roque, No. 47, Macau.
香港科技园公司主席生及Øresund执行董事Lars Montelius教授於今天签订合作备忘录,同意将Øresund – 香港-创新科技及中国经贸交流会议发展为年度重要活动,协助两地的公司及机构推动创新、科技发展及业务增长。
Mr. Nicholas Brooke, Chairman, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (2nd from left) and Professor Lars Montelius, Chief Executive, Øresund Organisation (1st from right) today signed a MOU to make the Øresund – Hong Kong - InnoTech & ChinaBiz Summit an important annual gathering that enables companies and organisations from both regions to support innovations, technology development and business growth.
由 左 二 开 始 ) 劳 斯 莱 斯 亚 洲 及 中 东 高 级 副 总 裁 Mick Forey , 香 港 特 区 政 务 司 司 长 许 仕 仁 , 国 泰 航 空 行 政 总 裁 陈中 巴 士 公 司 常 务 总 裁 John Leahy 在 国 泰 航 空 第 一 百 架 飞 机 前 留 影 。
(From left) Rolls-Royce Senior Vice President, Asia and Middle East, Mick Forey, Chief Secretary for Administration of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, The Honourable Rafael Hui, Cathay Pacific Chief Executive Philip Chen together withAirbus Chief Operating Officer - Customers John Leahy in front of Cathay Pacific's 100th aircraft.
During this time when the See of Peter remains vacant some words of Chiara Lubich written in 1964 show the similarity between Paul VI and Benedict XVI in the way they see the Church.
生时任香港福而伟金融控股集团副主席,香港第一亚洲商人金银业有限公司董事总经理,北京大学中国信用研究中心-信用与法律研究所常务副所长,第一亚洲商人银行有限公司董事创办人兼副主席,Excellent Development Company Limited 董事及福而伟基金管理公司创办人之一及首席投资总监。
Mr. Lawrence Kook is the Vice Chairman of the Managing Director of First Gold, Standing Deputy Director of China Credit Research Center of Peking University – Institute of Credit and Law, Director of First Asia Merchants Banking Corporation Limited, Co-Founder & Vice President of Well & Well JP Capital Group Limited, Director of Excellent Development Company Limited and Co-Founder & Chief Investment Officer of Well & Well Fund Management Limited.
今天出席备忘录签署仪式的嘉宾包括Øresund Organisation执行董事Lars Montelius教授、丹麦创新科技署副总裁 Hans Muller Pederson先生、香港特区政府创新科技署署长王荣珍小姐及香港科技园公司主席生。
Present at today’s MOU signing, included Prof. Lars Montelius, Chief Executive, Øresund Organisation; Mr. Hans Muller Pederson, Deputy Director General, Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation; Miss Janet Wong, Commissioner for Innovation and Technology of the Hong Kong SAR Government; and Mr. Nicholas Brooke, Chairman, Hong KongScience and Technology Parks Corporation.
林 麦 主 席生 表 示 : 「 尽 管 现 [...]
时 市 场 充 满 挑 战 , 加 上 集 团 在 本 年 度 较 早 时 撇 除 了 Dowry Peacock持 有 的 专 利 及 商 标 的 余 值 , 但 通 过 管
理 层 采 取 的 合 理 化 措 施 , 集 团 成 功 将 亏 损 减 少 超 过 一 半 。
Mr. WangLu-yen,Chairman of Linmark, [...]
said, “Despite the prevalent market challenges and write off of the remaining value
of patents and trademarks held by Dowry Peacock in the early part of the year, we managed to reduce losses of the Group by more than half thanks to rationalisation initiatives undertaken by the management.
於本公布日期,董事会成员包括执行董事陈恒辉先生、陈统运先生、陈玉娇女士;非执行董事邝国祯 先生;及独立非执行董事王、黄达强先生及陈京晖先生。
As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises of the executive directors Mr. Chan Heng Fai, Mr. Chan Tong Wan, Ms. Chan Yoke Keow and non-executive director Mr. Fong Kwok Jen as well as independent non-executive directors Mr. Wong DorLuk,Peter, Mr. Wong Tat Keung and Mr. Chan King Fai.
当 时 一 位 裁 判 司 , 即 现 时 的 欧司 对 有 关 建 议 提 出 异 议 , 他 提 出 多 个 理 由 , 包 括 以 下 各 点 : 控 罪 仍 待 处 理 ; 这 样 做 无 疑 是 由 控 方 决 定 某 罪 行 的 刑 罚 ; 法 庭 方 面 要 默 许 一 项 近 乎 藐 视 法 庭 的 程 序 ; 这 种 做 法 会 为 贪 污 大 开 方 便 之 门 ; 这 样 做 实 际 上 是 未 经 立 法 程 序 便 订 下 一 项 定 额 罚 款 制 度 。
One magistrate, now Mr Justice O'Connor, objected to the proposal on the grounds, inter alia, that the charge would still be undisposed of; it would result in the prosecution deciding the penalty for a particular offence; the court would be conniving at a procedure which verged on contempt; it opened the door to corruption; it would in effect, without legislative approval, institute a fixed penalty system.




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