

单词 禁酒的

See also:


prohibit v


External sources (not reviewed)

我们认为,必须严格执行《减 少有害使用酒精全球战略》,我们支持设立全 禁酒 日的呼吁
We believe that the Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol must be strictly applied, and we support
[...] the call for a global no-alcohol day.
不過,奇怪的是,楊孝華議員看到愛爾蘭有一位 MP 來港,便 問他當地禁煙後,酒吧的生意如何?
Mr Howard YOUNG later learnt that an Irish MP had visited Hong Kong, so he asked the MP
[...] how the business of bars was going in his country.
我告訴大家,是會有這情況的,而且亦已試過了;俄國、芬蘭和美國均 試禁酒 ─ 我說的是完全不准飲酒,但可行嗎?
Let me tell Members that there are
[...] precedents and such a ban has been tried out before [...]
8.3 顧客禁在航班上飲用於機上購 的酒 精 類 飲品。
8.3 Consumption of alcoholic beverages purchased inflight is prohibited during the flight.
全民干预措施中最合算的做法包括控制烟草的措施,包括增加税赋和禁止在 公共场所打广告和吸烟;增加酒税和强制执 禁 止 酒 类 广 告 的禁 令 ; 减少盐的摄 入量;用多不饱和脂肪取代食品中的反式脂肪;提高公众对饮食和体育活动的意 识;以及提供乙型肝炎疫苗。
The best buys for population-wide interventions include tobacco-control
measures, including raising
[...] taxes and bans on advertising and smoking in public places; raising taxes on alcohol and enforcing bans on alcohol [...]
advertising; reducing
salt intake; replacing trans-fats in foods with polyunsaturated fats; promoting public awareness about diet and physical activity; and delivering hepatitis B vaccinations.
如果同樣地用這尺度 時,只要我們的科學 地或合理地解決這問題,為何我們不 禁酒 呢?
If we adopt the same criteria and if we really wish to resolve
[...] the problem in a scientific or reasonable manner, why is it that we do not ban alcohol?
條例草案旨在增加危險駕駛引致他人死亡罪 的 最 高 監禁 期;引入酒後駕駛罪的新罰 則;賦權穿著制服的警務人員進行 隨機檢查呼氣測試;以及立法強制重覆干犯交通罪行者和裁定干 [...]
The Bill sought to raise the maximum imprisonment term for the offence on causing [...]
death by dangerous driving; to introduce
new penalties for drink driving offences; to empower police officers in uniform to conduct screening breath tests at random; and to impose a mandatory requirement for repeat traffic offenders and offenders of serious traffic offences to attend driving improvement courses.
交流 知识和实施预防酒和禁毒政 策将有助于建立一个更健康和民 的 全 球 世界。
The exchange and development of knowledge and implementation of evidence-based alcohol and drug policies will contribute to a healthier and more democratic global society.
他補充, 儘禁煙對酒吧的 生 意所造 成的影響, 較 開 設 在 地的 酒吧為 大,但 有關的 東 主 仍然支持禁煙, 因為禁煙獲得工 會強烈 支持。
He added that even though the business of those bars located on the upper floors had been more affected by the smoking [...]
ban than those located
on the ground floor, the owners concerned still supported the ban because of the strong support from the trade unions.
我 们 目的禁烟和禁酒工作提供了一个宝贵实例,但在饮食和锻炼方面我们必须 找到更加有效的措施。
Our current efforts on tobacco and alcohol offer a valuable example, but in diet and exercise we must find more effective measures.
我 想 回 應 議員對 室 內 工 作間酒 樓 食 肆 禁 煙 的 意 見
I wish to
[...] respond to Members' views on banning smoking at indoor workplaces [...]
and in restaurants.
我們不可以 替這些成年人做決定,說我為他們好,所以他們不應賭波!如果是這的 話,我們恐怕也禁煙、禁酒和禁六 合 彩了。
We cannot make decisions for any adults, saying that for their own good, they should not engage in football betting!
經濟的問題我確實不是隨口地說的,因 為我從視察所得,以及我們法案委員會看過很多外 的 報 告,確實地得知全禁煙對食肆酒吧是有很多長遠和正 的 經 濟 效益的。
My comments in relation to the financial aspect were not made just casually, because from my observations and from the many overseas reports that we in the Bills Committee
have studied, we did
[...] learn that a complete smoking ban had brought many long-term and positive financial benefits to restaurants and bars.
[...] 多人已經接受現實,甚至有些業界覺得,看到很多其他外國的經驗後,他們 也可能慢慢地相信,其實在食肆酒 吧 禁 煙 , 可能對他 的 生 意 不會有太大 影響,甚至也許有幫助也說不定。
Many of those in the industry have already accepted the reality, and some even think that after looking at the experience in many other overseas countries,
they may be gradually
[...] convinced that a smoking ban in restaurants and bars may not affect [...]
their business too much and may even be helpful.
(c) 商用車輛車主如已盡其最的努力 確保受僱司機駕駛前沒有酒( 或服禁藥物) ,汽車保險應該給予豁 免。
(c) exemption should be given in motor insurance to owners of commercial vehicles who had exercised their best endeavour to ascertain that employed drivers had not consumed alcohol (or illicit drugs) before driving.
提供收入 壟斷機構亦須證明施行英國競爭 的禁 止 條 文,將會在法律上或 事實上妨礙執行獲指派的特定工作。
A revenue-producing monopoly must also show that the
[...] application of the prohibitions of the domestic [...]
competition law would obstruct the performance,
in law or in fact, of the particular tasks assigned to it.
當局認為停牌禁止酒後駕 駛者在路上駕的最直接方法。
Disqualification is considered the most direct means to take drink drivers off the road.
此外,禁雷运动”指出, 该机构提的许多 效率问题都涉及联合 的 作 用,在这方面, 禁 雷 运 动”对近 几个月来在非政府组织和联合国之间开始的建设性对话表示赞赏。
In addition, the ICBL noted that many efficiency issues they have raised touch upon the role of the United Nations and, in this regard, expressed appreciation [...]
for a constructive
dialogue that has started in recent months between non-governmental organisations and the UN.
(c) 系统地收集儿童消费酒产品的全面信息,采取有 禁 止 向儿童销售 此类产品的必要措施;委员会还建议缔约国考虑在儿童通常使用的电视、广播、 出版物、互联网及其他媒体方禁止 推 销烟酒产品。
(c) Systematically
[...] collect comprehensive information on the consumption of alcohol and tobacco among children, and take the necessary measures for the effective enforcement of the prohibition of the sale of such products to children; the Committee also recommends that [...]
the State party
consider prohibiting the promotion of alcohol and tobacco products in television, radio, publications, the Internet and other media commonly accessed by children.
由於其中某些的禁制涉 及考慮某營業行為是 否導致或相當可能導致一般消費者作出某項交易決定,而倘若該消費 [...]
者沒有接觸該營業行為,該消費者不會作出該項交易決定,因此擬議第 13D條訂明,在斷定某營業行為對一般消費者的影響時,須考慮到有 關的一般消費者的重要特徵,包括該消費者所掌握的資料、該消費
As some of the new prohibitions involve a consideration [...]
of whether a commercial practice causes or is likely to cause an
average consumer to make a transactional decision that the consumer would not have made otherwise, the proposed section 13D provides that in determining the effect of a commercial practice on the average consumer, account must be taken of the material characteristics of such an average consumer, including that the consumer is reasonably well informed, reasonably observant and circumspect.
[...] 示关注,依据这类法律,一些作家和出版人被起诉、监禁和判处死刑,国际笔会 指出,它将继续要求释放根据此类法律 禁的 人。
International Pen was also concerned about the existence of “blasphemy” laws, under which a number of writers and publishers had been charged and imprisoned and
sentenced to death, and indicated that it would continue to call for the
[...] release of those imprisoned under such legislation.
[...] 把麻將館、商營浴室、按摩院、麻將會所、夜總會及只准許 18 歲以上的人 光的酒吧的實施禁煙日期延遲至 2009 年 7 月 1 日,容許這些處所享有較 [...]
The Administration, therefore, proposed that the implementation date of the smoking ban for mahjong parlours, commercial bathhouses,
massage parlours, mahjong clubs and
[...] nightclubs, and bars open to people aged 18 and above [...]
only, can be deferred to 1 July
2009, in order to allow a longer adaptation period for such establishments.
联合国驻利比里亚特派团部队将合并地点和基地,转为更机动的态势,并在 特派团军事部门减员的情况下开展工作,以便为该国各地提供安全防护,支持国 家安全部队,与新组的军队 举行联合演习,按照联合国军 禁 运 豁 免规定检查 政府获的武器 和弹药库存,供国家警察使用,开展警戒和搜查行动以收回非法 武器,保护联合国和政府所在地点和设施,并定期进行空中和地面巡逻,特别是 对边界沿线和其他高风险地区进行巡逻。
The forces of the United Nations Mission in Liberia will consolidate their locations and bases, shifting to a more mobile posture and working within the reduced strength of the military component of the Mission, in order to provide a security umbrella throughout the country, support the national security forces, conduct joint exercises with the new army, undertake inspections of inventories of weapons and ammunition obtained by the Government in accordance with the exemptions to the United Nations arms embargo for use by the national police, undertake cordon and search operations to retrieve illegal weapons, protect key United Nations and Government locations and installations and conduct regular air and ground patrols, in particular along the borders and in other high-risk areas.
(4) 根據第 2A(5)條委的酒牌 局秘書必須酒牌局的決定 及作出該決定的 理由,以書面通知申請人及其他曾對申請表示 關注的人或團體。
(4) The secretary to the Board appointed under regulation 2A (5) must give notice in writing of the Board's decision, together with reasons, to the applicant and any other person who or body which has expressed an interest in the application.
同时,下 列法规规定了粮食产品的生产和分配条件和方法:2005 年 6 月 9 日关于生态食 品生产的第 115-XVI 号法律(规定了在不使用加速生长的化学物质的情况下进行 生态食品生产的方法以及源于植物和动物的生态产品分配方法等);2004 年 3 月 18 日关于食品的第 78-XV 号法律(规定了食品生产、加工、分配和流通的基本条 件);2006 年 3 月 30 日关于养蜂业的第 70-XVI 号法律(规定了提高养蜂生产质量 和数量的条件)、2006 年 3 月 10 日关于葡萄园和葡酒的第 57-XVI 号法律(规定 了葡萄园产品生产、加工和分配活动的各种关系)。
Also, conditions and methods of production, distribution of food products are prescribed in the following laws: Law No. 115-XVI from 09.06.2005 on the ecological food production (regulates the method of production of ecological food products without the usage of chemical growth acceleration substances, as well as methods of distribution of ecologic products of vegetable and animal origin), Law No. 78-XV from 18.03.2004 on food products (regulates the production, processing and distribution of food products, as well as the basic conditions of circulation of such products), Law No. 70-XVI from 30.03.2006 on apiculture (regulates the creation of conditions for quality and quantity growth of apicultural production), Law No. 57-XVI from 10.03.2006 on vineyards and wine (regulates the relations that exist in the activity of production, processing and distribution of vineyard products).
[...] 商會說他們受到影響;在我們討論食肆全面禁煙時,食肆又會說他們受到影 響;現時討酒吧禁煙時,酒吧又 會說受到影響。
When we say that cigarette advertisements should be banned, the advertising companies would say that they would be affected; when we discuss a total smoking ban in catering establishments, the restaurants would
say that they would be affected; when
[...] we discuss a smoking ban in bars, the bars would [...]
say that they would be affected.




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