

单词 禁赛

See also:



competition n
match n

better than
superior to

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 用禁用物质也违反了反兴奋剂规定,将导致至少八年到终 禁赛 的 处 罚。
Trafficking, administration or attempted administration of prohibited substances and
methods also constitute anti-doping rule violations which attract a minimum of eight years
[...] and up to lifetime ineligibility.
运动员摄入该物质的方式,无论是否是无意的,可能只影 禁赛 的 时 间长度,除非 能够证明有重大过失或疏忽。
The manner in which the substance was ingested by the athlete, inadvertently or otherwise, might only impact on the length of the sanction imposed if no significant fault or negligence can be demonstrated.
贩卖、施用或企图施用禁用物质和 禁用方法也构成违反反兴奋剂规则,可招致最低四 禁赛 , 甚 至是终 禁赛。
Trafficking, administration or attempted administration of prohibited substances and prohibited
methods also constitute anti-doping rule violations which attract a minimum
[...] of four years and up to lifetime ineligibility.
违反反兴奋剂规则的后果: 运动员或其他当事人违反反兴奋剂规则的行为可能导致
[...] [...] 下列之一或更多的后果:(a)取消比赛成绩,意指运动员的某一特定比赛或赛事 的成绩无效,因此造成的全部后果包括收回所有奖牌、积分和奖金;( b ) 禁赛, 意 指运动员或其他当事人在一段时间内被禁止参加任何比赛或其他活动,或禁止接 [...]
受第 10.9 条提及的资助;以及(c)临时停赛,意指在第
8 条(参加公正听证会的 权利)中规定的听证会做出最终裁定之前,运动员或其他当事人暂时被禁止参加任 何比赛。
Consequences of Anti-Doping Rules Violations: An Athlete's or other Person's violation of an anti-doping rule may result in one or more of the following: (a) Disqualification means the Athlete’s results in a particular Competition or Event are invalidated, with all resulting consequences including forfeiture of any
medals, points and
[...] prizes; (b) Ineligibility means the Athlete or other Person is barred for a specified [...]
period of time from
participating in any Competition or other activity or funding as provided in Article 10.9; and (c) Provisional Suspension means the Athlete or other Person is barred temporarily from participating in any Competition prior to the final decision at a hearing conducted under Article 8 (Right to a Fair Hearing).
我从新闻中看到,马里奥•巴洛特利因在上一场AC米兰对阵佛罗伦萨的比赛中辱骂一名正式官员,再次 禁赛 三 场
I note Mario Balotelli is in the news again
[...] receiving a three game ban for verbally abusing [...]
an official in AC Milan’s last game against Fiorentina.
b. 对于因在体育运动中服用兴奋剂而 禁赛 的 运 动员和运动员辅助人员,在 禁赛 期间 采取扣发体育运动方面的补助的措施。
b. take steps to withhold sport-related financial support to individual athletes and athlete support personnel who have been suspended following a doping offence in sport, during the period of their suspension.
如果一名运动员禁 赛期间 退役并从赛外检查运动员注册库中被除名,而后又欲恢复参赛资格,则该运 动员必须通知相关的反兴奋剂组织并接受了一段时期——时间等同于从其退役之日 起所剩余禁赛罚期 ——的赛外检查,否则不得恢复参赛资格。
If an Athlete subject to a period of Ineligibility retires from sport and is removed from Out-of-Competition Testing pools and later seeks reinstatement, the Athlete shall not be eligible for reinstatement until the Athlete has notified relevant Anti-Doping Organizations [...]
and has been subject to Out-of-Competition
Testing for a period of time equal to the period of Ineligibility remaining as of the date the Athlete had retired.
但 该条款不禁止禁赛的当 事人参加纯属娱乐性质的体育活
This article would not prohibit the Person from [...]
participating in sport on a purely recreational level.
最后,在有关禁赛运动 员扣发补助以及对不遵守《条例》的体育运动组织拒绝 提供财政或体育运动方面支持的方式问题上(第 11 条),相关的咨询也会让缔约国受益。
Finally, States Parties might benefit from advice on means to withhold financial support to suspended athletes and withhold financial or other sport-related support from sports organizations not in compliance with the Code (Article 11).
本条款给予的是同样的处罚。在这两个案例中,都应该给 禁赛 两 年至三年的处罚。
In both cases, the sanction shall be from two
[...] years to three years' Ineligibility.
应当定期向上述各方和反兴奋 剂组织通报最新信息——按照第 7 条(检测检测结果管理)、第 8 条(参加公正听证 会的权利)或第 13 条(上诉)做出的任何审查或处理过程的情况和结果,以及在按 照第 10.5.1 条(无过错和无疏忽)取禁赛罚期 ,或按照第 10.5.2 条(无重大过错 和无重大疏忽)缩禁赛罚期 的情况下,还应提供一份书面的说明,充分解释为何 做出取消或缩禁赛罚期的裁决。
The same Persons and Anti-Doping Organizations shall be regularly updated on the status and findings of any review or proceedings conducted pursuant to
Articles 7
[...] (Results Management), 8 (Right to a Fair Hearing) or 13 (Appeals), and, in any case in which the period of Ineligibility is eliminated under Article 10.5.1 (No Fault or Negligence), or reduced under Article 10.5.2 (No Significant [...]
or Negligence), shall be provided with a written reasoned decision explaining the basis for the elimination or reduction.
[...] 质或禁用方法违反了反兴奋剂规定,一旦证实,可能导致长时 禁赛。
The use or possession of a prohibited substance or
method constitutes an anti-doping rule violation which, if proven, could result in a prolonged
[...] period of ineligibility.
二) 对于因违反反兴奋剂规则而禁赛的 运 动员或运动员辅助人员,在 禁赛 期 间 采取扣 发体育运动方面的补助的措施; (三) 对于违反《条例》的规定或依据《条例》通过的有关反兴奋剂规则的任何体育组织和 反兴奋剂组织,部分或全部取消对其在财政或其他体育运动方面的支持。
(b) take steps to withhold sport-related financial support to individual athletes or athlete support personnel who have been suspended following an anti-doping rule violation, during the period of their suspension
如果一个运动员要受禁赛两年 ,甚至终 禁赛 的 处 罚,而加工和提供 这些禁用物质者却可以逃脱严厉的惩罚,那将是对反兴奋剂工作的嘲弄。
It makes a mockery of anti-doping efforts when
[...] an athlete incurs a two-year to lifetime ban, while those manufacturing [...]
and supplying the very
same substances escape serious punishment.
a. 在各自预算内为所有运动项目的国家检查计划提供资金,或协助体育运动组织和 反兴奋剂组织为兴奋剂控制工作提供资金,为此可提供直接补助或拨款,或者在 确定给予这些组织的总体补助或拨款时考虑到这类工作的费用; b. 对于因违反反兴奋剂规则而禁赛的 运 动员或运动员辅助人员,在 禁赛 期 间采 取扣发体育运动方面的补助的措施; c. 对于违反《条例》的规定或依据《条例》通过的有关反兴奋剂规则的任何体育运 动组织和反兴奋剂组织,部分或全部取消对其在财政或其他体育运动方面的支 持。
a. provide funding within their respective budgets to support a national testing program across all sports or assist sports organizations and anti-doping organizations to finance doping controls either by direct subsidies or grants, or by recognizing the costs of such controls when determining the overall subsidies or grants to be awarded to those organizations
禁赛,则本节中所提及的缩减后 禁赛 罚 期 不得少于 8 年。
If the otherwise applicable period of Ineligibility is a lifetime, the reduced period under this section may be no less than 8 years.
禁赛期结 束时,作为恢复参赛资格的条件,运 动员必须在临时赛和禁赛期间 随时准备接受任何有合法检查权的反兴奋剂组织实 施的赛外检查,并且根据要求提供最新的和准确的行踪信息。
As a condition to regaining eligibility at
[...] the end of a specified period of Ineligibility, an Athlete must, during any period of Provisional Suspension or Ineligibility, [...]
make him or herself
available for Out-of-Competition Testing by any AntiDoping Organization having Testing jurisdiction, and must, if requested, provide current and accurate whereabouts information.
织则仅从采集到呈阳性样品之日起开始计算两 禁赛 罚 期
Other Anti-Doping Organisations simply start the two-year suspension on the date the
[...] positive Sample was collected.
所以,当斯旺西,尤其是米楚来到英超时,我们可以认为他们会继续丢球,但他们认为他们会得分的,尤其是弗莱尼已经解除 禁赛。
So when Swansea and in particular Michu comes to town, it’s fair to assume they will concede again but they’re form says they’ll score themselves, especially with Fellaini back from suspension.
使用或持有某种禁用物质或方法就是违反了反兴奋剂规则,如经证实,首次违禁可 招禁赛两年,第二次违反反兴奋剂规则,则可终 禁赛。
The use or possession of a prohibited substances or methods would constitute an anti-doping rule violation which, if proven, could result in a two year period of ineligibility for a first violation or life for a second anti-doping rule violation.
4.3.2 反兴奋剂组织应将由于违反反兴奋剂规则处 禁赛 期 或 临时停赛期的、 由其管辖的运动员列入兴奋剂检查运动员注册库。
4.3.2 The ADO shall include Athletes under their authority in the Registered Testing Pool who are serving periods of Ineligibility or Provisional Suspensions as Consequences of Anti-Doping Rules Violations.
不幸的是,在包揽圣塞瓦斯蒂安大奖赛后,因用3升发动机取代2升发动机,他 禁赛 5 年 , 即使当时他已退休。
Unfortunately, in 1924, after having dominated the San Sebastiano GP, he was disqualified for five years, even though he had retired, for having replaced the 2-litre engine in his car with a 3-litre unit.
参赛者只可在 授权网站www.fantasyfishing.com上选择专业团队。不得让其他人或实体代行,也不可通过其它网站或Email进行组队,包括但不限于博彩网站通知与/或录入服务网站。禁止使用自动报名设备,违反者将 禁赛 。 若 确定某参赛者违反本规则,主办方有单方取消其比赛资格的权力。 为防止发生争议,本规则明确规定,组队应由被授权的报名Email账户持有人进行。
Pro Team selections must be made by a Player only at the authorized web site of www.fantasyfishing.com. Pro Team selections may not be made by any other individual or any entity, and/or originating at any other Internet web site or email address, including but not limited to commercial sweepstakes subscription notification and/or entering service sites.
另外,根据该法 成立禁止体育比赛中的 暴力行为委员会,以消除这一现象。
The Law further establishes a Committee for the Prevention of Violence in Sports geared towards the elimination of the phenomenon.
第 5722-1962 号《公共场所安全法》于
[...] 2005 年 7 月作了修改(第 3 号修正 案),其中特禁止体育比赛中使用种族歧视的表达。
The Safety in Public Places Law
5722-1962, was amended (Amendment 3) in July
[...] 2005, to specifically prohibit racially motivated [...]
expressions at sporting events.
孟加拉国不支持外层空间武器 化,强调防止外层空间军备赛,包 括 禁 止 在外层空间部署或使用武器,有助于 防止使和平与安全受到威胁。
Bangladesh does not support outer space weaponization
and emphasizes that
[...] prevention of an arms race in outer space, including a ban on the deployment [...]
or use of weapons therein
is instrumental in avoiding threats to peace and security.
但是今年的第一场世界杯预赛,我 不 禁 想 在 拉脱维亚对阵希腊的比赛中赌一把。
However looking at the first World Cup qualifier here, I can’t help think the bookies have made a potential error in pricing up the Latvia v Greece game.
仲裁/法律选择:若无法禁止,参赛 者 同意以下事项: [a ]任何由本促销及其奖金、获奖者评定引发或与之相关的争议、索赔与诉讼均应个别解决,参赛者保证不为此提出任何形式的集体诉讼;一切争议均按照美国仲裁委员会仲裁条款进行仲裁,结果在美国明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯市(Minneapolis)生效; [b]一切索赔、裁断及判决均以已产生的实际费用为准,其中包括与参赛有关的费用,但决不包括律师费;以及 [c] [...] [...]
[...] LAW: Except where prohibited, Players agree that [...]
(a) any and all disputes, claims, and causes of action
arising out of or connected with this Promotion, or any prize awarded, or the determination of the winners, shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action, and exclusively by arbitration pursuant to the Rules of the American Arbitration Association, then effective, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA (b) any and all claims, judgments and awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred, including costs associated with entering this Promotion but in no event attorneys’ fees; and (c) under no circumstances will Player will be permitted to obtain awards for and Player hereby waives all rights to claim punitive, incidental and consequential damages and any other damages, other than for actual out-of-pocket expenses, and any and all rights to have damages multiplied or otherwise increased.
2008 年 7 月,第 5768-2008 号禁止体育比赛中的暴力行为法》开始生 效,该法旨在促进采用安全与和平的方式进行体育比赛,通过扩展种族主义表现 [...]
In July 2008, the Prohibition of Violence in Sporting [...]
Events Law 5768-2008, was enacted in order to facilitate the safe
and peaceful manner of sporting events by broadening the definition of racist display and facilitating training for security personnel as well as broadening their responsibilities and authorities.
里约集团敦促谈判会议全体成员表现出必要的 政治意愿,确保毫不拖延地开始实质性的工作,通过
[...] 并执行一个推动核裁军议程的平衡和全面的工作方 案,包括谈判一项核武器公约,一项有关向无核武器 国作出消极安全保证的普遍、无条件和具有法律约束 力的文书,防止外层空间的军备赛 , 以 及一 禁止 生 产用于核武器或其他核爆炸装置的裂变材料的多 边和非歧视性的条约。
The Rio Group urges all members of the Conference to demonstrate the political will necessary to ensure the start, without delay, of its substantive work through the adoption and implementation of a balanced and comprehensive programme of work that moves the nuclear disarmament agenda forward, including negotiations on a nuclear weapons convention, a universal, unconditional and legally binding instrument on negative security assurances for
non-nuclear-weapon States, the
[...] prevention of an arms race in outer space and a multilateral and non-discriminatory treaty banning the production [...]
of fissile material for
nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices.




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