

单词 禁语



taboo language

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External sources (not reviewed)

如果您禁用语音提 示与控制功能,您可以手动将 Jabra SUPREME 设为配对模式,方法是在将吊臂翻转到打开位置的同时按住接听/结束按钮。
If you have disabled Voice Guidance and Control you can put Jabra SUPREME in pairing mode manually by holding the Answer/end button while flipping the boom arm to On position.
这项禁令要求企业张贴固定式禁烟 标 语,禁 止 自 动贩卖机出售香烟,以及确保指定的户外吸烟区不致影响行人交通。
This ban requires businesses to display prominent no-smoking signs, stop [...]
selling cigarettes from vending machines and ensure
that designated outdoor smoking zones do not affect pedestrian traffic.
注: 如果您禁用“语音向 导”,您可以手动将 Jabra FREEWAY 置于配对模式,方法是按住“接听/结束”按钮,同时将电源开关滑到“On”(开启)位置。
Note: If you have disabled Voice Guidance [...]
you can put Jabra FREEWAY in pairing mode manually by pressing and holding the
Answer/end button while you slide the power switch into the On position.
如果您禁用“语音向 导”,请打开手机上的蓝牙设置菜单搜索新的蓝牙设备。
If you have disabled the Voice Guidance go to the Bluetooth settings menu on your phone and search for new Bluetooth devices.
该方案确认并规范了语言权, 包括使用和保护土著语言及其使用者 禁 止 语 言 歧 视。
The act recognized and regulated linguistic rights, including the
use and protection of indigenous languages and of
[...] their speakers, and prohibited discrimination on the basis of language.
约旦当局解释说,《刑法典》中将“暂时 禁 ” 一 语 界 定 期限为 3 至 20 年的一种惩罚,除非该《法典》另有规定。
The Jordanian authorities clarified that the Penal Code defined the
[...] term “temporary imprisonment” as a sanction [...]
ranging from 3 to 20 years, unless another
article in the Code provided otherwise.
没有提及禁运, 因为该案件与一次试飞有关,而这不属 禁 运 ,该 用 语 令 人 困惑。
The embargo is not mentioned and, as the case concerns a test flight, which
[...] is not under embargo, the language is confusing.
例如, 1990 年以来,缅甸一禁止将钦语教学 作为小学的一门独立科目,而只准以缅甸语作 为沟通媒介。
For example,
[...] teaching of the Chin language as a separate subject in primary schools has been banned since 1990 and only [...]
the Myanmar language is allowed as the medium of communication in school.
有些 地方限制在学校使用其语言,并禁 止 讲 授其 语 言 , 这妨碍了儿童学会以自己 的语言进行读写,结果是使他们丧失了本族的一部分文化和传统。
In some places, the restrictions
on the use in school and
[...] against the teaching of other languages prevent those children from [...]
learning to read and write
in their own language; consequently they lose access to a part of their culture and traditions.
从形式角度看,似乎可以避免重复“……除非该解释性声明为…禁 止”一语。
As for form, in order to avoid repetition, it might be possible to say “... unless the latter is
[...] expressly or implicitly prohibited ...”.
政党法》第 36.04号禁止基于宗教语言、 族裔或区域特征的政党或任何 形式的歧视或违反人权的行为。
The Political
[...] Parties Act No. 36.04 prohibits the establishment of political parties on the basis of religious, linguistic, ethnic or regional [...]
identity or any form
of discrimination or violation of human rights.
委员会还希望鼓励各国利用其网站上 公布的关于武禁运的术语解释 文件(www.un.org/sc/committees/ 1267/usefulpapers)。
The Committee would also like to encourage States to make use of the
explanation of terms
[...] paper on the arms embargo which is posted on the website of the Committee (www.un.org/sc/committees/1267/usefulpapers).
禁止地方语言的做法有碍于落 实教育方法的可接受性和可调适性。
This prohibition on local languages prevents acceptability [...]
and adaptability in the education method.
4.认识到理事会和总秘书处将核裁军文献翻译成拉 禁 核 组 织官 语文 的努力,要求拉禁核组织成员国在其教育和学术机构中进行传播。
the efforts of the Council and the General Secretariat to translate
the documentary on
[...] nuclear disarmament into the official languages of OPANAL and request the Members States [...]
of OPANAL to distribute
it in their educational and academic institutions.
阿塞拜疆报告该国宪法保障少数民族的权利 禁 止 出 于族裔 语 言 或 宗教原 因的歧视。
Azerbaijan reported that its Constitution
guaranteed the rights of national
[...] minorities and prohibited discrimination on grounds of ethnicity, language or religion.
他们禁止说自己语言, 并被鼓励与外族通婚。
They were prohibited from speaking their own languages and were encouraged [...]
to intermarry.
(b) 公开谴责针对罗姆人的语和人 身攻击 禁 止 和 预防煽动仇恨言论, 组织提高认识活动和宣传活动,倡导对多元化的容忍和尊重。
(b) Publicly condemn verbal and physical
[...] attacks against Roma, prohibit and prevent the advocacy [...]
of hate speech and organize awareness-raising
and information campaigns promoting tolerance and respect for diversity.
其 中,我们已采取减少吸烟和饮酒的步骤,特别是在香 烟盒上标示警语和禁止向 18 岁以下未成年人出售 酒品。
Among them, we have taken steps to reduce the use of tobacco and alcohol,
particularly through warnings on cigarette
[...] packages and by prohibiting the sale of alcohol [...]
to minors under 18 years of age.
然而,委员会关切地注意到,在瑞士,尤其在瑞士语区,监狱的禁条件 并非适当,有时不能保证未成年犯与成年犯分监。
However, the Committee notes with concern the acute
overcrowding of the
[...] Champ Dollon prison, that conditions in Swiss prisons, especially in the French-speaking cantons, are [...]
inadequate and that
the separation of adults and minors is not always guaranteed.
在大多数总部 工作地点和区域委员会任职的工作人员可以学习 非正式语文的当地语言课程例如亚洲及太平洋经 济社会委员会(亚太经社会)的泰语、联合国内罗
[...] 毕办事处的斯瓦希里语、联合国维也纳办事处和 联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室(禁毒办 )的 语。
Staff serving in most headquarters duty stations and regional commissions have access to courses in local languages that are not official languages (for example Thai at the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), Swahili at the United
Nations Office at Nairobi and German at the United Nations Office at Vienna and the
[...] United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime).
但是在中国,“破产”和“关闭”这些 语 非 常 禁 忌 , 尤其当国家经济放缓和政府官员不愿意看到失业率上升之时。
But in China the words “bankruptcy” and “closure”
[...] are still largely taboo, especially as the [...]
nation’s economy slows and government officials
are loathe to see unemployment rise.
如Java脚语言被禁用, 你将会看到“媒体帮助”页面(本页)上出现多个链接。
Also, you may see multiple links to the Media Help page (this page) if java script has been disabled.
它不保障人们有权使用少数民语言 与当局交流,并明禁 止以其他语言与 全国各地官方机构进行书面通讯。
It does not guarantee the right
[...] to use minority languages for communication with the authorities and expressly prohibits the use of other languages in written communications [...]
with official bodies across the country.
55 人权事务委员会对在伊朗伊斯兰共和国基督教少数群体的成员受歧视表示 关切,其中包括基于对改变宗教信仰的指控而进行逮捕 禁 止 用波 斯 语 进 行 基督 教布道活动等。
The Human Rights Committee expressed concern about discrimination against members of the Christian minority in the Islamic
Republic of Iran, including arrests based on charges of
[...] proselytizing and a ban on conducting Christian services in Farsi.
根据第 11
[...] 条(烟草制品的包装和标签)的规定,缔约方须规范烟草制品的标 签和包装,包括说明烟草使用的有害后果的清晰健康 语 以 及 禁 止 在 包装上使用 可能会产生一些制品的危害小于其他制品(如“淡味”、“柔和”等词语)的误导和 [...]
Under the provisions of article 11 (Packaging and labelling of tobacco products), parties are required to regulate the labelling and packaging of tobacco
products, to include strong
[...] health warnings about the dangers of tobacco use as well as ban the use of terms [...]
on packages that can
be misleading and give the wrong impression that some products are less harmful than others (e.g., terms such as “light”, “mild”, etc.).
阿拉萨尼亚先生(委员会秘书)(以语 发 言 ):题 为禁止使用核武器公约》的决议草案 A/C.1/65/L.26 [...]
是由印度代表在 2010 年 10 月 14 日第 10 次会议上介 绍的。
(Secretary of the Committee): Draft
resolution A/C.1/65/L.26,
[...] entitled “Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear [...]
Weapons”, was introduced by the
representative of India at the 10th meeting, on 14 October 2010.
21 关于同样以所谓没有十分 熟练地掌握官语言为由禁止一 位属于少数群体的人竞选的问题,欧洲人权法院 认为违反了《欧洲人权公约第一议定书》第三条。
In a number of cases, the European Court assessed situations in which States prevented persons belonging to minorities from establishing associations aimed at furthering the cultural and political interests of the groups.
联合国驻利比里亚特派团部队将合并地点和基地,转为更机动的态势,并在 特派团军事部门减员的情况下开展工作,以便为该国各地提供安全防护,支持国 家安全部队,与新组建的军队举行联合演习,按照联合国军 禁 运 豁免规定检查 政府获得的武器和弹药库存,供国家警察使用,开展警戒和搜查行动以收回非法 武器,保护联合国和政府所在地点和设施,并定期进行空中和地面巡逻,特别是 对边界沿线和其他高风险地区进行巡逻。
The forces of the United Nations Mission in Liberia will consolidate their locations and bases, shifting to a more mobile posture and working within the reduced strength of the military component of the Mission, in order to provide a security umbrella throughout the country, support the national security forces, conduct joint exercises with the new army, undertake inspections of inventories of weapons and ammunition obtained by the Government in accordance with the exemptions to the United Nations arms embargo for use by the national police, undertake cordon and search operations to retrieve illegal weapons, protect key United Nations and Government locations and installations and conduct regular air and ground patrols, in particular along the borders and in other high-risk areas.
这种立法为以下任何罪行或罪行组合规定了普遍管辖权: (a) 严重违反日内瓦四公约及其《第一附加议定书》的行为(主要是英联邦成员 国);(b) 1954 年《海牙公约》《第二号议定书》和《保护所有人免遭强迫失踪国 际公约》特别规定的犯罪(例如塞浦路斯、日本和荷兰);(c) 没有条约规定普遍
[...] (比利时、加拿大、新西兰和菲律宾)以及违 禁 止 或 管制使用某种武器的行为(南 非);(d) [...]
《罗马规约》第 8 条所列的战争罪(比利时、加拿大、德国、新西兰和 联合王国)。
This legislation provides for universal jurisdiction over any or a combination of the following: (a) grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocol I thereto (primarily States members of the Commonwealth); (b) crimes specified under the Second Protocol to the 1954 Hague Convention and the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (for example, Cyprus, Japan and the Netherlands); (c) other violations of international humanitarian law where no treaty requires universal jurisdiction, such as war crimes committed in non-international armed conflict (Belgium, Canada, New Zealand and
the Philippines) and violations of
[...] treaties that either prohibit or regulate the [...]
use of certain weapons (South Africa);
(d) the war crimes list contained in article 8 of the Rome Statute (Belgium, Canada, Germany, New Zealand and the United Kingdom).




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