

单词 祸不旋踵

See also:


in the twinkle of an eye
turn on one's heel

External sources (not reviewed)

在 2009 年 9 月至 10 月的几周 中,严重洪灾、热带旋、海 啸和多次大地震在本区域 踵 而 来 ,损失巨 大。
A series of severe floods, tropical cyclones, a tsunami and several major earthquakes, [...]
which occurred in the region over
a few weeks in September and October 2009, caused enormous damage.
主席,台灣曾 遭 受日本人的殖 民 統 治 50 年,光 復 後 雖然回到 祖 國 懷 抱 ,不旋 踵 便 遭 遇 到 當時國 民 黨 政 府 的 行 政長官 陳儀施 政 而 未 能善待 台灣同 胞 , 在 1947 年 2 月 17 日因警察毆 打 女 香煙攤販而引發 了二二八事件。
Governor CHEN Yi of the Kuomintang Government failed to treat Taiwanese compatriots well and the incident occurred after some police investigators had beaten up a woman selling cigarettes on 27 February 1947.
他的盼望神學是當時代的一種突破, 他重申了那年代的時代精神 (Zeitgeist), 那年頭的世界正從二戰的廢墟中重建, 但旋踵又栽進了六十年代的狂 飆之中。
It was a validation of the Zeitgeist, of the world rebuilding from the ruins, but soon plunging into the turbulence of the sixties.
在确认各国都受到人口贩运影响的同时,各位部长敦促所有国家鼓励正在 开展的打击这祸患的 国家努力,以合作的态度在区域和国际框架下进行工 作,不对其 他国家施加任何单边要求。
Recognizing that all countries are affected by trafficking in persons, the
Ministers urged all States
[...] to encourage national efforts being made to combat this scourge and to work together in a collaborative manner and within [...]
a regional and international
framework without imposing unilateral requirements on other States.
選用「英國屬土公民」這些字眼實在夠諷刺,因為那些想藉 成為屬土公民而依靠英 國的香港不旋踵便發 現在國籍和護照等重要事情㆖,英國根本不足以信賴。
An ironic choice of words, because Hong Kong people who wanted to depend upon Britain soon found that Britain was not dependable at all when it came to important things like nationality and passports.
在已有进展的基础上再接再厉,我们的共同责任 是,推动打击种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关不容忍行为祸害的斗争,因为这 祸 害 在 我们所 有国家里阴不散, 而且威胁着我们民主社会的基 础,即,法治和尊重人权。
In building on the progress already made, it is our common responsibility to promote the fight
against racism, racial
[...] discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance — scourges that persist in all of our countries and threaten the [...]
foundations of our democratic
societies, namely, the rule of law and respect for human rights.
虽然我们集团的一些国家没有参加今天的会议, 并且尽管一些国家不参与这个进程,但是我们大家重
[...] 申我们坚定不移的承诺,要在国际、区域和国家各级 继续执行有效的措施,以打击这祸 害 、 结束有不 罚现象并把提倡平等与平等机会,纳入所有国家政策 [...]
While a number of countries of our Group are not participating in today’s event, and in spite of the fact that some States do not participate in this process, we all renew our unwavering commitment to pursue at international, regional and national levels
the implementation of effective
[...] measures to fight these scourges, to end impunity and [...]
to mainstream the promotion of equality
and equal opportunities into all Government policies.
今天,根不存在为这祸害辩解的理由,因为这是 公海航行自由的明显倒退。
Nothing today can justify this scourge, which is a clear step [...]
backwards for the freedom of navigation on the high seas.
关于他的身体另一方面话语的塞维鲁这使得基督的苦难自愿许可,造成相当的治疗比自然有必要,或许可以辩解的考虑,从工会和随之而来的至福直观的基督的灵魂,将congruous ly 接 踵 而 来 一个灵魂封圣的身体和精神化的,因为实际上是复活的情况后,从这个角度来看,的确是人性的可能性是自愿的(即,神颁布的意愿), 不 是 由 于它在该州是它固有的联盟后,虽然人的本质是它自己的性质passible)除了联盟(圣托马斯,三,问:十四,答:1,广告2。
On the other hand utterances of Severus which make Christ's sufferings voluntarily permitted, rather than naturally necessitated by the treatment inflicted on His Body, might perhaps be defended by the consideration that from the union and consequent Beatific Vision in the Soul of Christ, would congruously ensue a beatification of the Soul and a spiritualizing of the Body, as was actually the case after the Resurrection; from this point of view it is true that the possibility of the Humanity is voluntary (that is, decreed by the Divine will) and not due to it in the state which is connatural to it after the union; although the Human Nature is of its own nature passible apart from the union (St. Thomas, III, Q. xiv, a. 1, ad 2).
领导人一方面重申谴责一切形式的恐怖主义 不 管 其 借口为何,并重申他们 的承诺,打击阿拉伯世界任何地方的恐怖主义温床,将交付赎金给恐怖分子或恐 怖集团或组织定为犯罪,领导人也全然拒绝某些外国和政党,特别是某些西方人 士以保护少数等各种借口干涉阿拉伯国家内部事务的所有企图,这些人的行动表 明他们对恐怖主义的性质、原因和目标的无知,因为对于这 祸 害 , 世界上任何 国家都无法幸免。
While the leaders reiterate their condemnation of all types of terrorism, on whatever pretext, and renew their commitment to confront hotbeds of terrorism anywhere in the Arab world and criminalize the payment of ransoms to terrorists or terrorist groups or organizations, they also completely reject all attempts by certain foreign States and parties and, in particular, certain Western circles, to intervene in the internal affairs of Arab States on pretexts that include the protection of minorities, which demonstrate their ignorance of the nature, causes and goals of terrorism, from which no country in the world is exempt.
我们在这里的所有人都知道,气候 变化如何在加剧这祸患,而且, 不 该 为 此承担责 任的国家又如何在遭受它最严重的影响。
All of us here know how climate
[...] change is abetting these scourges and how the countries [...]
least responsible for it suffer the most from its effects.
特别是民间社会和私营部门协调一致,有效调集国 家、区域和国际各级的政治意愿,执行《德班宣言和 行动纲领》以及德班审查会议的成果文件,我们就能
[...] 够在生活各个层面和世界各个角落、包括在那些被外 国占领的地方,切实打击并遏止种族主义、种族歧视、 仇外心理以及相不容忍行为祸患。
It is our profound belief that with the mobilization of political will at national, regional and international levels effectively to implement the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, as well as the outcome documents of the Durban Review Conference by our Governments in concert with all stakeholders, inter alia civil society and the private sector, will we be able truly to combat and curb the scourge of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and
related intolerance in all spheres of life and in all
[...] parts of the world, including all those under foreign [...]
[...] 言,我们肩负着从我们的国土上消除国际恐怖主义这 一祸以及不仅保 护我们自己还要保护全世界的艰 巨任务。
But as far as we are concerned, we have the
very difficult task
[...] of eliminating the scourge of international [...]
terrorism from our territories and of protecting not only ourselves but the world.
古巴而不是贩运人祸害的 来源国、过境国或 目的地国,就我国而言,我们在此领域已通过立法和 措施,使我们成为预防和打击贩运人口活动规范和机 制最先进的国家之一。
In the case of
[...] Cuba — which is not categorized as a country of origin, transit or destination of this scourge — the legislation [...]
and measures that we have
adopted in this area make us one of the countries with the most advanced norms and mechanisms to prevent and combat trafficking in persons.
不要旋转耦合螺母, 以免损坏波纹管顶盖和 D 形密封件。
To avoid damage to the bellows top cap and the D-shaped seal, do not turn the coupling nut.
拧紧固定环直至空气帽紧紧固定在 位置上不能用手旋转空气帽的角。
Tighten the retaining ring until the air cap is held firmly in place;
[...] you should not be able to rotate the air cap horns [...]
by hand.
1.47 维持和平行动支助账户资源和预算外资源将用于:(a) 支持全球契约倡议推动主要利益攸关方 之间的合作并促进伙伴关系以支持联合国的各项目标;(b) 在维持和平问题上辅助政治、维持 和平和人道主义事务厅的工作;(c) 协助秘书长展开旋以及在世界各地区展开建立和平活 动;(d) 用于秘书长办公厅的特别项目;(e) 支持联合不同文 明联盟事务高级代表的活动; (f) 支持秘书长关于气候变化的优先议程以及全球可持续性问题高级别小组的工作。
1.47 Resources from the support account for peacekeeping operations and extrabudgetary resources would: (a) support the Global Compact initiative in facilitating cooperation among key stakeholders and promoting partnerships in support of United Nations goals; (b) supplement the work of the Office of Political, Peacekeeping and Humanitarian Affairs on issues relating to peacekeeping; (c) assist the Secretary-General in the exercise of his good offices and peacemaking activities in all regions of the world; (d) be used for special projects to be undertaken by the Office of the Secretary-General; (e) support the activities of the United Nations High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations; and (f) support the Secretary-General’s priority agenda relating to climate change and the work of the High-level Panel on Global Sustainability.
社會輿論普遍認為,現時的建築物條例和指引存 不 少 問題,導致近年踵出現影響市區環境的巨型住宅項目。
There is a general view that the established building regulations and guidelines have resulted in the emergence of mega residential blocks in recent years.
其它的协定随后踵 而至 ,办事处逐渐承接了更多的项目与合同 (如图 1 所示),其中最大的是由不同部 委 按照前述之“自利”性方案出资的国家拨款项目。
Other agreements soon followed and slowly the Office began to take on more projects and agreements, as shown in Figure 1, most of which were financed through national allocations from different ministries in accordance to the self-benefiting schemes outlined above.
咨询委员会要求今后任何拟议预算都 须提供足够的信息,免其踵索要 之累。
The Advisory Committee requests that any future budget proposal provide sufficient information to avoid follow-up requests.
一旦丑闻被曝光,就引起公众的抗议, 踵 而 来 的是大量的诉讼,政府的回应 (通常包括调查),最后,发布新政策对血液进行集中控制管理,对受害者作出赔偿:尽管各不 一定按照这个顺序进行处理。
Once they came to light, there was a public
outcry, a flood of lawsuits, a government
[...] response (usually including an investigation), and ultimately, new central government policies on blood regulation and compensation for victims; though these have not always occurred in the order presented.
因此,他們只可以繼續工作更長時 間及給予病人更少的時間,以應付這些 踵 而 來 的工作壓力和工作量。
What the staff can do is to work longer and longer hours and give less and less time to the patients in a desperate bid to cope with such crushing pressure at work and heavy workload.
最近,在联合王国协助下在冈比亚查获两吨可卡 因,并在美国逮捕数名计划通过利比里亚向欧洲和北
[...] 美走私四吨可卡因的嫌犯,均证明西非国家打击贩祸害的决心不断增 强,并证明国际合作的极端重要 性。
The recent seizure of two tons of cocaine in the Gambia, with the assistance of the United Kingdom, and the arrest of suspects in the United States who were planning to smuggle four tons of cocaine to Europe and North America through Liberia are evidence of the
increasing commitment of the West African
[...] States to fighting the scourge of drug trafficking [...]
and of the vital importance of international cooperation.
由於沒有先例,無線衛星台在公佈計劃後,來自四方八面的壓力 踵 而 來 ,當中包括政府中央選舉委員會的勸喻。
Since there was no precedent, after TVBS announced its plan, pressure came from different sides, including the urge from the government's Central Election Commission.
[...] 作为大部分人权核心文书的缔约国,代表团将继续 支持迅速执行对消除种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心 理和相不容忍这一祸害的承诺。
His delegation welcomed the outcome document of the Durban Review Conference, and as a party to most of the core human rights instruments, it would continue to advocate the speedy
implementation of all the commitments
[...] made to eliminate the scourge of racism, racial discrimination, [...]
xenophobia and related intolerance.
而像11岁的杂技学徒任培苑这样的女孩,能够用双 不 停 旋 转 一个鼓状的花瓶。
Girls, including 11-year-old apprentice
[...] acrobat Yuan, spin a drum-like vase with their feet.
如果没有格鲁吉亚的千年发展目标方案,那么格 鲁吉亚在排不发达状况这祸患 方面 便 不 可 能取 得同样的成功。
Georgia’s success in overcoming the plague of underdevelopment would not have been the same without its MDGs programme.
如有必要,便与区域经济共同体的主要部长会议 踵 举 行,以便为次区域 部长核心小组提供平台,商讨具体的次区域发展难题。
Whenever the need arises, meetings are held back-to-back with major ministerial conferences of the regional economic communities in order to provide a platform for subregional ministerial caucuses to address specific subregional development challenges.
就打击跨大西洋贩运毒品,即可卡因的问题而 言,在共同责任的原则基础上开展更广泛的合作至关
[...] 重要,以便找到长期办法,应对这一正在逐步地、日 复一日地在西非和萨赫勒区域生根的令 不 安 的祸 患。
With regard to the fight against the transatlantic trafficking of drugs, namely, cocaine, broader cooperation based on the principle of shared responsibility is essential in order
to find long-term responses to the
[...] disturbing scourge that is progressively taking [...]
root, day by day, in the regions of West Africa and the Sahel.
FOSS样品磨系列涵盖了湿化学分析和近红外分析所需的样品制备的广泛应用。产品范围包括2094和2097均质机,用于高脂高油的大量样品的快速均质;Cemotec™盘式磨用于粉碎固体样品 不 损 失 水分;Cyclot ec ™ 旋 风 磨 用于粉碎干样;Knifetec™刀式磨用于制备高脂肪、高水分和高纤维含量的样品。
Sample Mills cover a broad range of sample preparation applications for both traditional wet chemistry and near infrared analysis The range includes Homogenizers 2094 and 2097 for rapid homogenization of larger samples with a high fat or oil content; the Cemotec™ Mill for grinding solid samples without moisture loss; the Cyclotec™ Mill for uniform grinding of dry samples and the Knifetec™ Mill for the preparation of high-fat, high-moisture and fibrous samples.




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