单词 | 祷告 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 祷告 noun —prayers plExamples:做祷告 v—pray v See also:祷 v—pray v 祷—supplication 告 v—tell v • say v • inform v
这座山如同一堆人们的祷告,祈求能摸索到“渠道”再一次将自己和故土的记忆(历史)连接在一起。 shanghaibiennale.org | This mountain is like a pile [...] of people’s prayers all groping for [...]the “channel” to link oneself once again with the memories (histories) of the land. shanghaibiennale.org |
在伊斯兰历史上,先知曾禁止他的信徒在这 样的清真寺祷告,并 允许信徒摧毁这样的清真寺。 crisisgroup.org | In Islamic history, the Prophet had forbade his [...] followers from praying at such mosques [...]and authorised their destruction. crisisgroup.org |
他们一起祷告,并 且接下来以健康的方式讨论了影像制品在他们家 庭中的位置。 sallee.info | They prayed together and good healthy [...] discussion followed about the place of videos in their home. sallee.info |
星期五中午祷告后, 一群武装人员集中在北区靠近Sa`a 环岛的一个检 查站。 daccess-ods.un.org | On Friday, after the noon prayer, a group of armed [...] men gathered in the northern quarter, near the checkpoint at the Sa`a roundabout. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些都是普世的标准,它们包括有权享受正当法律程序,能够畅所欲言,公开结社,以自己选择的方 式 祷告 , 以 及享受新闻自由的益处。 embassyusa.cn | These are universal standards, and they include the right to due process of [...] law, to be able to speak freely, to [...] associate openly, to pray in the manner [...]one chooses and to enjoy the benefits of a free press. eng.embassyusa.cn |
最基本的福利和娱 乐设施,又称“福利包”,将包括以下内容:(a) 一个配备适当锻炼器械的室内 健身房;(b) 一个多功能娱乐中心,可用作休息室、网吧和酒吧,提供室内游戏 和一台带有 DVD [...] 播放机的电视机;(c) 一个阅览室和祷告/默思室(A/62/663,第 57 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The minimum welfare and recreation facilities, or “welfare kits”, would consist of (a) an indoor gymnasium with appropriate equipment to exercise; (b) a multi-purpose recreation centre that would serve as a lounge, Internet café and bar and be provided with [...] indoor games and a television set with a DVD player; and [...] (c) a library and a prayer/meditation room (A/62/663, [...]para. 57). daccess-ods.un.org |
我们鼓励所有在地方教会里的圣徒,每 天要有一段个人祷告的时间。 concernedbrothers.com | All those in the local churches are encouraged to have a [...] time of personal prayer every day. concernedbrothers.com |
回顾历史可以发现,伊兹尼克传统同时也反映出传统社会的父权制特点:男性艺术家创作的作品主要用来装饰男性专用场所的墙壁,比如清真寺里男 性 祷告 区 以 及浴室等。 shanghaibiennale.org | Historically, Iznik also reflected the male patriarchy of traditional society, with male artists producing work that adorned the walls of spaces limited to males, such as the male quarters of mosques and baths. shanghaibiennale.org |
如果你就是想不起来任何可以在里面的圈中的人,那么你就需要开始认真、具体、恒切 地 祷告, 求神从你那个新教会中兴起带领人。 sallee.info | If you just can’t think of anyone who might be in the [...] inner spheres, you need to begin serious, [...] specific, intense prayer that God would raise [...]up leaders from within the new church plant. sallee.info |
在中东某国家,检举揭发祷告小组是可以得到奖金的。 conversation.lausanne.org | In one Middle Eastern nation, rewards are offered to [...] anyone who exposes a prayer group. conversation.lausanne.org |
具有一种说法就退休前祈祷的阿爸本杰明,其澄清,连同其他三个baraitot和阿巴本杰明haggadic熟语就祈祷(6A),关于魔(与巴比伦的作者不同的说法),并在犹太教 堂 祷告 b a r ai ta 。 mb-soft.com | A baraita with a saying of Abba Benjamin regarding prayer before retiring, and its elucidation, together with three other baraitot and haggadic [...] sayings of Abba [...] Benjamin regarding prayer (6a), regarding demons (with various sayings of Babylonian authors), and praying in the synagogue. mb-soft.com |
请为未来的青年组祷告和现有的 领导方向祷告。 lcgchurch.org.uk | Please pray for the direction of the youth group and the [...] existing leaders for the coming year ahead. lcgchurch.org.uk |
2010年4 月,通常和他一起参加星期五祷告的 他 的两个朋友被国家安全局逮 捕。 daccess-ods.un.org | In April 2010, two of his friends with whom he used [...] to attend Friday prayers were arrested by [...]the SNB. daccess-ods.un.org |
我再次向帝力和达尔文两地全心全力投 入医疗工作的医生和护士、我的家人和朋友以及全世 [...] 界数以千计不知姓名的友人、领袖和不论身份、地位 和年龄的一般人民以及对国内外无时一刻不为 我祷 告的所有人表达我永恒的感激。 daccess-ods.un.org | Once again, to the devoted doctors and nurses in Dili and Darwin, my family and friends and the anonymous thousands around the world, leaders and common people, of all walks of life and [...] of all ages — to all those who devoted [...] countless hours to praying for me, in my own [...]beloved country and elsewhere — I reiterate my eternal gratitude. daccess-ods.un.org |
(a) 联合国开罗新闻中心同宗教基金部协作;教长应邀在星期 五 祷告 时 ,在 50 000 多所清真寺宣讲贫穷方面的内容。 daccess-ods.un.org | (a) The United Nations Information Centre in Cairo collaborated with the Ministry of Religious Endowment, and Imams were invited to preach in more than 50,000 mosques about poverty during Friday sermons. daccess-ods.un.org |
巴尼亚穆伦盖族领导人和卢民主力量情报军官称,这些自称 是 祷告 团体的布隆迪人其实是布隆迪民族革命阵线战斗人员。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to Banyamulenge leaders and FDLR intelligence officers, these Burundians, [...] who claim to be a prayer group, are in fact [...]FRONABU combatants. daccess-ods.un.org |
但这个挑战已经促使一些人从根本上重新思考他们的事工方法,并以热切的 心 祷告 , 寻 求突破口,希望带来有深度的、具有转化大能的、以及在整个群体范围内的门徒训练。 conversation.lausanne.org | But it has compelled some to rethink radically their [...] approaches and to pray fervently for [...]breakthroughs that would lead to discipleship [...]that is deep, transformational and community-wide. conversation.lausanne.org |
人人有在单独或与他人集体祷告、宗教实践或宣教中表示 他们的信仰或宗教信仰的自由,有私下或公开表示自己信仰的自由。 daccess-ods.un.org | Everyone shall have the freedom to manifest their faith or religious beliefs in worship, religious practice or instruction, individually or in community with others, and to manifest their beliefs in private or in public. daccess-ods.un.org |
儿童基金会参加了 2009 年发起的世界祷告和为 儿童采取行动日,并打算每 年在 11 [...] 月 20 日这一周发挥宗教界促进儿童权利的力量和影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNICEF participated in [...] the World Day of Prayer and Action for Children [...]launched in 2009 and intended to mobilize the power [...]and influence of religious communities to promote children’s rights each year during the week of 20 November. daccess-ods.un.org |
在以弗所书6:18-20节中,保罗请求以弗所人为所有教会和他自己代祷:"靠着圣灵,随时多 方 祷告 祈 求 ;并要在此儆醒不倦,为众圣徒祈求,也为我祈求,使我得着口才,能以放胆开口讲明福音的奥秘,我为这福音的奥秘作了带锁炼的使者,并使我照着当尽的本分放胆讲论。 amccsm.org | In Ephesians 6:18-20, Paul asked [...] for prayer for all the church [...] and for himself: "Praying always with all prayer and supplication [...]in the Spirit, being watchful [...]to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints - and for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak. amccsm.org |
以色列继续限制巴勒斯坦人的信仰和宗教 自由,在阿克萨清真寺的周五祷告期 间 对穆斯林进行 限制。 daccess-ods.un.org | It continues to impose restrictions on [...] Palestinians’ freedom of faith and belief through the restrictions imposed on [...] Muslims during Friday prayers in the Al-Aqsa mosque. daccess-ods.un.org |
为此我们讚美感谢神,祂是信实的神及 听 祷告 的 神。 leedsccc.org.uk | We praise God that we continue to see people come to accept Jesus as their Saviour; these last two academic terms we have three people who accepted the Lord. leedsccc.org.uk |
在“福音时代”漫长的世纪更替中,教 会如同她的主所教导她的那样祷告, “ 愿你 的国降临,愿你的旨意行在地上,如同行 [...] 在天上。 thestudiesinthescriptures.com | During the long centuries of the Gospel age, the Church, as instructed by [...] her Lord, has prayed, “Thy kingdom [...]come; thy will be done on earth as it is done in heaven. thestudiesinthescriptures.com |
完成后的天房克尔白Tawaf的,他在木卡姆易卜拉欣提供两个Rakat祈祷,并完 成 祷告 后 ,他到萨和Marwa和进行七轮的Tawaf它们之间并没有因为Ihram禁止任何契据,直到他完成了他的朝觐仪式和牺牲的当天(Dhul [...] - Hijja 10日)在Nahr他哈迪。 mb-soft.com | After finishing Tawaf of the Ka'ba, he offered [...] a two Rakat prayer at Maqam Ibrahim, and after finishing the prayer he went to [...]Safa and Marwa and performed [...]seven rounds of Tawaf between them and did not do any deed forbidden because of Ihram, till he finished all the ceremonies of his Hajj and sacrificed his Hadi on the day of Nahr (10th day of Dhul-Hijja). mb-soft.com |
宣布此类活动的载体有激进 媒体、周五祷告会传 单、Facebook 和其它社交网 站,因此需要通过这些载体驳斥极端思想,但由 于这些媒体的受众大多已经被激进化,所以任何 提出根本异议的人会立即引起注意。 crisisgroup.org | They are [...] announced in advertisements in radical media, in flyers distributed at Friday prayers, and on Facebook [...]and other social networking sites. crisisgroup.org |
赞美主,在圣诞节募款之后,我们印制了80,000本儿童圣经故事和40,000本关 于 祷告 的 灵修及家庭书籍;随即在今年,我们又用圣诞节后收到的奉献,进一步印制了20,000本儿童书籍,以及20,000本关 于 祷告 的 灵 修书籍。 amccsm.org | We praise the Lord that following on from our Christmas appeal when we printed 80,000 copies of our children's Bible story books and 40,000 [...] copies of [...] the devotional and family books on prayer, this year we have been able to print a further 20,000 children's books and a further 20,000 books on prayer with donations that came in after [...]Christmas. amccsm.org |
中国宗教事务主管部门—国家宗教事务局(SARA)—称,朋友和家人在家举 行 祷告 会 无 需向政府登记,但是《宗教事务条例》(RRA)规定,正式的宗教祭拜活动只能在政府批准的场所进行。 embassyusa.cn | The national religious affairs ministry, known as State Administration for Religious [...] Affairs (SARA), stated that friends [...] and family holding prayer meetings at home need [...]not register with the Government, but [...]the regulations on religious affairs (RRA) state that formal worship should take place only in government-approved venues. eng.embassyusa.cn |
在‘新生命教会宣教手册–影响万国一书中,我说“对着一个慷慨的教 会,因你们持续的祷告,在金钱上的付出,出去鼓励人,改变你们的度 [...] 假计划,使用你们宝贵的年假,节省你们的钱,带领团队,动员你们的 小组,启动你们的孩子们,预备你们的见证和信息,整理行装,离开你 [...] 们舒适的家,献上你们的礼物,爱及关心那些在宣教禾场的同工。 newlife.org.my | In my book Impacting Nations – New Life Churches [...] Missions Handbook, I wrote “to a generous [...] church, as you pray regularly, give [...]financially, go to encourage, change your [...]vacation plans, utilize your precious annual leave, save your money, lead teams, mobilize your cell groups, launch your children, prepare your testimonies and messages, pack your bags, leave the comfort of your homes, bring your gifts, love and care for those on the missions field, a BIG thank you”. newlife.org.my |