

单词 票数



stock market index
share price index

See also:


ballot n
ticket n

bank note
person held for ransom
amateur performance of Chinese opera

External sources (not reviewed)

如果在第二轮 投票中双方所票数相同,主席应在两名候选人中通过抽签作出决定。
If in the
[...] second ballot the votes are equally [...]
divided, the President shall decide between the candidates by drawing lots.
就选举以外的事项进行表决时,如赞成和反对 票数 相 等 ,该 提案应视为已被否决。
If a vote is equally divided on matters [...]
other than elections, the proposal shall be regarded as rejected.
投票 将持续到那些集团的某一位候选人获得最 票数 及 所 需要的 数票。
Balloting would continue until a single candidate from one of those groups had obtained the
[...] highest number of votes and the required majority.
当只须选举一人或一名委员并且在第一次投票中没有候选人获得所要求的数票时, 应进行第二次投票,并且只限于对获最 票数 的 两名候选人投票。
1. When only one person or member is to be elected and
no candidate obtains
[...] the required majority in the first ballot, a second ballot shall be taken, which shall be restricted to the two candidates who obtained the greatest number of votes.
如果在第二轮无记名投票中,仍然有两个或者 两个以上候选国获得相票数,则由主席通过抽签方式来指定当选的 候选国。
If in the
[...] second ballot two or more candidates obtain the same number of votes, the Chairperson [...]
shall draw lots to determine which candidate has won.
但如票数相等而未能当选的候选人人数较多,应举行一次 特别投票,目的是将候选人人数减少到所需要的人数;倘若结果又是多于所需要 [...]
However, in the case of a tie between a greater number of unsuccessful
[...] candidates a special ballot shall be held for [...]
the purpose of reducing the number of candidates
to the required number; if a tie again results among more than the required number of candidates, the President shall reduce their number to that required by drawing lots.
投票表决时,有权投一票以上的人士毋须尽投 票数 , 亦 毋须以同一 方式尽投其票。
A person entitled to more than one vote on a poll need not use all his votes or cast all the votes he uses in the same way.
第二,关于该法第 41.1(e)条(《仲裁示范法》第 34 条第 2(b)㈠款)和以该公司 影响公司组织结构方面的协议——在本案中,是对公司章程作必要修改以符合
《巴伦西亚合作法》——不能予以仲裁为由,该争议不能通过仲裁予以解决的 论点,法院认为,上诉实际与这点无关,而是与在通过协议方面的违规做法有
[...] 关,特别是违反了公司章程中规定通过一项协议所要求 票数 百 分 比的条款; 并认为这一问题完全可以诉诸仲裁。
Secondly, with regard to article 41.1 (e) of the Act (MAL art. 34, para. 2 (b) (i)) and the argument that the dispute was not capable of settlement by arbitration on the grounds that company agreements affecting the structural aspects of a company — in this case, the necessary amendment of the company statutes to comply with the Valencian Cooperatives Law — could not be subjected to arbitration, the Court considered that the appeal actually related not to that but to irregularities in the adoption of the agreement and, in particular, the infringement of the article in
the company statutes that stipulated
[...] the percentage of votes required for the adoption [...]
of an agreement; and that question was entirely arbitrable.
如果一名竞选者通过在实名制选举团中赢得最 票数 而 获 得的授权数高于 或等于分派工作结束时的应得数目,该竞选者将保留其候选人赢取的授权,在第 [...]
If the number of mandates obtained by an electoral
competitor by winning in uninominal colleges the
[...] highest number of votes is higher or equal [...]
to the due number of mandates after the
assigning process, that electoral competitor will keep the mandates won by its candidates without gaining other mandates in the second stage.
[...] 告(UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/59/3)中提供的关于执行委员会可动用的先进和 票数 额 的 进 一步信息,本次会议可以用来承付的资金总额为 [...]
122,823,979 美元。
With the balances returned from completed and cancelled projects and the additional information provided by the Treasurer in his verbal update of the Status of the
Fund report
[...] (UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/59/3) on the amounts of cash and promissory notes available [...]
to the Executive Committee as the
total funds available for commitments at the present Meeting were US $122,823,979.
[...] 未获得至少一个授权,则应将第一阶段中剩余的议员授权分派给达到竞选门槛且 在此类组织中获得最高有票数的组 织。
Also, at local elections, in the event none of the organisations of the citizens belonging to national minorities, other than the Hungarian one, has obtained at least a mandate, a councillor’s mandate shall be assigned, from among the ones left from the first stage, to the organisation having
reached the election threshold and having obtained the highest number
[...] of validly expressed votes of all those organisations.
11.7.1 为满足对特定新标准和重大修改(如:突发事件、监管要求)或其它特殊情况进行快速发布的需求,使新标准和现 有标准重大修改的初次投票实现同步,则需要在分会会议表决或通过投票至少得到投票委员会所投赞成票和反对票之和三分之 二的赞票数,并 由主委员会主席批准。
11.7.1 To meet a demand for more rapid issuance of specific new standards, such as an emergency situation, regulatory requirement, or other special circumstance, permission for the initial balloting of new standards concurrently requires an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the combined affirmative
and negative votes cast
[...] by voting members of the subcommittee either at a meeting or by ballot, and approval [...]
by the main committee chairman.
除非正式提出按投票方式表决之要求,而该项要求并无遭撤回,否 则,由主席宣布决议案获通过或一致同意通过或获特定大 数票 通 过 或遭特定大数票否决 或不获通过,且已记录于本公司会议记录册,将为最终凭证,毋须提出赞 成或反对决议案票数或比例之记录。
Unless a poll is duly demanded and the demand is not withdrawn, a declaration by the chairman that a resolution has been carried, or carried
unanimously, or by a
[...] particular majority, or not carried by a particular majority, or lost, and an entry to that effect made in the minute book of the Company, shall be conclusive evidence of the facts without proof of the number or proportion of the votes recorded for or against [...]
the resolution.
但是,由于所投个票数的改 变,根据初次计算结果当选的两名候选人由其各自政治实体的其他候选 人所取代。
However, two candidates who stood to win seats on the basis of the preliminary results were replaced by other candidates from their respective political entities owing to a change in the number of individual votes cast.
如在任何一届会议指定召开首次会议之日未达到本条第1 款规定的法定人 数,次日及会议余下时间的首次会议法定人数为拥有各自类表 票数 的 简 单多数 的出口成员和进口成员的出席人数。
If there is no quorum in accordance with paragraph 1 of this article on the day appointed for the opening meeting of any session, on the second day, and throughout the remainder of the session, the quorum for the opening session shall be constituted by the presence of exporting and importing Members holding a simple majority of the votes in each category.
根据 议事规则第
[...] 83 条,安全理事会非常任理事国应以三分之二 数票 选 出
Under rule 83 of the rules of procedure, the non-permanent members of the Security Council are
[...] elected by a two-thirds majority.
所有当选副主席均获得代表团的 数票 的赞 成。
All the elected Vice-Chairpersons received secondments
[...] from a large majority of the delegates.
[...] 持续进行,直至有足够的候选人经一次或一次以上的投票获得绝对数票以补足全部空缺时为止。
Any meeting of the General Assembly held in pursuance of the Statute of the International Court of Justice for the purpose of electing members of the Court shall continue until as many
candidates as are required for all the seats to be filled have obtained in one or more
[...] ballots an absolute majority of votes.
然 而,瑟姆的绝对数票可以 推翻参议院的否决 决定。
However, the Senate’s veto may be overruled by
[...] an absolute majority vote in the Sejm.
(b) 遇争端各当事国于三个月内未能就和委会组成的全部或部分达成协议
[...] 时,争端各当事国未能同意的和委会委员,应由委员会用无记名投票法以三分之 二数票从其本身的委员中选举。
(b) If the States parties to the dispute fail to reach agreement within three months on all or part of the composition of the Commission, the members of the Commission not agreed upon by the States parties to
the dispute shall be elected by secret ballot by a
[...] twothirds majority vote of the Committee [...]
from among its own members.
技术委员会每次会议的主席应以技术委员会出席并参加表决的成员的数 票选出
The chair at each meeting of the
Technical Committee shall be
[...] elected by the majority vote of those members of the Technical Committee present and voting.
[...] 票的代表团可投票选举多达与须补足空缺数目相同的候选人,在第一次投票中获 得过数票且得 票最多的候选人当选,但人数不得超过应补名额。
When one or more elective places are to be filled at one time under the same conditions, each delegation entitled to vote may cast a vote for as many candidates as there are places to be filled, and those candidates, in a number not exceeding the number
of such places, obtaining in the first
[...] ballot a majority of the votes cast and the [...]
largest number of votes shall be elected.
如为谋求协商一致已尽一切努力但仍未达成 协议,作为最后的方式,该项修正应以出席会议并参加表决的缔约方四分之 三数票通过
If all efforts at consensus have been exhausted, and no agreement reached, the
amendment shall as a last resort be adopted by
[...] four-fifth majority vote of the Parties present and voting at the meeting.
如获得过数票的候 选人少于应补缺额时,应再举行投票以补足余缺,所 表决的候 选人应限 于在前一次投票中得票最多的 [...]
候 选人,其人数 不得超 出应补足 余额一倍。
If the number of candidates
[...] obtaining such a majority is less than the [...]
number of places to be filled, additional ballots
shall be held to fill the remaining places, the voting being restricted to the candidates obtaining the largest number of votes in the previous ballot, in a number not exceeding twice the number of places remaining to be filled.
另一方面,有些国家自然希望避免在联合国内在国家安全问题上实行 数票 通过带来的风险。
On the other hand, it is only natural that some
countries should want to avoid the
[...] risk posed by a majority vote within the United [...]
Nations on problems of national security.
在这种情况发生之前,作为起 步,应该考虑限制使用否决权的各种办法,例如否决 权的使用仅限于安理会根据《宪章》第七章采取措施 进行的表决;根据扩大后的安理会规模允许以商定数
[...] 目的安理会成员投下的赞成票推翻否决;或允许以大 会三分之二的数票推翻否决。
Until that happens, it would be important as a first step to consider various options for limiting the use of the veto, such as limiting the use of the veto to votes on measures adopted by the Council under Chapter VII of the Charter; allowing for the possible annulment of the veto through an affirmative vote by an agreed number of Council members in line with the number of members of
an expanded Council; or allowing for a possible annulment of the veto
[...] by a two-thirds majority in the General [...]
[...] 一名法官而举行的大会第 107 次全体会议上,以 下候选人获得了大会绝对数票:达 尔威·班达 里先生。
107th plenary meeting of the General Assembly, held today for the purpose of electing a member of the International Court
of Justice, the following candidate obtained
[...] an absolute majority of votes in the General Assembly: [...]
Mr. Dalveer Bhandari.
很难调和这一看法和 国际法委员会的以下看法:“该组织拥有独特法律人格并不排除将某一行为同时 归于该组织和它的一个或多个甚至所有成员的可能性”。36 除非该组织自己授权
其成员(通过成员国)代表其采取行动,例如,在国际组织无法接受国际义务时(例 如,见 1993 年 3 月 19 日的欧洲法院第 2/91 号意见),或在条约规定了共同责任
[...] 时,似乎没有明确的理由要求成员国对组织机构作出的决定负责,尤其在这些决 定可能(而且通常是)由(多数)票作出时。
It is difficult to reconcile this position with the position of the Commission that “a distinct legal personality does not exclude the possibility of a certain conduct being attributed both to the organization and to one or more of its members or to all its members”.36 Unless the organization itself authorizes its members to act on its behalf (“through the medium of the Member States”) as, for example, when due to the impossibility for the organization to accept the international obligation (see an example of the Opinion 2/91 of 19 March 1993 of the European Court of Justice), or where shared liability is provided by treaty, there seems to be no clear reason why, for example, member States should be held liable
for decisions taken by the organization bodies, particularly as they may be (and usually
[...] are) taken by a (majority) vote.
[...] 致作出一切努力而仍未达成一致意见,作为最后手段,该修正案须有出席缔约国 会议并参加表决的缔约国的三分之二 数票 方 可 通过。
If all efforts at consensus have been exhausted and no agreement has been reached, the amendment shall, as a last resort, require for its
adoption a two-thirds majority vote of the States
[...] parties present and voting at the meeting of [...]
the Conference of the Parties.
关 于被占领的叙利亚戈兰的决议(A/C.4/65/L.16)以数票获得通过还证实,以色列竭力吞并被占领的叙利 [...]
亚戈兰并将其法律、管辖权和行政权强加于戈兰,建 立和扩大定居点,对戈兰的叙利亚人民实行种族主义 做法的决定是无效的,不具有国际法律效力。
The adoption, by a majority vote, of the resolution [...]
on the occupied Syrian Golan (A/C.4/65/L.16) furthermore confirmed that
the Israeli decision to endeavour to annex the occupied Syrian Golan and impose Israeli laws, jurisdiction and administration on the Golan, to build and expand settlements and to pursue racist practices against the Syrian people of the Golan were null and void and without international legal effect.




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