

单词 神采飞扬

See also:

神采 n

spirit n




fly upward

External sources (not reviewed)

飞扬 GT 的 内装以其超大的空间感,舒适性及极 采 光 著 称, 诠释了真正巡航艇的优势。
The interior style of Flyer Gran Turismo is renowned for its luminosity, comfort [...]
and large spaces, giving the range real cruising strengths.
基金会支持企业,支持雇员发展采 取 的 种种措 施,诸如培训支助,协调支助、扬 创 业 精 神。
The Foundation supports businesses and the
[...] development of employees through various measures, such as training support, consultation support, promoting of entrepreneurship.
当手表还仍为具有先锋神的飞行员的必需装备时,他们已着手研究,打造出著名的 IWC 飞行表,其采用了 预锻模作为隔离磁场的护盾。
They were on hand when watches had to accompany
[...] pioneering aviators in flight resulting in the famed IWC Pilot Watches which incorporate blockers as shields against magnetic fields.
伊 拉克提到为使移民融合和确保文明间对话 采 取 的 措施, 扬 奥 地 利 采 取 步 骤打 击贩运人口行为。
Iraq referred to the measures taken to integrate migrants and to ensure dialogue
[...] between civilizations, and commended Austria for having taken steps [...]
to fight human trafficking.
几位与会者特别扬了最近采取的 生物多样 性和文化多样性的跨部门行动(自然科学部门和文化部门),呼吁继续和加强这个行动。
Several participants commended specifically the recent intersectoral initiative [...]
(between the Natural Sciences and Culture
Sectors) of linkages between biodiversity and cultural diversity and called for its continuation and strengthening.
认识到粮安委将包括全体会议以及各级闭会期间活动,确定供各成 采 纳的 战略和行动过程应当透明,并应尽最大可能考虑所有参与方和利益相关方的意 见,以便在实施这些战略和行动时 扬 自 主 精 神 和 促 进全面参与。
Bearing in mind that CFS will include
a Plenary, as
[...] well as intersessional activities at different levels, the process of defining strategies and actions to be adopted by Members should be transparent and take into consideration the views of all participants [...]
and stakeholders
to the fullest extent possible in order to foster ownership and full participation during implementation of these strategies and actions.
还有的房间,有着深厚的飞扬的海 啸;另一个房间为特色的Dalil炎热的沙漠;第三个房间,提供了一 神 秘 而放松卡利普索艾兰维尤;或房间,描绘神圣的,奥林巴斯和强大的山其神和女神。
There’s the room which has the deep, swirling Tsunami;
another room which features the
[...] scorching desert of Dalil; a third room which offers a view of the mysterious and relaxing Calypso island; or the room that depicts the [...] [...]
holy, powerful mountain of Olympus and its gods and goddesses.
我认为,这正是《蒙特雷共识》的精神所在,必须在多哈保持和扬 这种精神。
I think this is what the Monterrey Consensus was all about, and we must keep, and build on, that spirit here in Doha.
当前的挑战是扬这种精神,并在 国际上加以扩大。
The challenge is to keep this spirit alive and to broaden it internationally.
从东海之滨的秦山核电站到雪域高原西藏羊湖电站、从亚洲最大的抽水蓄能电站——天荒坪到亚洲最大的水力发电站——二滩、从家 扬 州 的 第二发电厂到国外的巴基斯坦恰希玛核电站、从国内最先进的航空港——广州白云国际新机场到城市正在兴建的重要地下轨道交通之一广州地铁、从中国首次长捆二号运载火箭发射 神 舟 号宇 宙 飞 船 发 射都配套有华能电缆。
Qinshan Nuclear Power Station from the East China Sea coast to the snow-covered plateau of Tibet Sheep Lake Station, from Asia's largest pumped storage power station - of Tianhuangping to Asia's largest hydroelectric power
station - Ertan, from
[...] his hometown of Yangzhou Second Power Plant to Guangzhou Metro foreign Chashma nuclear power plant, the most advanced aviation Hong Kong - Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport to the city being built one of the underground rail transit, from China, for the first time long bundles II launch vehicle to launch Shenzhou universe The spacecraft launch supporting [...]
Huaneng cable.
圣雄甘地说得对,不宽容本身就是一种暴力形式, 是扬真正民主神的障碍。
Mahatma Gandhi rightly said that intolerance is itself a form of violence and an
[...] obstacle to the growth of a true democratic spirit.
这 些节省额来自在整个期间在喀土穆和奥贝德提供内部自办的更具成本效益的地 面装运服务,而不是外包给商业供应商;在维护和修理直升机停机坪方面有所改 进,从而能够更有效率地管理机队,减少将直升机运到或再运到卡杜格莉的需要, 因此减少了空飞行时 间;减少零部件库存,因为老化的中型和重型车队的主要 维修工作及事故维修和油采取了外包的方式;车辆更换减少,因为将车辆从喀 土穆调往各区和队部,支助与《全面和平协议》有关的活动;在喀土穆,调度服 务部分外包,以满足由于可用车辆减少而导致的不断增长的需求。
These savings stem from the provision of more cost-effective ground handling services in-house in Khartoum and El Obeid for the full period rather than contracting out to commercial vendors, the reduction of air flight hours, as improvements in maintenance and repairs to helipads have allowed for more efficient air fleet management that result in lower requirements for helicopters to position or reposition in Kadugli, the reduction in the holding of spare parts as major maintenance work for ageing medium and heavy vehicle fleets, as accident repair and painting is outsourced, the reduction in vehicle replacements, as vehicles are redeployed from Khartoum to the sectors and team sites in support of Comprehensive Peace Agreement-related activities, and dispatch service is outsourced in part in Khartoum to accommodate the increase in demand, as fewer vehicles are available.
若干代表团扬秘书 处纪录并促进各方交流了在以下诸领域的良好做 法和国家经验:扩大公共交通运输、实行绿色建筑 采用 3 R 办法(减少、 再使用、再循环)战略、进行可持续的城市规划、实行固体废物管理、注重 供水、下水处理、以及采用参 与式办法实行城市管理、推动公私营伙伴关 系和市政金融等。
Several delegations commended the secretariat for documenting and sharing good practices and country experiences in eco-city development, promotion of public transportation, green buildings, 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) strategies, sustainable urban planning, solid waste management, water supply, sewerage, participatory approaches [...]
to urban management, promotion
of public-private partnerships and municipal finance.
目前,他们在烈日炎炎、尘飞扬的 室外上课,有时甚至在雨中上课。
For now, they study outdoors, exposed
[...] to the scorching sun, whipping wind, [...]
swirling dust – and even rain.
几位代表概要介绍了本 国政府为加强对私人航飞行的管制 采 取 的步骤,办法有:加强雷达监视以 及对私人飞机登记、飞机维修中心和私人机场登记进行有系统的审查。
Several representatives
[...] outlined steps taken by their Governments to tighten controls over private aviation through increased [...]
radar surveillance and
the systematic review of private aircraft registrations, aircraft servicing and repair centres and the registration of private airstrips.
展览标题“重新发展”暗示韩国的这类问题,在韩国,一切都 飞 速 发 展,尽 采 用 的 是一套落后的资本主义系统。
The title of the exhibition “Redevelopment” intends to imply the reflection of the problems of development and
redevelopment in Korea, a country which has been growing at a rapid pace
[...] although its laggard adoption of the capitalist system.
第 1973(2011)号决议第 17 和第 18 段禁止任何在利比亚注册或由利比亚拥 有的飞机从会员国领土起飞、在其领土降落或飞越其领土,除非有关飞行事先得
[...] 到委员会的批准,会员国如有情报认为飞机上载有被禁物项或武装雇佣军,也必采取类似的飞措施 ,但紧急降落不在此列。
By paragraphs 17 and 18 of resolution 1973 (2011) a ban was imposed on any Libyan-registered or owned aircraft taking off, landing and/or overflying the territory of Member States, unless the particular flight had been approved in advance by the Committee,
and Member States must apply similar
[...] prohibitions to any aircraft if they have information [...]
that it may contain prohibited
cargo or armed mercenaries, with the exception of emergency landing.
联合国已接受孟加拉国关于提供一个步兵营、一个工兵连和一支建制警察部 队的正式提议,以及比利时关于为特派 采 购 一架 C-130 飞机的提议。
The United Nations accepted an official proposal from Bangladesh to provide one infantry battalion, one
engineer company and one formed police unit, as well as a proposal from
[...] Belgium to provide a C-130 aircraft to the Mission.
社会科学将努力促进对话,组织开展旨在 扬 宽 容 精 神 、 伦 理方法与和平文化的活动。
The social sciences will contribute to dialogue by organizing activities that reinforce tolerance, ethical approaches and a culture of peace.
WGF无公害干粉灌装机研制成功填补了我国干粉灌装设备的空白,尤其是独具匠心的设计原理,在国内外均采用机械方式,或“挤”或“填”或“灌”的落后原理的情况下,另僻蹊径 采 用 了 真空负压“吸”粉的原理,具有生产效率高、无粉 飞扬 、 操 作简单、维修简单、对改善工人劳动条件、消除环境污染有十分明显的效果。
WGF did the powder without the environmental damage to fill installing equipment to develop successfully fills our country to do the powder to fill installs the equipment the blank, the alone ingenuity principle of design, in domestic and foreign selected the mechanical method in particular, either "crowded" or "filled in" or "fills" in the backward principle situation, used the vacuum negative pressure "to attract" the powder principle in
addition, had the
[...] production efficiency high, flies upwards, the operation simply without the dust, the service is simple, to improves [...]
the worker work condition,
the elimination environmental pollution has the extremely tangible effect.
在巴克瓦.施木那村,尘飞扬的街 道上分外热闹:小贩在兜售装备、饥饿的矿工涌入餐馆、钻石商绞尽脑汁地讨价还价。
In the village of Bakwa Tshimuna, the dusty streets buzz with activity: vendors selling equipment, restaurants catering to famished miners, and diamond merchants vying for the best possible margin.
我还要感谢扬合作精神,在 决议草案非 正式协商过程中携手努力的所有会员国。
I also wish to thank all Member States that worked together during informal consultations on the draft resolutions in the spirit of cooperation.
会议的成功体现了精心的筹备和与教 科文组织其它部门良好的团队合作 神 , 采 用 交互式会议形式,不仅受到了与会者的欢迎,还活跃了讨论而不是宣 读一系列准备好的讲稿。
Its success reflected careful preparation, good teamwork with the rest of UNESCO, and the use of interactive session formats that were much appreciated and which generated substantive discussion instead of a series of prepared statements.
(d) 弘扬女企业家神,以 更好地利用最不发达国家中尚未挖掘的经济潜力。
(d) Promote women entrepreneurship to make [...]
better use of untapped economic potential in least developed countries.
中心着重妇女在爱沙尼 亚国内外的职业发展(例如在妇女中 扬 企 业 精 神 , 提 高女企业的商业技能,培 养女性领导和管理人员,加强合作网络)。
The Centre focuses on women’s career development in Estonia and abroad (e.g. promoting entrepreneurship among women, improving business skills of women entrepreneurs, developing women leaders and managers, strengthening of cooperation networks).
Overall, the initial outcomes of all these preparatory activities clearly indicate that fostering inclusion—within both education and society—is a common concern across countries and regions.
[...] 备技术,并在欧洲等其他商业航空业集团的生产和业务中占有重要份额,使得古 巴航空公司不仅无采购美国飞机、 设备和零件,而且无法从欧洲航空业等购买 [...]
The United States’ global monopoly of the production of commercial aircraft and components, parts and technology for aircraft, airports and aeroplane servicing equipment, as well as its involvement in production and its significant percentage of shares in other commercial aviation industry partnerships, for example in
Europe, makes it prohibitive for Cuban
[...] airlines to acquire aeroplanes, equipment and parts, [...]
not only from the United States
but also from other aeronautical industries, including Europe.
可能的解决办法包括卫星联合运营共同拥有,即各国分担整颗卫星的成本,或采用联合飞行任 务的形式,即由各国分担基本平台的费用,每个国家负责本 国机载传感器的费用。
Joint operation of a satellite under joint ownership, whereby countries share the cost of the entire satellite, or in the form of a joint mission in which countries share the cost of the basic platform while each country is responsible for its own on-board sensors, are possible solutions.
採用LED技術的日間行車燈鑲嵌在保險桿的嵌入式電鍍上 ; 而在散熱器格柵的下面,大型電鍍款的保護桿為車頭加添無 神采 , 自 信十足。
The daytime running lamps featuring LED technology are integrated in a chrome insert in the bumper, and beneath the radiator grille the generously sized chrome-look underguard completes the self-confident appearance of the front.
我们是根据人权理事会第 S-15/1 号决议 中的请求,并且本着秘书长、人权事务高级专员、安 全理事会、阿拉伯国家联盟、伊斯兰会议组织、欧洲 联盟外交事务理事会以及非洲联盟和平与安全理事 会在这一事项上遵循的同样神采取 行 动的。
We are acting pursuant to the request made by the Human Rights Council in its resolution S/15-1 and in the same spirit that has guided the Secretary-General, the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Security Council, the League of Arab States, the Organization of the Islamic Conference, the Foreign Affairs Council of the European Union, and the Peace and Security Council of the African Union with regard to this case.




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