单词 | 神采奕奕 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 神采奕奕—radiating health and vigorin glowing spirits (idiom); bursting with lifeSee also:神采n—spiritn 神采—expression vigorAE
在Aria Resort and Casino的拍摄展现了神采奕奕、剃须干净的男士们享受夜生活,而在Monte Carlo停车场顶的拍摄则展示了一个男士扔掉他胡须拉碴的邋遢样子。 ba-repsasia.com | The shots in the Aria Resort and Casino show the fresh,clean-shaven men enjoying the nightlife while the shot of the rooftop parking lot at the Monte Carlo shows a man shedding his unshaven, rough look. ba-repsasia.com |
我 们也感谢神,张奕华和李家辉兄弟,愿意公开分享他们由赌徒生命改 变成为基督徒的感人见证。 ccgr.org.uk | We alsothankGod forour brothers, Zhang [...] Yi Hua and Joe Li, who openly shared their very touching testimonies about their [...]transformation from gamblers to disciples in Christ. ccgr.org.uk |
100%纯度的薄荷精油、迷迭香精油、紫檀精油和天竺葵精油:让肌肤恢复活力神采。 clarinsusa.com | 100% natural [...] essential oils of Mint, Rosemary, Rosewood [...]and Geranium: refresh and energize. clarinsusa.com |
塞尔维亚应在教育、文化和信息领域推动宽容和文化间对话的精神,采取有效的措施,增进生活在其领土上所有的人之间的相互尊重、理解和合作,不管他 们的种族、文化、语言或宗教特性如何。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the field of education, culture and information, Serbia shall give impetus to the spiritof tolerance and intercultural dialogue and undertake efficient measures for enhancement of mutual respect, understanding and cooperation among all people living on its territory, regardless of their ethnic, cultural, linguistic or religious identity. daccess-ods.un.org |
新政府视事时间虽短,但联黎部队注意到,政府 和军队都按照这一精神采取行动。 daccess-ods.un.org | While the new Government’s period in office has been short, UNIFIL has noted that the Government and the Army are acting in thatspirit. daccess-ods.un.org |
2. 购股权乃由陆奕女士所持有,彼於年内辞任本公司之董事,该等购股权已於二零零九年九月五日失效。 gdc-world.com | 2. the share options were held by ms. lu Yi, Gloria who resigned as a Director of the Company during the year and such share options were lapsed on 5 september 2009. gdc-world.com |
会议的成功体现了精心的筹备和与教 科文组织其它部门良好的团队合作精神,采用交互式会议形式,不仅受到了与会者的欢迎,还活跃了讨论而不是宣 读一系列准备好的讲稿。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Its success reflected careful preparation, good teamwork with the rest of UNESCO, and the use of interactive session formats that were much appreciated and which generated substantive discussion instead of a series of prepared statements. unesdoc.unesco.org |
采用LED技术的日间行车灯镶嵌在保险杆的嵌入式电镀上 ; 而在散热器格栅的下面,大型电镀款的保护杆为车头加添无限神采,自信十足。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | The daytime running lamps featuring LED technology are integrated in a chrome insert in the bumper, and beneath the radiator grille the generously sized chrome-look underguard completes the self-confident appearance of the front. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
学校应加强体育活动及养生之道的培育,协助学生养成每天运动的习惯,指导他们对工作、消闲和休息时间作适当分配,培养有益身心的消遣和嗜好,懂得松弛神经、减轻和化解心理压力,对饮食卫生、营养、生理及心理健康有充份认识,务使学生发展成为身心健康、精神奕奕、活力充沛、凡事积极进取和勇于面对挑战的人。 catholic.org.hk | Schools should strengthen sports activities and foster physical and mental health. They should help students to form the habit of engaging in daily physical exercises; guide them in managing their time between work, pleasure and rest; assist them to develop pastimes and hobbies that are conducive to physical and mental health, to know how to relax and how to [...] reduce mental strain, and to gain a sound understanding of food hygiene, nutrition [...] and physiological andmental health. catholic.org.hk |
咖啡在人们的生活中扮演重要角色,它可以是让您精神奕奕的好帮手,也可以是您在拓展人际关系时,招待朋友的完美饮品。 philips.com.tw | Coffee plays a big part in people's lives, whether it's something you love to wake up to or the perfect drink to serve when you're feeling sociable. philips.com.hk |
事实上他试服後,亦感身体抵抗力比以前好,即使多繁重的工作也能精神奕奕地完成,可见产品确有疗效,故此极力推荐《仙草》灵芝孢子。 waiyuentong.com | He highly recommends the product and is pleased to receive the New Year present – free consumption of “Ganoderma Lucidum Spores” for life. waiyuentong.com |
我们是根据人权理事会第 S-15/1 号决议 中的请求,并且本着秘书长、人权事务高级专员、安 全理事会、阿拉伯国家联盟、伊斯兰会议组织、欧洲 联盟外交事务理事会以及非洲联盟和平与安全理事 会在这一事项上遵循的同样精神采取行动的。 daccess-ods.un.org | We are acting pursuant to the request made by the Human Rights Council in its resolution S/15-1 and in the same spirit that has guided the Secretary-General, the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Security Council, the League of Arab States, the Organization of the Islamic Conference, the Foreign Affairs Council of the European Union, and the Peace and Security Council of the African Union with regard to this case. daccess-ods.un.org |
葡萄柚萃取精华和维生素C 恢复妆容色泽,重拾神采。 clarinsusa.com | Grapefruit and Vitamin C extract revives make-up colour and restores radiance. clarinsusa.com |
有必要本着共担责任的精神采取协调的多边行 动,应对诸如金融危机、流行病、食物安全问题和 气候变化等现代挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | Concerted multilateralaction inthe spirit of shared responsibility was essential to meeting such modern-day challenges as the financial crisis, epidemic disease, diminishing food security and climate change. daccess-ods.un.org |
今后所有会员国均可在网上查询到有关工作重点的信 息。本着透明和公开的精神,采取这一做法是让会员国能更好地跟踪了解计划的执行情况。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This access is provided in a spirit of transparency and openness to enable Member States to better follow the implementation of the programme. unesdoc.unesco.org |
3. 於二零零七年十一月二日授予陆奕女士之购股权数目,超过GDC Tech当时已发行股份1%之个人上限,惟已於二 零零七年十月三十日分别获本公司及首长四方之股东批准。 gdc-world.com | 3. the number of share options granted to ms. lu Yi, Gloria on 2 november 2007 exceeded the individual limit of 1% of the shares of GDC tech then in issue and was approved by the shareholders of the Company and shougang Grand on 30 october 2007 respectively. gdc-world.com |
奕铭工业总经理洪淳逸(Chun-I Hung)表示,除了游戏机产业外,「我们更陆续接触门锁、汽/机车锁等其它应用面的产品研发,以拉高公司的研发深度。 taiwanslot.com.tw | According to General [...] Manager of MJK, Chun-I Hung, [...]“Except for the amusement machines, in order to elevate our R&D ability, [...]we also developed locks for ordinary doors, automobiles, scooters and many other applications. taiwanslot.com.tw |
除上述竞争性业务,郭炳联先生及黄奕监先生被视作拥有权益之上述竞争性业务,均由上市公 [...] 司之独立管理及行政人员负责管理。 wingtaiproperties.com | The aforesaid competing businesses, in which Mr. Kwok Ping Luen, Raymond [...] and Mr.WongYick Kam, Michael [...]are regarded to be interested, are managed by [...]separate publicly listed companies with independent management and administration. wingtaiproperties.com |
(b) 关于海洋活动及其对国家管辖范围以外的影响,委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和 国重申对国家管辖范围以外的生物多样性问题的意见,仍然希望在对可能的多边 文书的谈判中等等,能够本着包容的精神采取决定; (c) 最后应再次回顾,委内瑞拉不是《联合国海洋法公约》的缔约方;没有 对本次会议通过的文件提出反对意见,不能被解释为对该《公约》及其在今后适 用于国家管辖范围以外的海洋生物资源的法律制度下的作用的立场发生改变。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Lastly, it should be mentioned once again that Venezuela is not a party to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and that the fact that it has not objected to the documents adopted at this Conference cannot be interpreted as a change in position in respect of that Convention and its role in the context of a future legal regime applicable to marine resources beyond the areas of national jurisdiction. daccess-ods.un.org |
莫宜端及卢奕基的比率同为0.14%,故排名相同。 hkupop.hku.hk | The percentages for Zandra Mok and Victor Lo were both 0.14%, and hence they were of same rank. hkupop.hku.hk |
委员会打算与联合国秘书处接触,以解决这个 状况,并根据第 1863(2009)号决议的文字和精神,采取适当步骤,把支助扩大到 警察和文职部分,因为该决议将非索特派团视为一项特派任务,就不单纯是一项 军事行动。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is the intension of the Commission to engage the United Nations Secretariat in order to address this situation and take the appropriate measures to extend support to both the police and the civilian components, in line with the spirit and letter of resolution 1863 (2010), which refers to AMISOM as a Mission and not as a purely military operation. daccess-ods.un.org |
措施 包括采取 指导 措施,要求所有 商贩 、销售员和公司,包括有 线电视 公司接受教育,以了解第 36 号二级法令和第 07 号通知;要求他们发誓按照指导精神 采取行动; 同 时要求 他 们 对 自 己 的行为 和法律程序摁 手 印 。 daccess-ods.un.org | Those measures include using advisory measures by inviting all the vendors, and both distributors and companies including the cable television companies to get education on sub decree 36 and circular 07 as well as to request them to make the oaths in applying according to the advices and to require them to put the thumps printing for functioning and legal procedure. daccess-ods.un.org |
每一款出自他手笔的发饰设计,均倾注了一份巴黎独特的时尚魅力和瑰丽神采,品牌於於香港、台湾、中国大陆、日本、澳洲及欧洲开设多达四十间Alexandre Zouari分店。 sogo.com.hk | Amazing hair accessories created by Alexandre Zouari carry a signature of Parisian flair and glamour, with 40 Alexandre Zouari boutiques spanning across Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, Japan, Australia and Europe. sogo.com.hk |
我们各国元首和政府首脑及高级代表,在于墨西哥蒙特雷举行的里程碑式的 发展筹资问题国际会议1 近七年之后,于2008年11月29日至12月2日在卡塔 尔多哈会聚一堂,重申我们决心本着全球伙伴关系和团结的精神,采取具体行动 执行《蒙特雷共识》,应对发展筹资挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | We, Heads of State and Government and High Representatives, gathered in Doha, Qatar, from 29 November to 2 December 2008, almost seven years after the landmark International Conference on Financing for Development,1held in Monterrey, Mexico, reiterate our resolve to take concreteaction toimplement the Monterrey Consensus and address the challenges of financing for development in the spiritof global partnership and solidarity. daccess-ods.un.org |
那桐 (1857年 – 1925年),字琴轩,叶赫那拉氏,1900年兼任总理各国事务衙门、进理藩院侍郎,又允留京办事大臣,随李鸿章、奕匡跟八国联军议和;光绪二十七年五月,那桐授为专使大臣,因为日本使馆书记杉山彬殁於拳乱就前往日本谢罪,二十八年三月派充管理沟渠河道大臣,本壶是七个月以後画成的。 e-yaji.com | After the fall of Beijing in the Boxer Rebellion, he, Yikuang, and Li Hongzhang were charged with negotiating with the foreign powers; the year before the date on this bottle, Natong had gone to Japan to convey official apologies for the death of a member of the Japanese delegation during the Boxer Rebellion. e-yaji.com |