

单词 神职人员

See also:

神职 n

clergyman n

职员 n

staff n


staff member
office worker

人员 n

officer n
staffing n
rank n

External sources (not reviewed)

穆斯神职人员和各 宗教派别的学者已在麦加集会,以强调 伊斯兰教宽容的本质及其对话与和平的信息。
Muslim clerics and scholars of all religious [...]
stripes have met in Mecca to underscore the tolerant nature of Islam and its
message of dialogue and peace.
阿拉伯国家某神职人员发出的教令和他们煽动对叙利亚的军事干预,是霍 姆斯和叙利亚其他省发生大屠杀的直接幕后原因。
The fatwas
[...] issued by certain clerics in Arab States, [...]
and their incitement to military intervention in Syria, are directly
behind the causes of the massacres in Homs and other Syrian governorates.
土耳其还将继续向土耳其宗教教育机构提供奖学金,使符合资格 神职人员 接受教育。
In addition, Turkey will continue to provide scholarships to Turkish religious educational institutions to
[...] ensure the education of qualified clerics.
井里汶组织的成员听从激进 神职人员 巴 希 尔的训导,还吸收了更激进的认为袭击印尼政府是合法的牧师哈拉唯·马克姆(Halawi Makmun)的思想。
Its members not only absorbed the teachings of radical clerics like Ba’asyir [...]
and the even more radical Halawi Makmun, a
preacher who argues that the Indonesian government is a legitimate target for attack.
该中心的重要领导人之一是 Sheikh Hassaan Hussein;肯尼亚政府认为, 这名 31 岁神职人员以虚 假的理由取得了肯尼亚国籍。
One of the key leaders of the centre is Sheikh Hassaan Hussein, a 31year-old cleric believed by the Government of Kenya to have obtained Kenyan nationality under false pretences.
为了消除非穆斯林社区可能面临的困难,其中包 神职人员 的 教 育问题而 持续采取了措施。
Measures continue to be taken in order to overcome the difficulties that non-Muslim communities might
[...] face, including the education of clergy.
妇女、男子、 学生、教师、援助工作者、农民、部落领袖 神职人员, 都是受害者。
Women, men, students, teachers, aid workers, farmers,
[...] tribal leaders and clergy are all victims.
这一支持网络的一个关键支柱是一个富裕 神职 人员兼商 人社区,该社区与一小批因与极端主义挂钩而臭名昭著的宗教中心有关 [...]
联——特别是与在内罗毕第 6 街上的 Abubakar as-Saddique 清真寺、Al-Hidaya 清真寺、Beit-ul-Mal
阿拉伯语学校和 ul-Axmar 清真寺有关联。
A key pillar of this support network is a
[...] community of wealthy clerics-cum-businessmen, [...]
linked to a small number of religious centres
notorious for their links to radicalism — notably the Abubakar as-Saddique mosque on 6th street, the Al-Hidaya mosque, Beit-ul-Mal Madrassa and the Masjid-ul-Axmar in Nairobi.
规定自由从事宗教活动,放宽分界线两 神职人员 的 旅行和宗教物品运 输(在中立联络机制处理)。
Provide for the free exercise of religion, by
[...] easing travel for clergy and the transport [...]
of religious articles across the division lines (handled in the LM).
在某些情况下,医生建议病人与谘商员、社会工作员 神职人员 交 谈
In some cases, doctors recommend that a patient talk with a counselor,
[...] social worker or member of the clergy.
这所学校曾在第一,但几个特点,它遵循Augustinism(柏拉图),而当时统治神学,并获得通过(不只是世俗 神职人员 在 巴黎教授威廉属于奥弗涅,根特的亨利等),但还等突出的教师,多米尼加基尔沃比令(罗兰的克雷莫纳,罗伯特Fitzacker,罗伯特)。
This school had at first but few peculiarities; it followed
Augustinism (Platonism), which
[...] then ruled theology, and which was adopted not only by the Parisian professors belonging to the secular clergy (William of [...]
Auvergne, Henry of Ghent,
etc.), but also by prominent teachers of the Dominican Order (Roland of Cremona, Robert Fitzacker, Robert of Kilwardby, etc.).
土耳其相关机构正持续地努力根据土耳其的国际义务满 足那些被认为是少数群体的某些群体在有关 神职人员 教 育 方面的需求。
The relevant Turkish institutions are continuing their efforts to satisfy the demands of
certain groups which
[...] are recognized as minorities in line Turkey’s international obligations, regarding the education of their clergy.
[...] Montazeri 的 葬礼游行之后再次被捕,随后 神职人员 特 别法庭起诉,其被控罪行是“在监狱 [...]
假释期间参加阿亚图拉 Montazeri 的葬礼”。
He was arrested again after participating in Ayatollah Montazeri’s funeral procession and
was subsequently prosecuted by the
[...] Special Court for the Clergy under the charge [...]
of “participation in Ayatollah Montazeri’s
funeral during a prison furlough”.
有些群体的成员神职人员视为 “异端”,于 是杀害这些人成为合法行为。
The members of some groups had been deemed “heretics” by the clergy, thus legitimizing [...]
the killing of such individuals.
[...] 为一名中士,他不可能丝毫没有介入在纳杰夫的狂轰滥炸,逐户搜捕,抓 神职 人员,公开执行死刑和屠杀平民百姓。
Similarly, it was unlikely that, as a Sergeant, he could have abstained from participating in any of the indiscriminate
artillery attacks on Najaf, houseto-house
[...] arrests, round-ups of clerics, public executions, [...]
and massacres of civilians during
the three days before he allegedly deserted the army.
比如说,2007年春天,达拉斯神学院(DTS)开展在线教学,通过北京城外中国基督教三自爱国运动委员会燕京联合神学院,向中国 神职人员 提 供 神学研究生水平的培训课程。
For example, in spring 2007 the Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS) began offering on-line, graduate-level theological training courses to Chinese clergy and students via the TSPM's Yanjing Union Theological Seminary outside of Beijing.
然后按照Anamimnesis(“记住,因此他的苦难和死亡和复活,回到天上,他今后的第二次来...”),本Epiklesis或调用(“送你的圣灵,见证主耶稣的苦难对这一牺牲,那他可能会改变这种面包的基督的身体,这对你的血液在你的杯子基督...“),以及一连串的排序(大调解)为教会 神职人员 , 天皇,和种种男人条件,其中三一颂结束了,“所有的人说:阿门。
Then follow the Anamimnesis ("Remembering therefore His suffering and death and resurrection and return to heaven and His future second coming …"), the Epiklesis or invocation ("sending Thy Holy Spirit, the witness of the sufferings of the Lord Jesus to this sacrifice, that He may change this bread to the body of thy Christ and this cup to the blood of thy Christ …"), and a
sort of litany (the great Intercession)
[...] for the Church, clergy, the Emperor, and [...]
for all sorts and conditions of men, which
ends with a doxology, "and all the people say: Amen.
阿斯拉姆先生最后强调说,应考虑到不同知识和传统来源的文化背 景,例如传统社会仰神职人员,而 西方社会依靠科学。
Mr. Aslam concluded by emphasizing the imperative that the cultural context of different sources of knowledge and tradition should be taken into
consideration, such as the
[...] reliance on clerics in traditional societies versus dependence on the sciences [...]
in Western society.
政府允许已注册登记的宗教教会培训牧师,并允许越来越多的天主教和新教神学院学生、穆斯林和佛教 神职人员 出 国 进行进一步宗教研究,但是一些宗教学生难以取得护照或获得批准留学。
The government permitted registered religions to train clergy and allowed an increasing number of Catholic and Protestant seminarians, Muslim clerics, and Buddhist clergy to go abroad for additional religious studies, but some religion students had difficulty getting passports or obtaining approval to study abroad.
神职人员不必 经政府批准,但是按照隶属政府的相关宗教协会的规定,被选中后必须向政府报告。
Clergy need not be approved [...]
by the government but must be reported to the government after being selected pursuant to the
rules of the relevant government-affiliated religious association.
此外,还收录了地图、插图和四则附录:乌干达重大历史事件纪年表;乌干达主教和管理者名单 神职人员 和 乌干达布道团中的非专职人员名单;以及当时出版的、与乌干达相关的书籍列表。
Also included are maps, illustrations, and four appendices: a chronology of notable dates in the history of
Uganda; a list of the bishops
[...] and administrators of Uganda; a roll of clergy and laymen [...]
who had served with the Uganda Mission;
and a list of recent books on Uganda.
教皇在主教任命中的作用,地下天主 神职人员 的 地 位和梵蒂冈对台湾的承认仍构成改善双方关系的障碍,但已各方正做出新的尝试以促进政府和梵蒂冈之间的和睦关系。
The role of the pope in selecting bishops, the status of underground Catholic clerics, and Vatican [...]
recognition of Taiwan
remained obstacles to improved relations, although there were some new efforts toward rapprochement between the government and the Vatican.
另一方面,伊格的死了,请参阅君士坦丁堡现在真的空 置 ; 神职人员 一 个 不容置疑的权利选举他们自己的族长;拒绝到承认将有挑起一个与东方新鲜违反Photius,会不会有阻止他的职业见,并会给予他的政党(包括皇帝),只是一个争吵的原因。
On the other hand, by Ignatius's
death the See of Constantinople was now
[...] really vacant; the clergy had an undoubted [...]
right to elect their own patriarch; to
refuse to acknowledge Photius would have provoked a fresh breach with the East, would not have prevented his occupation of the see, and would have given his party (including the emperor) just reason for a quarrel.
从 2006 年底到 2007 年年中,在社会组织、地方当局和各个市镇的国家实体,如武装 部队、教师、国家警察神职人员等 的 参与下,对文盲人口进行了一次普查。
An accurate census of the illiterate population was taken from the end of 2006 to mid-2007, in which the social organizations, local authorities and national bodies present in the municipalities, such as the armed forces, teachers, national police and churches, participated.
伟大的詹姆斯Baradaeus,在543同名英雄的詹姆斯党,东部天主教徒谁提供的主教 神职人员 从 为 被该monophysites时明确划分,但很少说,一个礼仪,几个字母,讲道,和忏悔的信仰是现存。
The great James Baradaeus, the
eponymous hero of the Jacobites, who
[...] supplied bishops and clergy for the Monophysites [...]
when they were definitively divided
from the Eastern Catholics in 543, wrote but little; a liturgy, a few letters, a sermon, and a confession of faith are extant.
面对这一状况,自 2011 年 10 月 17 日,阿比让大主教让-皮埃尔·库特瓦
[...] 会见了国家元首和多位共和国部队最高级军官,他要求并获得同意设立一个安全 机制,以保神职人员和基 督教信徒的安全。
Because of this situation, since 17 October 2011 the Archbishop of Abidjan, JeanPierre Kutwa, has met with the President and the FRCI
leadership and requested and obtained the implementation of security measures
[...] to reassure the clergy and Christian worshippers.
2007 年,宗教或信仰自由问题特别报告员转达一项指控,内容是什叶派 被神职人员的支持者对也门北 部的犹太社区造 成 威胁, 而 也门政府没有为 他 们 提 供 足 够 的 安 全保障 。
In 2007, the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief transmitted an allegation concerning threats against the Jewish community in northern Yemen by supporters of a slain Shiite cleric, and that the Government was not providing enough security for them.




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