

单词 神秘莫测

神秘莫测 noun ()

mystery n

See also:

神秘 adj

mysterious adj
mystical adj
mystic adj

External sources (not reviewed)

如果要寻求惊心动魄的探险经历,期 神秘莫测 的 土 著居民的生活体验,或者只是向往沉浸于充满异域风情的热带雨林的意境,凯恩斯将是最佳的不二之选。
If you are seeking thrilling adventures, looking to connect with aboriginal experiences or simply want to immerse yourself in an exotic tropical rainforest, Cairns has it all within easy reach.
古爱尔兰国王宫殿位于Hill of
[...] Tara,离都柏林只有一个多小时的车程,时至今日仍保持着深不 测 的 神秘 气 息
The ancient court of the Kings of Ireland
is little more than an hour’s drive from Dublin at the Hill of Tara, a
[...] settlement whose mystical power is still [...]
教育部门还应对了该双年度期间出现的各种重大挑战,尤其是全球经济的严重衰退 和前途的变莫测。
It also responded to key challenges that emerged during the biennium, in particular the severe global economic downturn and uncertainty about the future.
该地图是由著名安特卫普版画师海欧 莫 斯 ·考 克刻版,他在其中添加了很多艺术元素,包括三大对手强国的盾徽、蜿蜒在南美洲北部的蛇形亚马逊河、海洋中的美人鱼 神秘 的 海 怪以及非洲西海岸上的大象、犀牛和狮子。
The map was engraved by the famous Antwerp engraver Hieronymus Cock, who added numerous artistic
flourishes, including the coats of arms of the
[...] three rival powers, a snake-like Amazon River that winds across the northern part of South America, mermaids and mythical monsters at sea, and an elephant, rhinoceros, and lion on the western coast of Africa.
得到协助的国家还有博茨瓦纳、多米尼加共和国、埃及、约旦、肯尼亚、马拉 维莫桑比克、秘鲁和南非。
Other countries also assisted included Botswana, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Jordan,
[...] Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Peru and South Africa.
此外,如上文第 2 段所述,根据大会第 63/266 号 决议秘书长已在他的报告中列入 2010-2011 两年期特别政治任务预算 总额的测数据 ,他估计可能高达约 1 148 739 700 美元,比 2010-2011 两年期拟议方案预算中的特别政治任务经费多出 [...]
319 811 300 美元(见 A/64/349,第 78 段和附件三)。
Furthermore, as
[...] noted in paragraph 2 above, pursuant to General Assembly resolution 63/266, the Secretary-General has included in his report a [...]
projection of the total
budget for special political missions for the biennium 2010–2011, which he estimates could amount to some $1,148,739,700, or $319,811,300 more than the provision for special political missions in the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010–2011 (see A/64/349, para. 78 and annex III).
目前有36 个缔约国正式表示它们仍须履行《公约》第5条第1 款所载义 务:阿富汗、阿尔及利亚、安哥拉、阿根廷、不丹、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、柬
[...] 丹麦、厄瓜多尔、厄立特里亚、埃塞俄比亚、冈比亚、几内亚比绍、伊拉克、约 旦、毛里塔尼亚莫桑比克、秘鲁、 塞内加尔、塞尔维亚、苏丹、塔吉克斯坦、 [...]
There are now 36 States Parties that formally indicated that they must still fulfil the obligation contained in Article 5, paragraph 1 of the Convention: Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Bhutan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cambodia, Chad, Chile, Colombia, Congo, Croatia, Cyprus, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Denmark, Ecuador, Eritrea, Ethiopia,
Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Iraq, Jordan,
[...] Mauritania, Mozambique, Peru, Senegal, Serbia, [...]
Sudan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkey,
Uganda, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Yemen and Zimbabwe.
方案的造型构思来源于两颗滚动的水滴,通过设计手法的处理,让水滴具有 神秘 感 、 不可 测 性 和 生命力的元素堆砌成恢弘大气、时尚前卫的外型,给人的视觉带来强劲的冲击力和震撼感。
The scheme for the project inspired by two rolling water drops, the building captures
[...] the elements of mystery, unpredictability and dynamics.
神秘客人完全消失了,Vaghela 手里没有姓名、没有电话号码、没 [...]
The mystery client had simply [...]
disappeared and Vaghela had no name, no telephone number, no contract, and no other record
of the flight through which to track him down.
它其实只是一个有着一条溪流穿越满布岩石的山谷,而将它转化成石像 神 话 众生和动物形表的,仅是出自一人之手,谜样般高 莫测的 Ta Nim 先生,他退休后花了毕生精力以雕塑填满了整个河谷。
It's basically a rocky valley with a
[...] stream, which was transformed into a tableau of stone gods, mythical beings and animals by just one person, the [...]
enigmatic Ta Nim, who
spent his retirement populating the valley with sculptures.
按照惯例法和相关传统的业主的习俗 神 圣 的 秘 密 是 指具有神圣 神秘 含 义的传统知识或文 化表现形式。
Sacred-secret means any traditional knowledge or expressions of culture that have a secret or sacred significance [...]
according to the customary
law and practices of the traditional owners concerned.
在情况困难、变莫测的局势中能否快速做出反应以及是否具有实施大规模项目的实 力,这是本组织能否在危机和冲突后形势下采取高效率的行动所面临的两方面主要挑战。
Early responsiveness and a genuine capacity to deliver large-scale projects in difficult and rapidly evolving circumstances are the two main challenges for efficient action by the Organization in crisis and post-conflict situations.
一项题为《区域货币合作和促进增长的政策:拉丁美洲和加 勒比地区的新挑战》的研究称,区域经济合作及一体化安排可能会发挥日益重大 的作用,帮助各国和国际决策者应对变 莫测 的 全 球化经济及全球发展的重大挑 战。
The study, Regional Monetary Cooperation and Growth-Enhancing Policies: The new challenges for Latin America and the Caribbean states that regional economic cooperation and integration arrangements are likely to play an increasingly prominent role in helping policymakers at the national and international levels cope with the vicissitudes of a globalized economy and in meeting key global development challenges.
最后,全系统协调一致问题高级别小组于 2006 年 11 月初向秘书长提出了发展、人道主义援助 和环境方面的建议,该小组由联合 秘 书 长 建立 莫 桑 比 克、挪威和巴基斯坦总理共同主持。
Finally, the recommendations of the High-Level Panel of System-Wide Coherence in the areas of development, humanitarian assistance and the environment, a panel established by the UNSG and
co-chaired by the Prime
[...] Ministers of Mozambique, Norway and Pakistan, were presented to the Secretary-General in early [...]
November 2006.
宗教节日可以定义为“对 信念、神话、生命和世界的概念(宇宙起源)、集体想象进 神秘 的 象征性建构,它们与经济、 宗教信仰、政治和其它方面的某些重要环节是联系在一起的。
Fiestas can be
[...] defined as “mythical symbolic constructions of the beliefs, myths, conception [...]
of life and world (cosmogony),
collective imaginaries, and associated with some steps of the vital cycle of the economy, religious beliefs, politics and other motivations.
有關預先包裝食物總數的結果已根據下列數據來源作出 估計: a)
[...] 從經調查的19間店鋪取得的詳細產品資料; b) 由神秘顧客 在190間店鋪點算得到的產品數目;以及 [...]
c) 從業界收回的6份問卷(一共派出45份)。
a) Detailed product information
surveyed from 19 shops; b) Number of
[...] products counted by mystery shoppers from [...]
190 shops; and c) Six questionnaires returned
from trade out of a total of 45 being distributed.
撇開神秘感, 我們就可以看到行政局的真面目:是㆒群就近、 有點隨意挑選、但不合時宜的兼職顧問。
Ignore the mystique, and we can see [...]
the Executive Council for what it really is: a convenient but anachronistic group of
somewhat randomly selected, part-time advisers.
除了达尔富尔的环境变莫测之 外 ,针对达尔富尔混合行动工作人员和房舍的犯罪活动在报告所述期间依然存 [...]
在,对达尔富尔混合行动以及在达尔富尔工作的人道主义界构成最大的直接威 胁。
In addition to the
[...] volatile and unpredictable environment in [...]
Darfur, criminal activity targeting UNAMID staff and premises
continued during the reporting period and posed the greatest direct threat to UNAMID and the humanitarian community working in Darfur.
我们的地理面积小,经济规模小、 开放程度高,而且经济基础狭窄,这不仅使我们易受 国际社会变莫测情况的影响,而且还限制了我们在 应对新发展时作出的政治选择。
Our small geographical size and our small and open economies with a narrow economic base not only leave us susceptible to the vagaries of the international community but limit our policy options in responding to emerging developments.
当选主席将在国际社会的一个关键时刻承担他 的职责:一个持续发生经济动荡和变 莫测 的 时 刻; 一个我们不断设法对气候变化作出充分反应的时期; 一个国际和平与安全面临危险新威胁的时代;但同时 也是一个存在着共同进步的巨大机遇的时刻。
The President-elect will take up his responsibilities at a crucial time for the international community: a time of continued economic turmoil and uncertainty; a period in which we continue to try to mount an adequate response to climate change; an era of new and dangerous threats to international peace and security; but also a time of tremendous opportunity for common progress.
[...] 不发达等国家高代办)应继续履行职能,协助秘书长对《行动纲领》的执行开展 有效的后续行动和测工作,协秘 书 长在联合国系统所有部门进行全面动员和 协调,以期在国家、区域和全球各级促进《支援最不发达国家行动纲领》的协调 [...]
执行及后续行动和监测工作的一致性;协助为该行动纲领的执行调动国际支持和 资源。
The Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States should continue to fulfil its functions to assist
the Secretary-General for the
[...] effective follow-up and monitoring of the implementation [...]
of the Programme of Action and the
full mobilization and coordination of all parts of the United Nations system, with a view to facilitating the coordinated implementation of and coherence in the follow-up and monitoring of the Programme of Action for the least developed countries at the country, regional and global levels, and to assist in mobilizing international support and resources for the implementation of the Programme of Action for least developed countries.
大会第三十五届会议请法国政府按照第 34/91 号决议的规定,作为迫切事项,
[...] 与马达加斯加政府着手进行谈判,以期按照《宪章》的宗旨及原则解决这个问题; 此外秘书长监测决议 的执行情况,并就此向大会第三十六届会议提出报告(第 [...]
35/123 号决议)。
At its thirty-fifth session, the General Assembly invited the Government of France to initiate with the Government of Madagascar, as a matter of urgency, the negotiations provided for in resolution 34/91, with a view to settling the question in accordance with the purposes and
principles of the Charter, and
[...] requested the Secretary-General to monitor the implementation [...]
of the resolution and to report
thereon to the Assembly at its thirty-sixth session (resolution 35/123).
有人认为,第 3 款未明确说明一国反对终止或中止条约产生的影响,而这可 能使条约的前莫测。
The view was expressed that paragraph 3 was insufficiently clear on the effects of an objection by a State to the termination or suspension of a treaty and could create ambiguity as to the fate of the treaty.
同為2009年康城入選影片的另一開幕作品《不要回頭》(Ne Te Retourne Pas),Sophie Marceau及Monica Bellucci共演的女作家逐漸發現肉身離奇改變,只好身不由己走向 神秘莫 測 的 世界。
Also shown in 2009 Cannes Film Festival is ‘Ne Te Retourne Pas’, about a female writer
(co-played by Sophie
[...] Marceau and Monica Bellucci) encountering weird physical changes and stepping into a mysterious zone.
Much has been written about
[...] the life of this mystic and ascetic and [...]
it is not known if this character really existed or
if the story of her life is a fabrication – but does it matter if this is true or false?




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